Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 881: tacit agreement

   Chapter 881 Tacit understanding

Once the news of   Hawaii Sea Battle came out and shocked the world, the British "The Times" called it "the battle that established the king of the Pacific", which was full of praise.

   This battle destroyed Citi’s arrogant mentality of becoming the world’s leader, slapped it back to its original shape, and repositioned the status of North American countries. The so-called American country’s dream of taking the lead and the big brother was almost shattered.

Although the    news report is exaggerated, it reflects the attitude of the United Kingdom from the side.

   As the deserving hegemon of today’s world, the United Kingdom is deeply vigilant against Germany, which provokes itself militarily, and the United States, which surpasses itself economically.

  The Ocean Empire gave Citigroup such a ruthless blow, which made Britain feel like eating ginseng fruit, and the word "comfortable" was revealed in 36,000 pores all over its body.

  Don't blame Britain for its dark psychology. Its status as a world hegemon cannot be provoked or coveted.

  If the Ocean Empire has the strength to beat the German Navy, then... it is estimated that the British who have always been reserved can jump up in ecstasy and offer a kiss.

  Citiland's strength is severely weakened, which is also what Germany is willing to see. Germany and the United States are in fierce competition in the economic field and are each other's opponents. They want to see a lose-lose situation.

   Of course, this result is not bad.

   The always arrogant Kaiser Wilhelm II seems to have known Li Fushou for the first time, and made a friendly gesture in public; yes, I like him, yes... This is a guy who often surprises us.

   After this battle

  The position of the Ocean Empire in the world has skyrocketed. No one feels that the Ocean Empire is an island at the end of the world. The people there are rude and ignorant. They live by herding sheep, and it is a place where European civilization cannot shine.

The European media and public opinion are full of praise, and the reports about the Ocean Empire are also biased towards the positive side. This is respect for a world power. In today's world, it is not enough to be rich. What really determines the right to speak is the military power. The Ocean Empire just shows A respectable strength.

Early 20th Century

  The world is generally recognized that the British Royal Navy is the first in strength, dominates the world, and is unmatched.

  Germany's rapidly developing high seas fleet is powerful, and it is firmly seated at the second position in the world. This is undisputed and widely accepted by all countries in the world.

   But this third position, not a few years after entering the 20th century, has already changed several candidates, and no one has been able to sit for too long.

   Originally, Tsarist Russia relied on a large number of franc loans to build warships, which once overwhelmed the French Navy and ranked third in the world's navy. Unfortunately, the battle of Vladivostok between Japan and Russia returned to its original shape, and it has since become a joke.

  The Fuso National Navy stood out and was considered to be the third-strongest competitor in the world's navy ranking. Unfortunately, under the great efforts of Citi 05, 06 and 07 to build 14 battleships in the past three years, it soon became a thing of the past.

Today, the Ocean Empire stands proudly on the corpses of Citi, and its fierce combat effectiveness has been recognized by the world. Although it is still inferior to Citi in the total number of battleships, it has been recognized that its naval strength ranks third in the world, second only to the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom. Germany two countries.

   Now the suspense is... Who is the fourth naval power in the world?

   France, a traditional naval power, counts as one, Fusang as one, and Citi as one. This is a 3-to-1 topic.

  Why is Citigroup a competitor?

The news of the annihilation of the Hawaii Sea Battle came back to Citi, and immediately poured cold water on the people's high emotions. After a short silence, the people's anger drowned out the White House. The newspapers were full of accusations and abuse, and those with ulterior motives fanned the flames. , the grieving family members of the military and the scolding Texas cowboys made the situation even more chaotic.

At this time, there were still many separatists who jumped out to make a big move, attacked the government, abused the president, and further divided social groups. This kind of argument was especially prevalent in California and Texas, and New Mexico was also involved. into the raging public opinion.

   in the final analysis

Citigroup is a white immigrant country. It does not have its own main ethnic group with a long history. It is still young. The western, central and southern states have only been included in the bag in recent years. For three or four years, the foundation is unstable.

  If it is smooth sailing and expands the territory, coupled with the prosperity of the domestic economy, Citigroup has the ability to twist the whole country into a single rope, establish a strong sense of belonging and patriotism among the Chinese people, and slowly bridge the gap with time.

  In the event of a fiasco, the rifts within society will gradually widen…

It has to be said that Theodore Roosevelt was a strong and courageous president. He acted immediately after sensing the social crisis, and strongly pushed Congress to pass the Act on Restricting and Confiscation of the Assets of Hostile Countries. The stocks and accounts of the listed companies in Citigroup, which are held by the Imperial Royal Family Fund, were frozen, assets and accounts were frozen, a vigorous investigation was launched, and it was announced that the confiscated assets would be used for the upcoming more difficult war.

