Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 800: Manila

   Chapter 800 Manila

  The third day of sea voyage

On the azure sea, two large passenger ships in front and one in the back were cutting through the waves. The speed of the passenger ship was much faster than that of the freighter. At this time, it had arrived somewhere in the south of Shangri-La Island, and the fleet of 7 freighters had disappeared. Trace.

  On the second deck of the passenger ship ahead

There are more than a dozen luxury suites on the second floor of the passenger ship. There are only such a big place and a small restaurant together, so there are many opportunities to meet every day. You can have a few words for a meal, a walk, etc., and you will soon become familiar with it. .

  After a few days of contact, Li Xiaozu and Duan Changjiang finally got into the small circle of Duke Wright, and they finally did not live up to the family's painstaking arrangement.

  The Duke of Wright was born by His Majesty’s favorite consort Fiona. He was tall and tall, with well-defined features, especially his **** eyes, which were deep and charming. He was so handsome and bursting. He was the most handsome among the princes.

  He is proficient in English, French and Mandarin, and German is also good. He is not as arrogant as the prince. After getting acquainted with him, he is a very good person with a gentle personality, but a little bit less.

  The other end of the passenger ship deck

  Several aristocratic children are gathering around the Duke of Palawan deliberately to please, sitting under the white parasols and drinking afternoon tea, chatting very lively.

  The two sides are quite distinct, each playing in their own small circle.

  After your majesty gave the adult princes knights, the nobles in the empire have many guesses;

Although Duke Wright is the fifth heir to the throne, he has obviously lost the hope of competition. There is no possibility of 1%, but he is obviously more favored than the other princes.

  In the first place, Duke Wright has a milder temperament and no arrogant temperament. Secondly, the imperial concubine Nicole who is in charge of the West Palace is his aunt, plus the maternal favorite Fiona, your majesty loves the house and Wu.

The basis for this judgment is the Duke’s fief. The Duke of Wright’s fief is adjacent to Cebu Island. The Spaniards have operated here for more than 200 years. There are many old castles, churches and villages on the island, as well as large fertile fields. One of the most developed islands.

  The Duke of Wright’s fief is located in the south-central Luzon Islands. It has a pleasant climate and a long history of development. It is much stronger than the elongated Palawan Island.

  Aside from the important geographical location, it seems to be much better than the Hawaiian Islands, which are more than 8,000 kilometers away.

  Sit under the white parasol

Duan Changjiang’s chat is strong at this moment, and he said with a smile; “His Royal Highness, let’s disembark and take a tour together when passing by your duke’s fief. island."

  "Forget it, what's the point of view of the mere sea view. The Duke of Palawan and I are doing errands on this trip. It is better to be more diligent and not to have extra branches." Duke Li Sihan of Wright waved his hand and responded in a gentle voice.

  He is not polite, but he really thinks so.

  Ocean Empire has more than 27,000 islands, and it is an out-and-out country of ten thousand islands. To say that the invincible scenery of blue sea and silver sand is almost everywhere, it is not uncommon at all.

Tasmania, Australia’s mainland Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Darwin, Cebu Island, Samarinda and even the Mozambique coast are all world-class famous coastal attractions. The coconut wind blows, the blue sea and the silver sand, just like a world. Heaven is generally beautiful.

  One more Wright Bay, what's so strange?

  It’s precious if there isn’t, and it’s not a matter of too much overflow.

"His Royal Highness said that it is not without the meaning of examination and training to come to the errands that the Holy Lord has explained. The establishment of Somali companies in the Luzon Islands has universal reference significance for other places in the islands." Li Xiaozu can only rely on the limited present. Information, to help analyze and sort out, continue to say thoughtfully;

  "We, the children of the nobles who are going to attack the Jue in the future, shoulder the responsibility of the prosperity of the family. Which one is not put in the government ministries to experience?

What for?

  It’s just that you can’t be raised up and abandoned like the Man Baqi brothers, all day long hawking and fighting dogs, wandering around the brothel, and blinding the thousands of miles away from the father’s generation.

  From here and here, the errands of this trip must not be neglected! "

  Wright Duke Li Sihan nodded his head approvingly, and said; “Xiaozu’s words are in my heart. With the empire’s growing momentum today, I can’t tolerate our slack.”

   "His Royal Highness is wise, Yangtze River is ashamed."

"Hahaha... you and I are of the same age, like-minded, don't have any taboos for casual chatting." Duke Li Sihan of Wright smiled gently, his eyes seemed to inadvertently cast aside the big prince people not far away, and he turned his head and continued speaking; "Say a thousand words and ten thousand. I am also a idle grand prince, and it is absolutely impossible to inherit the grand prince. I am a layman. I don’t have the pride of my father who swallows thousands of miles. I only hope that in the years to come, if I am fortunate to have the help of three or five friends to make Wright Island more prosperous and beautiful. This is enough."

