Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 818: Zhenhai Fortress

  Chapter 818 Zhenhai Fortress

  Manila Bay

  This beautiful surrounding bay has excellent conditions, wide seas and deep waters. It is a rare world-class port in Southeast Asia. The east and west peninsulas stretch out long and the harbor is deep inland.

The 16,200-ton "Samarinda" battleship led a small fleet of 6,500-ton general-purpose cruisers "Akiyue" and "Huayue", as well as three coal ships, into the strait. Their target was the Port of Manila. .

   this time

The   "Samalinda" formation completed a three-month cruise from the East China Sea to the South China Sea, crossing the Miyako Strait, and reaching the line of Lushun Port as far north as possible.

  After this small and powerful formation arrived in the outer waters of Lushun Port, it immediately attracted the attention of the Fuso United Fleet, which was besieging Lushun Port, and dispatched a fleet of ships led by the main battleship "Mikasa", which was expressed in semaphores;

  During the war, please do not stay in this sea area to avoid misjudgment.

  Generally speaking

  Naval battles in the Western Pacific region will always welcome navies from various countries to watch battles. This is true from the Sino-Japanese naval battle to the Manila naval battle, but the ships sent by the powerful countries will not be too high. Generally, they are light cruisers, one in number, and at most two.

The battle formation led by the 16,200 ton "Samarinda" battleship obviously does not belong to this category. It is too big, too strong, and too terrifying, and it is the main battleship of the empire, even if only one appears, it also caused The great commotion of the Fuso United Fleet.

After wandering off the coast of Lushun for two days, a fleet of ships led by the Fusang battleship "Mikasa" accompanied him for two days, sending out signals from morning to night, using semaphores during the day and lights at night, and they continued to emit clear codes. The telegram is simply annoying.

Seeing unpopularity, the battle formation led by the battleship "Samarinda" turned southeast, and the battleship formation of the Fuso "Mikasa" battleship followed.

At this time, the "Samalinda" battleship formation began to show off. The entire formation raged on the sea at a high speed of 22 knots. The 16,200-ton "Samalinda" battleship seemed like an extremely huge sea monster. Sa Huan'er was fully driven, and the black smoke from the huge chimney formed a cloud in the sky, intermittently as long as four nautical miles.

  In only two hours, the "Mikasa" battleship formation could not be seen, even the fart could not be eaten.

  This move will inevitably leave a huge psychological shadow on Fusang naval officers and soldiers.

   is stronger than you, and faster than you.

  The battleship "Mikasa" with a speed of 18 knots is the pride of the Fuso National Navy, but in front of the battleship "Samalinda" with a speed of 22 knots, it seems so helpless and the huge psychological gap is not so easy to adapt.

  Played with the Fuso Navy outside Lushun Port. When the "Samarinda" battleship formation returned, it stopped at Weihai Port, Naha Port, Shanghai Port, Guangzhou Port, and finally arrived at the Manila Strait.

  In the tall and bright bridge

The crown prince Li Siyuan, wearing a white brigadier uniform, was tall and tall, with a young and handsome face with a mustache. He looked more stable than the actual age of 23. He was the commander of the "Samalinda" ship formation and was about to Command the formation to enter the port and complete this cruise mission.

  In the entire Imperial Navy

  Only the ship formation led by Brigadier General Li Siyuan dared to play this way. The other navy leaders were counted as one. They did not dare to make mistakes when performing their missions and acted strictly in accordance with the cruise route.

  You must know that Admiral He Fang, Minister of the Admiralty, doesn’t rub the sand in the eyes.

  Whoever dares to take the empire's heavy weapons out to play, where is the general who can make you want to die in minutes, and only hate the experience of being in the world.

  Only Brigadier General Li Siyuan is the exception, it's really nothing for the General to take him.

"Commander, I went to sea for more than three months. I can take a good rest when I return to Manila this time, especially to tease Fusang people off the coast of Lushun. It feels really exciting." Rear Admiral Jason Ardenne smiled. It seems to be still aftertaste of that feeling.

Commodore Geng Chengen also laughed and said happily; "Over this period of time, the Fusang people's combined fleet has begun to intercept Chinese merchant ships off the coast of Lushun. Although there have been no accidents of detention and boarding, such signs are always bad. This action should give them a longer memory."

   Rear Admiral Jason-Adenauer and Commodore Geng Chengen are the second admirals of the Crown Prince and his navy teachers. They have been with him since he boarded a naval ship when he was 14 years old, until today.

these years

His Royal Highness took the "Blue Dragon" heavy cruiser to St. Petersburg, attended the wedding of Tsar Nicholas II, returned across the Atlantic Ocean to visit Citi, and headed south around Cape Horn, the southernmost tip of South America, and visited Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Waiting for South American countries.

  It took one year and two months to complete the global voyage, and visited 27 cities in 13 countries, which greatly broadened his horizons, increased his knowledge, and tempered his unwavering quality in the wind and waves.

Since then, His Royal Highness performed many cruises in the Far East and Africa. In 1901, on behalf of the Royal Family of the Ocean Empire, he went to London, England to attend the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and received the Order of the "Knights of the Guardian" awarded by King George V. He was awarded the Royal Family of Europe. Eye-catching.

  After returning home

  We married the eldest daughter of Viscount Pan Shoudao, Pan Shi, as the crown prince. The next year, he gave birth to the crown prince. His Majesty was overjoyed and announced a national holiday for three days to enjoy the people.

