Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 843: details make a difference.

  Chapter 843 The details determine success or failure.

   thousands of miles away

  West Coast of Somalia

On the azure sea, a huge and trembling steel fleet is full of sight. Numerous ship bows broke through the azure sea. The tall chimneys are like forests, and the sprayed smoke is blackened. Half of the sky, giving people a strong visual shock.

At the end of the horizon, one after another tall steel triangular masts jumped out of the sea, revealing the huge and icy hull clearly, and the muzzle of the black hole pointed straight ahead, containing infinite murderous opportunities, even if it was not far from the equator. In the hot zone, people can't help but look at the cold wind on their backs.

The telescope turned to the battleship "Eagle", a cutting-edge battleship that was just delivered in October last year. Less than 4 months ago, the factory tape markings on the huge gun mounts can be clearly seen. This type of three battleships It is the main force of the Second Pacific Fleet of Tsarist Russia. The seat cushions of the commander of the fleet, "Duke Suvorov" and "Eagle" are new ships delivered only in October.

  All the way to the roost, all the way to temper the ability of sailors to maneuver ships.

  In the telescope

  Major General Jason Adenauer, commander of the African Squadron, looked at the furry sailors in the Tsarist Russian fleet, who looked like gray monkeys, with a scornful smile on his mouth.

  A powerful battleship requires high-quality sailors to operate. If a powerful battleship wants to exert its full combat power, it must be guided by thousands of sailors, and countless details can be aggregated to form a daunting dominance.

  At this point, Mao Zihai is still far behind.

If calculated on a tenth basis, Rear Admiral Jason Ardenne scored 9 points for the Royal Navy, 8 points for the German Navy and the Imperial Navy, 7 points for the Fusang Navy, 4 points for the Qing Navy and 4 points for the Maozi Navy. Score 2 points.

As a traditional army power, the Russian navy has not developed its own style and has not condensed the navy spirit. There are too many missing classes from ship command to soldier training. You can see countless shortcomings when you look for it, and people don’t bother to complain. .

  Unlike the mess on the new battleship of the Second Pacific Fleet of Russia, the fast cruiser "Naniwa" boarded by Major General Jason Ardenne was as clean as new, with less than a trace of stains.

  Even if it has been in service for more than ten years, the 3600-ton Naniwa fast cruiser from the steam-powered cabin to the main gun position is all clean and tidy, and the broken paint bottom surface can reflect the reflection of people.

  The officers and soldiers wearing dark blue combat uniforms buttoned up every style button. Even if they were all sweaty, they couldn't see the sea breeze with their sleeves rolled up to their elbows and their necks open.

The fingernails of every sailor in the empire are clean and cut very short. This is in stark contrast to the gray monkey on the opposite side, like a beggar-like Tsarist Russian sailor. Many Tsarist sailors don’t even wear a hat and let the sea breeze. Blow the hair like a madman, wantonly messy.

  Major General Jason Adenauer, commander of the African Squadron, led the main fleet composed of "Naniwa" and "Takachiho". After receiving the Second Pacific Fleet from the coast of South Africa, he followed it all the way south.

  In the meantime, it rested at the port of Dar es Salaam, a colony of the German Congo, to replenish coal, vegetables, grain, meat and various canned food and other logistics materials, and then re-anchor to the Horn of Africa.

In the course of two and a half months, the empire's accompanying fleet has been accompanying around, from the naval trainee to the commander Major General Jason Adenauer, all carefully and carefully observe each other, and know what the Tsarist Russian fleet from the Baltic Sea is all about. Very deep.

  The more you see, the greater the disappointment.

Originally, Major General Jason Adenauer believed that the victory was three to seven, and the Russian fleet's win was relatively small. Now it seems that it can only be nine. Unless God bless a miracle, the Russian fleet will perform at a high level beyond training. To win is to dream.

Rear Admiral Jason-Adenauer knew very well about the Fuso United Fleet. When the "Samarinda" teased the Fuso Fleet off Lushun, it lasted two days before and after the Japanese navy officers and soldiers braved the freezing cold wind to keep it all the way. In the battle position, meticulously perform his duties.

  It is not visible from the fully enclosed main ship’s gun position. The Japanese naval officers and soldiers manipulating the open 76mm quick guns, all the artillery crew are in a state of combat at all times, and none of them have left their posts due to the extreme cold.

   Knowing that there will be no battle, but still meticulously enforce the naval regulations, never give a slight discount, which reflects the professionalism possessed by the high-quality navy.

  Only this, the old Maozi Navy on the opposite side could not do it.

  "Your Excellency Commander, you will enter the Arabian Sea ahead, please give instructions."

  "Continue to implement accompaniment until the unwelcome guest is sent 50 nautical miles away from our waters before the mission can be considered complete."

   "Yes, your commander."

Major General Jason Ardenne put down the telescope in his hand and will soon complete the **** mission for more than two months. He faintly looks forward to going to Xi’an Port for rest. He likes spicy chicken and braised pork intestine. In the morning, two fried dough sticks and a bowl of soy milk are even more beautiful when paired with Xiaolongbao.

  To say like steak bread, it’s okay to eat it occasionally, but it’s a bit greasy to eat it often.

  Alas, my Chinese appetite that has nowhere to rest!

Standing in the commander’s tower, looking at the huge lineup of the Tsarist Russia’s Pacific Fleet from a distance, Major General Jason Adenauer had a look of pity on his face and said, "Old Wu, these old Tsarist Russians seem to want I have suffered a lot, this voyage is a disaster!"

   "I agree with you very much, Commander Commander."

With a rare smile on his solemn face, Navy Colonel Wu Shouxu handed the telescope in his hand to the navigator and ordered "continue to observe carefully." Adapt to severe cold weather.

  This time, during the long voyage from the Arabian Sea eastward through the Indian subcontinent to the French Indochina Peninsula, they could not find a supply port, which would be an extremely severe test.

  The sailors can only struggle in the hot torture and harsh coal ash environment. They must carry out multiple sea coal replenishments, which is simply a disaster.

  In this regard, the Russian fleet is among the best in the world.

  To be honest, I really don’t know how much combat power they will have when they arrive in the Far East? "

“It should be a long-term repair in the French Indochina Peninsula. They know that the Fusang fleet is at a very high level of training. It claims to be “hit every shot”. Although the bragging component is very large, it is indeed far stronger than the level of the Tsarist Russian fleet. On this point, the Russian commander has a clear understanding."

   "Hope, don't lose too ugly."

"We can't do anything about this. In today's world navy, the Tsarist Russian fleet is an upstart, and the French were taken over. They built a formidable fleet in a short period of time, but unfortunately they did not cultivate it. It's my own temperament, which is regrettable."

  (End of this chapter)

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