Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1022 118. I Want To Quietly Collect Their Dark History, And Engrave It Into A Monument To Am

Chapter 1022 118. I want to quietly collect their dark history, and engrave it into a monument to amaze everyone

In the early morning of the next day, the ghost ship had already circled the Cape Tianya at the southern end of the Tanaris Desert, and began to enter the waters of the Silithus Desert.

Safiel came to report while Bu Laike had breakfast, and he could reach the desert coast by midnight today at the latest. The first mate reported that everyone on board was ready for landing, and she was going ashore with Laike this time.

"Can you control Onyxia's body well?"

Bo Laike wiped his mouth and asked:

"I mean fighting."

The first mate Long, who was tidying up the captain's room, raised his head, brushed his hair and said:

"I'm a giant dragon myself. It's no problem to use the body of a dragon to fight. Of course, the tactics of the black dragon still need time to adapt, but you don't have to worry about me holding you back."

She whispered again:

"That body wasn't born just to serve you at night, it would be a pity to leave her in Curry in Naglfar."


The pirate did not refuse the offer, saying:

"Remember to put on your armor when the time comes, and I mean the serious one."

"You don't need to emphasize it! I'm not a fool."

The first mate Long replied viciously with a red face, picked up the quilt and dinner plate and walked out of the cabin, before leaving, kissed him as usual.

Bo Laike shrugged, poured himself a glass of wine, and did not leave the captain's cabin, but continued to practice the skill of manipulating the Vengeful Spirit here.

He has found a little feeling, and he is quite busy these days.

But soon, Fenner came to disturb him again.

The stupid warrior seemed to have slept well last night. Wearing a warrior vest, her face was flushed, and the breath of the battle still remained on her body. She must have exchanged ideas with other people after getting up early.

With so many shield girls on board, she would not have to worry about finding an opponent.

"I have a question, and I haven't figured it out after thinking about it all night."

Fenner was not polite when she walked into the captain's cabin, and sat on the captain's chair of Bo Laike carelessly.

She looked at Bo Laike who was training the Vengeful Spirit to throw the Shadow Raid Throwing Knife, picked up the apple on the table, took a bite, and said:

"Since the sin tablet represents sin, why did we make it? According to you, isn't sin a weakness of the soul?

Is it really okay to just make it a conspicuous tombstone and expose it to the enemy? "

"You can finally think, which is great, but people who have ideas about the sin tablet must also be able to understand the sin inscription."

Bu Laike looked back at Fenna appreciatively and said:

"You really aren't stupid, it's just that you're usually too lazy to use your brain, but it's still a bit dull to grasp the essence of the problem now.

Let me put it this way, you count the enemies you will face in the future, the Old Gods, the evil loa, the demon lords, the eternals, the fallen titans...

Which of these people is not good at mind attacks?

At worst, it can also read memory.

When facing them, any cover up of your spiritual weakness is useless, you can only rely on willpower to hold on, if you can't hold on, you will die or degenerate.

You have the power of Tyr to protect yourself from these things, but no one else.

The sin monument is prepared for them.

This thing will maintain your sins and the darkness of your heart and materialize them to ensure the purity of your soul. Attacking the sin monument is equivalent to attacking the basic rules of the power of death, which is good and evil.

And failing to break the Sin Tablet means that they cannot take advantage of your weaknesses.

You should understand when I say this.

The Sin Tablet is not a good thing, but it can save your life against Old Gods and mind-teasing demons.

This is also the reason why I must get the method of making the sin tablet. In order for the heroes and warriors to fight against the void and the devil without any future troubles, I really worked hard.

Those forces that claim to be righteous should give me a big trophy or medal. "

The pirate raised his voice and spoke righteously.

What he said made Fenner roll her eyes again, the bastard Bu Laike wasn't telling the truth, she had personally experienced the effect of the monument last night.

Fenner really didn't want to recall that sour feeling.

If you think about it carefully, if the steles of most heroes and warriors in this world are in the hands of Bu Laike, who can resist the darkness and evil he spreads?

This terrible prospect made Fenner tremble.

But unfortunately, her sin monument was handed over to Bu Laike by herself, and she couldn't escape after boarding the pirate ship, so she could only be a happy pirate.

