Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 547: Avenue breeds treasure

"What? Ninety-nine grandeur and purple air!"

Zhen Yuanzi exclaimed!

If Hongmeng Ziqi was placed in the Primordial Period, it would definitely be an incomparable treasure, but now it seems a bit tasteless. The advantage of Hongmeng Ziqi is to make Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian under Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and become a saint.

But now the predominant land, the way of heaven is open, not to mention becoming a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if you become a great deity, as long as you have the qualifications and great perseverance, you can achieve it, so this grandeur and purple energy is of little use.

However, even if the Harmony Purple Qi is of no use, it is not so easy to appear. You must know that from the ancient times to the present, there are not many Harmony Purple Qi.

Things are rare and expensive. Although Hongmeng Ziqi is now a chicken rib, the appearance of Hongmeng Ziqi will definitely make a lot of powerful jealous.

Because Hongmeng Ziqi has another function, which is to nurture the treasure.

It is rumored that the innate treasure is the innate treasure that was made by the innate Lingbaowen containing a grand purple qi, but now there are ninety-nine grand purple qi, this is ninety-nine innate treasures!

There are many innate spiritual treasures in the prehistoric, but there are not many innate treasures. If there are so many innate treasures, it will definitely make a lot of powerful combat power soar.

Nowadays, the great deities and even the Taoist priests use innate spirit treasures. It stands to reason that the current innate spirit treasures are of no use to monks above the great master, but for some reason, the innate spirit treasures under the heavenly path are actually warm. Contains a powerful force.

Even the general low-grade Chaos Lingbao are somewhat inferior.

Hong Yun took Houtu and Zhen Yuanzi and left Penglai Island and teleported to the Chaos Battlefield. This was the first time Hongyun came to the Chaos Battlefield.

This is a platform opened up, and the battlefield is still in chaos, ten thousand realms and prehistoric sides are opposed, one east and the other west.

At this time, a lot of powers have gathered on the battlefield of chaos, among them are the great powers, of course, there are also the powers of the ten thousand worlds, all of which are staring at the chaotic space cracks above, because where there is the treasure of Hongmeng Purple Qi !

"Ninety-nine grandeur and purple auras? How could this be possible, at the beginning, Hongjun Taoist ancestor only bestowed seven grandeur and purple auras!"

"Hongmeng Purple Qi! Although it is useless for the cultivation base, a Hongmeng Purple Qi is equivalent to an innate treasure!"

"In any case, I have to get a grandiose purple energy. Poor Dao is already in the realm of great exaltedness. I am still using the high-grade innate spirit treasure. If I replace it with the innate treasure, my combat power can be at least tripled."

The great powers on the Honghuang side are all staring at the ninety-nine grandeur and purple qi above them, but there is no great power to fight for it, not because the great power on the Honghuang side is worried about conflicts.

It is the great power of the Ten Thousand Realms that is staring at them. If they move, then the great power of the Ten Thousand Realms will definitely take the opportunity to attack them. At that time, there will be a good baby and no life to enjoy!

"Hongmeng Ziqi, really a good baby, I didn't expect such a treasure to appear in this chaotic battlefield."

"But those people in Honghuang will be in trouble, but no matter what, they won't be able to get these grandeur and purple auras."

"Of course, even if these cosmic and purple energy are re-introduced into the turbulent flow of time and space, they will not be obtained by the people of Honghuang, huh, Honghuang will perish sooner or later.

The power of the Ten Thousand Realms is all looking at the prehistoric side with a sneer, because some time ago, the Northern Heavenly King of Ten Thousand Realms had made a huge breakthrough in combat power. The ordinary Nine-Floor Seven Peak Supreme was not the opponent of the Northern Heavenly King. .

Even the robber personally gave an evaluation to the Northern Heavenly King, saying that the Northern Heavenly King is probably only under him in the ten thousand realms, and it is hardly possible to influence him in the great land.

The robber is supreme in the world. The reason why there are so many Dao Zun and the Supreme in the world in such a short time is all because of the gift of the robber, which is given by the Lord with the power of the supreme great way. blessing.

If Hong Yun knew this, he would be surprised. He only knew that Shen Gongbao said that he was unlucky, and he would bless people even if he had never heard of Shen Gongbao!

This is a bit weird.


I don't know who yelled.

All the powers were shocked in their eyes, because the ninety-nine cosmic purple qi on the battlefield of chaos had evolved!

Hongmeng purple qi, this is very common in the Hongmeng period, Hongyun has been to the Hongmeng period, where Hongyun saw purple qi coming from the east for 30,000 li, and all these 30,000 li are made up of hongmeng purple qi, in other words, The Hongmeng Purple Qi is endless.

Moreover, the monks in the Hongmeng period can ask for it at will, but Hongyun can only watch and can't take away any.

One is divided into three. Originally, the ninety-nine radiant purple qi was one group, but at this time it was divided into three groups, each of which had thirty-three radiant purple qi.

In an instant, the chaotic breeze on the chaotic battlefield appeared, and at the same time, there were endless chaotic sky fires and chaotic sky thunders.

"this is!"

"The Tao in the dark is refining the instrument with Hongmeng Purple Qi!"

"Using Hongmeng Purple Qi as the material, chaos as the furnace, taking the chaotic wind, the chaotic sky fire, and the chaotic sky thunder to refine the ultimate treasure, this is the true avenue that breeds the ultimate treasure!"

Each of them was shocked by their powers. Originally, they were still thinking about competing for a great purple qi, and then joined their own innate spirit treasure to make their innate spirit treasure the innate supreme treasure, but now these great purple qi are all there. Refining by yourself, or the Dao is refining!

The power of both parties transmitted this news back to their commander in an instant, and the next moment someone Zhang appeared in the Chaos Battlefield. This was the second time someone Zhang appeared in the Chaos Battlefield.

As the Emperor of Heaven, the commander of the entire Primordial Land, Zhang Renren could not easily leave the Heavenly Court. Only when he sits in the back can he suppress the Qi Luck and let the Primordial Qi Luck last for a long time.

"Meet the Emperor of Heaven."

The great abilities of the prehistoric side are all respectful salutes to Zhang Renren.

Someone Zhang nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then looked at the top of the Chaos Battlefield. Sure enough, the three groups of Hongmeng Purple Qi were being refined by the Dao. This is obviously the Dao's fertility!

A treasure that can be bred by the great avenue, and each piece uses thirty-three magnificent purple qi, this is definitely an unprecedented treasure, if it can be obtained by the supreme, it is definitely a treasure that determines the outcome.

"Must get." Zhang Renren thought in his heart.

On the side of Ten Thousand Worlds, a young man in blood appeared, and an instant terrifying murderous aura swept the entire chaotic battlefield.

"Meet the King of Northern Heaven!"

The power of the ten thousand realms is to salute the blood-clothed youth that appears.

Ao Liangchen, Kong Xuan, and some of the top powers of the Penglai line all looked at this so-called Northern Heavenly King and exclaimed, "How could it be him!"


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