Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 823: fly a kite

   Chapter 823-Flying a Kite

  Now there is a voice in the Empire and the Royal Navy, clamoring for the occupation of Sumatra Island. Some well-known professors in the History Department of Red River Valley University and Imperial University have quoted from the vast history books, telling that this was once the lost land of the Ming Empire.

The   Ocean Empire claims to be descended from the descendants of the ancient Yanhuang Dynasty and descendants of Han and Tang Dynasties. Naturally, it is the continuation of the Han regime in the Ming Dynasty, and it deserves to inherit this rich historical heritage.

  The Royal Navy said that it was even more naked; it was to occupy this island, guard the Malacca sea route, and make the Indian Ocean Fleet more worthy of its name.

  This kind of remarks inevitably spread to the ears of the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, which drew diplomatic protests from the other side.

  That...The Dutch have the sovereignty of this beautiful island since ancient times, and the Dutch have lived here for generations.

  The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded lightly;

  We have seen that some non-governmental academic discussions have caused some discomfort in neighboring countries, and we only regret this.

The Ocean Empire is a country under the rule of law that respects history and freedom of speech. It is an important constructive force for peace and prosperity in the Western Pacific region. It is willing to develop friendly cooperation with countries on this basis, enhance understanding and mutual trust, and avoid errors. Sent to Barabara...

  Enter the 20th century

The characteristics of bullying in international relations are more obvious. Not to mention the small Netherlands, even the Qing empire with a population of 450 million has been reduced to a fish belly. The world's powers fought to gain ground and became even more powerful. Restless and more aggressive.

  In the public opinion of the Ocean Empire

  There are calls for sending troops to the island of Sumatra, there are calls for occupying the island of Java, there are calls for suggesting expansion to the Indochina Peninsula, and some people even set their sights on Central and South America, calling for a wider living space.

   Needless to say

  In today's oceanic empire's slightly impetuous mainstream public opinion, it reveals an aggressive edge, faintly coincides with the current sage, and reflects the tendency of your majesty from a certain aspect.

  Li Siyuan pondered this question deeply;

   Agrees with the current national policy and feels that nothing is worse than nothing.

  The empire just launched a Western war with troops in 1898 and took the Luzon Islands into the bag. Now only 6 years have passed, and it can digest most of this archipelago with more than 7,000 islands.

  If the digestion is really finished, it will take 1 to 2 cycles of 6 years.

  Looking around the surroundings, there is no easy target. Now we can’t stick to a wool in the Dutch East Indies, which will seriously deteriorate the relationship with the British Empire, from relaxation to opposition.

   More than 70% of the foreign trade of the Ocean Empire is based on the British trade circle. This is the fundamental interest of the empire. It must not be a small loss to shake the country's foundation.

  Of course, with the restless character of today's sage, he would never do nothing.

  Among the mainland immigrants who have moved to various places in Southeast Asia, many are excellent graduates from the Young Eagle School. In the name of Hongmen or a certain party, they have united into non-governmental organizations that support each other.

  Firstly, it is conducive to gaining a foothold in the local area; secondly, it is conducive to economic and trade exchanges and connection; and thirdly, it can increase the confidence in bargaining with the local colonial government. Why not do it?

  As Li Siyuan, he knows many secrets that ordinary people cannot know. Behind these party organizations, there are inextricably hidden lines of political situation.

  This is the case in the British Straits Settlements, in the Kingdom of Siam, in the Indochina Peninsula, in the Anglo-Burmese region, and in New Zealand naturally.

  The war on the island of Sumatra has lasted for more than 30 years. In recent years, there has been a trend of surpassing fierce performance, which has caused the Dutch to be devastated. Can there be no political black hands in this?

  Under the calm sea, there are turbulent undercurrents.

  Under the current situation

  The world is watching the war for hegemony between the two powers in the Far East. After September, the "Liaoyang Battle" broke out. The Fusang Army launched a large-scale attack on the Russian defense line 75 kilometers wide, divided by soldiers, and the front line became a pot of porridge.

  Due to the continuous defeats in the front battlefield, the internal situation in Tsarist Russia is severe, the people's livelihood under the high-pressure rule is difficult, and the contradictions are sharp, which continuously detonated the uprisings of urban workers and serfs, and was subsequently brutally suppressed by the local Russian army.

  Under the encouragement of interested people, now the entire Tsarist Russia society seems to be about to boil, making the ruling class feel great pressure.

  Tsar Nicholas II strictly ordered the Russian army to win a major military victory in the Liaoyang area. After long-term preparations, the Russian army reserves a large amount of combat materials, which is abundant and conditions are more favorable.

  Russian commander Kuropatkin threatened to “prefer to die rather than retreat from Liaoyang.” He decided to rely on frontier fortifications to resist and exhaust the attacking Japanese army, and then turned to counterattack.

  This means that the Russian army has superior firepower and adopts the policy of passive waiting, giving the enemy the initiative from the beginning.

