The continuous rainy weather inside the station is gone.

The sunshine is exceptionally good.

Xiao Se's mood is also much more beautiful.

Xiao Se doesn't have much experience of being alone with little girls.

Although he was a doctor in his previous life, he was not ugly, and he had little nurses by his side, and he had heard a lot of romantic affairs, but he just didn't understand, and he was still a virgin until his death.

I have no choice but to sharpen my guns before the battle and Baidu all night, how can I please girls.

There are indeed many tricks on the Internet.

What domineering president wall-dong type; sweet milk dog strategy type;

But no matter how many routines there are, it is useless to start without combining reality.

Xiao Se really can't learn it.

Suddenly being dragged to the pedestrian street by Tang Yao, Xiao Se was really unprepared, so she swallowed her mouth and asked a stupid question, "Tang Yao, it's been so long, I still don't know what you like?"

Xiao Se is a real straight man. Apart from asking, he doesn't know how to look with his eyes, and he doesn't know how to think about women's thoughts. No wonder he is single.

"Hmph, there's no such thing as you. You haven't had sex before. I heard that you molested a lot of little girls when you were in No. 1 Middle School. But since you asked, I can only answer casually. I like them all. It's up to you."

Well, Xiao Se encountered a problem, and Tang Yao blamed his own body for doing those absurd things.

"How about we go eat first?"

To grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach. This is the truth that everyone knows.

Likewise grabbing a woman can also be done through good food.

Xiao Se doesn't know how to cook, and he doesn't activate the MasterChef system.

He could only take Tang Yao out to eat.

Fortunately, he is also an invisible little rich man now.

Sufficient funds, the shot will naturally be generous.

The location where the two of them are now is the snack street.

Xiao Se looked at the dazzling array of specialty snacks, and for a while, didn't know what to buy.

Do you want to buy them all?

All the domineering presidents on TV seem to be like this.

But which domineering president would bring his girlfriend to the food street to eat food stalls?

Now it would be great if I could know what Tang Yao likes.

As soon as this idea appeared, a prompt sound naturally appeared in Xiao Se's mind.

Tang Yao:

Female, 19 years old.

Qualification: Class B.

Ability: Teleportation.

Measurements: 90,60,90,

Hobbies: Idol dramas.

Favorite food: sweets.


It is a thoughtful ability, much stronger than any curse system.

It's up to you to get out of the single.

Xiao Se felt like a time traveler for the first time.

If you know what you like, it's easy to handle.

Xiao Se said confidently: "I heard that there is a famous dessert shop nearby, do you want to try it?"

Of course Xiao Se doesn't know if there is a dessert shop nearby, anyway, the most important thing is to say it first to make the goddess happy.

"The energy value from Tang Yao is +356."

This blow hit Tang Yao's bullseye.

Tang Yao was obviously taken aback. It seemed that Xiao Se had done his homework, and Xiao Tang must have leaked his secret.

The guy with the elbow out.

The two just walked side by side.

Tang Yao was thinking in his heart, this guy might not be a piece of wood, since it's a date, why didn't he hold his hand.

After walking for a long time, a dessert shop appeared in front of my eyes.

The scale is large and the decoration is antique.

The owner is very distinctive, with a pair of dead fish eyes and a natural curly white hair.

The signboard at the back is very eye-catching, with two large characters on it, "sugar content".

The first date seemed to go exceptionally well.

Although not unforgettable, Xiao Se is very satisfied.

After dinner, it is natural to go to the movies.

Xiao Se deliberately picked a horror movie with a high rating.

Although he was superstitious and timid in his previous life.

But it's different now, I am a person with supernatural powers and a system.

A mere horror movie is a no-brainer.

The name of the movie is a restricted horror movie of "xx supernatural office".

The scene is not bloody.

Violence, cruelty, and supernatural elements are a lot.

What kind of ghost knocks on the door, the bus encounters a ghost, and the wild cat graves are all included, a hodgepodge.

At the beginning of the movie, Xiao Se's palms were sweaty, and she closed her eyes immediately after seeing the end.

Tang Yao really watched it with gusto.

Xiao Se was at a loss, and didn't respond to such a terrifying scene. Are all the little girls now so powerful? It can't be that there is no nerve of fear.

Shouldn't he scream and throw himself into his arms?

In this way, the whole movie was spent under the scream of Xiao Se.

When he left the cinema, Xiao Se was covered in cold sweat and his legs were weak.

Tang Yao was not satisfied, and asked if he wanted to watch another midnight show.

"I heard that "Terror Resurrection" is more exciting and better-looking."

After getting a negative answer from Xiao Se

After that, Tang Yao looked at Xiao Se with disdain and shook his head.

Hey, the man really fell flat.

Tang Yao could only reluctantly make an appointment with Xiao Se next time.

The movie theater is far away from Tang Yao's home.

Xiao Se insisted on sending her home.

This is Xiao Se's last stubbornness as a boy.

"Tang Yao, I forgot to ask you. How is Xiao Tang? Your father and mother are so big-hearted? Didn't they become suspicious?"

Xiao Tang came home wearing a suit of armor. As long as his parents had no eye problems, they would definitely find out.

The consequences of the discovery of that skeletal body can be imagined.

Tang Yao was not overly frustrated, and said calmly, "What are you talking about, his skeleton body was almost exposed at the star stage, and after he came out, if I hadn't been injured lightly, I would have If you find him, he may have been sent to the research center as an alien by now."

"That's for sure. Talking skeletons are not unusual for people who have entered the star platform, but they have never been seen outside. It is definitely unacceptable for such a lively skeleton to appear in front of your parents, let alone this skeleton. It's their own son, how can we carry on the family line, if we don't, we will work hard and adopt one to your younger brother."

As soon as Xiao Se's words came out, Tang Yao's face changed, and he scolded angrily, "Irreverent guys, actually I'll confess to them when I get home. After all, I will be found out sooner or later, and it will only make me sadder."

Xiao Se could imagine Tang Yao's parents' despair when they saw Xiao Tang's body.

"But I still have to thank you, Xiao Se, without you, Xiao Tang would probably be doomed." Tang Yao caught off guard and kissed Xiao Se's face.

Xiao Se, as the only survivor of the confrontation with number 95, already knows too much information.

Being so trusted by her goddess, Xiao Se vowed to restore Xiao Tang to his original state.

"Trust me, I will definitely save Xiao Tang."

Tang Yao's eyes turned red. This man, who had nothing to do with him, helped him wholeheartedly because of his words.

How do I repay myself.

"Promise yourself."

Xiao Se could clearly see what Tang Yao was thinking.

"Tomorrow, you can still come to Yulong Mountain to find me, and remember to bring Xiao Tang with you."

The two finally broke up downstairs in Tang Yao's community.

Before leaving, Xiao Se brazenly took Tang Yao's little hand and asked for a kiss.

Tang Yao also agreed with hesitation.

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