Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 812: The scenery is so good here

  Chapter 812 The scenery is unique here

Objectively speaking

The second British-Berg war, which lasted for three and a half years, was a landmark event, marking the official end of the Victorian Golden Age. The majesty of the British Empire was severely challenged, and the face was beaten up. It was a heartbreaking event. .

  Although the war was won, tears flowed into my heart.

  Over 60% of the huge war funding of 240 million pounds flowed into Mozambique in the north, as if it was a fire cooking oil, boosting the Mozambique region's economic rocket-like soaring, reaching a big step in a year.

  According to statistics at the end of 1903

  Compared with 1899 before the war, the total economic output of Mozambique quadrupled, reaching 433% of the pre-war level, more than doubling in almost a year.

Due to the strong demand of the war, the production of steel in the region increased by 1230%, the output of cement increased by 622%, the output of grain-based crops increased by 217%, the scale of cattle increased by 222%, the scale of sheep increased by 1,100%, and the annual income of residents increased. 327%.

  The war was fought in southern Africa, with all industries dying, agriculture and animal husbandry shrank sharply, all large and small cities and towns were severely damaged, people were displaced, and living standards were greatly reduced.

Mozambique, which is close at hand, provided massive supplies for the war in South Africa, including more than 300,000 heads of cattle, 270,000 horses, more than 500,000 mules, more than 17 million sheep, tens of millions of chickens, ducks, live poultry, and millions of tons. Grade steel cement, wheat, flour and soybean meal, tens of thousands of tons of various cans, from toffee to marching tents, from saddles to barbed wire, from leather boots to socks, almost everything.

  As for how many materials are actually used, how many are false reports of water injection, and how many are wasted, there is no way to count, that is a bad debt.

  When the Boer cavalry came over in a big way, the British army stalked their heads, and there were fires everywhere in the town. How to count these burnt materials?

  The British army may indeed be unable to fight some battles, but it is inevitable that some battles are deliberately indulged, in order to let the Boer guerrillas fight over and set fire. By then everyone will be relieved and relieved.

  In May 1902, the Boer War was finally won.

  The Orange Free State and the Transvaal Republic, the two regimes established by the Boers have since become history, merged into the Cape Colony, and became part of the territory of British South Africa.

  After the war

   Mozambique and the South African Cape government reached an agreement to jointly fund the establishment of the South African Railway Company, and began to build a direct railway from Seoul to Cape Town via Johannesburg, which closely linked the two major economies of southern Africa.

  In the post-war inventory, the British conservative newspaper "Manchester Post" lamented in a commentator's article;

  London was defeated and lost in this war. Not only did it lose face but also lost its lining. It emptied the treasury in order to pay for the huge war funds, and the army's botched performance became the laughing stock of the world.

  The only benefit is Mozambique, which is like a blood-sucking leech lying on the body of the British Empire, eating a fat brain.

  The huge wealth that the United Kingdom and France, Germany, Russia, Japan and other countries robbed in the Manchuria was not covered by the heat in their hands, and they were doubled and sent to the Mozambicans. Maybe this is the will of God.

  This provocative news report immediately attracted the attention of the embassy in the UK, and formally expressed a strong protest attitude to the relevant parties, demanding a fair and fair evaluation of Mozambique’s major contributions to the genital war.

Some unbiased British public opinion also criticized this report by the conservative newspaper Manchester Post, calling it "incredible babble", "great harm to the spirit of loyal allies", and "lunatic lunatics with insanity." "Wait, the views of the two sides are clamoring for a while.

Many celebrities in the upper-class British society have also written articles criticizing the "Manchester Post". At a time when the British Empire needed friends most, this conservative newspaper made the most inappropriate remarks and made amazing remarks for self-interest. It is an act without a sense of social responsibility.

  Conservative Party member Churchill was extremely indignant about this, and wrote an article in the "Daily Telegraph", saying;

  There is an old proverb in the East; pick up the bowl to eat meat, and put down the bowl to scold your mother.

  I am a veteran of the Boer War. I once fought side by side with my Chinese comrades in arms. Together, I gave my life and everything to safeguard the honor of the British Empire. I know that every victory is hard-won and needs to be cherished.

  Forgetting means shameful betrayal, no doubt.

  Every British person with a sense of justice should be ashamed of the bad remarks of the Manchester Post. For those who don’t know how to be grateful, where is the moral bottom line?

  Under the great pressure at home and abroad, the editor-in-chief of the "Manchester Post" had to publicly apologize for the report, and resigned with the relevant persons involved successively, losing this job.