  His expression is sincere, which can be seen from the heart.

  Duke Kate is very popular with His Majesty, but after all, the blood is mixed, this is a flaw that he will never be able to overcome. If the eldest prince still has a 1% chance to overcome the Datong, he really has no hope at all.

Therefore, Duke Wright’s marriage was dominated by the Royal Concubine Nicole, and Earl Conrad Ardenne made an effort to marry Princess Catherine, the daughter of Ludwig III of the Principality of Bavaria. His Majesty gave the green light all the way and let it go. .

   investigate its original intention

  I still want to compensate this gentle and favored prince through a satisfactory noble marriage.

  From another aspect, is it not a kind of sadness?

  Li Xiaozu's eyes touched Duan Changjiang, both hands respectfully said; "If your highness does not give up, we would like to do what we can do."

   "Ha ha ha... I sincerely wish, I dare not ask you." Li Sihan laughed happily.


After a lapse of three years, great changes have taken place in this large city in Nanyang. Large areas of low shack have been pushed down and flattened. One building after another has been erected, mostly with 3 to 4 floors, sometimes with more than 10 floors. The outer walls of the high-rise buildings are still under construction with scaffolding.

  About 20% of the urban area to be renovated, deep construction trenches have been opened up in the streets, which are building permanent urban drainage facilities.

  Because it was shortly after the rain, the construction trench was drowned for a small amount of water and turned into a small mud river, which looked very dirty.

  The diesel engine at the junction of the street is roaring, pumping out a large stream of muddy water into the river, so as to dry the construction trenches and resume the construction of the sewer ditches as soon as possible.

  Due to the limitation of the times, there is no qualified sewer cast iron pipe or super large diameter composite rubber pipe, which can greatly save the construction difficulty.

Therefore, today’s sewer facilities adopt a large-opening construction method. The tunnel is built with bricks, and then covered with a reinforced concrete surface layer. Finally, the muck is backfilled, and one layer is laminated tightly and flat, plus a layer of gravel and fly ash. Layer, pour concrete asphalt...

A set of construction is time-consuming and laborious, especially in a large city such as Manila, which has many streets and lanes. Therefore, it must be combined with the step-by-step progress of urban transformation. It takes more than 10 years to improve the construction of the entire city's sewage network facilities. The total estimated investment is 1,000. Seven million gold oceans.

  Manila is positioned as a first-tier central city in the region under the rule of the empire, which means that it will be a metropolis with a population of more than one million in the future. The construction standards are all in accordance with the first-tier central city planning. This huge investment cannot be saved.

  Especially Manila is located in the subtropical region. It has a typical oceanic subtropical climate, with heavy rainfall during the rainy season and frequent concentrated rainfall. Without high-standard and unobstructed urban sewer facilities, it is a disaster in the rainy season.

  Before the Spanish ruled, they took a passing attitude and turned a blind eye. For more than 200 years, no urban sewer network was built. This urban construction debt must now be repaid by the empire.


   is spent by the Imperial Household Department, because it is a territories directly under the Royal Family, and the Ocean Empire Cabinet Finance does not have a public construction expenditure plan.

Since    is the royal family's territory, it is naturally built by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it is not easy for the government to intervene.

  Don’t look at the imperial government’s annual collection of huge taxes and land transfer fees, but the expenses are equally huge, and the years that can make a surplus are extremely limited.

  Urban construction is no joke, it requires continuous investment for many years.

  Break your fingers and count

  Since Li Fushou set foot on Australia in 1876, he has been in the cycle of construction, expansion, re-construction, and expansion. The money spent like gold and silver has been spent in exchange for today’s huge prosperity scene.

  This is not...

  The local construction in Australia is on the right track and has entered a long-term and lucrative period of profit. The development of the Qingshui River Basin on Shangri-La Island has basically come to an end, and the development of the Jinshui River Basin is coming to an end, and it gradually has the ability to be financially independent.

  Relying on local fiscal revenue, it can basically meet most of the urban development and construction needs with a small amount of subsidies.

  In the Western War launched in 1898, the royal family took over the Luzon Islands, covering an area of ​​300,000 square kilometers, and a new round of major construction began.

In the overall plan, there is only one central city in the Luzon Islands in Manila, and only one in Quezon in the quasi-first-tier cities, but there are 11 in the second-tier cities. Davao, Caloocan, Zamboanga and other important regional cities are all listed. in.

  These cities also need to be renovated and built. The total amount of investment is as high as tens of millions of golden oceans every year. It has been going on for three years and will continue to invest in the future.

