Avenue of Red Clouds

Vol 13 Chapter 532: Red Cloud Cheng Zun

Hong Yun watched the emperor disappear, and the shock in his heart could not be calmed for a long time. Today he saw what a real emperor is.

Even if the emperor didn't know the details of Hong Yun, he still let Hong Yun break through, and gave Hong Yun a chance instead of killing Hong Yun directly. This kind of tolerance is very human.

Hong Yun asked himself, he would never do this. If he could kill with one hit, Hong Yun would definitely not be troublesome, but the emperor in front of him had such a bearing, the emperor was really extraordinary.

In the heart of the emperor, Hongyun has already been positioned. Even if Hongyun breaks through, he will definitely not be the opponent of the emperor. This is self-confidence and the emperor's power.

Hong Yun could not learn the respect of the emperor, but he very much agreed with the self-confidence of the emperor, this is what the emperor should have, and Hong Yun must learn this.

This is what Hongyun has gained the most during his arrival in Hongmeng. Even if he comprehends all the three thousand rules, it is not as good as the words of the emperor.

"Okay, after I break through, I will fight for you." Hong Yun said firmly.

He has no worries at all now, if he wants to fight, then fight, if he fights, then he must win!

At this time, those Dao Venerables were shocked. They were shocked that Hong Yun wanted to challenge His Majesty, who was the strongest in Kaiyuan Continent and the pioneer of the Hongmeng period.

"Where is this red cloud sacred, I have never heard of it before, but now it suddenly appears that it has defeated thousands of Dao Venerables on the mainland and defeated Shenyu City Lord. Now it is even more to challenge your Majesty!"

"This red cloud is too powerful. Just now, His Majesty said that Hong Yun will not be given a chance to challenge until Hongyun breaks through. Could it be that Your Majesty has reached a higher level?"

"What kind of realm is that? Your Majesty is like a beacon, always guiding us the way ahead."

"Your Majesty's power cannot be shaken, even if the red cloud breaks through, it will definitely not stop your majesty's blow."

One by one, the great powers were talking about it. This time the emperor's presence in person made all the powers boil, especially the conversation with Hongyun, which shocked the powers.

The most powerful cultivation base of Kaiyuan Continent is Dao Zun. Now their Majesty has reached a higher level, it seems that Dao Zun is about to become a thing of the past.

Xingkong came to Shenyu, the two looked at each other, and they both left quickly.

However, one of these Taoist priests with a mask had a cold light in his eyes. After everyone had left, this person went to a place alone and took off the mask.

In an instant, a powerful aura surged from his body, and if Hong Yun were here, he would be shocked.

This person has actually reached the cultivation base of the Ninth-Layer and Seven-Supreme. You must know that the Emperor has not announced the cultivation method of the Ninth-Layer and Seven-Supreme.

"Dao Zun, this seat makes everything you do become the wedding dress of this seat, aren't you generosity? I want to see if your results are finally captured, and whether you can be generous.”

This masked person is the City Lord of Bird City. He slowly walked into a secret realm, and there were three thousand Dao Venerables in this secret realm, but these three thousand Dao Venerables were all nine-story five Dao Venerables.

But what is surprising is that the three thousand Taoist priests have different cultivation rules, but the three thousand rules.

"Farewell to Dao."

Three thousand Dao Zun bowed down to the Lord of Quecheng, and called the Lord of Quecheng the Dao.

"Publish all your current rules and perceptions on this seat." After speaking, the Lord of Bird City sat down.

Then one by one Dao Venerables gave their own understanding of the rules. The Three Thousand Rule is the Three Thousand Dao Rule. If the red cloud is here, you can definitely find something, and you can also see some tricks in future generations.

But it is a pity that Hong Yun will definitely not discover all of this during his Hongmeng trip this time. Today Hongyun is practicing in a cave in Yunshan.

With the understanding of more than a thousand rules, Hong Yun's Emperor Road finally broke through, and Hong Yun also understood why he encountered a bottleneck.

The Emperor’s Road contains everything, but because the Emperor’s Road can control everything, he has disregarded other laws, which makes the Emperor’s Road difficult to move.

Now, Hongyun has re-understood those laws, no, they are the most primitive rules, which are more pure than the laws of later generations. These are the essence of the beginning of Hongmeng.

There are more than a thousand rules, these are enough for Hongyun to break through, and even if he returns to the original land, Hongyun can also use these rules to teach his disciples, so that his disciples can go further.

In short, there is absolutely no regret in his Hongmeng trip.

Above the Yunshan Mountain, the endless emperor's aura enveloped him, making it impossible for all the mighty powers to approach, because the powerful pressure was too strong, and the ordinary Daoist would kneel down once he approached.

Hong Yun felt that his bottleneck had been broken, and his cultivation base broke through from the sixth floor of the sixth Dao Sovereign to the seventh floor of the ninth floor in an instant.

The intrepidity and coercion directly swept a radius of a million li at this moment, causing the Dao Venerable within a million li to bow down.

Even the City Lord of Elephant City who stayed in the imperial city bowed down. Although he was angry, he was helpless and couldn't stand up at all.

It wasn't until Hong Yun got acquainted with the power of the Nine-Layer Seven Supremes and took the emperor's pressure back, those Dao Venerables all stood up, and those below the Dao Venerables were even more unbearable, and some even fainted.

"The strength of the Nine Layers and Seven Supremes is really terrifying. With my current strength, if I return to the wilderness, I will definitely not be afraid of everything. The original Luo Hu was fighting against me, and one blow was enough to kill."

Hong Yun felt the powerful force in his body, and this kind of breakthrough feeling was not comparable to that of breaking through to the sixth floor of the ninth floor.

"It's powerful, but I don't know how to win the battle with the emperor?" Hong Yun muttered to himself.

At this moment, a voice came from Hong Yun's ears.

"A friend who does not belong to Hongmeng, come to the imperial palace, I have something to discuss with you."

Hong Yun frowned. This was the voice of Emperor Zun. He could hear it, and only Emperor Zun could say such words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that he knew that I was not from the Hongmeng period, but He should not be able to figure out my heels, and I am no weaker than anyone at the same level. "

Hong Yun pinched his fingers and calculated that he had nearly 300 time points in the Hongmeng period, that is, nearly 300 years.

He must return to the Primordial Lands as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a big trouble, I am afraid that the current Primordial Lands is already at war with the Ten Thousand Realms.

However, Hong Yun would still go to the Emperor's invitation. If he didn't go, I thought he was afraid!

The emperor represents strong.

The Emperor was even more disdainful of trickery, so Hong Yun had nothing to worry about.

Becoming the supreme, Hong Yun can go on a journey in the void during the Hongmeng period, cut through the void and enter it.


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