Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 415: The French are coming

  Chapter 415 The French is Coming

  A few days later

  Xian Town Expedition Task Force Team Headquarters

"What... Your kid bought the broken ship that was stranded on the rocks. Where did you get so much money?" Lei Xiaopeng asked in amazement. After a little thought, he beckoned and let Li Yong sit down. , Pushed the big tea mug on the table forward and said; "Drink some water and speak slowly."

   "Thanks to the captain, I am not thirsty."

   Li Yong looked at the black tea brewed in the big tea mug with disgust, and put most of the tea mugs in the tea mug.

  Lei Xiaopeng, the leader of the team, said that it was strong tea for refreshing. One of his favorites was cigarettes and the other was drinking tea. With these two things in hand, he would not sleep for three days and three nights.

   "Hehe...I don't know how to enjoy!" Lei Xiaopeng took a sip from the big tea mug and said with a point; "Do you know all about Erlian?"

   "Yes, Captain, so I also have some new ideas. I'm not going to report to you!"

"New idea? I like this wording. As long as it's just doing business and not engaging in smuggling, I agree." Lei Xiaopeng paused deliberately when he said that, and emphasized it with a more serious tone; "Especially armed smuggling, don't expect it. I will give you the green light."

Lei Xiaopeng's mind turned fast enough. There are only agricultural and sideline products and commodities brought by ocean freighters in the surrounding area of ​​Xi'an Town. In addition, the business of human trafficking is relatively prosperous. This is Li Yong and the second company officer teamed up to spend their fortunes. Buying a second-hand offshore freighter is always not for good deeds, right?

  Buying a freighter is naturally for transportation, so the whereabouts are questionable.

The Horn of Africa has no heads, the local indigenous people are poorly clothed, there is no gold, no ivory, and no minerals worth mining. Let alone the word "trade", it's too special. Far away.

Egypt on the Red Sea is of course very prosperous, but it is a British territory. The Normandy Import and Export Company has an important foreign trade company branch there. The goods are directly transported by ocean freighters, and the cost-effectiveness crushes the two streets of Xi'an Town. .

  The neighboring Kingdom of Ethiopia also has a large population. However, because it is located in the inland plateau and is mainly transported by land, sea ships are of no use.

  Yemen region on the northern shore of the Gulf of Aden has been tragic for years of war. The lucrative port of Naga and Oman have the routes of the 19th century United Shipping Company for open commercial transportation.

  Look around the whole area

  Only the deserted Persian Gulf is a paradise for smugglers. There are three regimes along the Persian Gulf, the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Iran and the Kingdom of Oman.

Among them, the relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Iran and the Kingdom of Oman are very tense, especially the small-scale border friction between the former two. Therefore, the Austro-Hungarian Empire strictly forbids coastal trade in the Persian Gulf. destroy.

  Of course, the population of the two river basins has reached more than 20 million. It is a traditional rich place, and the profits of smuggling in it are also extremely lucrative.

  A similar situation is like that of the Qing Dynasty. The imperial court strictly banned maritime trade, especially in the southeastern provinces where there were so many non-governmental smuggling ships that could not be banned.

  Seeing that the chief was aware of the major business opportunities, Li Yong did not hesitate to say, and he confided in his own plan, ready to add the chief to join the count.

  This kind of joint-stock business is quite popular in Queensland. The participation of officials from both military and political circles is one of the main operating methods to maintain a decent life.

  For example, participation in Shangri-La Bank is one of the best ways to obtain stable income.

  Of course, these are games that are only qualified for officers at the regiment level or above. The middle and lower-level officers can't get such a good thing. Only the Eight Immortals cross the sea and each shows its ability.

   "This can be done, but I want to participate in 30% of the shares." Li Xiaopeng considered for a moment and quickly made a decision, and if he said nothing, he would take away 30%.

"What, are too much." Li Yong looked embarrassed, he cried his fingers and said; "My shipping company friend wants to take away 20% of the equity, and then the veteran of marine operations will have to Relying on him to arrange, from the captain to the sailor and the safety of navigation, 20% of the equity is not much. The manager of the terminal here gives 10% of the equity. We need to use the terminal and warehouse for the purchase and sale of goods. The interests of both parties are tied up. The most stable way is that the remaining officers of the second company and I can only be allocated 50%. I originally wanted to keep 10% for you, and 10% for the influential families in Basra. Those locals cheated themselves and did it. It's very slippery. With their cooperation, the business will be much smoother. You took so much at once. It's really difficult!"

"Well...that won't make you embarrassed, I only need 20%." Lei Xiaopeng considered for a moment, and decisively lowered the asking price, he explained patiently; "Ayong, I don't want you for nothing. The shares, but real money to participate in shares, and to provide convenience in all aspects, the pressure is also very great.

  You do the math

  The broken ship had a few big holes in the reef. Can it run without repairs?

