Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 834: Transcript of 1904

  Chapter 834 Transcript of 1904

At the time when the northern artillery fires, the Ocean Empire's international and domestic demand is booming. After years of accumulation, a new round of economic growth bursts. In 1904, the national economic growth reached a high level of 27.3%, which promoted Somalia, Borneo and Shangri-La. The region is fully industrialized.

  In this year

  The total economic output of the Ocean Empire officially surpassed France, ranking fourth in the world after the United States, Germany and Britain.

  The economy of the Ocean Empire has developed rapidly in the past four years, achieving the goal of doubling the total economic volume and reaching a major step every year.

  Looking back at 1900

  The total economic volume of the Ocean Empire was US$4.76 billion, ranking 7th in the world after Russia US$7.7 billion, France US$5.9 billion, and Qing Dynasty US$5.2 billion.

Four years have passed. Thanks to the huge demand driven by the Boer War in South Africa and the Russo-Japanese War in the Far East, international trade has improved in an all-round way. The strong industrial base accumulated by the Ocean Empire over the years has exploded and doubled the economic output two years ahead of schedule. Big goal.

  According to the statistics at the end of 1904, the annual economic aggregate reached 9.655 billion U.S. dollars, the per capita GDP was 161 U.S. dollars, and various economic indicators increased substantially.

The total population increased from 46.71 million in 1900 to 59.5 million at the end of 1904, not far from the 60 million population mark. This population size ranks seventh in the world, second only to the sixth-ranked Germany, 62.71 million. population.

  The population structure of the empire was further optimized. The Chinese population increased from 87.62% in 1900 to 91.6%. The population of other ethnic groups accounted for the remaining 8.4%, totaling more than 5 million people.

  In 1900, the indigenous population of Luzon Islands and Africa totaled 4.72 million, accounting for 10.42% of the total population. The Luzon Islands alone has 3.65 million local indigenous population, accounting for 76% of the indigenous population, and it is undoubtedly the first.

By 1904, due to the large-scale export of labor to South American countries, the indigenous population of the Luzon Islands had dropped to 2.391 million, and the indigenous population of Africa had also fallen sharply. The two totaled 3.073 million, and the proportion of the total population decreased from 10.42% to 5.12. %.

In the proportion of the total population, the proportion of whites has increased significantly, from 1,294,800 in 1900 to 1,534,400 in 1904. The population has increased by about 240,000 in four years. It is widely distributed in Australia, Borneo, and Lu Song Islands and Mozambique region, Shangri-La and Pacific Islands are less.

  Among them, the number of Italians who immigrated to Somalia in particular is the largest, with a total of more than 170,000 in 4 years. Others are white people from Britain, France, Germany and the United States who have immigrated to Australia, attracted by the rapid development of the local economy in Australia.

  In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, various parts of the Southeast Asia, Fusang, North Korea and other countries in the Far East.

  After entering the 20th century

  Asia and Africa continue to fight wars, and Europe rarely sees a peace period that lasts more than 10 years. The rapid economic development and vigorous external expansion have set off the final carnival of dividing the African colonies.

During this period, along with the second wave of the industrial revolution, which was dominated by the development of the electrical industry, the industrialization of European and American economic powers accelerated significantly, new technologies and new inventions sprung up, people's living standards increased significantly, and the total volume of international trade increased. Nearly twice as much.

  Following Citi, Germany’s total economic output has surpassed that of the United Kingdom, ranking second in the world, while the United Kingdom has retreated to third place.

  In just a few years

  The world economic map has undergone substantial changes. Citigroup is thriving and advancing. Germany and the Ocean Empire have grown rapidly, and they have become world-class economic powers, showing their aggressive edge.

  The veteran powers such as Britain and France are much inferior. In the early and mid-19th century, Britain took the lead in implementing the first steam industrial revolution, becoming the world's first industrialized power and opening the glory of the Victorian era.

  Because of stubborn and conservative traditional concepts, Britain fell behind in the second industrial revolution marked by electrification and did not harvest the biggest dividend.

  France has embarked on the evil path of making money and has developed into the world’s largest lending empire. The United States, Russia, and the Oceanic Empire issued large amounts of French franc loans, but neglected its own industrial development.

   Britain and France also have a common feature, that is, they have been obsessed with colonial expansion for more than ten years and invested a lot of energy in colonizing Asia and Africa, weaving illusory and powerful bubbles.

  In terms of foreign colonial expansion policy

  Ocean Empire has always maintained a sober understanding. Instead of blindly launching a new war of conquest, it learned from Citigroup’s expansion strategy and tried not to use force for things that could be solved with money.

  January 27, 1905

  The Ocean Empire and France held a series of formal diplomatic negotiations in Paris, reached a series of agreements on the future of the French island of Madagascar, and signed the formal "Paris Treaty."

  In the "Paris Treaty", the Ocean Empire obtained the sovereignty of the French island of Madagascar with 12 million gold oceans, and promised to give priority to the interests of France on the basis of safeguarding the rights of French businessmen.

