Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 821: 30,000 km expedition

  Chapter 821 Thirty Thousand Kilometer Expedition


  This is a castle covering an area of ​​just over one square kilometer. During the Spanish rule, it was the residence of the Spanish governor and a group of noble officials. Non-whites are strictly prohibited from entering.

  This is very similar to Mancheng in the northern continent.

  In this castle, there are only 7 historic Catholic churches. Walking on the mottled and old stone roads, it seems to linger on the streets of Madrid. The buildings are full of the imprints of the years.

  Nowadays, it has become a gathering place for emerging nobles and upper-class people of the Ocean Empire.

  His Royal Highness the Duke of Shangri-La has an imperial palace here. It is a 16th-century Spanish-style building. The area is not very large, but there is a cave inside. It is quite comfortable to live in.

  In the study

  The scent of coffee lingers, Li Siyuan's light Tang suit looks handsome and handsome, and he is discussing world affairs with two admirals who are also teachers and friends.

  We have been together for more than ten years and have formed a deep friendship.

   "Jason, if you decide, then I recommend you to serve in the Indian Ocean Fleet. This time there is no return for three or five years. You have to think about it."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty, for a banquet that is everywhere in the world. It has always been my dream to be a formation commander, and I have decided."

   "Well, to be honest, I really can't bear to leave you!" Li Siyuan showed a trace of melancholy at the corner of his eyebrows.

  Looking back on the past

It was the first time I saw Major Admiral Jason Ardenne as a smug lieutenant colonel. In a blink of an eye, 11 years later, Li Siyuan walked from a young man to a young man, experienced voyages around the world, visited London and other major diplomatic missions. Jason -Major General Adenauer has always been with him, and the two have forged a deep friendship like a teacher and a friend.

  It is impossible to have any battles to go to the Indian Ocean Fleet, and there is nothing to do with it. There is the nursing home fleet.

  Major General Jason Ardenne went to serve as the commander of the fleet, that is, to make up for the shortcomings of his resume. The biggest task may be to accompany the Russian expeditionary fleet from South Africa to the Arabian Sea.

  Since the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War

  The main force of the Tsarist Russian Pacific Fleet has been stuck in the Port of Lushun. Once it came out, it was violently beaten by the Fusang State's combined fleet. After the Yellow Sea battle, it completely cast a psychological shadow, and simply shrank in the port and could not come out.

  The naval guns on the ships were taken down to strengthen the Lushun Fortress, and the fleet sailors were also strengthened to fight in the fortress turrets. The remaining battleships of the Pacific Fleet almost became an existing fleet, losing face.

  Tsar Nicholas II was furious about this. In June 1904, he finally decided to send the strong Baltic Fleet to the Far East for a long voyage spanning 30,000 kilometers. This fleet was named the Second Pacific Fleet.

  As usual

  When such a powerful foreign navy fleet passes through the territorial waters, the host country will usually send ships to accompany it. This is both an alert and a demonstration of strength, and it is the usual practice of the navies of various powerful countries.

  Li Siyuangui is the crown prince, and he is not capable of placing Major General Jason Ardenne as the command of the Pacific Fleet.


The Royal Navy is a place where qualifications and merits are emphasized. Twenty years ago, the group of veteran officers who beaten the Royal Dutch Fleet by seagull frigates are now their time to fight. They bombarded Nagasaki and deterred the Tokyo Bay and Makino naval battles. Lieutenant General Fusang's combined fleet slaughtered the entire army, really heartily.

  Since then, it has become the world’s largest naval power and proudly ranks among the world’s naval powers

These Titans are now among the ranks of Commodores and Major Generals. They are already in the position of lieutenant admiral or higher. They are in the golden age of 40-50. They can lead battleships in terms of qualifications and merits. formation.

  Compared with them, Major General Jason Adenauer is far behind.

  Therefore, the Pacific Fleet gathers elite and powerful generals to compete for the six main battleships at least to have the history of the squadron commander, and the competing fleet commander must at least participate in the first East Indies naval battle.

  Even the commander of the cruiser formation must have a decent record, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.

  His Royal Highness occupied the battleship "Samarinda" and served as the commander of the ship formation, which is a unique exception.

  The Ocean Empire also has only such a prince, and his status is extremely honorable. That is a gap that others can't keep up with.

  If Major General Jason Ardenne serves as the commander of the fleet in the Pacific Fleet, he will definitely blow up the nest immediately, even if it is a cruiser or destroyer formation, why?

  The qualifications are too shallow, and there is no merit that can be obtained, not to mention the qualifications of leading a fleet of ships, there are a lot of senior naval officers who are better than him, of course it is difficult to convince the crowd.

  Major General Jason Adenauer was born and famous. His father, Earl Conrad Adenauer, is one of the leaders of the aristocratic house. He has served as the chief of army staff for a long time, but what about it?

  Not to mention, these senior officers of the Pacific Fleet are all nobles, just the difference in title, and the Chief of Staff in the Royal Navy is not easy to use, did not stop the admiral's prestige.