  Don’t say anything else

  Simply talk about Quezon City, which is very close to Manila. It is a prosperous city that is not inferior to Manila in terms of scale. Its jurisdiction is 4 times that of Manila, and its economic status is very important.

  If Manila is the Peking of the Luzon Islands, then Quezon is the Shanghai of the Luzon Islands. Can such a city not be built?

  According to imperial standards

First-tier central metropolises refer to first-tier metropolises with a population of more than 800,000 within 5 to 10 years, and a long-term plan with a population of more than 1.5 million. The construction standards are the highest, such as Red River Valley, Brisbane, Songjiang, Beilun, Melbourne, Qingdao, and Tianjin. Hub, Moresby, Samarinda, and Seoul all belong to such first-tier cities.

A quasi-first-tier city refers to a large city with a population of more than 600,000 within 5 to 10 years, and a long-term planning population of more than 1 million. Quezon belongs to this category of cities.

  In the construction of high standards, there is really not enough money to spend.

  Fortunately, the Luzon Islands have ample free labor, which can save a lot of money for urban construction. This is the only good news.

   into the city

Everywhere you can see the bare-backed natives who wear only a pair of loincloth shorts and labor under the scorching sun. They clean up the rubble of the flattened city, level the land, dig ditches, build roads, and do the hardest and most tiring work. Ants are changing the face of the city like moving.

  Across the Luzon Islands, countless aboriginal slaves are building roads and bridges, building railways, building irrigation ditches, cutting down forests, cutting mountains and chopping rocks, and extending flat and wide roads everywhere.

  After three years of construction

The construction of public facilities in the Luzon Islands has begun to take shape. The spacious avenues can reach the township level. Several railways are about to be completed and opened to traffic. The bridges and culverts along the way are basically completed, and more than 8,000 kilometers of main irrigation canals and branch canals have been built. The construction has achieved remarkable results.

  According to the new immigration policy implemented in 1899, immigrants to mainland Australia and Southeast Asian states, including Shangri-La, Borneo, Luzon Islands, and Somalia, will no longer allocate land for immigrants free of charge.

  Immigration in need of land can go to the open market for land circulation to buy and sell. The price of land is based on the open market, and the government collects a certain percentage of land sales deed tax.

  The above new policy does not include the trusteeship of the Sulawesi Islands, the Pacific Islands and the Hawaiian Islands, and does not include the African islands of Madagascar and Mozambique.

  The reason for this requirement is that there are more and more Chinese immigrants in the north, and the government has less and less undeveloped land. It is gradually not making ends meet, and it is imperative to change the policy.

  The change in immigration policy has not diminished the enthusiasm of Chinese immigrants.

  Following the number of immigrants exceeding 1.8 million in 1899, the immigrant population reached 211 from January to November 1900, and it is expected to exceed 2.35 million throughout the year, a sharp increase of 30% compared to the previous year.

  As a result of the Northern War, the armies of the great powers of various countries entered Peiping City, which caused a huge shock in Chinese society and produced obvious spillover effects.

  The government, through policy guidance, will send more immigrants to the Pacific Islands, Sulawesi Islands and Africa to make up for the shortage of population in these backward and remote areas.


  After a long journey, the Duke of Palawan and the Duke of Wright arrived in Manila and saw a lively scene under construction.

  The fly in the ointment is that the streets are muddy and construction materials are piled up everywhere. The indigenous hard labor under the scorching sun watched the convoy passing by with a dull expression, and then continued to work under the whip.

  The whole city is undergoing transformation and the pain of childbirth, and it will take time to show a new and beautiful face.

  Not long after the convoy moved forward, it entered the transformed city.

   On both sides of the broad and flat asphalt road, there are tall subtropical sidewalk trees, bushes blooming with flowers, and the street lights lined up extend far away, looking neat and clean, like two worlds.

  Some of the buildings on both sides of the road are still under construction, and some have been completed. Many low-level shops are opened to welcome guests. There are many people coming and going. Most of them are Chinese, and some are white.

  Compared with the urban residents in the metropolis of Red River Valley in Australia, most of the men wear elegant woolen suits or youth clothes, while the women wear expensive western dresses and umbrellas to swagger through the city, revealing a modern and prosperous atmosphere.

  There are not many people who wear suits and dresses here. They are mainly commoners. Many people wear bamboo hats on their heads to block the hot sun. Women like to wear wide-leg pants that reach their ankles, which are cool and neat.

  There are very few cars on the streets, mainly bullock carts, mule carts, and many human rubber-wheeled carts. On the contrary, there are a lot of people and it is quite lively.

  The overall look is unpretentious, more than 20 years behind Australia's native cities.

  (End of this chapter)

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