  Moreover, the seaweed and oyster shells on the bottom of the ship are so thick that they have to be cleaned and painted, and staff are hired. This is another big expense, and there is no money to play.

Within my authority, you can allow your company to send no more than 30 soldiers on vacation to the ship for armed escort. There are several old Gatling machine guns in the warehouse of our expeditionary task force. I will give you a note to transfer two of them to the ship. , This is interesting enough!

  No matter what kind of dispute arises in Xi'an Town, as long as it does not cause death, I can suppress it for you. Everyone will cooperate to do this business. How about making money together? "

   "Okay, two achieve 20%." Li Yong thought about it, gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

  The role of the captain is crucial, and it makes sense to take 20%.

   If it doesn’t work, lower the shares of the shipping company’s friends, and then find some compensation from other places. Anyway, as the promoter of this business, occupying 30% of the equity cannot be lowered. The other officers in the company only occupy 20% of the total.

   After straightening out the clues and having sufficient funds, Li Yong and his team started to work in a hurry.

  There are many blacksmiths in the construction of the wharf near Xi'an Town, as well as the necessary steel plate materials and tools and equipment. It is not difficult to repair the freighter that hits the rocks, and it will be completed soon.

  The hull is painted with light blue paint, and the top and bottom are completely refurbished, and the appearance seems to be back again.

Several shipowners in partnership chose a lucky day. In the lively atmosphere of firecrackers and gongs and drums, the freighter was launched again, with the English name "Vailer" on the bow, and it was suspended high. It bears the St. George's rice flag and belongs to a British merchant ship registered in Australia.

  A ship full of best-selling goods was quickly loaded. 30 soldiers in civilian clothes boarded the ship with guns and ammunition, which gave the Persian merchants great confidence.

With such a powerful armed protection, you are not afraid to meet the sailing warships of the Ottoman Empire. After all, those old bronze cannons can't go far, and the sailing warships are limited by the wind direction, and the speed is only a few knots in the headwind, and We must hobble forward in the zigzag shape.

The flexible steam iron ship is simply an invincible presence in the Persian Gulf. It can go out of 11 knots of high speed with full cargo without any direction restrictions. It is as slippery as a fish in the sea. With powerful armed guards, safety can be obtained. Fully guaranteed.

  The first voyage was directed by Li Yong, the second company commander, personally on board, and what... he is on vacation.

As long as the cargo of this ship is safely delivered to the secret smuggling terminal in Basra, it will earn a net profit of 680 pounds. It takes more than 10 days to go back and forth and two trips a month to earn money back from the purchase of the ship, not to mention when it comes back. You can also bring local specialties, such as the very popular Arab women.

  It won’t be long before the brothers of Erlian will become rich as inflatable balls, which is far more profitable than running a skin and meat business.

at dusk

The Voyager went out to sea quietly and sailed into the azure Gulf of Aden. Li Yong stood in the driver's building with emotion, watching the bright sunset from the sky shining on the sea, and the land behind him gradually became a strip. The black line, the lofty ambition in the heart spontaneously arises.

  Our pioneers, when fighting the storm and facing the difficulties.

  A day in early October 1884

   Located at the main point of the Mande Strait, near the sea near Grand Hanish Island

  A light cruiser flying the French tricolor flag is hovering on the nearby sea. On the bridge, several French officers in the uniform of a navy colonel are holding binoculars with ugly faces and are carefully observing the situation on the island.

According to reports from merchant ships passing by, there was a suspected presence of garrison on Grand Hanish Island, as if the flag of St. George was flying. This made the French troops stationed in the Suez Canal feel particularly uneasy. Therefore, an observation team was sent to contact the garrison on the island. Ascertain its intention to act.

"Damn it, it's the St. George flag, but these soldiers seem to...are they soldiers from Uttar Pradesh or Kurkha soldiers? It's weird that they shouldn't be extended to Africa when the Governor's Mansion is in India!" Paye Colonel Special murmured to himself that he was the highest rank among the officers present, his temples were slightly pale, and he had a wealth of experience in the colonial army.

   "The British have firmly occupied Egypt and can directly exert influence on the Suez Canal. I really don't understand why it is necessary to occupy this desert island again?"

  "British thinking is puzzling. I am afraid that the smog in London has corroded them all, otherwise such strange actions cannot be explained."

   "Hehe... Well said, this is the funniest cold joke I have ever heard."

Other officers rushed to express their own speech, and the words were full of the pride of the Gallic rooster. The shameful defeat of the Franco-Prussian War 14 years ago is deeply buried in their hearts. You will not hear this from the French. But they will never forget the shame imposed by the Prussians.

The garrison on the Grand Hanish Island apparently also spotted a French light cruiser hovering near the sea. A patrol boat of more than 300 tons came out of the bay. The bow of the ship had three officers standing in the wind, which seemed to be preparing. Negotiations were made.

  (End of this chapter)

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