Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 411: New Governor New Policy

  Chapter 411 New Governor's New Policy

  The bright sunshine sprinkled through the window lattice on the heavy desk on the red sandalwood wood floor, giving it an oily and moist luster, and it has a distinguished and elegant characteristic that defies Tongji, which is extraordinary.

   Slender fingers tapped gently on the desktop, making a dull sound.

Faced with the sudden incursion of the Dutch into Lanfang Country, Li Fushou was bound to intervene. In the Singapore contract signed last year, the Earl of Queensland, as the protector of the interests of Chinese immigrants in the South Pacific, was clearly listed in the contract terms. .

  Faced with the shameless acts of war by the Dutch colonists that blatantly violated the interests of the Chinese, if Li Fushou did not pay attention, he would inevitably lead to the loss of majesty, and no one would take this name seriously in the future.

  The Dutch must be beaten. There is no doubt that they must intervene in this matter.

  But how to beat and how to intervene is debatable. Queensland has just restored peace and has no intention of using large-scale foreign troops again, especially for the rescue of a Chinese government that is not so much to be seen. It is even more worth mentioning.

Li Fushou is not a saint. The Queensland forces under his leadership will not spend huge amounts of money and the precious lives of the people in the territory to regain the lost territory for an irrelevant feudal family, and seek justice, just for a few false compliments. , Isn't that being taken advantage of?

  Information display;

The Dutch raped women in East Melt City, burned, killed, looted and committed all evils, behaving extremely cruel and cruel, and almost blood-washed the residences of the Liu family and the upper class. East Melt City was almost reduced to a **** on earth, invading the war. The ruling class of Lanfang State was completely eliminated, and the corpses lying on the streets, blood flowed into rivers.

  This shows that the Dutch came prepared, and they were ruthless from the beginning.

  This situation is unpredictable. With Lan Fangguo’s serious alert to Queensland, even normal business operations and institutional settings cannot be carried out, not to mention the first time to know the relevant situation and initiate rescue operations.

at this point

   Simply let the situation deteriorate completely. This small country in the South Pacific region remains unbroken. If you want to truly rejuvenate, you can only gouge out the sores. Let the Dutch colonists take this scapegoat.

  The plan in mind has been decided

  Li Fushou took out a blank letterhead and put it on the table. After a little consideration, the ink-stained golden pen went away;

  "Honorable Master Governor of the Straits, see the letter like a meeting..."

Thousands of eloquent words, and after simple politeness, Li Fushou bluntly pointed out that the evil deeds committed by the Dutch in Lanfang are a shameful war crime that the civilized world cannot tolerate. For the governor of the Strait, who is responsible for regional peace. As far as the government is concerned, it must not turn a blind eye to or turn a blind eye to an offense that is close at hand.

  This will severely hit the British Empire’s dignity to lead the world, and may plunge the South Pacific region into a more serious war.

  Queenslanders have always loved peace, but never feared war.

  The Earl of Queensland regards the "protector of Chinese overseas immigrants" as a lofty honor and will never allow anyone to defile it, even if the war is restarted for this reason.

The implied meaning of this statement is full of naked threats. It is the strong strength that Queensland has shown in the brutal war, enough to attract the attention of all parties in the South Pacific. This is not a joke of street vendors and pawns, but It is a cruel prophecy that will become reality every minute.

  Once the Earl of Queensland, who claims to be a "protector of the interests of Chinese overseas immigrants," stepped in, the situation went out of control.

  Once the Second East Indies War begins, the war will quickly spread to Borneo and even Sumatra and Java, threatening the vital peace of the Strait of Malacca, thereby threatening the interests of all parties.

  Such serious consequences are unwilling to see all parties involved in the South Pacific region.

To stop the Lord of Queensland from going crazy, the Straits Settlements Government House should take substantive actions, such as forcefully suppressing the Dutch, preventing its colonial army from killing ordinary people butchers, keeping the situation within a small area, and waiting for follow-up. Negotiation to resolve and so on.

The ideal situation is to surrender soldiers without a fight. Li Fushou Baitlanfang has a large territory, and the forces have penetrated deeply into Lanfang, and supported the puppet regime in this Chinese country. The two forces in Borneo echoed each other. Pinch the Dutchman in both directions.

  Before this

  Let’s let the Dutch wreak havoc for a while. In this era, communication is inconvenient, and such important things are inconvenient to transmit by telegram. Sending envoys from Qinglong City with letters to take the fastest intercontinental cruise ship will take at least seven or eight days to arrive in Singapore.

  It will take 20 days to exchange letters between the two parties. When the coordinated action is taken, several months have passed.

  No way. The efficiency of this era is so low. Don't expect how efficient the Straits Governor’s House is. If you ask London on this matter, it will be even slower to get a definite reply.

  Do those bureaucrats in London value a small Chinese nation on an island nation in the South Pacific?

  The answer is of course; no.

  With this free time, how about going to a pub on the street for a drink and talking about coquettish bar girls, maybe something will happen!

  Outside East Wanlu City

  A forest of white tents are located in the gentle hills. Dutch soldiers do their own things. There are also many indigenous and Chinese soldiers in short fights. This is a precious resting time during the war.

  In the big tent of the barracks

The new governor, Earl Hoffman, dressed in an exquisite dress, has a typical Prussian beard, and he can see that he has Germanic blood. This is not uncommon in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands has a long history of intermarriage with the nobles of the German Empire. , The two sides have a close relationship.

