Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 67: Vicious Zhuo Qiuhang! Intelligence updated! Revenge! Expose the plot again! [Please subs

Qin Wang said goodbye to his sister Qin Xuemei, and immediately turned around and hid in Longjing City.

East of the city.

In a triple blue brick house.

Qin Wang closed the door and sat on the bed, cleaning up his belongings and deciding what to do next.

The exercises include Five Elements Gathering Skills.

Weapons include the Shocking Knife and the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle.

The treasures include a soul-gathering bowl, a treasure bowl, a five-element divine light jar, yellow jade pieces, mysterious fragments, an ancient sheepskin scroll from Jianghan Yunsi, a green and quiet sword from Mrs. Chen, and the remaining 12 pieces of souls. stone, and a storage bag obtained from Master Qing Yao.

"You still have to practice hard to reach the fourth level of Qi refining stage and open the storage bag!"

"With so many things, it's really inconvenient to carry a big package."

Qin Wang looked at his package and thought to himself.

at the same time.

Qin Wang was looking forward to Master Qingyao's storage bag.

"Zhuo Qiuhang, you wanted me for licking Chen Yi's stinky feet. Do you still want the Zhuo family to prosper for a hundred years? Haha! It will only make your Zhuo family perish faster!"

Qin Wang thought about the portraits of himself and his sister posted everywhere at the entrance to Yunzhou City recently, and he clenched his fists involuntarily.

Thinking of this.

Qin Wang took out two crystal spirit stones, sat down cross-legged, and practiced silently, striving to be promoted to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage as soon as possible.

Along the way to the Yinxian Platform, Qin Wang absorbed spiritual stones intermittently on the way, and the progress of the first level of Qi Refining Stage reached 818 points, and the mana in his Dantian became stronger and stronger.


Chishui County.

Thirty miles away, in the woods.

On a white stone about ten feet in size with a slight moss on the edge.

An old man in black, about fifty years old, with a money spot on the left side of his face, sat cross-legged. His breath was sluggish and his face was extremely pale. He looked in the direction of Jinzhou, with depression and fear in his eyes.

"Damn Su Tianhai!"

"The Three Corpse Gu King jars were given to him for temporary use, but he actually lost them! It's useless! If it fails to succeed, it will fail!"

"Ahem. Ahem."

Jin Shifeng coughed several times, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling extremely depressed.

Su Tianhai sucked the brain marrow and exploded, attracting Shen Catcher and Yang Yuting. In the end, the movement was too big and attracted Chi Lianxian in Jinzhou to check. It turned out that the Demon Slayer Alliance he backed was the same as Yi Dan who was behind Chi Lianxian. Will not deal with it.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous.

After finally recovering some of his injuries, he collapsed again.

If it weren't for the high cost of escaping, this time I would really have to deal with it in the secular world.

"We have to recover some injuries first, and then go find the Sniffing Spirit Gu and the Three Corpse Gu King Jars."

Jin Shifeng sighed helplessly.

He was too seriously injured and had to recover.

The best way to absorb people's essence is to use the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. However, his internal organs were displaced and his mana was exhausted. He was unable to move. He was hiding underground in the Voodoo Gang. He could only use Su Tianhai's fake hand to collect the Three Corpse Gu King Jar. Essence, and then bring it back to heal his injuries.

He had no choice but to hand over the Sniffing Spirit Gu and Three Corpse Gu King jars to Su Tianhai for temporary use.

Another reason is that he has magic marks on these two things, and Su Tianhai also has the poison he planted, so he is not afraid of Su Tianhai running away.

Even if it is lost, you can be sure to find it back.


Yuntian Mansion is adjacent to Longjing City.

It is the county seat of Yunzhou.

In the mansion, an old man of about fifty years old, with a medium build, wearing a black gauze hat and a belted brocade robe, asked with his hands behind his back, looking at the handsome young man in front of him with surprise in his eyes. "Yidao, I mean, is it possible that the Qin family siblings came to our Yunzhou?"

"Yes, Dad!"

"After Yun Tingwei's tracking and comparison, there were forty-four couples who met the characteristics of mobility recently. Forty-three of them were caught and the suspicion was ruled out. The remaining couple was missing in Longjing City. !”

"It should be that he changed his identity in disguise!"

"Currently, the boy has sent a special agent to investigate with all his strength!"

Zhuo Yidao said respectfully to his father Zhuo Qiuhang.

Zhuo Yidao was very angry about his aunt's death. When he was a child, his aunt was very kind to him. As the deputy commander of the Yunting Guard, he vowed to catch the siblings and torture them to death!

Revenge for my aunt!

"Yidao, my father thinks that while arresting the Qin family siblings, we can also start with their relatives, neighbors, and people with whom they have good relationships!"

"This time, it is our Zhuo family's opportunity to help your cousin's family catch the murderer!"

