Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 846: Little Waner of History

  Chapter 846 The Little Bend of History

  The discussion on the cruiser "Hanagyue" was relaxed and enthusiastic. The Royal Navy generals approached this unprecedented sea battle in modern world history with the mentality of watching a good show.

  The cruise fleet stationed in Naha Port, Ryukyu, has set sail every two days since May 20 to patrol the surrounding waters. The search range has now been expanded to 900 kilometers in order to find the traces of the Russian fleet.

  Anyway, no matter how he detours, he will definitely not be able to bypass the waters around Ryukyu.

  On May 25, 1905, a supply ship with Saudi Russian nationality sailed into the Shanghai port, and General Togo Heihachiro, commander of the Fuso United Fleet, judged based on this;

  The Russian fleet must be in the nearby waters.

  So, Commander Togo concentrated the combined fleet in the town of Tsushima and North Korea, waiting for the war to come. And dispatched 4 armed merchant ships and 2 old cruisers to reconnaissance in the East China Sea.

  From this alone, we can see how careless the Russian fleet is, and there is no sense of secrecy.

  These disbanded Tsarist Russian supply ships took a straight line and entered the Shanghai port. They couldn’t wait to enjoy it in this colorful world. They did not pay attention to their whereabouts and exposed the news of the large fleet.

  Fusang people were able to get this news, and the Ocean Empire Navy knew this news first, and it was more and more comprehensive.

  Because there are seven or eight Russian supply ships in Manila Port, Samarinda Port, they are like hungry ghosts rushing to the brothel and the tavern, the first time they started the mode of prostitution and drinking.

  If someone is willing to pay 10 gold oceans, these sailors who have tortured at sea for more than half a year can tell the color of the Tsarist Russian Navy Fleet Commander’s underpants.

  A sense of secrecy, that thing doesn’t exist at all.

  So this time, the cruisers "Hua Yue" and "Full Moon" carried a large number of middle and high-ranking officers of the Royal Navy, with more than a hundred people.

  The commander can enter the conning tower with the best sight, because the conning tower has thick armor protection, even if there is a stray bullet, it will not be accidentally injured, and safety is guaranteed.

  Intermediate officers can only be distributed in various cabins, waiting to witness this unprecedented naval battle in human history.

  For the same purpose, there are many British, German, French, and American warships cruising in the Yellow Sea. They are like vultures hovering in the sky, looking for the smell of blood on the sea.

  The Russian fleet set sail in the Baltic Sea in October 1904 and bypassed the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. To this day, on May 26, 1905, after more than half a year of ocean voyage, it finally arrived in the Yellow Sea waters. It is only one step away from the Far East Vladivostok.

  At this moment, in accordance with the order of the commander of the fleet, Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky, after the last replenishment of oil and water in the depths of the South China Sea, all the logistics vessels and coal ships left the fleet and returned on their own.

  He led the main battleship formation to sail westward to 1 am, and then turned north, heading straight to the northern waters.

  On the morning of May 26th, the Yellow Sea surface

  In the command tower of the Russian flagship "Duke Suvorov"

  Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky, commander of the Tsarist Russian fleet, sat in the command position, staring at the sea ahead with a stern expression. The tremendous pressure kept him from smiling for many days.

  He knew that there was a powerful Fuso fleet in front of him, eager to swallow all of the Russian expedition fleet including the bones.

  Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky knew in his heart, what is the quality of the fleet he led?

  This is what looks powerful. More than half of the sailors are conscripted retired sailors and peasants. Without adequate training, they have experienced a long voyage across half of the earth. The situation is messed up.

  "Your Excellency Commander, three cruisers of the Ocean Empire were found ahead, belong to the Ocean Empire Navy and one belongs to the United Kingdom. Please give instructions."

  "Order one of our cruisers to leave the formation, go to stop following, and drive away friendly. The semaphore signal indicates: Our fleet is passing harmlessly in the high seas area and is not hostile. Please do not follow all the way to cause misjudgment."

   "Understand, kindly drive away."

  "Sailing 20 degrees east north, speed 10.5 knots, keep in line."


  After giving the order, Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky frowned deeply, and with a serious expression he picked up the telescope to observe the distant Ocean Empire cruiser. By the way...there was a British cruiser following him.

  In Europe, Britain and Russia are quasi allies close to each other, while in the Far East, they are full-fledged enemies.

   "Damn it, I don't know what is going on in St. Petersburg, it makes the Russian-British relationship so complicated that it makes people confused."

  "General Mendeleevsky is a political game played by the upper-class nobles. You may not like him, but you have to accept this stupid definition and work hard to adapt."

"The Minister of Foreign Affairs Morosovsky should be hanged. He is a stupid fat pig who is greedy for money, lustful and incompetent. He has plunged the Tsarist Empire into a predicament of confusion. All of this needs our navy to bear. This is simply the best in the world. Ridiculous thing."

