Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 803: Whole blood boiled

   Chapter 803 The whole blood is boiling

  The Geng family’s business is grain, oil, food and canned food. Because of its reputation as a military supplier, it can be regarded as a major grain merchant in Manila.

  Grains are mainly imported from the Central Kalimantan region of Borneo, while canned seafood and canned fruits come from Moresby City on Shangri-La Island, where the marine fishing industry is developed, there are many fruit trees, and the canned food industry has a considerable scale.

  The time here is still short in the Luzon Islands. Due to the violent population turbulence in recent years, the Chinese immigrants have an unstable foothold, and the food production is not yet self-sufficient and needs to be imported from outside.


  The geographical climate of the Luzon Islands is very suitable for the development of rice and other food crops, as well as for the development of cane sugar, tobacco, coffee, cocoa and various tropical fruit industries, with great potential.

With the entry of a large number of Chinese immigrants, agricultural production in Manila and surrounding cities such as Quezon has gradually stabilized. Rice, canola, peanuts and other crops have recently received a bumper harvest. The output increased by 76% compared with the same period last year, which greatly eased the market. Contradiction between supply and demand.

  For big grain merchants like the Geng family, the establishment of new rice mills, oil mills, flour mills and other enterprises in Manila is the king of long-term business stability and stable supply.

  Long term

  It can extend its business tentacles to cities in the Luzon Islands to form a chain of grain and oil processing enterprises. This is a large market for millions of people. Even if it only takes up 10% of the market, it is enough to eat and wear.

  Since I relied on Li Gongzi, the construction plan submitted by the Geng Family Newspaper was quickly approved. The next step is to intensively build and purchase machinery and equipment, roll up my sleeves and do a big job.

  Five days after the passenger ship arrived at the Port of Manila, the cargo fleet arrived late.

  The Somali company immediately organized hired workers to start unloading the ship, and the materials were loaded on small four-wheel tractors, while heavy tractors carried crawler tractors, forming a long convoy with no head at a glance, heading towards the Legazpi area.

  The 280 kilometers of roads are all flat asphalt roads. The tractor is expected to walk for two days. After arriving, take a rest, check the equipment, and return immediately after refueling and watering, and carry supplies again.

  The construction of new towns in the Legazpi area is in full swing. Nearly 10,000 construction troops are fighting on 4 town construction sites. Recently, more Chinese hired workers have arrived to participate in the construction process.

  It is reported

  Somali company did not know how to obtain more than 20,000 indigenous hard labor, helping a large area of ​​hills and trees, leveling the site, building bridges and roads, will greatly accelerate the construction process.

  Duke Wright arrived in Legazpi area with a group of people in advance, and he personally participated in the urban construction planning and design process. He felt very fulfilled in his busy schedule and enjoyed it.

  The Duke of Palawan also arrived later, but he was constructing a construction site in another town, and the two sides did not interfere with each other tacitly...

  Three months later

  Early February 1901

  In the town of Liming in the Legazpi area, early in the morning, the tractor was loaded with workers and drove out of the town, and went along the road to build farmland water conservancy facilities in the distance.

After more than three months of construction, the town has begun to take shape. A series of facilities such as tobacco seedling breeding farms, telegraph offices, savings houses, police stations, and department stores have been established. The roads in the town have been paved with asphalt. Spacious and neat.

The gravel road extending from the small town extends in all directions. The land originally full of weeds and weeds has been leveled and divided into large blocks of farmland. The land in the farmland has been turned up deeply, revealing the dark brown nutrients below. After the soil is exposed to the sun, it will be broken and combed, and the ridges and furrows will be pulled out to transplant seedlings.

  The Somali company established an agricultural machinery team. For all plantations that require large-scale plowing of land and harvesting crops, the agricultural machinery team can be paid to work, which greatly saves manpower expenditure.

The tobacco purchasing station next to Liming Town is surrounded by a long wall. The neat rows of pile foundations look pleasing to the eye. The pile foundations are made of a circle of reinforced concrete, which is about the height of curbs. Pile of rubble.

  After the purchased tobacco leaves are dried, they are stacked in bundles on the foundation, covered with sun-proof and rain-proof tarp, and waiting for transportation.

  The entire factory building of the tobacco factory is still under construction. The equipment for making cigarettes has arrived at the port of Manila. It will be delivered and installed in the near future. Everything is proceeding as planned.

  Duke Li Sihan of Wright brought a few people along and inspected the built plant. Standing on the high mound, overlooking the surrounding construction scene, his face was full of relief.

He looks darker than three months ago, but he is more energetic. He turned his head and said with a smile; "Xiaozu, I feel that there are more fieldwork than books and school, and I am more impressed. Looking at the town and the country in our The blueprint in my hands has become a reality. This kind of full sense of accomplishment makes people excited. Now I can't wait to build Wright Island."

"His Royal Highness, according to the news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the planning plan for Wright Island has been passed, and the preliminary work can be carried out in the second half of the year. The relevant construction funds will be included in the plan for the beginning of next year. By the beginning of next year, we will be able to let go." Li Xiaozu Replied.

   "Hehe, I still think it’s slow, oh... by the way, how much money will be approved for us next year?"

"This... I didn’t say specifically, but according to the news I inquired about through insiders, next year it seems that 1.1 million gold oceans were approved. The Duke of Palawan and the Duke of Hawaii are about the same, and the Duke of Hawaii seems to have more, because his journey is too far away. , The transportation cost is a lot higher."

