Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 836: Ah Xu, can it still hold up?

   They are not the kind of nerds who just follow the teacher and listen to what the teacher says. These young girls are all so-called ‘all-round development’ students who take care of both their studies and their spare time. This can be said to be quite rare. I'm afraid the school has always allowed this SOS group, which is quite annoying to many teachers. In addition to Levi’s method, a big reason is that the SOS group is a veritable school hegemony group. This allows those old school leaders who only have the highest grades to find no reasonable reason to force them to disband.

   "Uh... this... Hello everyone."

  When several people chatted, Axu also entered the store. I don't know if it's the instinct to learn scum, or seeing that everyone except him has arrived, and I have foreseen what is going to happen, and Axu is a little embarrassed to say hello.

   "Know what to do?"

   Haruhi Suzumiya raised her finger and tapped the watch on her wrist. In fact, the hour and minute hands on the watch have not yet completely reached the time when she called everyone to inform today's meeting. However, the SOS group is an absolute first dictatorship. The head of the family said that you will be late. Besides, the SOS group is composed of girls except Axu and Levi. Men and women only need men when dating. It’s considered to be late to arrive later than the girl. Isn’t it justified?

  As this is just a school, it is not a officially recognized half-underground form of a holiday party, but it is not a date with a bit of ambiguousness between boys and girls... then don’t investigate it deeply? Not to mention the results of the discussion between Levi and Tsing Yixi at the beginning. Both of them felt that this might not be a date in the minds of some people.

   Actually this kind of thing is very common especially in the student years, isn't it? The little girl wanted to accept the invitation of the little boy, but because of various reasons such as face or simply being too shy, she was embarrassed to directly agree to the date, and eventually became a group of friends and classmates gathering together. However, for the pile of men and women who have other ideas in mind, the others are set aside to ignore. This is the date hidden between them lightly and carefully. What girls bring a good girlfriend, boys bring a good brother or something. Doesn't a young person's romance start from this form of'dating'?

   "Well, I know, what do the two want to drink?"

A Xu sat down on Levi and the super ringtone, but he was a little farther away from the super ringtone. From the perspective of others, the super ringtone next to Levi was a pair with these two people. , And Axu on the side is like an uninteresting light bulb.

   Of course, this visual effect does not represent anything substantial. It's simply that Axun's animal hidden in the genes would have allowed his intuition to play a role in long-term exercise. He certainly didn't even notice these details. I didn't even notice the reason why Haruhi Suzumiya's attitude towards him suddenly became worse sometimes.

   "I want fruit tea!"

  The super ringtone raised his hand like a pupil who was actively answering the teacher's question in class. The waiter in the distance saw her move and misunderstood that she was asked to come over here. Anyway, Axu also had to pay for drinks with his pocket, so that he wouldn't say anything.

"Then I need milk coffee. I was confused when I woke up this morning. I felt like I didn’t sleep well last night. I had a refreshing drink of coffee. Although I always feel that these so-called refreshing drinks seem to be nothing obvious. effect."

"I think so too. Especially when I want to drink some coffee to make myself more energetic, but when I am working, I still don't feel energetic or want to sleep, but when I have finished my work, I can go to bed, close my eyes while lying in bed Can't sleep."

   "Ah? Teacher, will you also be like this? I thought that only one of me was not suitable for coffee physique, or that Orientals all have coffee intolerance and the like!"

   Super Bell sounds usually seem to be a normal and lively little girl in the class, but what she does outside of class, at least most of the people present are completely unaware.

  If you ask Haruhi Suzumiya and Axu, they think what the super ringtones are doing after school. I’m afraid that even if the head is filled with various absurd and bizarre thoughts, it will only answer the ordinary daily chores filled in the schedule of ordinary female students. It's just that she feels quite boring and doesn't mean boring things.

   And Axu? On this issue, the only conscience of this SOS group who has always had too many differences with Haruhi Suzumiya It is estimated that it is rare that there will be no conflict of opinions with the Haruhi Suzuki once, and it is rare to reach an agreement.

   But this should not blame Haruhi Suzumiya and Axu are too stupid to see the truth of those around them. To blame can only blame the super ring tone is too good at disguising, with the appearance of disguise to lie to everyone without knowledge. People just think she is an ordinary female junior high school student with no special features except for some special ‘settings’.

   In the past, Levy only thought that the super ring tone could maintain such a disguise in Mafanliang Academy. That was because most of her classmates gave the impression that the IQ balance was insufficient. Just looking at the appearance of super ringtones and those of Yiwen's classmates who usually go to and from class, it is difficult for people to admit that super ringtones are too clever, not that the girls are really a bit stupid. Where ringing.

Moreover, even those magic teachers of Ma Fanliang, they didn’t know the real purpose of the super ring tone until the accident of the Ma Fan Liang festival, but it was because the super ring tone had long released a lot of confusing smoke. Bomb, which successfully paralyzed the magic teacher who should have focused more on her.

Excellent students, geniuses, all kinds of surprising inventions, and even a bun shop that looks like nothing special, has become the undisputed number one in Mafanliang’s restaurant in a short time. He also became a well-known business card in Mafanliang Academy.

   The super ringtone name of "Ma Fanliang's strongest mind", at first glance, feels very dazzling. However, it is precisely because of this excessively dazzling light that, on the contrary, it has fully reduced the vigilance of magic teachers in the school who have other important positions in addition to the status of teachers. Perhaps this is the similar reason that the ancients said, "The big hidden in the city"?

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