  He is surrounded by Lieutenant General Keitel of the Royal Netherlands Army, Wen Baker, Deputy Minister of Government Affairs, Chinatown "Kapidan" Sheng Yeyun and other important figures. The star guards are around the Governor.

  Speak seriously

  The post of governor of the Dutch East Indies is the most important post of the Kingdom of the Netherlands overseas, and there is no one.

Because of the reckless launch of the East Indies War, the previous Governor-General Sir Frederick Jacobs defeated three cabinets of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and was finally imprisoned for serious treason charges and has been sent to Amsterdam. Waiting for the grand jury trial, the final outcome may be tragic.

  The governor of the Dutch East Indies made an irresponsible and rash decision, which dragged down the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands and fell into the quagmire of an invisible war, causing the entire kingdom to suffer a huge blow.

  He must bear a scapegoat for his defeat in the war and be severely punished.

   But this does not affect the importance of the Dutch East Indies Governor's House in the slightest, but highlights its important position in the minds of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

  "Gentlemen, I personally came to the front to boost the morale of the soldiers, hoping to reproduce the glorious victory in the Aceh War. The kingdom needs to end the dispute in Borneo. It is time to end all this."

When the Governor Hoffman spoke, he would habitually wave his strong arms to strengthen his tone. His character was not as strong as he showed, but infiltrated the cunning and sleekness of more low countries, more like a businessman or politician.

  "Lanfang is the confidant of the rule of Borneo. The Governor's Mansion is awkward and restless. If it is allowed to join forces with Eastern Queensland forces, the outcome will be catastrophic.

  The Dutch will be forced to withdraw from Borneo, which has been in business for more than 200 years. This is a situation that I cannot accept.

Sir   's words are very reasonable and full of Eastern wisdom. The so-called "preparing for a rainy day, taking the first step to get rid of the big troubles" has become an unavoidable multiple-choice question on the table.

  Facts proved

  We are right. The Queenslanders did not react fiercely right away, but applied pressure through the British Channel Governor’s House.

  Dear gentlemen and gentlemen, there is not much time I can buy for you. At this stage, I must launch a powerful counterattack to attack the East Wanlu again, completely crush the organized Chinese resistance and throw it into the heap of joy.

  So I hope that the offense will be launched as soon as possible.

  I will give you half a month to clean up all of this. After this time, all military operations must be stopped, and a relatively peaceful regional environment will be created for the Dutch army to withdraw.

  Mr. Keitel, can we do all this? "

  Lieutenant General Keitel did not answer immediately, but frowned and thought for a while, showing a very embarrassed look in his expression.

  This **** old fox!

Governor Hoffman scolded secretly, but said with a sincere expression on his face; "Mr. Keitel, the Governor's House is now facing criticism from powerful countries such as Britain and France. The Queenslanders have issued a naked threat of war. They are not By doing this, the Kalimantan Second Division in Semuda has begun to mobilize and replenish war materials, and the flames of war may reignite and spread at any time.

The Borneo Fleet’s flagship "Qinglong" heavy cruiser is a powerful existence that our Royal Fleet cannot resist. Recently, it led the fleet from the home port of Samarinda and hovered on the sea near Machen. This pair of Surabaya is not far away. Hong Kong poses a serious threat.

  We do not have the power to start the Second East Indies War, and cannot bear such disastrous consequences.

  Only by ending the Lanfang country war process as soon as possible and quickly withdrawing from the region, can regional peace be achieved under the supervision of powerful countries such as Britain and France, and the anger of the Queensland Earl can barely be calmed.

  The current realistic choice is to act quickly to eradicate the disaster. The time I can buy for you is running out. "

"Your Honorable Governor, thank you very much for your frankness, but Lan Fangguo's rebels are very cunning. Once they hide in the dense forest, it is very difficult to find them. The military has no absolute certainty to clean them out completely." Lieutenant General Keitel did not So as to continue to pretend to be deaf, he replied carefully;

"According to the existing forces, we can easily attack Dongwanlu again, but after night, the city is not strong enough to block the entire city. After all, I have only more than 6,000 people under my team, and most of them are indigenous servants. The combat power is not complimented. ."

"I have also handed you the command of the 400 soldiers who stood up in the name of the brave team brought by Sir Sheng. They are trustworthy Chinese of descent. They are more familiar with the habits of the Lanfang people and have good training levels. They are a reliable armed force." After Governor Hoffman took office, he soon discovered Sheng Yeyun, a very useful dog minion.

  Dutch whites are too scarce, and the rule of using barbarians to control barbarians is king.

  "Your Excellency, any increase in strength for us now is commendable. I welcome this with both hands, and I will strongly urge the troops to take decisive action and strive to wipe out the rebels."

Lieutenant-General Keitel expressed his ambiguity. He glanced at the volunteer soldiers outside the tent, and smacked the corners of his mouth imperceptibly. Obviously he was not optimistic about these intrepid Chinese gunmen wearing dark gray fine silk gowns and trousers **** like lanterns. .

  It makes sense to be so cautious and optimistic. Many Chinese gunmen do not even have a Mauser 1871 rifle with a bayonet high, just like a yellow-skinned monkey.

  Mauser 1871 rifle is 1292 mm long, equipped with a 360 mm long shiny bayonet. The total length reaches 1.66 meters. It can be used as a spear. It is an absolute weapon in a hand-to-hand assault.

  (End of this chapter)

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