"Once your cousin Chen Yi comes back, you can sprinkle water as much as you like, and it will be enough for our Zhuo family to prosper for a hundred years! When an immortal comes to earth, even your majesty must be polite and respectful!"

Zhuo Qiuhang looked at his eldest son with a thoughtful look in his eyes and said.

"Dad, I'm preparing to tell you about this!"

"My child has already investigated. The Qin siblings have a good relationship with Li Yunhai, a fisherman next door to his house in Qingniuji. Also, Qin Wang once worked as a medicine boy for a few days in Baicaotang, Qingniuji, Yanyun County. It is said that the fisherman When the boss Zheng Kecheng was arrested for the arson case, Bai Mingliang, the doctor of Baicaotang, vouched for him, which shows that he has a good relationship! "

"Other than that, there is no other close relationship with anyone!"

"My child is going to arrest the Li Yunhai family and Bai Mingliang's ancestors and grandsons! Then they will be executed in front of the Qin family siblings!"

"This is a great opportunity for our Zhuo family. If we want my cousin's family to express their gratitude, we must be ruthless, cut through the mess quickly, and cut the Qin family siblings into pieces as soon as possible!"

A flash of cruelty flashed in Zhuo Yida's eyes, and he raised his right hand like a sword to make a false move.

"Well, one knife, that's how it should be!"

"If you are not ruthless, you cannot stand firm! The opportunity is fleeting!"

"Just go ahead and do it! Dad will support you in everything!"

Zhuo Qiuhang nodded to his eldest son with approval in his eyes.


Zhuo Yidao respectfully agreed and turned around.


Luyang City.

Zuitianxiang Restaurant, second floor.

Four figures with powerful auras sat near the window.

"Don't worry, cousin, my father has heavily rewarded Qin Wang, Qin Xuemei, and anyone who provides information for those wanted throughout Yunzhou. There are also many gangsters who have gone out to look for them! It's hard for those siblings to escape!"

"Now that we know they are coming to Yunzhou, I believe it won't take long to catch them!"

Zhuo Yijian looked at his depressed cousin Chen Kun and comforted him.

"That pair of siblings killed more than a hundred members of my family. Their hatred is irresistible! I can't suppress it!"

"After I catch them, I will stand in front of them! I will arrest the neighbors, relatives, and people who are close to them! I will arrest them all and torture them one by one to death before I can satisfy my hatred!"

"Let them taste what it feels like to lose a loved one!"

Chen Kun raised his neck and took a sip of wine and said with a malicious look.

"My cousin is right. After catching them, they will be skinned and cramped, their fingers will be nailed with bamboo sticks, and they will be tortured to death!"

Zhuo Yijian nodded, expressing deep agreement.

Longjing City.

East of the city.

In the room on the left side of a three-tile-roofed house.

Early in the morning.

【Information refreshed daily! 】

【Today’s information】

[1: You heard people praising Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang yesterday at the Yunlai Teahouse for his honesty. You got information about Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang. The sex scene was as short as three breaths. He was secretly despised by his wives and concubines. His favorite concubine is Huang Yinghe. His eldest son Zhuo Yidao has had an affair for many years, and his youngest son Zhuo Yifei is actually his grandson. 】

[2: Yesterday you heard people praising Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang’s integrity at the Yunlai Teahouse, and got information that Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang decided to send his secret guard Yun Tingwei to kill your neighbor Li Yunhai in order to show his goodwill to Xianmen Chen Yi. The whole family, as well as Dr. Bai's descendants of Baicaotang, were arrested. After catching you, they were tortured to death in front of you. 】

[3: You wanted to find out the secret of the Qingyou Little Sword that you got from Mrs. Chen yesterday. After receiving the information, Chen Kun has come to Yunzhou with Zhuo Yijian. Chen Kun hates you for being crazy and drinking every day. He decided to catch you. After that, you go back and arrest your neighbor Li Yunhai and your friend Bai Mingliang and torture them to death in front of you, so that you can relieve your hatred. 】

[4: You observed the Three Corpse Gu King Jar yesterday and obtained information that the Three Corpse Gu King Jar belonged to Immortal Master Jin Shifeng and was lost by Su Tianhai. Jin Shifeng was very angry and was preparing to wait for his injuries to recover in order to 'sniff the spirit'. Gu' induction is retrieved. 】

[5: You practiced the Five Elements Gathering Skill yesterday and obtained information. After absorbing the remaining 12 spiritual stones on your body, you will advance to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage. 】

[6: You went to Yinxian Terrace yesterday and obtained information. Liu Bihong accepted a disciple of Tianlinggen. He knew the importance of "a tree as beautiful as the forest wind will destroy it", so he did not disclose Qin Xuemei's name to the public, and told his The five disciples kept it secret, ended their recruitment early, and returned to Wanhuamen to announce the good news. 】

