Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 875: Those who violate the empire will be punished even if they are thousands of miles away

  Chapter 875 It is clear that those who violate the empire will be punished even if they are thousands of miles away.

  September 1908 was destined to be a noisy and memorable time.

   On September 3, Citigroup officially declared war on the Ocean Empire.

On September 4th, Ocean Empire showed a calm and calm attitude towards the official declaration of war against Citi. , safeguard the legitimate interests of their own diaspora, and have no intention of becoming an enemy of Huaqi.

  If the precipice is reined in, there is still room for discussion.

   This official statement has caused an uproar in the world, especially European countries who are watching the fun and are not afraid of big things, and they have encouraged Huaqiguo to make a statement. What do you think about this?

   That's pathetic

   In this era, Citigroup was a lone ghost. Not only did it have little influence in Europe, but it was also excluded from the European circle of friends. The feudal kingdoms in Europe regarded their democratic system as a beast, and they were extremely vigilant.

   There is no way for France, you can only accept it with your nose, you can’t let France move, right?

   The White House was blown away by the statement of the Ocean Empire; I have declared war, how can I take it back? Isn’t that sadder than death?

As a result, the new White House Secretary of State Macmillan, based on Hua Qi's "Monroe Policy", released an appealing battle letter, depicting Citi as the leading big brother in the Americas, just like the game of eagles and chickens, playing the role of An old hen guarding her young.

  Citi President Roosevelt is not omnipotent. In order to persuade the Congress to agree to start a war and support Argentina thousands of kilometers away, he can only talk about the national policy "Monroe Doctrine".

  This thing has been a national policy for 85 years. Anyone who opposes it is political suicide, so the war dispute case was successfully approved by the Congress.

  The Ocean Empire immediately expressed surprise and launched a powerful counterattack; we are not a European power, are we?

  Citiland;? ? ?

   On September 11, the Ocean Empire officially declared war on Citi.

  Britain, France, Russia, Fusang, Qing Dynasty, Italy, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Empire successively expressed their neutrality and moved to a small bench to prepare for a good show.

   The strange thing is that the German Empire has been silent, and it has been secretly sending good news to Citi and Oceania, and its domestic public opinion is also very strange, what a pity! Sorry! Not so! Even if there is a point of hope, you must do your best!

  Xingqing Palace

  Li Fushou was sitting on the upper throne, listening to the report of Foreign Minister Tang Zhaoyi, with a strange look in his eyes.

   This German brat really wants to lose his mind, and he wants to use this as a bargaining chip to win over the Ocean Empire as an ally. It is estimated that there is also an attractive offer from Citigroup, right?

   that is to say

   As long as the Ocean Empire agrees to form a military alliance, Germany is willing to go shirtless and take military action against Citi.

  William II was really a pig head, he didn't even think about it, can the British allow this to happen?

   Childish, childish to the point of being ridiculous.

"Okay, ignore this idiot, let's discuss our current affairs." Li Fushou waved his hand and interrupted the words of Foreign Minister Tang Zhaoyi. As for the German ambassador, who is the special and plenipotentiary representative of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II, which is cool? Go ahead, don't have time to pay attention to him.

   His gaze swept across the Prime Minister Fan Zhongzhai, and fell on the face of Admiral Mo Rufeng, Minister of War, and asked coldly, "How are the preparations going?"

Admiral Mo Rufeng immediately stood up, bowed and saluted and replied, "Reporting to Your Majesty, all the troops are ready to go, and the advance troops dispatched to Pearl Harbor will leave tonight. The other troops are undergoing intense pre-war training. Available at any time.”

   "Very good, how's the war mobilization going?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the war mobilization involved 300,000 soldiers. This year, the scale of recruits has been expanded by 100,000. With the full cooperation of the government, it has been arranged. Weapons and firearms have been released one after another. The weapons manufacturers are producing at full capacity to supply the front-line needs. , the preparations have been well done.”

   "Well, recruits will be added to the war, and some retired veterans should be recalled appropriately. Don't overly affect the good situation of social stability and unity. It will take several months until the army troops are on the field on a large scale, which is enough time for your training."

   "Wei Chen understands that he must follow His Majesty's instructions."

   Li Fushou nodded after hearing this, then turned to Admiral He Fang, the Minister of the Admiralty, and asked, "How about you?"

