Awakening Millennium

Vol 2 Chapter 816: What a bad luck... well...

   "Think about it..."

   whispered according to the text. It looked like she didn't want to go. But in the final analysis, this is also Yiwen's "back home" trip, and Levi is also taking Yiwen back to his "hometown" to see. If her protagonist didn't go to the end, and Levi and the other girls in the family ran into the magic world, wouldn't it be funny?

   "What do you think about, don't you want to go again?"

  In order to eliminate the possibility of Yiwen's escape, Levi felt the need to consolidate her will. After all, even if Ewen really didn't go, Levi had to go out and run there. This trip was originally just considering a little need, and now after going to Cangqi Orange, he came back and contacted other sources of intelligence on his side, and suddenly found that it seemed to become an essential trip. Too.

   Levi certainly did not forget that there is a'missing population' in this school and in the academy city. But because of the lack of clues before, they can only be handed over to others to follow up on these events. After all, in terms of relevance, Levi seems to have no direct relationship with these two things. One is Yiwen's classmate, and the other is the "roommate" of the hedgehog boy in the academy city. Levi couldn't be more nervous and anxious than his parents and relatives.

  However, after all these things are basically determined to be the arms of visitors from different worlds. It is impossible for this Levido to be cold-blooded. He personally doesn't care about the fact that there are more strangers on this earth. But those people from other worlds were a little restless, and they even actively interfered with Levi's life. What's more, they suspect that they are also planning some actions that may have a great impact on the world-the event of Ma Fanliang's celebration, although it seems to be just a conspiracy of super ringtones. Those who can use the super ringtone conspiracy, are they really just trying to get some magic from the world tree?

   There is never a shortage of foreigners on this earth, and there is no shortage of ‘magic kings’ who want to turn the earth upside down.

   Although the devil is not a pure villain in a young game, or in a fairy tale, there is no other purpose to do bad things. There are even some who have the indescribable hidden meaning of having to choose the most difficult path against the world. But what about the common people like Levi who just want peace and stability and live an ordinary life, what wrong do they have to be implicated by those people?

  Even if there are great grievances and great sadness, this does not mean that one person has the power to influence or even destroy the lives of others.

   is also from a different world, and has the dream of pursuing her own dream. How can Yuna calmly seek a way to achieve it without seizing the love of others for her own love?

   No matter how grievous the past is, the'devil king' worthy of sympathetic encounter is also a villain that must be eliminated or at least prevented. Levi understands that the second-generation otakus like Huiye and they are often attracted by the charming villains in the works. There are also many fascinating ‘bad guys’ in traditional literary and artistic works. But that kind of longing is just because I have no personal experience and knowing that it is a false dream and the emotion produced by the flowers in the fog. No matter how charismatic, even the starting point is a good justice, in reality, those who have lost their loved ones' lives because of his'justice' and persistence, may also be like reading text on paper, on the screen The audience watching the picture casts an admiring look like that

  Regardless of justice or evil, just to protect their peaceful daily life. Levi's trip to the magic world is also imperative. Even considering what might happen, it might be better to go without Ewen... but people can’t always be so rational and rigid, right? Levi himself always hopes to make Nagato Hoshiki become more ‘human’, how can he himself become a sensible robot without emotion?

   "It's not that I don't want to go, just..."

   Yiwen stretched out his hands, his thin waist stretched straight and stretched out a big lazy waist. Then she bowed her back cutely and lay down again.

   "...I feel so troublesome. Especially when I suddenly feel that this trip may encounter some troublesome things...No, it's not possible. I'm sure, I will definitely encounter those troublesome dying things."

   "This... is not necessarily right? It's just a holiday family trip."

   "Just an ordinary holiday family trip?"

   Yiwen narrowed his eyes and squinted Levi, which made him scratch his face a little embarrassedly.

   "At least the main purpose is for everyone to go out together. As for the other... that is just by the way. Since you are going to the UK and going to the world of magic, by the way, it is not a problem to understand the situation there, right?"

   "I'm not talking about your careful Yiwen raised his hand and shook it, giving Levi's answer a zero point.

   "I mean, you guys don't feel a little bit yourself? In the past few months, no, it should be said that in the past six months, how bad is your guy's luck, don't you have any points in your heart?"

  Levy was scratching his face, and according to Yiwen's words, a few drops of sweat suddenly came from his forehead, and he ran down the temple, leaving it on the finger he touched on his face.

   "This, this..."

   Levi certainly knew what he had encountered during this time. If we use the past years on the island as a reference, it is true that he has encountered too many troubles during this time. Too often, and too large. Really compare, it feels almost comparable to the days when I was still a killer. But when the killer was working, it was the nature of the work, and Levi himself could control the rhythm. When I'm bored, I take a commission. If I feel busy, I hang up the Do Not Disturb sign and take a good rest. Like this kind of involuntary self is always involved in the endless stream of events, but it is not the life rhythm that Levi is used to. He is not the lonely characters living in the hot blood comics. Obviously, he goes to get off work and works every day to accompany his wife to eat, watch TV and sleep. Looking at him this time, his luck is indeed not a little bit worse, it is simply bad luck and not a single accident!

   "Mr. Levi can't say that he has bad luck. Although there are many things encountered, let's get everyone together as they are now?"

  Mengmeng saw that Levi could not take the word, and quickly came out to make a round. Some other girls, especially Feitnerye, nodded their heads. In fact, from their own point of view, Levi’s “expedition” during this time was indeed a lucky opportunity.

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