Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 830: Model ranch

   Chapter 830 Model Ranch


  The attacking Russian army gathered more than two dozen artillery pieces, most of them 40-caliber and 75-caliber army field guns. The Japanese position on the top of Wanbao Mountain was bombarded with heavy smoke and dust.

  The shelling lasted for 5 minutes and then stopped, and then the black and heavy Russian offensive forces assaulted the mountaintop position. Gunshots broke out on the battlefield. The Japanese counterattacked and knocked down the Russian soldiers rushing forward like leeks.

  The offensive Russian soldiers also fired back with guns, and the crisp gunfire bursting with beans was generally endless.

  Listen carefully

  It can be found that the gunfire between Japan and Russia is intermittent, most of which are single-shot rifles, occasionally mixed with some heavy machine guns "Da Da Da... Da Da Da" bursts, there is no such crazy fire-fighting burst.

  This situation is not surprising. The Japanese and Russian armies do not lack heavy machine guns, but they lack sufficient ammunition and cannot use them freely.

  The reason is simple, poor.

  Tsarist Russia is now a decadent feudal serf system. With the help of a large number of francs loans, it has just started the process of industrialization. The main body is still an agricultural society, with backward productivity, serious corruption, and sharp social conflicts.

  The ruling class of Tsarist Russia is good at launching aggressive and expansion wars to transfer and ease social conflicts.

Since the Meiji Restoration, Fuso Kingdom has vigorously introduced advanced Western industrial technology and technology to develop civilization and embarked on the process of industrialization. However, due to the weak domestic foundation and lack of resources, the development speed has been slow.

  The change came from the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. After receiving huge amounts of war compensation from the Qing Dynasty, Fusang was favored by the United Kingdom and the United States and granted huge loans for its development, which enabled its domestic industrialization to make great progress.

  After the signing of the "Xin Chou Treaty", Fusang Nation once again obtained huge amounts of funds through war. The industrial economy developed rapidly as if taking a big tonic, and the process of industrialization was further accelerated.

  But after all, the time is still short. Fusang is still a semi-industrial and semi-agricultural society. The industry is mostly concentrated in light industrial fields such as textile mills and silk reeling factories, and the money is hard-earned.

  Compared with the industrialized powers of Britain, Germany, the United States, France, and the West, Japan, Russia, Austro-Hungary, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire are all far behind in their industrialization process. At best, they can only be regarded as standing on the threshold of industrialization.

  So, in the Russo-Japanese War, soldiers normally carried about 20 to 30 rounds of ammunition. After the bullets were shot, the most common case was hand-to-hand charge, because weapons and ammunition cost money to buy, and human lives are worthless.

  When the battle is fierce, not only will there be hand-to-hand combat during the day, but when the vision is poor at night, the enemy and us will encounter each other. Neither side will use artillery, but will launch a hand-to-hand charge in a dense formation, killing corpses everywhere.

  In order to identify the enemy and ourselves at night, the Tsarist army often wraps white cloth strips on its arms, and uses this almost primitive method to enter the battle.

most of the time

  Foreign Military Observation Corps officers would think that this is a war between hot weapons and cold weapons. Cold weapons are used frequently, and many battles are finally solved with bayonets.

  In the previous day's battle

Facing the massive offensive of the Tsarist Russian army, the Japanese troops on the west wing fought **** battles. The Eighth Division saw that Lieutenant General Shangwen had all shots out, and was forced to conduct the world’s largest hand-to-hand assault, with more than 20,000 soldiers. The Japanese soldiers charged with sharp bayonets and broke through the Russian army's heavy encirclement of the Qiushan brigade, opening a big gap forcibly.

  The magnificent scene that evokes blood is really magnificent.

  On the Marble Mountain position

After the Russian army’s three consecutive attacks were repelled, the fourth offensive was launched without pause. It can be seen that the Russian generals’ offensive attitude is very resolute. They must eliminate this commanding height enemy threatening the rear headquarters and dispatched ruthlessly. Two attacking units with a strengthened battalion size attacked simultaneously from the front and the side.

  Russian soldiers stood up sharp bayonet, shouting "Ula...", the tide rushed to the top of the mountain, and the clear gunfire was endless.

   Standing behind, you can see that the shooting of Japanese soldiers on the top of the mountain was much sparse. Seeing that the fierce offensive of the Russian soldiers could not be contained, they quickly approached the top of the mountain.