Admiral He Fang immediately stood up, clasped his fists and saluted; "Reporting to Your Majesty, the expeditionary strike formation to Pearl Harbor has set off. This trip has carried a lot of logistical weight and ammunition, which can be used for long-term combat. The follow-up main ship formation is on standby at any time. Heed your Majesty's call."

   "How is the construction of the battleship?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the South Australia and the Western Australia are under intensive construction in the dock. 60% of the main body has been completed, and it is expected to be outfitting in two and a half months. The additional five "Somali" class ships The battleships, the No. 1 ship Somalia, the No. 2 ship Dongxiang, and the No. 3 ship Kalimantan have entered the dock successively and will be put into construction in the near future. According to the speed of the shipyard's work day and night, it is expected that all of them will be launched before March next year. The No. 4 ship, the West Shangri-La, and the No. 5 ship, the East Kalimantan, are a little later and are expected to be outfitting in June next year."

The "Somali" class battleship is a type of battleship designed and built with minor modifications according to the use of the "Queensland" class battleship. The displacement has increased by 850 tons, the underwater anti-sway fins have been increased, and the transverse watertight cabins have been added, and the thickness has been appropriately increased. The secondary guns are armored, and two water reconnaissance aircraft and a crane are added. The armament and powerplant were left intact.

These big guys with more than 28,000 tons must be built with a 30,000-ton dock. As a world-class shipbuilding country, Ocean Empire has 11 30,000-ton docks and two 50,000-ton docks, all of which can be built. battleship.

However, many are occupied by civilian ships, and some shipyards are slightly inferior in technical strength. Only 5 docks can really build battleships, all of which are in the Beilun Port Shipbuilding Base, which have all been occupied to build warships, and the technical strength of Hongshan Heavy Industry is also Tilt to Beilun.

Today's warships are getting bigger and bigger, and the Red River Valley Shipyard is no longer able to do what it can. The existing channel conditions limit the entry of larger warships. 25,000 tons is barely enough, and 27,000 tons of draft is too deep. Don't go.

After listening to the report, Li Fushou instructed with a stern expression: "Okay, since war has been declared, don't be idle, let our fangs shine, how about the Tasmania? Can you follow the main fleet to fight together? ?"

   "Report to Your Majesty, yes, the main and secondary guns of the Tasmania are all outfitting, and the fighters trained by other battleships have already taken up their posts. Some subsequent outfitting work can be completed during the voyage without affecting combat training."

"That's right, don't give me the cannonballs since the fight is on, and give me some fun during training, but whoever looks ahead and back in the battle, doesn't obey orders, is greedy for life and fears death, and runs away from battle, no matter who he is, he will be executed. family."

Li Fushou's cold words resounded through the hall, indicating the unshakable and strong will of the monarch. Admiral He Fang froze on his back, bowed deeply with both hands, and said, "Follow Your Majesty's will, the Royal Navy's edicts are strict, There is progress and no retreat, and I swear I won’t pay back if I don’t get a complete victory.”

"Okay, what I want is this arrogance and lofty ambition. It is the man who takes it out and hangs it to dry, and the soft egg will show its original shape." Li Fushou looked domineeringly around the hall, and all the military and political officers present stood up in unison. Respectfully saluting, only his voice resounded in the hall; "Send a word to the children, those who violate the empire will be punished even if they are thousands of miles away."

"The ministers and others are obedient to the sacred decree. Those who violate the empire will be punished even if they are thousands of miles away." …


   on the vast Pacific Ocean

The expeditionary strike formation led by Li Jie, deputy commander of the Pacific Fleet, is passing through Midway Island, which is owned by Citi. At this moment, Midway Island is smoky and has been occupied by a destroyer team sent by the expeditionary strike formation. The island survived the shelling. And 131 US troops and more than 400 local residents all became prisoners, and dozens of US troops and local residents were killed and wounded.

   There is a small port built on this island, which can meet the berthing needs of ships under 5000 tons.

   At this moment, on the flagship battleship "Songjiang", Lieutenant General Li Jie has set his sights on Oahu Island, 1,200 kilometers away, thinking about the next combat strategy.

The advance expeditionary strike formation he led, commanded four "Metropolis" class battleships, two 13,500-ton (Red River Valley, Brisbane), two 16,000-ton (Songjiang, Melbourne), six "Courage" class battleships Cruisers, four "Flower Moon" class cruisers, sixteen Frost-class destroyers, a total of 4 units.