"You came at the right time. When you go to the Great Desert of Silithus, you will definitely face the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun, so you can take this opportunity to see the effect of the sin monument. You are fine anyway, so just carve a few more sin monuments for me.

Let me think about it.

The three guys from Xieyan, Sefiel's, should meet Windrunner's mother in the past this time, and prepare one for her. If this battle proves that it really works, then each of the undead pirates will have their own stele.

Perhaps it can be regarded as the "new trend" of the fleet. "

"Wait! I have another question."

Fenner did not resist working, but she would look up and say:

"If you take out the sin tablet, what if you make a wedding dress for someone else? Didn't you say that the crime accusers in Revendres are all proficient in using the sin tablet?

If everyone had, wouldn't it be the end of us if they showed up in the future? "

"Wow, Fenner, you really impressed me today."

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"To ask so many questions at once, no, you must not be Fenner, who are you?"

"Don't be kidding! I mean it."

Stupid warrior emphasized:

"How could I not think of such a simple question, I'm not a fool."

"Okay, then I will answer your concerns seriously."

The pirate turned, held up two fingers, and said to Fenner:

"First, the premise of using a sin tablet to attack you is that your crime tablet must fall into their hands. If you carry it with you, it means that they have to defeat you first, or use your negligence to steal your crime tablet.

Being able to get the crime monument by them can only show that you are too weak.

Second, it is basically impossible for the Venthyrs of Revendreth to come to the material world. The curtain of life and death is still very strong at this point in time, and demigod loa like Muerzala can't get through.

Unless one day the veil is broken and the world of life and death become one, don't be afraid, even then, it will be difficult for them to cohere in the physical world.

Sin Tablet magic is difficult to learn and master. In the Shadow Realm, only the accusers of Revendreth can learn it. It is destined to be a power that cannot be more minority.

So, basically, you don't have to worry about meeting a guy who uses the Sin Tablet to attack you. If you do, just hack him to death before he gets the Sin Tablet.

If it doesn't work, just find a remote place to hide it.

Just like the liches who hide their phylacteries, if you have nothing to do, go to Dean Lanyue to exchange experience in this area.

Now, let's carve the sin monument, don't make it so artistic, an ordinary tombstone will do. The stone for carving the stele has been prepared, and it is in the bilge.

You should be able to finish them before we get to Silithus. "

"But what's the use of the guilty stele itself?"

Fenner stood up, took the carving knife and carving tools, and said to the pirate with her arms akimbo:

"Isn't it necessary to make a monument for others to know their sins first? If they don't tell the dark secrets in their hearts, how can you know?

You can't read minds. "

"I can't read minds."

The pirate pouted and said:

"But don't forget that I am a prophet, and I know myself better than the people I follow, and the sin monuments I made for them are definitely the most accurate and perfect.

Of course, it is a bit difficult to link the link of the heart.

However, I believe that after seeing the powerful effect of the Sin Monument in dealing with the corruption of the void, I don't need to ask, and the warriors and heroes who are interested in maintaining world peace will also take the initiative to offer their own heart power.

Do you want to make a bet with me? "

"I won't bet with you, you stinky pirate is the worst."

Fenner pouted.

she says:

"Come and help me when you finish your work, I'm tired of engraving so much by myself."

"I want to help you too, trust me."

The smelly pirate sighed, pointed to the monkey version of the Vengeful Spirit in front of him, rubbed his forehead and said:

"But I must seize the time to learn how to manipulate her. This is related to the integrity of the watchman's strength. Look at her. Now she can't even throw a throwing knife. How can she be expected to fight.

And Sira Moonwarden gave me this before leaving. "

Bu Laike took out a sealed scroll from his bag, waved it in front of Fenner's eyes, and said:

"The casting skills and practice methods of Black Moon Binding and Warden's Cage.

Like you, I have a lot to learn, and I'm about to teach my disciples, and I have to get it all together before Valeera is ready for the Black Moon Ritual.

You have also seen the Enlightenment Mark on the table, and I have to learn Archimonde's high-level magic.

So, I'm not kidding you when I say I'm busy. "

"You are so tired."

Fenner shook her head and said with emotion:

"In addition to learning these things, you also need to learn magic. Last time I saw the self-study material list that Dean Lanyue gave you, I felt stupid just looking at the contents of those books.

You're watching this stuff now when you're not fighting.