  "1.1 million gold foreigners, it seems not enough." Li Sihan frowned, split his fingers and let it go;

   "Look, Xiaozu, let's do some calculations;

  To undertake such a large-scale development is definitely to build cement plants, brick factories and thermal power stations. These are all indispensable things. These three things together will cost at least 400,000 to 450,000 gold oceans, and the savings are very limited.

  In addition, we will build several wood processing plants, prepare for the initial construction of tents, living materials, and purchase machinery. At least 3000 tons of cement and thousands of tons of steel will be required in the initial stage, and there will be recruitment...

  Oh, the gap is not small. "

Li Sihan’s calculation is based on the investment of the Somali company. The construction of a small town looks like a minimum investment of 2 million Jinyang. Even if the investment in the cigarette factory is eliminated, it will also require more than 1.6 million Jinyang to take shape. A steady stream of investment is required.

  Know that this is just a small town. Will it be built on Wright Island?

  The Spanish didn’t have much construction on Wright Island. The local aboriginals had nothing to do with the basics, and they didn’t even have a decent road. Everything had to be started from scratch.

  Originally, there are not many indigenous populations on the island, only more than 200,000. After several years of sorting out, it is almost clean, but the Chinese immigration has not yet started. Cebu Island and Palawan Island are almost the same.

  I want to say that your majesty is really a qualified father, and he will not leave his children with difficult ethnic conflicts. If you want to stay, you will leave a clean fief.

The entire Luzon archipelago is composed of more than 7,100 islands, divided into three major areas, namely Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Luzon, Mindanao and its affiliated islands account for 82.4% of the entire archipelago area. It is the first and second island respectively.

  Currently, the main purpose of Chinese immigrants is these two, one is Luzon and the other is Mindanao. These are the two largest islands in the Philippine archipelago and are also a royal territory directly under the jurisdiction of the empire. They are key construction areas and will not be sealed off.

  The Duke of Palawan, the Duke of Wright and the Duke of Cebu occupy the remaining 17.6% of their fiefdoms. The total area is about 50,000 square kilometers, including more than 1,100 islands, most of which are uninhabited desert islands.

  Leyte Island belongs to the eastern island of Visayan Islands, located to the east of Cebu Island and Bohol Island, and to the southwest of Samar Island. It is 194 kilometers long from northwest to southeast. It is only 21 kilometers wide at the narrowest point from east to west and covers an area of ​​7,213 square kilometers.

  The mountains run through the island, with many volcanoes and the highest peak, Mount Yalto, with an altitude of 1349 meters, which is the commanding height of the island.

The southwest of Wright Island is a hilly area, and the northeast is an open plain with fertile land. It is a concentrated settlement area for local indigenous people. It has large tracts of farmland and orchards, rich in rice, corn, coconut, abaca, sugar cane, and bananas. There are also crops on the island. Manganese and sulfur ore.

  Due to the imperial cleaning policy, Wright Island is now stagnant in agricultural production, mineral development is barren, and it is temporarily in a stage where there is no output.

But this is only a short-term difficulty. Entering next year, the immigration planning department will open the immigration process to Wright Island, Palawan Island, and Cebu Island. A large number of Chinese immigrants will be influx, and it will not take long for them to get rid of it. Billowing, melons and fruits fragrant.

  There are mainly three small towns, Tacloban, Maasin and Ormoc, and many villages on the island. Nowadays, people go to Shikong.

  With the geographical resource conditions of Wright Island, it is not difficult at all to carry a population of 2 to 3 million. If a pillar industry can be developed, there will be no problem with five or six million people.

  Duke Wright thinks that he has little money, and Li Xiaozu can’t make a fuss with him, so he said with relief;

   "Your Highness, you can't do that.

  If all the investment in construction is borne by ourselves, then no amount of money will be enough. We must use the power of private capital to mobilize them to participate in the construction together.

  For example, cement factories and brick factories do not need us to pay. You can recruit merchants, and they can build them at a reasonable price. The same goes for thermal power stations.

  The money saved is mainly used for the construction of urban public facilities, especially sewer ditches, culverts, roads and bridges, which are the most important places.

  Building houses in cities and towns can be sold to merchants, or the land can be allocated for development by real estate companies. If you are good at using the power of private funds, you can do a lot of money.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs actually does not have ample funds. Every year, Luzon and Mindanao invest in tens of millions of gold oceans. These two islands are poor and white. It will take at least more than ten years for continuous investment to achieve financial independence. .

  Like Shangri-La and Borneo today, it just no longer needs large financial subsidies, but large projects like Petrochemical City still need the support of the empire, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is naturally responsible.

  The construction of the territories of several His Highnesses requires more than 5 million gold foreign expenditures a year. It will be difficult for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to squeeze out this budget for many years. Please be considerate of your Highness. "

   "It's true, all parties need money for construction!" Li Sihan sighed with a long sigh of relief, and turned his face away from the matter.

  Compared with other princes, his economy can be said to be the most generous.

  Emperor Nicole is his aunt, and both of them are princesses. Natural resources will be inclined to Li Sihan. His mother, Princess Fiona, is also very popular, and the family is still very solid.

   Coupled with Li Sihan's natural appeal among white people, it is not difficult to attract private capital to build Wright Island, so he just talked about it, not caring in his heart.

  The great construction in Legazpi area made him a young man with enthusiasm. He can't wait to try his skills. This is the true portrayal of Li Sihan's heart.

  As for the resources for large-scale construction, are there really shortages?

  (End of this chapter)

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