Awakening Daily Information Panel, Become a True Immortal

Chapter 55: Soul-shaking Knife! Obtained the mysterious fragment! [Sorry for the late update today]

In Maple Leaf Valley.

It is a platform paved with bluestone slabs with a radius of 100 feet, with dry leaves scattered on it.

On both sides of the platform sat warriors in various costumes, wearing tiger, sheep, cow, and other masks, and with strong auras. In front of them, a piece of cloth was spread out, with elixirs, classics, secrets, and elixirs on it. Magical weapons, gadgets and other items.

At this time, there were seventy or eighty warriors in the valley.

One after another, there are warriors carrying packages into Maple Leaf Valley. There are many stalls. Most of the warriors want to buy some practical things.

"Do you want Qi and Blood Pills? 10 pills cost 29 taels of silver!"

"Various martial arts secret books, 20 taels of silver each!"

"Ambergris and red sun grass are for sale!"

"Map of Da Cang, Distribution Map of Sect Power"

Qin Wang followed the example of other warriors and walked past each stall, looking for the mysterious fragment. The vendors enthusiastically introduced the treasures on their stalls.

As everyone knows.

black market.

There are all kinds of treasures on the market that are inconvenient to sell, as well as stolen goods of unknown origin.

Qin Wang knew that despite the enthusiasm of these vendors, they were all murderous and ruthless people. He did not ask the price, only looking for the mysterious fragments.

Two quarters of an hour later.

More than a hundred warriors gathered in Maple Leaf Valley, all discussing prices in low voices. Qin Wang still couldn't find the mysterious fragment. He couldn't help but frown slightly. The information was correct. Could it be that the person hadn't come yet?

With Qin Wang thinking, he came to the stall of a slim sheep-faced man in green clothes who was about fifty years old. In front of this stall owner was a long knife that was completely black and exuded a frightening sharp aura. , and a stack of books.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a palm-sized black fragment on the stall. The dark fragment matched the intelligence description and was actually used to press the corner of the stall cloth.

"Mysterious fragment?"

Qin Wang's heart moved, he took a deep breath, withdrew his gaze, and looked at the knife. He was currently practicing the Yingyue Sword Technique, and it was time to get a knife. This long knife was very suitable for him, and he immediately asked . "Brother, how can I sell this knife?"

"Brother, this shocking knife has a great origin! This is the famous weapon of Yue Tianyang, the number one swordsman in Youzhou more than two hundred years ago!"

"I also got it from a cave. If you want it, take it for 1,000 taels of silver!"

Seeing Qin Wang asking, the green-robed sheep-faced man suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Can I see this knife?"

Qin Wang thought for a moment and asked.

He had never heard of Yue Tianyang, the number one swordsman in Youzhou, and naturally he would not believe what the man in Tsing Yi in front of him said. 1,000 taels for a knife was too expensive.

His money is also earned through hard work and does not come from the flood.


The sheep-faced man in green clothes looked at Qin Wang and nodded.

Qin Wang picked up the knife and felt it was a little heavy. However, for him now, the weight was very suitable. He pulled out the knife, and suddenly, a sharp and cold air emanated from the knife!

"Good knife!"

Qin Wangxu slashed twice, secretly applauding in his heart.

He returned the knife to its sheath, looked at the stall owner, and said with a look of emotion. "Brother, it's a bit expensive. Can it be less?"

"How much can you offer?"

The green-clothed sheep-faced man asked with a flash of his eyes.

"200 taels."

Qin Wang stretched out two fingers.

"800 taels!"

"300 taels!"

"600 taels, no more!"

The sheep-faced man in green clothes suddenly narrowed his eyes when he saw that Qin Wang kept lowering the price.

This knife was also robbed by a few of them from a warrior. As for the famous weapon of Yue Tianyang, the "Bad Sword", he also saw that the knife was quite sharp and speculated based on the word "Yue" on the handle.

He was not sure whether it was Yue Tianyang's weapon.

After all, Yue Tianyang was a figure from more than two hundred years ago, and no one had ever seen him before.

"Then let's do this. This fragment and this Great Cang Power Map together cost 600 taels!"

