The road ahead was exceptionally smooth, there were no monsters blocking the way, no weird incidents, no night raids, and the rain stopped falling non-stop.

On a sunny day, everyone got rid of the damp and mud again, and gained a relaxation that was unimaginable before.

Without the harassment of monsters at night, there is only one guard left on duty, so it is naturally much easier.

The location of the camp today is unique, beside a big lake.

This lake is also rich in products. It is rich in a fierce and ugly fish, but the meat is extraordinarily delicious without any fishy smell.

The most important point is that this fish is very easy to catch, and if you cast it in one net, it will be full of trouble.

Many boys were shirtless and sat around the campfire.

The strange fish was roasting on the fire, the aroma was overflowing, it looked ugly, but it tasted delicious.

Everyone's seasonings are running out, not to mention cumin noodles and chili noodles. Fortunately, there is still a lot of salt, which is enough.

High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking to retain the most original umami taste of food.

The meat is grilled very fragrant, charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

After eating it, their mouths were full of oil, and everyone felt the meaty smell that had not been seen for a long time, and their mouths were already full.

One by one chatted indistinctly.

It was already the ninth day of entering the star platform, and according to the plan of the existing map in hand, it was already infinitely close to the center of the star platform.

"Didn't you say that you have to go through the coiled snake cave first, the Xingchenjian?"

"Who says it's not, it's good now, not only can't see the shadow of the snake, but I haven't even touched a hole."

Xiao Se originally thought that his team missed the Pan Snake Cave, Xingchenjian and Baili Chishadi on the map.

After careful inquiring, I found that things are not simple.

The current situation is that the first team, the second team, the fifth team, the sixth team, and the seventh team have encountered a lot of hardships along the way, and lost a lot of soldiers and generals, but none of the teams encountered these three points on the map. Mark.

Many people began to doubt the authenticity of the map.

But there is an inexplicable problem here.

Principal Yan was the first-hand witness of the two previous star explorations, so he will not remember wrongly.

"Principal, I would like to ask you about the two previous explorations of the star station."

The old man was chewing the strange fish with great relish, he chewed the fish bones without letting go

Swallow all the scum.

"Oh, little Xiao Se, just ask if you have anything."

"After entering the star station this time, I found that the monsters I encountered were very different from the information in my hand, and most of them had no records at all." Xiao Se also opened up the chatter box. These days, he is full of doubts.

"Oh? Tell me." The old man actually brought a wine gourd.

At this time, he took a big mouthful and continued to smash the grilled fish in his mouth.

"It's been nine days. I haven't encountered any of them in Pan Snake Cave, Xingchen Stream, or Baili Chishadi. Isn't it strange?"

The old man nodded, signaling Xiao Se to continue.

"If it is said that our seventh team entered in the wrong way and took a different route, then both the first and second teams took the same route last time."

"Yes, you are right, the first team and the second team are indeed following the old path."

"In other words, the route is correct?"

"That's right."

Xiao Se was obviously very dissatisfied with Principal Yan's answer, so he stopped talking and just stared blankly at the old man.

"You're very sharp, come along." The old man got up and motioned for Xiao Se to follow.

Everyone was eating happily at this time, and many people had already entered a state of slightly drunk after drinking a few sips, so naturally no one paid attention to these two people.

The two came to a secluded place. Principal Yan naturally sat on a boulder, while Xiao Se stood aside respectfully.

"You are right. It has indeed been 9 full days since you entered the star station. According to previous experience, no matter what, once the 15-day period expires, a strange force will occur in the star station to repatriate all the uninvited guests here."

"In other words, it is likely to speed up next."

Principal Yan nodded again, and continued to speak, "You can't lose your troops for no reason, and in the end you won't get anything. Just turn around and go back to your hometown. Then you won't make old Yan a fool." Pen Fun Library

"As for why, the star platform is very different from the previous two times. To tell you the truth, this is a question that has been bothering me since the first day."

Principal Yan, looking up to the sky and sighing, spread his hands helplessly.

"This question is too difficult, he can't do it."

Sure enough, as President Yan said, this night was indeed the rare calm before the storm.

The next day, before dawn, the second shift blew the assembly call, which is a unique way for Xiaopingtou from the army to wake up.

After that, it will be a day of rapid march, fortunately, last night

Everyone is full of wine and food, and their physical strength has obviously recovered a lot.

In addition, the physical fitness after awakening has reached a height that ordinary people can hardly match.

After a day of rapid march, no one complained.

The biggest surprise after entering the station appeared.

After a long night of trekking, at ten o'clock in the evening, a group of people unexpectedly arrived at the final meeting point.

Principal Yan, who was looking at the map in his hand, and Xiao Pingtou couldn't figure it out. Co-authoring the map didn't do anything.

It seems that in the past twenty years, the interior of the star platform has been changed, and things have changed.

Maybe the Xingchenjian and the Baili Chishadi are really submerged in the dust of history.

After a simple rest, those who are careful will find that this gathering place does not seem to be so simple.

There are obvious traces of human life here.

"Could it be that the star station has evolved to the point where primitive humans appeared?"

Everyone was shocked. If that was the case, did he launch a war of aggression and declare war on another civilization?

But doubts were soon dispelled.

Because of the figure not far away, Xiao Se couldn't be more familiar with it.

It was Tang Yao.

With just one breath, Tang Yao appeared in front of everyone.

But in just a few days, Tang Yao lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That handsome face was also full of tiredness.

Naturally, it's lovesickness, but it's not Xiao Se, it's Xiao Tang.

"Xiao Se, it's really great that you're fine."

Tang Yao looked at the crowd, and wherever he looked, he didn't see the long-awaited figure.

Unavoidably showing a disappointed look, he hesitated to speak and looked at Xiao Se.

She was really scared to hear terrible bad news from Xiao Se's mouth.


Tang Yao was taken aback, and began to look around again, but the familiar face still did not appear.

At this time, he was still making such jokes, but the usual Tang Yao must give this guy some color.

After all, Tang Yao had already sentenced Xiao Tang to death in his heart.

When she saw Xiao Se just now, a glimmer of hope was still burning in her heart, until she couldn't see Xiao Tang's familiar figure, that glimmer of hope disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A woman always has those days every month, but now Tang Yao has those days every day.

Tang Yao is now a woman whose heart is dying.

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