  The unprecedented **** "Battle of Liaoyang" broke out in an all-round way, and it is still fighting...

since this year

  The British invaded Tibet and forced the signing of the "Tibet Treaty" by force.

  Faced with the hideous features of Western powers, the stinging mainland China gradually awakened, and various non-governmental organizations in the northern mainland emerged in an endless stream. The Tongmenghui led by Sun Wen, the Huaxing Society led by Huang Xing, and the Revival Society established by enlightened politicians appeared like mushrooms after a rain.

  Historical figures who left a lot of color in the Republic of China have appeared on the stage, deducing a landscape before the generations.

  Since the 27th year of Guangxu (1901), the Qing government has decided to implement a standing military system throughout the country. On the basis of the Wuweiyou Army under his jurisdiction, Yuan Shikai, the Governor of Zhili and the Northern Minister, organized and trained the two towns of the Beiyang Standing Army, together with the Wuwei You Army, the Wuwei You Army Vanguard, and the Self-Strengthening Army, and expanded the organizational system.

From    to the 31st year of Guangxu (1904), a total of five towns were trained. Together with the Jingqi Standing Army (later called Beiyang No. 1 Town) compiled by Yuan Shikai, it was the embryonic form of the modern army, collectively known as the "Six Beiyang Towns."

  The six Beiyang towns were used to defend the capital and garrison the capital. The first town was controlled by the Manchu Tieliang, and the other five towns were controlled by Yuan Shikai’s trusted generals. The basic force of the Beiyang Warlord Group was formed.

  Li Siyuan stood in front of the world map and thought about it. His action was to imitate the habitual action of his father.

  The past experience of global navigation, more than ten years of experience and polishing, gave Li Siyuan a strategic vision that ordinary people can't match, and he can distinguish the priorities and find the key points of contradictions.

  For Li Siyuan, who is the victor of the Russo-Japanese War?

  How to deal with the post-war situation?

  If Russia wins, then while having a huge land army in the Far East, the Russian Navy also has a huge naval force composed of the Pacific Fleet and the Second Pacific Fleet, forming a repressive situation in the Far East, which is bound to change the regional strategic pattern.

  In view of this situation, Britain and the Ocean Empire have a tacit understanding;

  If the Royal Navy of the Ocean Empire is not allowed to roll up its sleeves, it will try to defeat and annihilate the Russian navy and restore the original power structure of the Far East to avoid imbalances.

  From this perspective, the Russian navy is destined to be destroyed.

  Britain, Fusang, Oceanic Empire, and the United States, they are unwilling to see the Russian naval forces arbitrarily crisscrossing the Far East and eroding the original balanced territory.

  This important strategic issue should be considered by the emperor, but as the prince of a country, Li Siyuan should also be considered in place. This was originally his unshirkable major responsibility, and maybe the emperor would also pass the examination.

  If Fusang country wins, then the Western Pacific region will form a pattern of two powers side by side, changing the original situation of one strong and one weak region. The interests are intertwined and the situation becomes more complicated.

  Can not blindly suppress the Fuso country in the "Anglo-Japanese Alliance".

  Li Siyuan hoped that both Japan and Russia would lose out. This is the most favorable situation for the Ocean Empire, and the victory of Tsarist Russia can also be accepted. By then, the Imperial Navy will have a place to clean up the mess.

  In the worst case, Fusang will win. Considering the "Anglo-Japanese Alliance" factor, the Ocean Empire may have to coexist with the rapidly rising Fusang Navy for a long time.

  This must be the situation that Britain most wants to see, and the situation that the Ocean Empire least wants to see.

  Li Siyuan’s desk has some documents, some are notifications, some are classified confidential information, some are briefings on people's livelihood politics, and some are summary of newspaper articles, domestic and foreign culture, education, people's livelihood and science and technology.

  This is definitely not seen in the study of other adult princes, many of which are top secret documents with very high secrets.

  He is basically an idler now, and will have no chance to go to sea in the next six months at least.

  So, I can only look through these documents with my patience.

  Most of these documents do not require instructions. Many of these documents have already been processed and are of a high-level notification nature. The relevant agencies will regularly deliver and collect the last batch of documents.

  For documents issued by His Royal Highness, it will be forwarded to various departments for execution.

  Early February 1904

Somali State is located in the Mogadishu area where a Muslim tribe rebelled. The local garrison sent a 370-man cavalry to suppress it. It planned to annihilate more than 2,000 militants, arrested nearly 10,000 black indigenous people suspected of rebelling, and effectively safeguarded the overseas state. The integrity of territorial sovereignty.

  On March 5th, the last batch of Humen mercenaries returned to Somalia after completing the follow-up South African security contract.

  April 11,

  Tou Baolong’s secret base successfully tested the new biplane "Crossing Cloud Yan", which can reach a speed of 233 kilometers per hour, can carry 85 kg of heavy objects, and its performance has reached the world's leading level.

  April 28

  The 2nd International Tesla Award Presentation Ceremony was grandly held at the Red River Valley Royal Opera House. It was hosted by the Royal Academy of Sciences, and the world-wide prestigious Tesla Professor personally presided over the award ceremony. A number of aristocrats and celebrities attended the ceremony.