Qin Wang saw the decisive tone of the man in green, so he immediately picked up a book and the fragment on the stall and said.

He felt that the fragments were heavy to hold.

This knife.

It was an accident.

That fragment is his main target.

"Okay, just 600 taels together!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hanyun immediately handed over the fragments, the knife, and the map of Da Cang's power to Qin Wang.

Qin Wang counted out 12 banknotes with a denomination of 50 taels each, handed them to the sheep-faced man in green, put away the fragments and the Shocking Knife, and turned around to leave.

"600 taels is okay."

Jiang Hanyun looked at Qin Wang's back, narrowed his eyes, silently put away the stall, and walked out of the valley. At the same time, further away, there were three warriors in the middle of the second-rate realm, following closely.

"I have obtained the mysterious fragment. Now I can go to Jinzhou with peace of mind."

Qin Wang wandered around the Maple Leaf Valley black market stalls for another half an hour. He didn't find what he wanted, so he walked out of Maple Leaf Valley.

at this time.

Five miles away from the Maple Leaf Valley Black Market.

In the pale moonlight.

Beside a fir forest, five men in black were hiding among the trees, looking at the sheep-faced man in the distance who was walking towards the mountain with a package on his back.

"Master, that man spent 600 taels of silver to buy a knife, and he spent half an hour shopping there. He must have a lot of money!"

"Looks like a fat sheep!"

A man in Tsing Yi respectfully clasped his fists at a young man in his mid-20s in front of him with a flattering look.

He is Jiang Hanyun, the sheep-faced man in green who just sold the knife to Qin Wang.

Three months ago, he was controlled by his master Lin Tong using the Three Corpse Controlling Pill.

There are 10 people under control, all of whom are masters in the middle and late second-rate realm.

Under the control of the master Lin Tong, they rely on setting traps in black markets in various places, tampering with items to track, and waiting for the prey to come out, and then rushing to kill them, gathering a large amount of cultivation resources for the master's cultivation.

The master Lin Tong controls the poison and does not show up, but commands from the side.

"Well, after this job is done, you will follow me back to the Jinzhou Voodoo Gang, and then I will give you the antidote for the Three Corpses Controlling God Pill!"

Lin Tong, who has an elegant figure, his hands behind his back, and a black dress, showed a warm look to the four people.

"Thank you, master!"

"Thank you, master!"

Jiang Hanyun and the other four showed excitement and hope.

They were originally second-rate masters in Qingyun County.

Unknowingly, they were poisoned by the Three Corpses Controlling God Pill of the master Lin Tong!

Once the Three Corpses Control Pill takes effect, life is worse than death, and the whole body is like ants crawling. It is simply a matter of life and death. The master promised that as long as he helped the master enter the first-class realm, he could go to Jinzhou to completely detoxify.

"Be quick!"

"I'll wait for you in the county town!"

Lin Tong showed satisfaction and waved to the four people.

Jiang Hanyun and the other four people responded and rushed towards the sheep-faced man. Lin Tong performed Qinggong and turned away.

Qin Wang quickened his pace and went ten miles out of the Maple Leaf Valley Black Market.

"The first time I came to the black market, I was targeted by the robbers!"

He suddenly found that there were four black shadows hidden in the night under the Nanzhu forest in front of him. He pretended not to see the four people, shook the fire in his hand, and lit the cloth bag of Sad Su San Gong Incense.

Then he took off the package on his back, sat on his buttocks, and pretended to rest.

Qin Wang took out a few silver bills from his arms and pretended to count the silver bills with the light of the Sad Su San Gong Incense, but in fact he was delaying time.

He found that the four people who surrounded him were all in the middle and late second-rate realm.

He lit the sad and sparse incense, and he was not afraid.

"We are all on the road, what else is there to count?!"

The leader, with a black scarf covering his face and a cold tone, landed three feet away from Qin Wang.

As he finished speaking, his three companions dispersed and surrounded Qin Wang, with their swords unsheathed, rushing towards him, with murderous intent exposed!

"Brothers, let's talk it out!"

"The things are for you, I don't want them!"

Qin Wang saw the four people coming and looked panicked. He quickly climbed up and kicked the sad and sparse incense cloth bag away in panic, sparks flying.

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