  The Japanese soldier on the top of the mountain yelled, jumped out of the trench, and rushed down with a sharp bayonet...

Two streams of people, one black and one yellow, slammed together fiercely, cursing, screaming, knives and guns crashing, mixed with the muffled hum of the scalp tingling when a weapon was pierced into the flesh, just like a **** slaughterhouse. A large corpse was lying down.

   "Oh... I can't watch it anymore." Major Zhou Lizhi sighed and put down the telescope in his hand.

  At this time, the other military observers all put down the telescopes in their hands, and looked dignified in silence. Everyone was in the same mind;

  The details of this tragic scene still don’t need to be read, so as not to have nightmares at night.

  Seeing too much these days, the whole person is not good.

Although they are extremely dissatisfied with these dog robbers in Japan and Russia, after all, the soldiers are all living people. I can't bear to see it.

   more than ten minutes later

There were cheers from the top of Wanbao Mountain. The Russian soldiers were fought back by the fierce Japanese. This time the attack failed again.

  But the Japanese army also paid a heavy price. There were two to three hundred corpses that were visible to the naked eye. The top of the mountain was stained with blood. This victory was achieved by paying hundreds of lives, and the price was high.

  With the weak strength of the Japanese army, how many times can it be supported?

Time passed by one minute and one second. At about 3 pm, after repelling the Russian army for 6 consecutive offensives, the 7th offensive, the Russian army finally reached the top of the mountain and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the remaining Japanese soldiers. Killed into a ball.

  See this scene

  The Russian commander missed the opportunity to invest in the follow-up troops, and finally captured the mountaintop position in one fell swoop. The victorious Russian soldiers threw their hats into the sky with excitement, shouting "Ula...Ula..."

The remnants of the Gaocun brigade that held the Wanbaoshan position retreated. The more than 2,000 soldiers were left with fewer than 400, most of them with varying degrees of injuries. There were more than 1,600 bodies left on the mountaintop positions forever. Sleep here forever.

  The attacking Russian army was also uncomfortable. They paid the price of more than 3,000 casualties and captured the mountain top position. After a short rest, they immediately began to re-dig tunnel positions to prepare for the Japanese counter-attack.

  On October 16th and 17th, there was a fierce battle for two days. The Japanese and Russian armies competed repeatedly on the Marlborough position, changing hands, and fighting until both sides were exhausted before stopping.

  Then, Japan and Russia each consolidated their existing positions, added fortifications, and urgently sent reserve soldiers forward to make up for the losses, confronted each other with a high degree of vigilance, and occasionally dispatched reconnaissance troops or shelled out.

  This is just a microcosm of this counterattack. The Japanese and Russian armies fought day and night on a 50-kilometer-wide position, fighting intermittently for more than a month, until both sides were exhausted.

The Russian army could not break through the Japanese defense, and the Japanese army could not eat the Russian army in one bite. This is like two brawny men fighting to the death in a arena, using knives, guns and clubs to bleed each other, and take a breath when they are tired. Just rushed to continue to die...

  Mainland Australia, Star Lake Ranch in the suburbs of Melbourne

A newest silver Crown sedan drove lightly on the asphalt road, the shade of the trees on both sides of the road flashed quickly, changing the light and dark Ambilight on the silver car body, and the iconic shield-shaped front face in front of the car. , Demonstrating the extravagance of luxury.

Brigadier General Bian Chunsong is wearing a white suit, a white top hat on his head, sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a cigar in his mouth, his hands leisurely on the ivory steering wheel, enjoying the fun of galloping.

His car is the latest Meteor series sports sedan produced by Crown Motors. It is equipped with an era-leading 6-cylinder 5.8-liter gasoline engine and can drive the car to a speed of 105 kilometers per hour. This is an amazing number in today's era. Of leaving all competitors behind.

  The church roof-shaped engine compartment cover is luxurious and magnificent, and the high arched streamlined wheel cover is full of power, giving this "Crown Meteor" an extraordinary aura.

  Similarly, the price is also very moving. His "Valencia style customized version" is priced at 19,600 Jinyang, which is almost close to 10,000 pounds.

  In terms of grades, it is second only to the "Crown-Royal World" series of honorable cars.

  After the car drove into the range of Xinghu Lake Ranch, Bian Chunsong deliberately slowed down, and the fields around the ranch were rolling in waves, and it was another harvest season.