  July 9

  High-level intelligence from Fuso, the Japanese joint fleet will further increase the intensity and level of bombardment training, and will consume a huge amount of ammunition to achieve the effect of "every shot must hit" at all costs.

For this reason, the Admiralty issued a large ammunition order to the United Kingdom, involving 305mm heavy armor-piercing shells, high-explosive shells, 234mm-caliber armor-piercing shells and steam torpedoes that it currently cannot produce. The total amount is 2.35 million pounds, requiring four and a half months. deliver.


On September 10, 1904, the third and fourth ships of the five "Borodino-class" battleships in Tsarist Russia ~ "Duke Suvorov" and "Eagle" were completed and commissioned. The Second Pacific Fleet in the Far East.

  At this point, the main force of the Second Pacific Fleet of Tsarist Russia is basically in place, and the intensive training before the voyage is about to start, and it is expected to sail on one day in October.

  Li Siyuan did not care much about the affairs of the society and people’s livelihood. The relevant briefings were made by the Duke of Palawan and the Duke of Wright personally leading a group of briefings on the reclaimed territories under his hands. He just took a look and put it aside.

Every year, two to three million Jinyang invests, plus the social funds attracted by these princes using their own influence, the palace maidens gave the money, the relevant departments also specially escorted tens of thousands of indigenous hard labor to participate in the construction, plus Open Chinese immigrants have arrived one after another. The construction of these two small islands is not a matter at all. What is it worth showing off?

  If it can’t be built like this, it’s waste.

  Li Siyuan looked at it quickly, with a casual expression on his face. He flipped through the last document and set it aside, and picked up another thin top-secret notice in his hand.

  Just looking up, he suddenly stared at it and stood up in shock.

This top-secret notification came from the Tubalong Scientific Research Base. On September 17, 1904, under the auspices of Professor Tesla, the base radio project team successfully developed the "Navy Radio Rangefinder", which is a This is the world's first major scientific and technological invention of groundbreaking significance.

  Li Siyuan's hand holding the thin paper trembled a little, and his heart was boiling like an overwhelming river. As an excellent naval general, he knew the significance of the thin paper in his hand.

  This is more than a groundbreaking major technological invention?

  This is a scientific research achievement that has the significance of subverting the current world structure, and its importance cannot be overemphasized.

  With him, naval naval guns can fire more accurately, which means that they have an unquestionable advantage in maritime hegemony.

  The Royal Navy has been in development for 28 years, and it has the ability to break the wrist with the world's top naval powers. If the fleet strength is not much different, it is confident that it can win.

  This is based on the victory confidence accumulated over the years, as well as the high standard of training.

  Li Siyuan spared no effort to hone the gunner skills of the Fusang United Fleet, and strived to achieve “every shot must hit” as if choking in his throat. He felt the threat of reality, especially the four words “every shot must hit”, which was particularly dazzling.

  It's not that Japanese soldiers can really reach such a high level. It's pure bragging B, and Amaterasu can't do it.

  Instead, the unified understanding of the senior navy of the Fuso Kingdom is extremely correct. In this regard, it coincides with the Royal Navy’s Pacific Fleet, putting the main gun shooting training first, striving for excellence, and embodying the spirit of selling oil.

  Without it, only hands are familiar.

  Fighting against the naval fleet with such precise shooting technology is an invisible and huge pressure for any admiral.

  305mm armor-piercing projectiles are not easy to withstand, especially for cruisers and destroyers. They must face it with fearless sacrifice instead of looking forward and backward.

  The Royal Navy prevails in the spirit of nobility, and it is this that advocates the bravery and sacrifice of knights. Out of the loyalty to the empire and the persistence of knighthood, the sacrifice spirit of naval officers and soldiers is far stronger than that of the army.

  On the rough seas, to fight against powerful enemies, you can only rely on the comrades around you and the steel giant ship you control, leaving life and death to the Lord’s choice.

   There are more than 900 officers and soldiers on the "Samarinda" battleship. The core is the three 305 double-mounted turrets. There are less than 70 people in total. The deterrence of the entire battleship mainly depends on their output.

   now has advanced "radio rangefinder" technology, coupled with the 44-caliber twin-mounted 305mm main gun long range, up to 22 knots faster speed, what does it mean?

  I thought of this

  Li Siyuan couldn't stop shaking with excitement, and his heart was filled with great joy. With this groundbreaking technology, the Royal Navy fleet can "fly a kite" outside the opponent's range to crush Fusang people into slag.

  He can't sit still anymore, sit down and sign his opinion on this top-secret report;

As an admiral of the navy, I implore you to be the first to test and equip the "Naval Radio Rangefinder" on the battleship "Samarinda". Our ship will fully cooperate with scientific and technological experimenters to promote this revolutionary advanced scientific and technological equipment as soon as possible. Royal Navy fleet.

  He solemnly signed his name at the end; Captain, Li Siyuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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