  In exchange, the Ocean Empire allowed French goods to enter Mozambique and Somalia without barriers, and gave each other preferential tariff treatment.

  The signing of this treaty has strengthened the relationship between France and the Ocean Empire and paved the way for French goods to enter the Ocean Empire.


Ocean Empire commodities can also enter the French trade zone without any problems, especially the popular wool, sugar, automobiles, agricultural machinery, bicycles and petrochemical products. There is a strong market demand in the French trade zone. These are the two principles of law. Good things.

  It was originally proposed that China and France were willing to exchange the Mogadishu area of ​​Somalia. When the negotiation plan was sent to His Majesty for review, it was directly rejected and would rather spend more to buy it.

  In the end, an agreement can be reached, there are three factors that cannot be ignored;

  One, in the eyes of the veteran colonial powers such as Britain and France, colonies are a kind of business, and naturally there are losses and gains.

  The British Indian Peninsula is the core interest of the colony. It harvests huge profits every year. It is the jewel in the crown of the Queen of England. It is absolutely impossible to let it out.

  Some other colonies cannot make ends meet all the year round, so they are not so important.

  The same is true for the French. The core is the North African region on the north coast of the China Sea, including Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. These places are built according to local specifications. A large number of French immigrants dominate the local economy, which is regarded as an overseas province.

  Following is the French Indochina Peninsula, which is a colony that can embody France’s status as a world-class power. It has a large population, rich products, and great potential for future development.

  The French are stationed directly under the colonial agency to manage the area. There are heavy troops and fleets stationed in the Hanoi Governor’s Mansion. They do everything by themselves, and invest much more than the British colonial policy of herding sheep.

The colonies in Central and West Africa that are not taken seriously, including Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, Gabon, Congo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo and other regions, also Contains two sites in East Africa, Comoros and Madagascar.

  Second, the turmoil on the French island of Madagascar has intensified in recent years. Due to the scarcity of women on the island, the ratio of men to women is seriously out of balance. This has led to extreme hostility among the local indigenous men. Attacks on French immigrant towns have occurred from time to time. During the turmoil, hundreds of white women and even underage girls have been looted.

   There are only two French infantry regiments stationed on the island all year round, with a strength of more than 3,400 men. Faced with endless disturbances, they are too exhausted to deal with it.

  Only in 1904, frequent fighting and turmoil caused more than 370 French officers and soldiers to be killed and injured, of which 53 were killed and more than 300 injured. This put considerable pressure on the local French army and could not help but retreat.

  Today, the French colony of Madagascar is purely a loss for the French. In addition to dispatching administrative personnel, maintaining the local garrison also requires a large amount of money.

  The local riots continue to spread, and hundreds of white women have been abducted by the indigenous people. This has made the Paris government a faceless face and is really a hot potato.

3. The French-Russian alliance, which France attaches most importance to, played no role in the current fierce Japanese-Russian war. There were more than 20,000 troops stationed in the French Governor’s Palace in Saigon, but no soldier was sent. This aroused strong interest from the Russian side. dissatisfied.

  The French side smuggled merchants through the Ocean Empire and sent a large amount of logistical supplies to Tsarist Russia in the Far East War, which to a large extent eased the dissatisfaction of the Russian side, which provided the French with new ideas.

  The French are not short of money, and things that can be solved with money don’t count.

  If we can exchange an important colony in Africa for the goodwill of the Ocean Empire, continue to bear the pressure of Britain and Japan, continue to provide logistical supplies to Tsarist Russia in the Far East, and maintain the stability of the Franco-Russian alliance, then the effort will be worth it.

  What's more, the Ocean Empire was not taken for nothing. The price given was generous enough, and the interests of the French side could be taken care of. The face was saved, and the "Paris Treaty" was naturally a matter of course.

  The signing of this treaty demonstrates the further rise of the Ocean Empire’s international status. In this world where people look down upon others, being able to sit down on an equal footing with the established world powers to negotiate deals is a great progress in itself.

  The news of the signing of the "Paris Treaty" was passed back to China, and the Ocean Empire was full of joy. They generally agreed with the prosperity of the empire, and created a new example for the Datang nation to expand its territory overseas. This was highly praised by the media.

  Reported by "Melbourne Chronicle";

  The good news from Southeast Africa shows that at the poker table in the world today, the empire has sufficient confidence to bargain with the European powers. 12 million gold oceans bought the French island of Madagascar, which is a commendable good deal.

  Reported by "World Journal";

The good news from Paris spread quickly. In the past few days, people in various cities in the empire have spontaneously held celebration activities, such as dragon dance and lion dance, dragon boat racing, dry boating, and poetry and singing competitions, expressing their innermost feelings in a unique way of oriental national characteristics. Joy, the pride of being a Chinese...

  Reported by the Brisbane Courier;

  Eurasia Shipping Company today opened the first cruise to Madagascar, which marked the beginning of the development of Madagascar.

  On the dock

  The reporter interviewed aspiring travelers on the spot. Many of them are businessmen. They hope to take the lead in seizing the market on this East African island and embarking on an exciting journey of life...

  (End of this chapter)

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