Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 404: Mande Strait

  Chapter 404 The Mande Strait

   After discussing European affairs for a while, the topic turned to the African Expedition Task Force led by Lei Xiaopeng. As the deputy of Lord Earl, Xin Changjun had a deep knowledge of the relevant situation, including the supply of logistical materials, which was handled by him.

"Master Yuanding, the plan to occupy the Somali region is proceeding very smoothly. Lei Xiaopeng only used 30 pounds of toffee and 50 machine-made long knives were exchanged from the local chief to a large oasis land along the coast of Djibouti. The most critical area in the Mande Strait.

at the same time

  The advance team was divided into two groups and occupied a deserted Greater Hanish Island. There were almost no traces of people except for a few dilapidated Arab fishermen’s huts, so everything went smoothly.

  At this stage, the expeditionary advance team is shrinking its forces, giving priority to ensuring the safety of base construction, and not actively contacting local aborigines and other forces. Everything is mainly low-key, and no abnormalities have been found so far. "

   "Well, very good." Li Fushou nodded his approval.

  No need to ask

Li Fushou knew that Lei Xiaopeng must deceive the local indigenous chiefs to sign a treaty. This is a common method used by Europeans in Africa to use the knowledge and information gap between the two sides to coax the African chiefs to sign an unequal treaty. Ceded large plots of land.

  He only pays attention to results, not process.

  This is what the French do in the Congo River Basin, the Belgians do the same, the Portuguese and the British do the same, everyone has to learn from it, and now we have to add Queenslanders.

  If you can’t cheat, just grab it. Basically, it’s such a routine.

  As a colonist, everyone is in the same category, so don’t mention justice and axioms at this time.

  Unless you don’t get involved in Africa, you don’t want to be clean if you jump into this big dyeing vat.

  Some thinker once said;

  During the primitive accumulation period of capitalism, every pound sterling was soaked in blood, sweat and injustice, full of exploitation and oppression...


  You must have enough strength to be treated equally. This does not depend on the will of some people. The reality is so cruel. You can choose between the exploited and the exploited. There is no other way out.

   Britain, France, Italy and Germany are so economically developed, and they are still thinking about expanding the scope of colonization. Is it a pain to idle?

  The answer is of course; no.

  They need cheap primary products, labor and a broad market produced in Africa to digest a large number of products produced by industry, and feed back the domestic economy through exploitation. This is the development path of an established capitalist country.

  But why did the United States not participate in the process of colonizing Africa?

  The answer is very simple. The United States is now focusing on the Spanish colonies of Central America, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Luzon Islands in the South Pacific. Compared with that, Africa’s size and economy are not enough to look at, and there is no time to take care of it for the time being.

  It is self-explanatory which one to choose first, a piece of fat or a piece of lean meat.

Between the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula and the African continent, there is a northwest-southeast strait connecting the Arabian Sea from the southern tip of the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden. Strait.

Due to the suitable depth of the waterway (East Channel of the Strait), there are few islands and reefs in the channel, leading to the Red Sea in the north and the Gulf of Aden in the south. An important channel for transportation and trade.

  Mande Strait is the southern gate of the Red Sea. Since ancient times, it has been a busy commercial road connecting the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

  Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, ships have entered the Indian Ocean from the Suez Canal and the Red Sea through the Mande Strait, and then through the Strait of Malacca into the Asian coastal area in the western Pacific Ocean. The Strait of Mande has become an important maritime traffic route for the three oceans of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans, and its importance has become increasingly prominent.

  Greater Hanish Island is located in the middle of the southeastern end of the Red Sea, close to the Mande Strait, 40 kilometers from Yemen to the east and Eritrea to the west, and is centrally located on the main channel of the Red Sea. Its strategic location is very important. Whoever occupies the Greater Hanish Island can block the Mande Strait completely.

  For the route from Europe to India or the Far East, if the image of the Suez Canal is compared to the main throat, then the Mande Strait is undoubtedly the location of the end of the large intestine, and its importance is beyond doubt.

have to say

The time when Li Fushou initiated the action is very wonderful. At this time in 1884, no more than 25% of the entire African continent was colonized by Europe. In North Africa, it was mainly Libya, Morocco and British Egypt. Central Africa was the Congo River Basin and Mozambique. , Southern Africa is South Africa, Mozambique and Ivory Coast. The entire inland and large coastal areas of Africa are not included.

  It’s like before the game

  European and American players are all behind the starting line and are ready to try. Queensland silently walked to the front and took a small bench to sit down, occupying a place. Due to the imperfect rules, it is hard for others to say anything.

  According to the first-come-first-served principle of the tacit understanding of European countries, Queensland's actions are just on the waist, which can be described as subtle and the timing is unique.