   The first battleship detachment, the second "Courage" class cruiser detachment, the third one is a mixed formation consisting of four "Kazuki" class cruisers as the main force and 8 destroyers, and the fourth is an independent destroyer formation formed by eight destroyers.

   A large transport fleet consisting of 11 troop carriers and 42 freighters of the common cover is about to go to the military base on Oahu Island... Pearl Harbor.

The expeditionary strike formation started immediately after the declaration of war by Citi on September 3, and went north to Naha, Ryukyu, to rest for two days for sufficient coal supply, and then continued to cross the vast Pacific Ocean in the east of the Fusang Islands to reach Midway Island. After clearing the island's defenders, attempts were made to contact the Pearl Harbor base by long-range trans-Pacific cable.

  Fortunately, the section of the submarine cable from Pearl Harbor to Oahu to Fusang is still open, according to news from the Pearl Harbor front;

   During the daily routine inspection, no trace of the U.S. fleet was found within 200 nautical miles around the island of Hawaii, which is good news.

  According to many sand table simulations, once a war breaks out and Citizens join the war, they will be the first to attack the Hawaiian Islands, which are 3,200 kilometers away from the west coast of Citi.

The reason is obvious. Once the Hawaii Island and the important Pearl Harbor military base are occupied, the front line can be advanced 5,500 kilometers to Shangri-La Island, all of which are the vast Pacific Ocean, which is equivalent to an increase of 5,500 kilometers of defense depth. it goes without saying.

   Therefore, the Hawaiian Islands is a strategic point that must be fought.

  The main force of the Great White Fleet is now staying in San Francisco, California, about 5,000 kilometers away from Hawaii, a little closer than Manila, but if you wait until the Ocean Empire declares war before preparing to start, it will be a bit slower.

  Because the Ocean Empire's expedition strike formation has set off for a week, the gap between the inside and the outside is not small.

Every move of    has a deep meaning, not just to ridicule Citizens, but to seize the lead.

   Li Jie glanced at his watch, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   Today is the 8th day. It is now 9:40 am. According to the speed of the expeditionary strike formation of 12 knots per hour, it will take about 47 hours to arrive at Pearl Harbor from here, that is, at 8 am the day after tomorrow.

   With Pearl Harbor operating a perfect defense system for more than ten years, even if it was besieged by the main force of the Great White Fleet, it could survive in two days no matter what.

   Of course, this is only the worst case.

   The 3rd Detachment is now escorting the cargo fleet, about 300 kilometers behind. The expeditionary strike formation needs to go straight to Oahu without stopping to clear out any possible enemies in the surrounding area, and assist the cargo fleet to enter Pearl Harbor smoothly.

The 3rd Division of the Royal Guards came with the fleet, which is an army unit with a reinforced armored tank battalion, and accompanied by a supplementary corps of 3,000 people, with a total strength of 21,200 people, with a strong independence combat capability.

  With this force stationed on the island, and the flank echoes of the expeditionary strike formation, the Yankees do not pay a heavy price, and do not want to occupy the Hawaiian Islands.

   as far as he knows;

   When the war was declared on September 3, 1908, the Citizen Army had less than 100,000 troops in total, and if there was a fight, the entire pile would be in jeopardy.

   Oh, by the way, Citigroup has never been known for the army, they play the militia.

   It was like this during the Spanish-American War. More than 100,000 militiamen were quickly mobilized and sent to the battlefield. As a result, the war was an ugly one, and it was pure rookie pecking at each other.

   After the members of the Imperial Military Observatory came back, they shook their heads with a wry smile; watching this war, their tactical literacy has gone backwards by 20 years.

   is also bullying the rotten Spaniard. The process was stumbling and stumbling, making mistakes and making people feel tired.

   In the Spanish-American War of 1898, the current President Roosevelt also performed.

Roosevelt was not satisfied with watching the battle in the rear. He resigned from his civilian job in the Navy Department and formed a regiment of old Western cowboy friends and old Eastern Ivy League alumni, known as the "Citi Country First Volunteer Cavalry Brigade", with the rank of lieutenant colonel, and later promoted for the colonel.

Although it is known as a cavalry brigade, due to the chaos of the logistics fleet, the boats carrying the horses do not know where they are going. Roosevelt is the only person in the unit who has horses to ride, and he can only command this cavalry brigade, which is all infantry. into battle.

   sounds like a joke, well, the focus is on participation, don’t be too demanding!

   (end of this chapter)

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