[7: Yesterday you watched your sister Qin Xuemei go to Wanhua Sect and obtained information that Mu Qianxue, the head of Wanhua Sect, will accept Qin Xuemei as a direct disciple in seven days. In order to prevent the Ba Dao Sect and the Spiritual Medicine Sect from being jealous, Mu Qianxue The acceptance of Qin Xuemei was kept secret, and only a few elders of Wanhua Sect knew about it. 】

[8: You wore the mysterious fragment on your chest yesterday and got information. The mysterious fragment closest to you will be auctioned at Tianbao Pavilion in Qingyun Fairy City today, but it failed in the auction. 】

[9: You used the treasure bowl to purify the Qi and Blood Pill yesterday and obtained information. The treasure bowl was cursed due to the spirit of the weapon and lost 99% of its power. If you want the treasure bowl to recover, you need to resolve the curse. 】

[10: Yesterday, you checked Master Qingyao’s preliminary solution to the elixir and obtained information. The entrance to Xiaodan Mountain, where Master Qingyao has stayed for decades, is at the Xiangbizui of the Yunwu Mountains. It is shrouded in formations and has a special It is guarded by low-level monks. To enter, one needs to be at least innate in martial arts or have entered the first level of Qi refining stage. 】

"Well done to you, Zhuo Qiuhang!"

"We are not a family, we don't enter the same house! They are all so vicious!"

Qin Wang looked at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd pieces of information, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and murderous intent surged.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Qiuhang's family, as well as Chen Kun, would actually want to attack his neighbors Li Yunhai, Doctor Bai, and Bai Fenghuan!

This is simply too vicious!

Li Yunhai once gave Qin Wang a bag of brown rice and fish when he was in trouble. In such difficult times, people who help him are indeed valuable!

Bai Mingliang was even willing to guarantee Qin Wang when he was wrongly accused by Zheng Kecheng. This is a great kindness!

If they were killed because of his involvement, Qin Wang would never be able to get over this hurdle in his life!

The Zhuo family must be dealt with as soon as possible!

"Will Jin Shifeng come to look for the Three Corpse Gu King Jar?"

"Refining the remaining spiritual stones on my body, I can advance to the second level of the Qi Refining Stage!"

After reading the 4th and 5th pieces of information, Qin Wang felt a sense of urgency. Jin Shifeng's cultivation level was at least the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He would have to retrieve the Three Corpse Gu King Jar when the time came. He must and tried his best to improve his cultivation level and arrive as soon as possible. The middle of the Qi refining period!

Only then can we fight!

"My sister was accepted by Mu Qianxue, the head of the Wanhua Sect, as a direct descendant. In order to prevent other immortal sects from being jealous, she kept it a secret?"

"My sister is safe, and I feel relieved."

Qin Wang looked at the 6th and 7th pieces of information and nodded secretly.

"The entrance to Xiaodan Mountain, the Yunwu Mountains, and the Elephant Trunk Mouth?"

"After destroying Chen Kun and the Zhuo family, you can head to Xiaodan Mountain!"

Qin Wang looked at the information with anticipation in his eyes.

"Practice first!!"

Qin Wang made up his mind, took out two spiritual stones, held them, and began to absorb spiritual energy and convert them into mana.

On the way to Yinxiantai.

He had absorbed a lot of spiritual stones intermittently. Qin Wang felt that it would take two days to break through the second level of the Qi Refining Stage.

That night.

Qin Wang took time out and spread a hundred pieces of information in Longjing City.

[Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang: The bedroom play was as short as three breaths, and was secretly despised by his wives and concubines. His favorite concubine Huang Ying and his eldest son Zhuo Yidao had an affair for many years. His youngest son Zhuo Yifei was actually his grandson. ]

[Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang embezzled and accepted bribes, and hid 30,000 taels of silver in the manor villa on Yunzhou East Road. Zhuo Qiuhang secretly surrendered to King Jin. Seeing that Yundi's daughter Cang Yuyan became a disciple of Wanhuamen, he wavered and prepared to bet on both sides. ]

[Yunzhou Mu Zhuo Qiuhang, who had violated three women, his remains were in the dry well in the manor villa on Yunzhou East Road. 】

After Qin Wang spread hundreds of intelligence in Longjing City, he did not stop, and used the Flying Eagle Body Skill to go straight to Yuntian Mansion.

He knew it in his heart.

When the news reached Yuntian Mansion.

Zhuo Qiuhang's people would definitely block Longjing City, search for the person who posted the intelligence, and delay them from going to Qingniuji to capture Doctor Bai and Li Yunhai and others.


After the information was exposed, Zhuo Qiuhang was absolutely exhausted, his image of integrity was shattered, and his face was completely lost. He would not be able to get any good from King Jin and Da Cang!

Chen Kun was looking for him everywhere. When he learned that there was intelligence in Longjing City, he would definitely rush here to die, so as to save himself from the trouble of looking for him.

At that time.

He became the second level of Qi Refining Stage, successfully dealt with Chen Kun, and went to Xiaodan Mountain.

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