The road was winding along the river, and within a few minutes, I saw the fence of the pasture. A large amount of alfalfa was planted along the fence. This is the fat and tender pasture that horses, cattle and sheep love to eat. The pasture has reached a scale. Chemical planting, so as to be able to carry more livestock.

  The car went all the way. After a few minutes, the cowboys riding on the horse raised their whips to say hello. Bian Chunsong also waved, and the car drove forward without stopping.

Not far forward, a few BMW three-ton trucks full of grain drove oncomingly. This is the fleet that the ranch uses to deliver grain and oil products to Melbourne on a daily basis. The carriages are printed with five conspicuous Chinese characters "Xingxing Lake Ranch", and there is another one below. The row is in English, which looks concise and clear.

  The truck team slowed down from a distance and honked the whistle.

  Both sides stopped on the side of the road, Bian Chunsong parked the car aside, poked her head out and asked; "Which company is this for delivery?"

"My Lord, it's almost New Year's Day. Major Melbourne companies will send rice, oil, noodles, and pork legs during the holiday season. This trip is for the fourth printing and dyeing factory, and the second manager takes the order outside. , This is the third shipment today."

   "Oh, it's been a lot of work these days. We also send things out on the ranch during the holidays, so that everyone can celebrate the New Year's Day happily."

   "Thank you for your reward, Sir, we are all very motivated."

   "That's good, go early and return early, pay attention to safety on the road."


   said hello, six trucks started to move one after another, one after another, whizzing past, towards Melbourne.

Bian Chun loosened his car and continued on. From here, you can see the long and narrow surface of Xingxing Lake microwave rippling. The towering castle is completely different from the original. This is a reinforced concrete building rebuilt in the later period, and the outer wall is made of large red mountains. The rock is paved and the tall spire is particularly conspicuous, like a picture scroll under the blue water and blue sky.

  Crown-Meteor car quickly drove into the central street of Xingxinghu Ranch. This is no longer an old daylight scene. The wide asphalt road runs through the central street. Under the road, there are complete water facilities that lead directly to Xingxinghu, which is exactly the scale of a small market town.

There are many commercial facilities on both sides of   Central Street. The total length is about 700 meters. There are more than a thousand people living nearby, all of whom are hired by the ranch, and more than 70% of them are from the Bian clan who immigrated from the mainland.

  The original wooden castle was not abandoned. Instead, it was used as a working place for the ranch management committee. The director of the management committee is the uncle Bian Shouli of the Yuanfang tribe. He is an old-school businessman who is very disciplined and runs the ranch very prosperously.

The Xingxing Lake Ranch has a total area of ​​28.4 square kilometers and about 7,700 acres (46,000 ares). It is considered one of the larger pastures in Melbourne. Today, the cultivated land that has been reclaimed accounts for about half of the pasture land, almost 4,000 acres. It is planted with walnuts, apples, Grapes, barley and **** are widely used in the production of agricultural machinery, which greatly saves manpower.

  The ranch has its own small farm machinery repair station, blacksmith shop, a fairly large-scale flour mill and oil mill, and a winery that produces Xinghu Lake wine.

  Speaking of it, Baron Bian Chunsong is worthy of being a schoolmaster, and he has his own set of theories on farm management, step by step land reclamation will maximize the benefits, and he has already operated here as a well-known foresighted "model pasture."

  This honor is not self-appointed, but an honor awarded by the "Beautiful New Countryside Movement Leading Group" in Victoria. There is a bronze medal the size of an abacus, and it hangs at the gate of the Ranch Management Committee.

The reason why Xingxing Lake Ranch can be selected as the "Model Ranch" is that its planning is reasonable, the environment is clean and beautiful, the residents of the ranch have a high sense of happiness, and the neighboring relationship is harmonious, which can reflect a higher level from the material and spiritual level, and represents the future development of the ranch. Direction.

  Among the thousands of ranches in Victoria, the Star Lake Ranch is considered to be the larger-scale ranch, and there are only less than 100 ranches that can be compared with it, but there are only a handful of ranches that do better than him.

  In Victoria, it was the first ranch that used agricultural mechanized equipment to produce on a large scale, the first ranch that carried out diversified operations, and the first ranch that built drainage facilities in residential areas. All the work was done in the forefront.