"General Mendeleevsky, the fleet under my command is not so much a navy. I would rather call him the Guards Grenadier regiment in the uniform of the Tsarist Russian Navy. It has not yet washed the mud on the feet but the hands. Farmer with black nails."

   "Dear Commander, your evaluation is really sharp and impressive."

"More than that. The Third Pacific Fleet is equipped with old-fashioned ships. We brought them with us. It is a big burden. I repeatedly sent calls to St. Petersburg to let our Second Pacific Fleet go north by ourselves, but they were ruthlessly rejected. Now.” Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky said in a harsh voice now that the slots were full, and the clouds on his brows covered one layer after another;

  "God, please have mercy on your loyal believers!

  If we were not taking them, our speed through dangerous sea areas could increase by three knots, which means more chances of successful crossing.

  If the situation is really critical, only the tail dock to survive. "

   "God, if you do this, you will go to a military court and be hanged." Major General Mendeleevsky, chief of staff of the fleet, looked at him in surprise and couldn't help blurting out.

Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky is the tallest among the shortcomings of the Tsarist Russian Navy. He is a rare sensible man. Although he is mediocre and lacks flexibility, he is loyal to and trusted by the Tsar. That’s why he was able to lead almost all the possessions of the Tsarist Russian Navy. A long expedition to the airway.

   Say it politely

  If he can successfully reach Vladivostok and complete this unprecedented brilliant feat, he is already a famous admiral who can stay in the annals of history.

  God testifies, how difficult it is.

"I would rather be hanged than take these poor soldiers into **** because of the stupidity of St. Petersburg. There are two paths before us, General Mendeleevsky, which one do you think we should go? "

   "Tsima Strait, we only need a little luck, and we can slip by at night."

   "Luck, I didn't find God's favor."

"Your Excellency Commander, the endless sea is our best cover. After entering the Tsushima Strait in the dark, the fleet maintains the strictest light control, even if the Fuso United Fleet is blocked there, as long as the distance is more than 10 chains, he I can't find us either."

   "To be honest, I used to think so, but now I change my mind."

   "Uh...Your Excellency Commander, what do you mean..."

"When these flies were driven away, we changed our course in the middle of the night and sailed east. After entering the Pacific Ocean east of the Fusang Islands, we went to the Soya Strait, uh... In addition, we ordered the Diamond, Pearl, and Svetlana of the Second Squadron. The destroyer, 6 of the 10 auxiliary ships, and two hospital ships continued their northward journey through the Tsushima Strait to the port of Vladivostok."

   "Uh, well, your meaning will be carried out. This seems to give up the 2nd Squadron. Can I ask more why?"

"General Mendeleevsky, if the 2nd Squadron's three destroyers and six military auxiliary ships, plus two hospital ships can successfully pass through the Tsushima Strait, then it proves that our previous judgment is correct. They are. It will arrive at Vladivostok Port unharmed. On the contrary... it means losing a small auxiliary fleet."

  Speaking of which

Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky looked a little strange. For some unspeakable reasons, this was not his original arrangement, but when he saw through the binoculars that there were three hanging on the cruiser "Hana Moon" ahead. The same orange pennant instantly changed his mind.

  According to unilateral secret channel news; these three flags indicate extreme danger in the Tsushima Strait.

  Before the Russo-Japanese War

  The commanders of the Russian army and navy are extremely arrogant. In 1903, the chief of staff of the Russian Pacific Fleet, General Witteft, once threatened;

  The Russian Pacific Fleet will never be defeated by the Fuso Fleet, and the Japanese will never have a chance to land on the coast of North Korea or the Yellow Sea.

  The words are still in your ears

  The Tsarist Russian Pacific Fleet hiding in Lushun Port has been wiped out. Those admirals who uttered wild words were either killed or wounded or captured. Facts have proved that the small Japanese people are much stronger than imagined.

  If the mouth artillery can conquer the world, Tsarist Russia has already planted its flag on all five continents.

  The Fusang people have proved with the victory of the Yellow Sea that they are stronger than the Pacific Fleet, which can be called the elite Russian navy. Lieutenant General Roger Stevinsky would not want to hit him. That would be really stupid.

As long as time, after some training, the powerful Second Pacific Fleet led by him will surely be able to rapidly increase its combat power. This fleet has 6 brand-new battleships, and the longest enlisted fleet is less than two years old. The three ships are only 8 months old.

  In other words, the fleet will be delivered to the fleet after launching and outfitting, and there is no time to train and form combat effectiveness.

  Time is on the side of Tsarist Russia’s Second Pacific Fleet, as long as it can rush into Vladivostok Port is a victory.

  History has turned a corner here. No one knows what the future will be like.

  At night, this huge Tsarist Russian fleet sailing north quietly turned to the east and headed towards the vast Pacific, but separated a small fleet to continue sailing north, with the goal of crossing the Tsushima Strait...

  (End of this chapter)

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