"Brother Chengen, after I leave, your Royal Highness is the only old man beside you. There are fewer people who can discuss. Please help me to do more." Major General Jason Ardenne was full of sorrow. .

  Brigadier General Geng Chengen said with his fists folded in both hands; "Brother Jensen, please rest assured, the foolish brother saves you, and you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

"This naval battle between Japan and Russia is really a fateful battle. The real battle must be full of artillery fire. Your Royal Highness is the body of ten thousand gold, and the country is tied to the country. You must not watch the war personally. I will not be here next year. Please your Highness for the people. Consider that you must never come to the frontline battlefield in person." Major General Jason Ardenne stood up, tumbled to the ground, earnestly persuaded him.

  Li Siyuan frowned unchecked, and then said with a smile; "Jensen, you are too worried, no navy will send battleships to watch the battle, I may not be able to catch up with this excitement!"

   "That's good, I'm afraid that His Royal Highness can't help but have to see it with his own eyes. The soldiers are fierce and dangerous, and the swords and guns have no eyes..."

"You...when did you become such a mother-in-law? This is not your character." Li Siyuan helped Major General Jason Ardenne with both hands, took his hand to the front of the map, and said with his fingers on the map; Jason, the Tsarist Russia’s Baltic Fleet has come to aid on a large scale this time, with a range of more than 30,000 kilometers. It is unprecedented in terms of scale. You are also a person who will witness this event that will be remembered in history. What is your opinion?"

  He asked this question, which distorted Major General Jason Ardenne's thoughts. He stood in front of the map and frowned. He thought about it and said; "Tsarist Russia is not optimistic, Your Highness."

   "I would like to hear you well."

  Major General Jason Ardenne said with his finger on the map;

  "Your Highness, please see;

  The Russian fleet traveled from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, along the coast of West Africa all the way south. Only German Southwest Africa (now Namibia) was able to provide repairs and supply ports on the way.

  Continue to reach southern Africa, after bypassing the Cape of Good Hope, there is the British territory, and they will not be allowed to stay too much.

  I will lead a fleet of ships to wait here and sail with them, and keep sending them to the Arabian Sea.

  The Tsarist Russian fleet traveled along the coast of East Africa through the Mozambique Strait and headed north to Dar es Salaam in German East Africa. Only then can there be a decent port to dock for supplies. Each segment is a long voyage.

  Leave Dar es Salaam, continue all the way north into the Arabian Sea, follow the Eurasia line to bypass the Indian subcontinent, and cross the Strait of Malacca to reach the French Indochina Peninsula. Only this large Russian fleet can be rested and supplied again.

  Such a long voyage with only three decent logistics supply ports means that the Tsarist Russian fleet must overcome unimaginable difficulties. If this is a severe test for the fleet's officers and soldiers, it is more of a long torture.

  The ocean rush is unprecedented in history, followed by an unprecedented **** battle at sea. With the combat effectiveness and command art demonstrated by the current Tsarist Russian fleet officers and soldiers, the prospects are not optimistic.

  My opinion is to be cautious. "

  Ocean market is a huge test for any naval power. The most powerful British navy in the world today can hardly allow the fleet to sail around the world with its own capabilities. It needs the support of port bases all over the world.

  Take the British-made "Mikasa" class battleship as an example. It has a displacement of 15,000 tons, a designed coal loading of 960 tons, a normal coal loading of 1,200 tons, and a maximum coal loading of 1490 tons.

  Calculated with a daily coal consumption of 170 tons when driving at 15 knots, the normal coal load is only enough for 7 days, and the maximum coal load cannot last for 9 days.

In addition to carrying coal, there must be a lot of fresh water for the boiler to operate. Therefore, the navy of the great powers in the early 20th century had to sail around half of the earth. Overcome this challenge.

  Therefore, the true ocean-going navies in this era are only Britain and France, and others can only be called regional naval powers at best.

  The same is true for Tsarist Russia. Usually the Baltic Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet are active at their own doorsteps, and supplies are very convenient. This 30,000-kilometer voyage around most of the earth is equivalent to putting a satellite.

  Li Siyuan held up his hands, held his chin with one hand for a while, and said, “Jason, intelligence from the Baltic Sea shows;

Tsarist Russia has transferred 38 main battleships this time, including the third ship "Suvorov Duke" and the fourth ship "Eagle" of the "Borodino class" battleship under construction, a total of 5 powerful ships. Battleship.

   These two cutting-edge battleships are expected to be delivered in September this year, which means that another month of preparation time will be left. The earliest time for the Second Pacific Fleet to depart is a certain day in October this year.


  The Russian navy is three times as powerful as the Fuso State. The "Borodino-class" battleship has a strong paper strength. In addition to its rapid-fire artillery, the gun firepower of the main ship is even higher than that of the Fuso United Fleet.

  The decisive battle at sea relies on the giant cannon of the big ship.

  In the war game

  The strength of the Fusang fleet and the Tsarist Russian fleet is between the two. The key lies in the commanding of the enemy in front of the generals. Any chance may lead to a decisive defeat that concerns the national transport. The Fusang fleet’s winning rate is not high! "

  (End of this chapter)

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