  Sorted according to royal genealogy;

   Baoshou shows good fortune, thinks Zhong Yongbo, Ren Bing Tian Zhi Yuan, Ke Chong inherits the world.

  The grandson of the emperor belongs to the character of "Zhong", and his majesty personally gave the name; Li Zhongqi, meaning Qilin Ziye.

Rear Admiral Jason Adenauer is the second son of Earl Conrad Adenauer, Speaker of the House of Nobility. Over the years, he has taught the crown prince’s navigation, astronomy, history, geography, European aristocratic and cultural history, German and many other subjects. The teacher is also an attendant of the crown prince to the chief official.

Brigadier General Geng Chengen is the eldest son of Admiral Geng Baogui, a veteran of the Noble House. He graduated from the famous Royal Naval Academy in Greenwich, England. He was the first in the 1887 class of graduates. He served in the British Mediterranean Fleet for three years. Professional teacher, lieutenant of the crown prince's attendant.

  These two admirals have profound qualifications. You can take any one of them out to serve as commander of the naval formation, but their official positions are in the Institute of Military Strategy of the Admiralty. One is deputy director and the other is a chief researcher.

  So, in the "Samarinda" naval formation

  Brigadier General Li Siyuan is the commander of the formation, and the other two are among the passengers carried. They belong to the role of carrying out research and research on the ship. They have no commanding duties and do not participate in the task of commanding the formation.

Hearing what the two said, Li Siyuan smiled bitterly; "Brother Jason, Brother Chengen, you two don’t need to change the subject. This time we have a big cruise in the north. Britain and Fusang have filed a diplomatic protest. What should I do if I have a headache, I am afraid that the emperor father also knows."

   "Well...then please go to the fold." Major General Jason Ardenne said bitterly.

  The two of them dared not answer this topic, and it was a capital crime to encourage His Royal Highness to fool the current saint, and they couldn't bear it on their shoulders.

  According to the plan, the planned route of this northern cruise will be the farthest north to reach the port of Weihai.

  But they ran north to Lushun, and they also played with the Fusang United Fleet. Can they not complain about it?

  Li Siyuan also knew that he had made a mistake, so the interface said; “I have sent a message to the Admiralty and pleaded guilty. It is estimated that the next punishment will be unavoidable. It depends on the degree of severity.”

  "Commander, we will admit if we make a mistake. Brother Jensen and I will help you carry this guilt." Brigadier General Geng Chengen was very loyal.

  Major General Jason Adenauer also said; "Naturally, we should carry them together, and there is no reason for the commander to be punished alone."

   "Okay, I understand the kindness of you two. This is not a trivial matter. If the emperor is angered by the two of you, you can't handle it." Li Siyuan is not afraid of anything else, I am afraid that the Minister of the Admiralty will tell the emperor to his father.

He has admired his father’s majestic strategy since he was a child. In Li Siyuan’s eyes, his father was an unattainable mountain. It was precisely because he traveled the world and his vision was broad that he knew that he was able to lay down the difficulties of this territorial empire with one hand. Admired.

   When he said this, Major General Jason Ardenne and Brigadier General Geng Chengen looked at each other, and then shrank their necks and said nothing.

  Your Majesty is furious, our little arms and legs can't bear it, so you can only apologize for carrying it by yourself.

Brigadier General Geng Chengen saw the island fortress under construction in front of him and quickly changed the subject and said; "Commander, look at the coastal defense fortress under construction ahead. It has already been named; Zhenhai Fortress. According to the construction plan... it will be officially completed by the end of next year. , That's a man who is going to be a guard, don't let him go!"

  Major General Jason-Adenau said in the interface; “Yes, in order to build the "Zhenhai Fortress", the island called El Fraile was almost completely leveled, and the monolithic reinforced concrete was poured.

I have seen relevant confidential materials. It is said that the reinforced concrete on the top is 6 meters thick, and the thickness of the surrounding walls has reached an astonishing 11 meters. After completion, let alone large-caliber naval guns, even the entire fleet With indiscriminate bombing, it may not be possible to completely destroy this military fortress.

  The "Zhenhai Fortress" is planned to be equipped with three double-mounted 343mm large-caliber naval guns, ten double-mounted 95mm "Miss Australia" artillery, six 20mm rapid-fire guns, and 620 garrisons.

  The location of the fortress is guarded at the entrance of Manila Bay, which can form a dense fire net with the east and west peninsula coastal defense fortresses, completely sealing off any possibility of enemy ships intruding into Manila Bay.

  I have to say that this is a defensive masterpiece. I really look forward to the day when it will play a huge role. "

The "Samarinda" ship formation came all the way through the waves. On the azure sea, you can clearly see the entrance of Manila Bay. On the sea south of Kregidor Island, there is a fortress under construction. , Lonely on the sea, this is the "Zhenhai Fortress".

There are many scaffolding on this newly built fortress building. Hundreds of workers are busy working on it. It looks like an ant from a distance. I think there are more workers working inside the fortress. Several ships are still berthing nearby. Ship, a busy scene.

  The track of the ship formation draws an arc here, and then the ships scream in unison to greet the fortress under construction.

  As the patron saint of Manila Bay, Fort Zhenhai is eligible to receive such a courtesy.

  (End of this chapter)

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