   This trick has a good effect, leading the anger of the domestic people to the culprit who started the war... Li Fushou, the dictator of the Ocean Empire, has to be said to be a coup for survival.

  Under the deliberate rendering and guidance of Citi Media, the monarch of the Ocean Empire, Li Fushou, was portrayed as a tyrant full of ambition and greed, with an almost infinite desire for land and wealth, and now he has extended his black hand to the beautiful and peaceful lover...

at the same time

   President Roosevelt took advantage of the prerogatives of the wartime president to force the large docks on the west coast to push all unfinished civilian ships out of the docks, build 13 battleships at one time, and frantically wave checks to European military enterprises to buy weapons and equipment.

  September 25th

  Citi Nation announced the second mobilization of war, the scale of this mobilization is 50 infantry divisions, vowing to build the west coast of North America into a strong Pacific bulwark, so that any enemy will be discouraged.

The Citi Navy is laying mines day and night in Seattle, Washington, Portland, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Jose cities along the Pacific coast, building shore artillery fortresses, and building reinforced concrete defense systems to prevent the landing of the Ocean Empire Army Native North America.

   Based on the above

   Therefore, it is not possible to exclude the Citi National Navy from competing for the fourth position in the world, but it did not defeat the Ocean Empire Navy one day.

  The news of the victory of the Hawaii Sea Battle came back to China, which immediately detonated the strong patriotic enthusiasm of the people of the Ocean Empire. The excited southern state cowboys took up their guns and swept the sky wildly, expressing their ecstasy.

  In the cities of the mainland and overseas states, the people who held the celebrations sang and danced, set off firecrackers, danced dragons and lions, and raced dragon boats. Every family was as happy as a festival, and they couldn’t hide the pride and pride in their eyebrows.

  All the public opinion agencies in the empire were at full speed in propaganda, and the highlights of the naval battle were published in the newspapers. Luoyang was expensive for a time, and everyone was eager to witness it.

The Empire also conducted the second war mobilization. After recruiting the first batch of 100,000 volunteers, the second batch of 220,000 volunteers was recruited. At recruitment sites across the country, young people who actively joined the army formed long queues. team.

There are many touching scenes. The veterans who once participated in the Moresby Blockade brought their three sons to apply, the newlywed wife sent her husband to apply, the nobles of the military family brought their children to apply, the young eagle The whole class of students in the school cast their pen to join the army...

  The two sides are gearing up, and the more severe war test has not yet come.

  The countries that signed the military alliance treaty also took practical actions. A regiment of Lanfang Kingdom has arrived in Qingdao, and the Ryukyu Kingdom will send a division of troops, including two infantry regiments. An advance battalion from the Kingdom of Vietnam has arrived in Manila and is about to join the expedition of the Pacific Allies.

In the midst of the chaos, Argentina was also unwilling to be lonely, forcibly introduced the "Wartime Act", unreasonably confiscated the property of Chinese businessmen, deprived of personal liberty, sent Chinese immigrants to concentration camps, and arrived in Buenos Aires in the Citi National Cruiser fleet. After that, it was even more rampant.

  Crazy clamor; the Pampas grassland is the cemetery where the Tang people were buried, as many as you come…

   A day in early October 1908

   Daming Palace

  In the solemn and solemn Taiji Palace, Li Fushou, Emperor of the Ocean Empire, personally presided over the royal ceremony and awarded the visiting Prince George of Wales the highest level of the Knights of Glory, becoming one of the members of the Knights of Glory.

This is a lofty honor of the same level as the Knights of the Garter of the United Kingdom. Li Fushou personally serves as the head of the Knights of Glory. Its members are adult princes, kings of various countries, crown princes, and leaders in the military and political circles with outstanding contributions. Up to now, there are only three people. Get this honor.

The first is the former Prime Minister Fan Changjun, the second is Admiral Conrad Adenauer who established the Imperial Army, and the third is Admiral He Fang, Minister of the Admiralty. From this, it can be seen that the gold content of the Knights of Glory How tall is it?

   After the ceremony

   Li Fushou and Crown Prince George had a private chat, and after a brief exchange of words, the conversation went straight to the point.

   "Dear George, I have privately asked the UK's opinion many times, hoping to join forces to teach Citi Cowboys a lesson. I still have such expectations today. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

   "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, the Citizens' lobbying group in London is very powerful, and the relevant proposals are stillborn and cannot be passed in the House of Commons."

"That's a real shame, George, I know the UK doesn't want the Citi Cowboys to be too powerful, and the interests of Oceania and London are perfectly aligned at this point. So, at the right time, I'd love to see California or Dirk Saskatchewan independence, what do you think?"

   "I personally agree with you very much, as does the London government."

   "Hehehe...Is this a tacit agreement?"

   "Yes, Your Majesty, I am sure of that."

   (end of this chapter)

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