Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 554: God and Tai 1

On Penglai Island, Hong Yun looked at the chaotic battlefield, with some feelings in his eyes. He did not expect that there would be so much power without hesitation when he was in trouble.

In order to keep the predecessors alive, even those great abilities have dedicated themselves to their origins, even if they are scattered.

Liu Er, Yuan Hong, and Wu Zhiqi had all listened to the passage by Hong Yun's side. Hong Yun admired these three people very much. These three did not disappoint him, and they did not hesitate for the good.

Especially Liu Er, who is his nephew and the only direct disciple of Zhen Yuanzi. He does not know whether Zhen Yuanzi can bear it. You must know that Zhen Yuanzi has lost two important boys and is now losing Passionate disciple.

"Second brother! Don't let me down."

Hongyun murmured to himself.

He didn't want Zhen Yuanzi to remain passive, and if Zhen Yuanzi went crazy in the Chaos Battlefield, he would most likely fall on the Chaos Battlefield.

Hong Yun didn't want to make a shot at this time, he couldn't let the hidden might grab his hole cards.

But if Zhen Yuanzi died, Hong Yun would definitely take action. He could not see his brother died.

"Yun, are you worried about Jin Yuanzi?"

Houtu came to Hong Yun's back, held Hong Yun's waist from behind, and put it on Hong Yun's back. She knew that her man was suffering a lot now.

All the primordial powers are fighting in blood, but as the most powerful existence of the primordial kingdom, he can only watch anxiously behind the scenes and cannot make a move. This feeling can be understood by later days.

"Do not!"

Suddenly, Hong Yun said in a deep voice.

"Second brother will not let me down."

Hong Yun's body was trembling, Houtu held Hong Yun tightly, and only after a while, Hong Yun stopped.

"The Ten Thousand Realms is just the beginning, and the future battles will be even more fierce. It's just a few lives. If you can't even bear this, then the prehistoric will be destroyed sooner or later."

The war of chaos is still going on, and somewhere in the chaos, very far from the prehistoric, Tai Yi appeared here, and he wandered in the chaos like a lost soul.

In the ancient times, he and his brother worked hard together to fight for the heavenly court, but the Wu Clan was also very strong at that time, and in the end the two big clans still fought.

Both lose and lose, his elder brother fell, and he was also quietly sent to another world by Hongjun Daozu.

He returned from another world and embarked on the journey of resurrecting Emperor Jun. When Emperor Jun was resurrected, the Primordial Court was established, but he did not expect that when he thought he was at his peak, his subordinates, the closest subordinates would actually be Was taken away.

He was angry, he wanted to vent.

But he is tired!

He didn't let Di Jun follow him, but instead let Di Jun go to the Chaos Battlefield. He begged Di Jun to assist the current Emperor of Heaven with all his strength, because of his roots, he couldn't perish.

And he can only be a lonely ghost now, he has no goal, he doesn't know where he should go, let alone what he will do in the future.

He wants to keep going like this.

Yes, it's such a drift, until the end of chaos.

"The way of heaven is unfair, but I have already broken through the way of heaven. Now it seems that it is not that the way of heaven is injustice, but that the way of heaven is ruthless and fair, prevalent and cherished!"

Tai Yi strolled aimlessly in the chaotic void, and those spatial turbulence slapped Tai Yi's body, but did not cause Tai Yi any harm.

His strength is so high that even Zhang someone dare not say that he can beat him.

"You are the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, no, the Heavenly Emperor Taiyi?"

A vague voice came. This voice had no source, as if it came from the endless chaotic void.

Taiyi's muddy eyes showed a hint of clarity, but then they became muddy again.

He didn’t speak, but continued to move forward. He didn’t care who said it and didn’t want to know the strength of the person speaking. He no longer had the heart to fight, and even in his heart, if someone could kill him, it would disappear. It's not scary for him.

"I didn't expect Tai Yi, who used to be so arrogant, to become so negative that he didn't even dare to think about his enemies, let alone take revenge! Sad, sigh!"

The voice rang again.

Taiyi seemed to have not heard it, and continued to walk before.

"Do you know that your brother may fall on the battlefield of chaos."

Suddenly, the voice became sharp.

Taiyi also stopped, his eyes regaining clarity, and the look of ruthlessness was revealed.

"who are you!"

Tai Yi said in a deep voice.

A gorgeously dressed young man appeared beside Taiyi, and slowly walked over to Taiyi, without worrying that Taiyi would do anything to him.


Yes, just a smile!

This smile gave Tai Yi a feeling of palpitations. He looked at the smiling young man in front of him, his breath was unpredictable, his realm was completely invisible, his aura was completely restrained.

"Why are you planning to stop me?" Tai Yi said coldly.

Taiyi wanted to let people kill him, which was not wrong, but he heard that his brother might be in danger, which made him wake up.

"Do you know Lu Ya?" The young man said lightly.

"He? What does it have to do with you."

"He is the messenger of the deity in the great wilderness, as for me? You can call me the deity, don't compare me with those false gods." The young man said and laughed.

Taiyi had never heard of this name, but he felt that the young man in front of him was definitely not from the Ten Thousand Realms. It was very likely that he was not from this chaos. If his cultivation level reached his level, he naturally knew that there was an outer chaos and a great world.

"You belong to the Hongmeng Realm." Taiyi recovered the inattention before, and the clarity in his eyes disappeared and became muddy.

And speaking, Tai entered the Chaos Void Tunnel step by step.

"Don't you want to know the secrets in your heart? Haha"

The deity laughed frantically.

Taiyi suddenly walked out of the tunnel, came to the gods, and said cruelly: "Say, who are you?"

There was madness in Tai Yi's eyes.

After he became the Nine-Layer Seventh Supreme, he kept having another dream~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was a terrifying dream.

Countless supreme sacreds, including the nine-tiered seven-tiered ones and the nine-tiered eight-tiered tiers, stood behind a man who looked like a god. Under the man's deep cry, a vast world appeared.

But endless unknown powers gushed out from this world, causing countless supreme to fall into the void of space.

When he wanted to see and calculate the name of that world in his dream, he was awakened by a terrifying force.

"Haha" The **** is still laughing.

Taiyi seemed to be crazy, offering a chaos clock and bombarding the gods.

But the deity had disappeared in the same place, and easily escaped the blow of Taiyi's anger.

"I am a god, but you are me, haha ​​god, if you don't believe it, when will you wait!"


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