Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 565: Earthstar's development

The Northern Heavenly King once again went to the Chaos Battlefield. There was no way he could do it. He had to obey Shen Gongbao's orders. He wanted to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

Kill the enemy?

No, it should be cannibalism, because in his heart, the prehistoric creatures are more important, and the people of Penglai are more important, but he has no choice. At the beginning, Hongyun asked him to follow Shen Gongbao’s arrangements. He did not dare to violate Hongyun’s Decree.

On the battlefield of Chaos, fierce battles continue to take place, and this time Ao Liangchen is not careless. He is only fighting a supreme, and his spirit is spread throughout the battlefield of Chaos. As long as there is a generation of Penglai disciples in crisis, he will Will help.

He didn't dare to let another disciple fall. Hongyun had a total of twelve disciples. If all of them were to fall here, Hong Yun would go crazy.

One year, ten years, twenty years and fifty years!

The battlefield of Chaos has lasted for fifty years. In those fifty years, more powers have been lost. The primordial supreme has fallen by two-thirds, and the supreme of ten thousand realms has also fallen by one-half. It is still relatively large losses.

Suiren was seriously injured, if it weren't for the Beitian King deliberately released the water, and Ao Liangchen's timely rescue, the Suiren might also fall on the battlefield of chaos.

Xuan Jun was seriously injured and unconscious, and You Chao's were also severely injured. All three of them were sent to Penglai Island for training because their injuries were too serious.

Especially Xuanjun, I really don't know if he can survive.

And knowing that Xuanjun was seriously injured and unconscious, Hong Yun didn't have any emotions, but no one knew that Hong Yun was accumulating his anger. If Xuanjun was really dead, then Hong Yun would have to go to all the powers to know what madness is.

Even with those three mysterious auras, Hong Yun would let them know what a desperate battle is.

He has always regarded Xuanjun as his own girl. He does not yet have a daughter, and Xuanjun is his daughter. Hongyun will absolutely ignore it when he comes. Any immeasurable calamity will be left behind by him.

In the prehistoric, endless starry sky, a star is actually below the earth fairy world, and this star is the earth star.

Red clouds and Houtu appeared in the sky above the earth star, the forbidden storm here had reached its extreme, and even martial arts had no possibility of practicing.

Because more than four hundred years ago, Liu Bowen of the Ming Dynasty cut off the dragon veins, making the forbidden law storm even more violent. In the future, martial arts will gradually decline, and martial arts masters no longer exist.

Until now, during the Republic of China, there were very few martial arts powerhouses who could fly over the wall.

"The dignified Chinese clan, the authentic human race, has been bullied to this extent by the barbarians in the West. If it is known by the great magnates, the first thing is to destroy the West."

Houtu looked at the battlefield above the earth and stars, and one after another gunpowder shells hit Huaxia Kyushu, making Huaxia Kyushu war everywhere, but neither she nor Hong Yun made a move.

It's not that Hou Tu didn't make a move, but Hong Yun didn't let Hou Tu make a move, because Hong Yun wanted to prove one thing, that is, whether he can still exist, or will he still cross!

This is a secret in Hong Yun's heart. Even after seeing China Kyushu being bullied, Hong Yun did not do anything. He was worried about changing history and preventing the appearance of characters that should have appeared.

For the history of the Republic of China, Hongyun is still relatively familiar. This is the most miserable time for the Chinese people, but it is also a period of retribution.

In the previous era, China’s Kyushu ruled the entire planet, and all nations came to the dynasty. That’s not just talking, China’s court could end the destiny of a country with a word.

The strength of the Chinese human race at the beginning, the accumulated cause and effect are left to this time to pay back. This is a miserable era, a tortured era.

"In fifty years, the human emperor of the Huaxia human race will be born, and the current troubled times will end at that time, but it will become impossible for the Huaxia human race to restore its former dominance."

Hongyun looked at the battlefield below, and there was a lot of artillery fire. Today's human race has begun to enter the age of technology, and they no longer believe that this is a world where the sky is round.

Houtu pinched his fingers and sneered: "I am afraid that by then the Huaxia Human Race will no longer be an authentic Human Race, and will be defiled by those barbaric bloodlines, and the Huaxia Human Race will no longer have its previous glory."

"This is fate, this is the fate of the Earthstar Huaxia human race. We can only be a spectator. In more than a hundred years, I will be able to break through a small realm. At that time, the combat power should increase a little. The situation will be more certain."

Time passed quietly.

Fifty years have passed in just a short time.

In the Chaos Battlefield, the total number of the two sides was less than 100 million, and the fierce battle stopped. They knew that if they had been fighting for 50 years, then the monks above Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would no longer exist.

The Northern Heavenly King of Ten Thousand Realms and Zhang Tiandi, the primordial emperor, discussed the battle in the Chaos Battlefield for five hundred years. Five hundred years later, the war will stop unless one party is completely destroyed, even ordinary creatures.

This news spread all over the prehistoric land, and instantly plunged countless creatures into fear, and countless creatures prayed that the emperor could overcome it.

Five hundred years, this is a long time for mortals, but for the cultivators, it is just a time for a nap.

Hong Yun also knew about this.

Hong Yun had no opinion on Zhang Renren's decision with the Northern Heavenly King. He very much agreed. The two sides had been fighting for more than 700 years, and the winner had not yet been determined. Hong Yun was already impatient.

The Tribulation of Ten Thousand Realms is nothing but a small Tribulation. The real Tribulation is the Unmeasured Tribulation. At that time, it is the true gathering of power.

At that time, even the Four Great Sovereigns of the Primordial Wilderness might be lost, including Hongyun.

Any creature has a chance of perishing, even if your cultivation base is high.

If at that time, the three invincible supreme intervened, then they would also have a chance of perishing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the red clouds are no longer inferior to them, and there is also the God hidden behind the scenes. You must know that God is the real one. Protagonist.

If there is no God, then it is the Lord of Tribulation, but now that the Lord appears, the Lord needs to stand aside.

Hongyun and Houtu are still above the earth star. Fifty years have passed and a new human emperor finally appeared on the earth star, but this time it was not one human emperor, but two.

It's like in the time of the ancient emperor, two true emperors appeared, and finally they must fight for the deer.

But one thing is different from the time of the ancient emperor. That time there was Da Luo Jinxian's intervention, and this time, it was all due to mortal fighting and artillery.

"The era of Japanese pirates invading China has come. This will be the real ordeal of the Huaxia human race. I am afraid that countless souls and evil spirits will appear in the underworld. Alas! I can only watch."

Hongyun sighed in a low voice!


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