  It grows more than 2,600 acres of barley, which can provide more than 3,000 tons of high-quality flour each year. The flour mill purchases a large number of grain processing from nearby pastures, with an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons, creating a net profit of nearly 100,000 pounds.

  The annual production capacity of the oil mill is more than 470 tons, and the winery sells tens of thousands of bottles of wine every year, which has brought huge profits to the ranch.

Star Lake Ranch also has a large pig farm with 3,000 pigs. It regularly supplies live pigs to the Melbourne slaughterhouse. It makes full use of the orange stalk feed of the ranch, the barley chaff from the flour mill, and the wine dregs from the winery are also very good. Pig feed is really making the best use of everything.

  The size of the sheep and cattle herd on the pasture has been shrinking year after year, but there is a horse farm with more than 140 horses, which keeps Arabian thoroughbred horses purchased at high prices from West Asia, each of which is expensive.

  Bian Chunsong was a military observer in South Africa, he got on the line with many top figures in Somalia, obtained more than 30 Arabian thoroughbreds through the relationship, and brought them back thousands of miles.

  Several years of hard work, only to have the scale of the horse farm today

To say that Bian Chunsong has a sharp vision for managing a ranch, none of the surrounding ranchers denies that he is the first rancher to grow walnuts. In more than ten years, he has grown to more than 400 acres of walnut orchards, producing walnuts with thin skins and thick flesh. The flesh is firm enough to squeeze oil, and it is the most popular dried fruit in food factories. It is essential for making pralines.

  Walnut trees generally mature in 5 to 6 years. For more than 100 years thereafter, they basically wait for the fruit to bear every year. All that needs to be done is pruning branches and curing diseases and insect pests.

  In the isolated environment of Australia, there are very few pests and diseases, so walnut trees grow very prosperous and can bring large and stable income every year, which is much better than simply raising sheep and selling wool.

  The market has strong demand for walnuts, such as dried fruits, and Bian Chunsong plans to expand the planting area in the next three to four years. In the next three to four years, the size of walnut orchards will be quadrupled to reach the scale of 1,500 acres to 1,600 acres.

  At that time, you can consider building a chocolate factory by yourself, specializing in the production of dried fruit chocolate, and you can also establish your own brand. Isn’t it a good thing?

   Therefore, he considered planting more varieties of dried fruits to meet his own needs.

  Driven by the Star Lake Ranch, the surrounding ranches in Melbourne have set off a wave of walnut planting, and the price of walnut saplings cultivated by the ranch has been rising, which invisibly made a lot of money.

  So, Bian Chunsong has been a good career and family in recent years. Not only has his career prospects been bright, but he has also made a lot of money and can maintain a decent aristocratic life.

   "Lord, are you back?"

  Looking at the silver crown car driving all the way into the castle, Bian San'er followed all the way with a trot, blocked the welcoming servant behind him, and opened the door graciously.

Bian Chunsong got out of the car and threw the key to him. As he walked inside, he confessed; "Bring me to the car and wash it up. Remember to put on oil and wax for maintenance, and then fill up the oil. All When you are done, stop in the garage and don’t forget to remove the key. If you run out of electricity, be careful of your dog’s head."

   "I know, this new car is your lifeblood."

"It's fine if you know it. I don't worry about leaving it to other people. You have to wait on it." Bian Chunsong took the hot towel from the maid, wiped it on his face, took it down and saw that the towel was dark, couldn't help but smile. He said, "Look at how dusty this small section of dirt road makes me all over my face. After you wash the car, you must wipe the inside with a clean towel to refresh me. At that time, I forgot to close the car windows."

  "Don't worry Sir Sir, even if it is the ashes in the leather seams, I will wipe it clean for you. You can try it with a white handkerchief at that time, and make sure you can't touch any dust."

"Oh Well!"

  Bian Chunsong threw the hot towel in his hand into the copper basin, walked into the porch, took off the white top hat on his head and gave it to the maid on the side, and then strode in.

Bian San'er followed in step by step and said, "The baroness accompanied the old lady to the city to watch the show, and the two young ladies and the young master also went together. They used your previous crown car. I guess I have to come back later in the evening."

   "Well, do you have a letter from me?"

   "Yes, one letter is from Somalia and the other letter is from the garrison in Tasmania. They are all in the study."

   "Okay, there is nothing wrong with me here. Someone will bring up a cup of coffee. Just go and arrange my car."

   "I see, Sir Sir, the coffee will be here soon."

  (End of this chapter)

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