  Don’t forget

  Li Fushou’s identity is the Earl of Queensland personally conferred by Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. He belongs to the identity of the British colonial aristocracy. Behind him stands the world hegemon, the British Empire, which is almost equal to the type of British pawns.

  British people can teach by themselves, others can't.

According to the colonial Africa 2c plan formulated by the United Kingdom, a colonial empire will be established from South Africa to Egypt across the entire African continent. This does not include Somalia in the Horn of Africa, because there is still a very powerful Kingdom of Ethiopia in between. , The two plans are not in conflict.

  Britain has never seen this desert land. This place is occupied by Ma Tsai. The so-called so-called fertile water does not flow into outsiders' fields. London is happy to see it. It is better than letting others occupy it.

  Professor Glenn Johnson clearly mentioned the occupation of Somalia when he met with Lord Gulliver, Minister of the Colony.

  Lord Gulliver just froze for a moment, and then said with a smile; "Oh... there is nothing but desert and Gobi, maybe Mr. Queensland Earl is going to be disappointed."

  "Your Honorable Lord, we need the Somalia region, just to establish a stable supply base for the ocean trade route from Europe to Australia."

   "I can understand, so does Guinea also have similar considerations?"

"You know, the Suez Canal is the safest route from Australia to the east coast of the United States. In this long route, it is very important to obtain multiple stable supply points. As a last resort, we are not willing to risk crossing extremely dangerous. Cape Horn, the southernmost point of Argentina, is a nightmare for all ocean freighters..."

   "The reason is very good. Okay, let's talk about the sales prospects of Fulinmen gas stoves in the UK. I am very interested in this kind of popular..."

Lord Gulliver was very interested in the Australian specialties he brought, and related topics took up 6 and a half minutes during the 10-minute meeting between the two people. The real topic only talked a few words, and the two sides maintained the necessary tacit agreement.

  As a superior

  Lord Gulliver will not promise anything, as long as he doesn't object, it is enough to mention it at the right time.

  This kind of trivial matter can't rise to the level of the London government. The British Empire’s African colonization plan is the 2c plan, and there is no place for Somalia in it. As for Guinea, well... many British bureaucrats don’t know where Guinea is?

  Africa today is a paradise for adventurers.

  No matter what person or status, anyone can occupy a large area of ​​land in the African circle. After the gold mine is discovered in Mozambique, the Portuguese captain can establish settlements along the river basin and declare the area as his own.

  The French adventurer led a group of European mercenaries who dared to attack the Kingdom of Madagascar. Although they were ashamed, they could explain the problem.

  According to the plan made in advance;

The first step in the invasion of Africa is Somalia and Guinea. Now the plan is implemented very smoothly. The Djibouti area near the Mande Strait has begun to establish a logistics base, docks and related military and civilian facilities as a strategic support point to control the entire Mande Strait. As a transit point for ocean trade, it plays a huge role.

  The occupation of Greater Hanish Island and related islands nearby is a move of strategic significance, essentially controlling the entire Mande Strait in your hands.

The first, second and second points are mutually aided by Austrian aid. After all the facilities are completed, they can independently complete the task of blocking the strait and exert global influence from thousands of miles away. The garrison can ensure the safety of the long ocean trade route from the Red Sea to the Arabian Gulf. Queensland has officially embarked on a practical move in the world.

  All these concealed intentions have not been exposed yet, and it must not last long.

   "Yuan Ding, I always feel that the French and Italians will not let us control the Mande Strait. This position is too critical, for them, it is uncomfortable to look at."

   "Hehe...the sky is falling and there is a tall man standing upright, what are we afraid of?"

"what do you mean……"

"Taking advantage of the situation, I have presented 4 10,000-ton battleships to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The battleships are now being built on the berth. If London removes the ladder without asking and allows others to bully Queensland, then I can also regret it. The battleship is not. Give it to him, what can I do?"

   "This...I'm afraid it's wrong, right?"

  "Hehe...we just did this posture. For example, the delivery of the battleship was delayed after the completion of the battleship. There are many ways to do it. When that time comes, look at the attitude of London and make plans. I think the Royal Navy will definitely jump in a hurry!"

  Xin Changjun thought about it seriously, that's really what happened.

  Even in the worst case, Queensland still has cards to play. These battleships are the painful feet of the Royal Navy, and they can't help but come out on the platform.

now think of it

  These four battleships are regarded as the protection fees paid by Queensland, and they have indeed made huge profits.

  Not to mention, the few broken sails of the Far East Fleet of the Royal Navy were lost to Saimuda and Machen Port, and the Dutch figure immediately softened, which became an important factor in the rapid progress of peace talks.

  Otherwise, according to the Nordic people's always tough urination, this peace negotiation is a bit ridiculous!

  In a word, there is no tears if you don’t see the coffin.

  (End of this chapter)

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