At the entrance of the dark forest, in the studio.

All the leaders are watching the live broadcast on the display screen.

The big leader of the city sitting in front looks at a live broadcast scene.

"Old Ma, these kids are your No. 4 Middle School team."

"Let me see, there are many good seedlings!"

"Yan Wei, Song Haotian..."

"Especially this Yan Wei, I heard that she has awakened the A-level superpower - 03 serial number: Tian Cang Liefeng?"

The man called Old Ma is called Ma Baoliang.

He is the principal of Hecheng No. 4 Middle School.

Being praised by the big leader, he showed a happy smile on his face.

Who would not like to be praised in front of many colleagues?

Just want to say a few more words in front of the big leader.

The big leader's face suddenly changed, and his brows frowned.


Principal Ma Baoliang paused with a smile, not knowing what happened, and did not dare to speak.

For fear of saying something wrong and angering the leader.

Officialdom, that's how it is.

Serving the emperor is like serving a tiger. Be careful with words and actions. This is the experience that Lao Ma has learned from lessons for decades.

It is better to keep silent than to make mistakes.

The leader turned around and said to everyone with a bad look on his face.

"Everyone, come and see what is going on?"

The leader felt that this matter was a bit strange and might not be as simple as it seemed.

If it was really what he thought, then everyone would be busy this time.

The leader used the controller to enlarge the live broadcast of the team led by Yan Wei from No. 4 Middle School on the display screen.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Who did this? It's so bloody..."

"How could so many monsters die at the same time?"

"Among our students, is there any team that has such a strong and overwhelming strength?"

The leader's brows were still furrowed.

"That's not the point."

"Take a closer look. These monsters don't seem to have any signs of being attacked by superpowers."

"They were smashed and chiseled alive by something!"

Everyone looked at each other, and a bad feeling came over them.

Principal Guan of No. 1 Middle School had closed his eyes to rest and was slacking off.

Staring at the monitor all day and night, that would be exhausting.

As for what the students can achieve, well.

Principal Guan has let it go, so be it.

Originally, he had placed his hopes on Zhang Qing, thinking that he could awaken an S-level superpower.

But now... whatever.

Old Guan wanted to give up a bit.

Hearing the serious tone of the big leader, Principal Guan opened his eyes, observed carefully, and then spoke.

"These dead monsters don't seem to be attacked by other monsters."

"There are no signs of claws or teeth on their dead bodies."

Principal Guan seemed to have discovered something, and his expression became astonished.

Principal Guan was once a member of the supernatural guard team and had rich combat experience.

But at this moment, he also noticed something unusual and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's more like being beaten and torn to pieces by some kind of humanoid creature..."

The leader's face became extremely solemn.

"Humanoid creatures..."

"It's impossible for students who are currently participating in the first realm to reach this level."

"Even some of you here may find it difficult to do so!"

"Moreover, there is a realm restriction barrier in the competition venue. The highest creature that can enter can only reach the peak of the first realm!"

The leader and everyone looked at each other.

There was a look of shock in their eyes.

Everyone thought of a possibility.

In the history of Hecheng, it was like some kind of legend, anyway, it had never appeared.

"Could it be that the high-level monster failed to transform, and although it transformed into a human form, its realm fell to the first realm?"

"Then... these students are in danger!"

Principal Ma Baoliang of No. 4 Middle School looked panicked.

Because the team in the live broadcast has his precious students from No. 4 Middle School!

He is counting on Yan Wei and the others to shine for No. 4 Middle School this year.

There can be no loss, okay!

He said anxiously with an unstable breath.

"Leader, do you want to consider canceling this competition?"

"I think that even if the students have the transmission function of the number plate, they may be seriously injured by the sneak attack of this humanoid beast!"

Lao Ma was really anxious. If a transformed beast really appeared, even if the realm fell to a lower level, it would not be something a group of students could handle.

At least, it would cost a terrible price.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

Because this matter is of great importance, the Monster Hunting Competition is a very important competition in every city across the country.

It is even directly related to the subsequent college entrance examination. Many excellent universities choose students,

AlsoAll candidates will be selected based on the results of the Monster Hunting Competition.

Not to mention, this kind of competition can also directly add points to the college entrance examination.

This matter is not something that a municipal department can decide.

At the conference table, the leaders from the province have not spoken, and they are quietly listening to the discussion of the people in Hecheng City.

At this time, one of the provincial leaders spoke lightly.

"No, the Monster Hunting Competition is a matter of great importance."

"It will not be cancelled because of some accidents."

"Even the province does not have this qualification, and it must be reported to the capital."

"What's more, the original intention of the competition is to hone students' ability to survive in the wild."

"If they stagnate and fear to move forward because of the possibility of danger."

"Then they lose the qualification to become truly strong!"

"Because this world is so cruel."

"This is the real reality, the cold reality that they will have to face sooner or later."

The leaders of Hecheng City looked at each other and then fell silent.