I'm curious, are they really useful for improving combat effectiveness? And according to what you said, you will have to practice the knowledge of a mythology profession in the future.

Can you really spare any more time?

You only sleep four hours a night now. That means you are in good health. For a normal person, you would have died suddenly with such high-intensity study and thinking. "

"This is the difference between the concept of a warrior and a spellcaster."

The pirate played with the scroll in his hand and said to Fenner:

"Warriors can only pursue powerful strength and destructive power, but spellcasters can't. Our strength comes from wisdom, which is the reserve and accumulation of knowledge.

It's like the same earthquake spell.

Ordinary shamans will create a small earthquake with amazing power, killing a dozen people is the limit.

But a legendary shaman like Drek'Thar will cleverly use the terrain to destroy an army with an earthquake spell. It is the same earthquake technique, the mana consumption is the same, why the effect is so different?

Knowledge will not make you ascend to heaven and become a god in an instant, but knowledge will not deceive you.

What it offers is a ladder to safely climb the path of power. Although the improvement is not obvious, it can keep you from falling into the mud when you encounter failure.

What it offers you is confidence.

The more knowledge you have, the more you know the limits of your strength, and the more precise your grasp of yourself and others will be. But it's useless to tell you this, and you can't use it anyway.

So, carve the stele of sin first, accumulate strength, suppress anger, and you will never lack for battle in Silithus. "

"Then do I need to carve a stele for Cairne Bloodhoof and Khadgar?"

Fenner asked before leaving:

"Do you know their sins?"

"Of course I know, but I can't tell you."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"Go be a mason. I will be responsible for writing the sins. Remember to prepare one for my friend Garona."

"Okay, but you can't always use me as a stonemason. Hurry up and find some professionals to do this job yourself. I am an elf with status and a princess, and I am not your coolie."

Fenner happily responded, pushed the door open and left.

The idiot soldier thought in his heart, with a happy mood of seeing people's bad luck, that such a good thing as the sin monument should be shared with everyone to play together.

You can't be unlucky alone, can you?

Sure enough, happiness is based on the pain of others.

After Fenner left, Bu Laike thought for a while and felt that what Fenner said made sense, so he turned to the utility room next to the captain's cabin, where there was a "shrine" of old Garni.

Bo Laike stood in front of this little dump, chanting old Garney's name.

Soon, the slender jawed dragon with a red turban appeared on the garbage dump with a bang. It shook its head, looked at Laike left and right, and moved its nose again, as if it was sniffing something special.

A few seconds later, Old Garni covered his nose with his nimble paws, and said with disgust:

"You found Bwonsamdi? You stink of that goddamn guy, where is he now? All the loas on Zandalar are wondering if old Bwonsamdi's in trouble.

I thought the bastard was dead, but it turns out the bad stuff isn't that dead, which is a shame. "

"Well, it's just a taste."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said meanly:

"Bwonsamdi also complained about you when he met me, it seems that the relationship between the two of you as colleagues is very bad.

Rest assured, my old friend, Bwonsamdi won't be returning to Zandalar anytime soon, but you'd better pack up, too, he said there might be trouble there.

Then, by the way, help me send this letter to the Eastern Continent, the Kingdom of Stormwind, to the Brotherhood of Stonemasons in Gold Shining Town, and I want to place an order with them. "

"Huh? Mason?"

Old Garni looked at the letter in his hand and said suspiciously:

"Are you going to build yourself a palace? Well, you stinky pirate, finally starting to live in luxury? You bastard who betrayed the lowly!"

"What are you talking about? I'm going to waste my money on something useless like that? Don't underestimate me, will you?"

The smelly pirate pouted and said:

"It's a tombstone. I want to order many, many tombstones from them, all kinds of tombstones."

"What do you want this thing for?"

Esognathosaurus widened his eyes, and without waiting for Laike to answer, he said:

"Is it for your enemies?"

"Well, for my enemies, and my friends."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and said in a cheerful tone:

"I want these tombstones to be beautifully decorated and given as gifts to everyone I know who will be delighted to receive them and appreciate my generosity."

"If someone gave me a tombstone as a gift."

Old Garni wagged his tail, moved his teeth like a file, and said viciously to the smelly pirate:

"I'm definitely going to send my Microraptors to bite his ass out! Get it?"

(end of this chapter)

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