Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 573: Hongjun Daozu's anger

"Yun, how is Chen'er?"

Hou Tu appeared behind Hong Yun, looking at Hong Yun's back, she knew that the burden on her man's shoulders was too heavy, and it made him feel weak.

"It has been integrated with the Pagoda of Refining the Heart. Whether it can succeed depends on Chen'er herself. Alas, along the way, Chen'er has suffered too much and too much."

Hong Yun's eyes blinked, and as soon as a trace of water mist was exposed, it was evaporated by the red cloud. He is the supreme, the prehistoric supreme, his heart must be hard, he cannot show any weakness.

However, thinking of the pain of merging with the Heart Refining Tower, Hong Yun unconsciously felt a little heartache. Although he was not suffering, he had always treated Ao Liangchen like his own son.

"Don't worry too much. Chen'er can definitely make it through. By then, Chen'er's potential will be equal to yours. As a master, you have to cheer and don't be surpassed by your own disciples."

Hou Tu joked.

Hong Yun also smiled. He knew that Hou Tu had said this deliberately, just to let him relax.

After pinching a finger, Hong Yun knew that the great power of the predecessor had almost recovered during this period. After all, a hundred years was enough, and the disciples of the Penglai line were all sharpening their swords, and seemed to be ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

"After Chener's integration is successful, it will be the time of the war, but this time, we will not fight in the chaotic battlefield but will enter the world war. How can we be blocked by others at the door of my majestic world." At that moment, the emperor's gas gushed out from him.

"The Five Elements and Xuan'er have already gone to prepare, and the battle with Ten Thousand Realms is over. Five hundred years? We can't wait for five hundred years." Houtu sneered.


"Hongjun, are you thinking about it?"

Founding Yuan Ling appeared in Zixiao Palace, and the founding Yuan Ling who had already left suddenly appeared in Zixiao Palace. This made Hongjun Daozu a little puzzled. After all, it was impossible to return to Hongmeng Realm so quickly.

Then there is only one possibility, the Founding Yuan Ling never returned to the Hongmeng Realm, and the words of the Founding Yuan Ling further convinced Hongjun Daozu that the Founding Yuan Ling did not return to the Hongmeng Realm.

"Master, the disciple is living in the prehistoric land, and is already one with the predecessor, unable to worship the star palace, please forgive me."

Daozu Hongjun did not think that his master, the founder of Yuan Ling, came to Zixiao Palace to persuade him to officially join the Star Palace. You must know that the Star Palace is opposed to the red clouds and is also a force that wants to destroy the prehistoric.

Daozu Hongjun knew that if he wanted to become the Nine-Layer Eight-Sovereign, no, the Supreme Sovereign, there was only one way, and that was to stick to the predecessor and follow the red clouds.

As for the Star Palace, he might have joined before, but now it is impossible for him to give up his bright future, although it is a bit bumpy.

"You want to use the primordial land to become the ninth-level and eight-sovereign, but have you ever thought about it? The primordial land contains things that Emperor Xingkong needs. Once that thing is taken by the emperor, the land will be broken. When will you come? I can't get it." Founder Yuan Lingyu said earnestly, he didn't want his disciple to perish.

At that time, no one can stop the Emperor Xingkong. He knows that Emperor Xingkong is powerful and invincible. This is a realm that is hard to believe. It is only a blink of an eye to deal with the nine-layer seven-sovereign. It can be obliterated.

However, the founding Yuan Ling missed that this place is a prehistoric place, and it is impossible for the existence of the nine-tier and eight-sovereigns to appear here, so even the invincible supreme would be blind here.

"Master, do you mean that Emperor Xingkong has descended into this chaos?"

Dao Zu Hongjun looked at the founding Yuan Ling and said solemnly, he stared at the founding Yuan Ling closely, and wanted to get the answer he wanted from the eyes of the founding Yuan Ling.

But he found that in the eyes of the founding Yuan Ling, it was the answer he least wanted.

"How could this happen, how can such a great existence of Invincible Supreme come here!"

"Since you have guessed it, and I don't hide from you as a teacher, the Star Emperor has come, and both the Taoist sect master and the gods have come, and they are all the deities. Do you know what this is?"

With that, the founding Yuan Ling looked at Hongjun Daozu, and when he saw the panic in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu, the founding Yuanling put pressure on it again.

"Their three Invincible Supremes came to this chaos because of the treasure of the prehistoric. Do you think the prehistoric will still exist?"

"No, how is this possible! Master, this predecessor cannot be destroyed! I have found a way to prove the Dao, and there is a 50% chance, can't those Invincible Supremes dispel that idea?"

Daozu Hongjun couldn't believe it. He finally found a way to become the Supreme Supreme, even the Supreme Supreme, how could he be destroyed by those three Supreme Supremes? He was not reconciled!

"Think about it! After you decide, burn this charm and you will know it as a teacher."

After speaking, the founding Yuan Ling disappeared in Zixiao Palace. He didn't dare to stay here any longer, because the current Hongyun was afraid of even the Emperor Xingkong. After all, the cultivation base was suppressed, and Hongyun was undoubtedly fighting against Xingkong. The position of the emperor. "The three Invincible Supremes are coming. This is the real crisis. Can Pindao only join the Star Palace? No, Pindao is not reconciled!"

Dao Ancestor Hongjun screamed crazy in his heart. He finally gave it a go. There was originally a 50% hope, but now, with the addition of the three invincible Supremes, he has no hope of even 10%.

"No, UU reading www.uukanshu.com must not lose this opportunity."

"Hongyun, yes, Hongyun, poor Dao go to Hongyun to see what realm he has reached now, this chaos does not allow the appearance of the nine-layer and eight-sovereign, so Hongyun has become the supreme and definitely the peak of the nine-layer and seven-sovereign combat power.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun thought in his heart that he also walked out of Zixiao Palace, he was not reconciled! If he were to become a disciple of the Star Palace, he would never have a head start, and his greatest achievement is estimated to be only the early stage of the Ninth Floor and Eight Supremes.


"Founder, how about your disciple, would you like to be a disciple of the Star Palace? This seat can make him a second-generation disciple, as long as he steals the treasure to help this seat."

The Star Emperor looked at the founding Yuan Ling who had returned, and in his heart, Hong Jun would definitely agree, because the second-generation disciple of the Star Palace had great powers, even in the Hongmeng realm, they had a high status.

"Emperor, my disciple wants to think about it, but his subordinates guess that he will eventually join the Star Palace." Founder Yuan Ling said firmly. He has already told Hongjun about the stakes. If Hongjun doesn't If you agree, it's a fool.

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