The leader's face returned to calm, and others could not see his expression.

The leader had no expression on his face. To be able to sit in this position, he must have encountered all kinds of situations.

Some words do not need to be said.

Just do it.


I'll tell you what the fucking reality is!

The reality is that if it really exceeds the level that the students can handle, then whether the competition is cancelled or not,

I have the final say!

You people in the provincial capital can't control me!

Because, those are my students in Hecheng, our most precious wealth.


In the dark forest.

Everyone in the Yan Wei team of No. 4 Middle School looked terrified.

Huo Cheng's face was pale and his lips trembled.

"Let's go quickly... We really can't stay here!"

Why should we stay? We can't stay for a while.

I can't stand it!

Huo Cheng is going to collapse!

Damn it!

In this team, he is the only one with professional detection ability, and only Huo Cheng knows how dangerous this place is!

The breath of that ancient beast is the natural enemy of human beings!

Perhaps it is a deep microcosm left in the DNA by the human race's constant battle with it in ancient times.

All the descendants of mankind will never forget it.

A humanoid beast! Even if the transformation fails, the realm will drop sharply.

But that is not something that ordinary people can contend with! !

That kind of beast is completely different from human beings in the same realm!

For example, in the first realm.

That kind of beast is equivalent to a peak S-level psychic with all attributes in the first realm!

This does not include the psychic characteristics of the beast itself!

Song Haotian said with a forced smile for the sake of face.

"No... there is nothing to be afraid of... there are so many of us..."

"But... there is no need for us to go head-to-head with it..."

Beat your horse! Run quickly!

Song Haotian cleared his throat.

"I see, there are many monsters in other places, and they can also get a lot of points."

"Should we change places? What do you think... Yan Wei."

Song Haotian looked at Yan Wei, his Adam's apple moved slightly, showing his inner tension.

Yan Wei, what are you waiting for!

Go quickly! Go quickly!

Damn it, that's a transformed beast! Who dares to confront him head-on! !

As the son of the deputy mayor of Hecheng Xicheng District, Song Haotian knows more information than ordinary people!

His father was sitting in the study at home and talked to him about this topic.

His face became extremely serious.

Song Haotian's father only said five words.

If you are alone and encounter this kind of creature in the wild.

Anyone who sees it... will die!

It's not that Yan Wei doesn't want to speak, but she is tense at this moment.

Yan Wei's A-level ability - 03 serial number: Tian Cang Liefeng.

At some point, it had emerged from her body, surrounding her and automatically protecting her!

Something extremely dangerous is approaching!

Yan Wei shouted in a delicate voice!

"Everyone be alert! Something is coming!"

Huo Cheng also sensed it! In his supernatural power detection field of view, there was a large monster phantom with a body length of five or six meters,

which was running towards them at a rapid speed!

Huo Cheng was puzzled.

He originally thought it was the beast that turned into a human form, but it was obviously not the one coming.

Although this monster did not have the terrifying aura that Huo Cheng had sensed before.

It was not as good as the human-shaped beast.

But this monster was just as strong.

This kind of large monster is definitely not weak!

For their team, it was definitely a tough battle!

Trample... Trample... Trample... Trample... Trample...!

The aura of the monster was approaching! Like the god of deathFootsteps echoed around.

Everyone's superpowers began to surge.

A fierce wind danced around Yan Wei, and a small tornado gathered in front of her.

Others also showed their superpowers, as if facing a great enemy.

Roar————! ! ! !

A vigorous and violent roar came, like thunder rolling, shocking people's hearts.

In the ears of everyone, the sound sounded a little embarrassed for some reason.

Under the gaze of everyone, a ferocious beast of five or six meters long jumped out from the other side of the trees and grass at a very fast speed.

Everyone was a little stunned at a certain moment.

What does it look like?

It's hard to describe.

It looks like a collection of many kinds of ferocious beasts, with dark black fur, smooth and shiny.

Looking closely, it seems a little vague and frightening, as if the abyss absorbs all the darkness.

The eyes are as red as blood, revealing cruelty, like an eternally burning red flame.

But for some reason, it seemed that I could see some grievance in its eyes.

Huge fangs protruded from his ferocious mouth, sharp and pointed.

It looked cold and made people feel like their hearts were frozen.

It seemed to penetrate their hearts through the air.

Oh, right.

And the tail was as thick as a python, covered with barbs.

The limbs were even stronger.

Everyone in Yan Wei's team felt deep fear at this moment.

Why have we never seen such a monster before?

It will die.

Absolutely, it will die.

This thought came to everyone's mind at the same time.

Yan Wei, Song Haotian, Huo Cheng...

For everyone in the team, the feeling of death seemed to appear in the hearts of these boys and girls for the first time.

However, we can't give up before we die, at least we have to try!

Everyone thought so, and then prepared to... fight to the death! !

PS: Ask for free gifts and generate electricity with love!

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