In an ordinary apartment building, Churchill was smoking a Cuban Havana cigar, and with a newspaper in his hand, he said triumphantly to Lieutenant Li Jianyang; "Hey, see, I acted as a member of Congress. Just like a bug, these little troubles can be easily solved."

  Li Jianyang wears a British army lieutenant officer uniform. He has graduated from the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy and officially awarded the rank of lieutenant, and is about to set off to serve in the colony.

Hearing Churchill's boasting, Li Jianyang yawned boredly and said; "Mr. Churchill, I really appreciate your impartiality. You don't need to show off so much in front of me. Anyone who slanders the South African war is also questioning Mr. Congressman. Legendary glory is our common enemy."

"Well, buddy, what you said is right." Churchill shrugged indifferently, took a heavy cigar with a look of comfort, and spit it out slowly; "Then there is no charge for my public statement this time. When the friendship is given away, in my capacity, it will be worth at least £400."

   "My God, Churchill, can you not talk about money?"

"No... wrong, dear Li, my brother, we should not be ashamed to talk about money. I need money for my campaign, money is needed to maintain the upper class living standard, and my little hobby also needs money. The generosity of the talents has cost me a month of cigar smoking expenses, and it’s all painful now..."

   "Okay, don't say anything, I will pay you this money personally."

   "Uh... Praise the Lord, my dear brother, you are so kind." Churchill stepped forward happily and gave Li Jianyang a strong hug.

Li Jianyang was so overwhelmed by the heavy cigar smell on his body that he pushed him away with disgust, and said, "Forgive me, Churchill, I feel like you are fooled, do you really want to wear this uniform? Go overseas to serve?"

  "Trust me buddy, if you want to seek a noble title or island governor rewarded by the British king in the future, you must have a British citizenship and military experience. What must you do for the British Empire?"

  "The war is over, what can I do in South Africa now?"

"I can use the influence of members of parliament to arrange you to Johannesburg. Don’t forget that your family has a farmer’s gold mine there. You can live a leisurely life at the gold mine or marry another white woman. If It would be perfect to have aristocratic status."

"Come on, if I want to live a leisurely life, I can be like a fairy in Humen, that's not what I need." Li Jianyang thought for a moment, and said; "The Russo-Japanese War in the Far East is fought very fiercely now, can I As a British observer, going to serve in the Far East?"

"Of course it's okay." Churchill snapped his fingers happily, then stepped forward to pat Li Jianyang's shoulder, and said in a cordial tone; "Don't worry, buddy, you can go ahead, and you'd better be able to provide a few high-quality copies. According to the Military Observation Report, I can guarantee that you will be promoted to major in less than two years. No matter where you are, someone who is covered is the kingly way. Your civilian officers are promoted much faster."

   "Well, thank you for your attention, buddy. I will divide you half of the pocket money my father gave me. It's about 5,000 pounds a year. You can't forget me."

Seeing Li Jianyang's worried look, Churchill laughed loudly and proudly raised his head and said; "This is the little secret between our brothers. Don't worry, you can make arrangements for you. This is for me. It’s a trivial matter."

  As the youngest Conservative Party Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, Churchill, who was just 28 years old, is indeed proud. Now he is seeking a post as a subordinate of the colonial minister of the ruling party. It is estimated that the problem is not big.

  The bright and splendid political path is shown in front of him, and everything is OK.

  Li Jianyang ran over and hugged his thigh to prove that he was right. After graduating from the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy, with Churchill's care, everything went smoothly.

  He had worn the uniform of a British lieutenant colonel before. That thing is not counted. It was a troop number provided purely to deal with the Boer guerrillas. It was not an official establishment of the British army, and the British would not recognize it.

  Now the rank of lieutenant is true, but seeing that Churchill’s social status has become a member of Congress, he is still somewhat depressed.

  If it is the British folk gossip, this guy may be the illegitimate son of the current king, of course, it is pure gossip.

  If Li Jianyang dared to say in person, Churchill would really turn his face, not afraid of him, but unnecessary.

  Fortunately, Li Jianyang's status as a nobleman of the Oceanic Empire, coupled with someone deliberately taking care of him, is like a duck in the army, and promotion will be much easier than civilian officers in the future.

  In British society, you can only experience it deeply if you are deeply involved; the aristocracy and the populist class are hierarchical, and having a good father is more important than anything else.

  Looking at Churchill's aura, Li Jianyang couldn't help but smile.

  He also has a secret identity that Churchill doesn’t know, that is, a special agent of the Political Intelligence Bureau, who is specifically responsible for staring at the British line. He is a sleeping fish, code-named "Saury."

  (End of this chapter)

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