Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 400: If the skin does not exist, the hair will be attached.

  Chapter 400 If the skin does not exist, Mao will be attached.

  After drinking and eating

  This fully-armed action unit of 70 or 80 people took a short break before getting ready to get up and return, and blew the assembly whistle.

  The soldiers quickly lined up in the open space in front of the tribal chief’s thatched hut. Hu Dachuan walked out of the house belching a drink. His face was a little red, and his figure was a little better than last year. It can be seen that this period of life was quite comfortable.

Since he followed the Kalimantan 2nd Division to land at Symuda, he performed well in a series of battles. Hu Dachuan has been promoted from deputy company commander to company commander. It will become a bar with three bronze stars, opening up an upward channel for future promotion.

  Finally, 4 years have passed

  Most of the officers in the same year were still rolling in the ranks of Second Lieutenant and Lieutenant. After the war, Hu Dachuan was about to be promoted to captain, which can be said to be a big step ahead of his colleagues.

  Although it can't be compared with Li Shuanzhu's kind of perverted officer who is simply promoted and raised to eat and drink, he is also quite proud.

Promoting the ranks and adding the ranks is the most exciting thing. Hu Dachuan was in a good mood. He saw many soldiers running out of the thatched huts where the indigenous women were held, hurriedly putting on military uniforms and belts and running over to gather, pretending that they didn’t see the same. Turn your gaze over.

  This group of brothers have fought many battles one after another since they landed last year. It can be said that they are all veterans who have experienced many battles.

   defeated the Dutch, it does not mean that the war is completely over.

  Queensland army as the conqueror, what followed was the security war, the bandit war, and the raid war that lasted intermittently for more than half a year.

  Until the superiors made a ruthless decision to completely adopt the “vacation of cages for birds” policy and the policy of indigenous people’s reserved land, this completely eradicated the situation in the occupied territories.

  If the skin does not exist, will Mao be attached?

  Hu Dachuan very much agrees with Deputy Commander Koch’s theory, which Koch has promoted many times in the officers’ meetings of the division;

Iron and blood are the best partners for conquering. The shiny bayonet will teach the indigenous people what to do. Don’t waste time trying to communicate. That means you must first learn the indigenous language, which is undoubtedly extremely unrealistic and ridiculous. of.

  Wolves and dogs are always two species, don’t try to confuse them, the facts will prove that all of this is in vain...

  After the whole team

  The Qingxiang troops left the indigenous village and embarked on the way back.

  The soldiers escorted several indigenous prisoners of war and more than 10 disheveled indigenous women walking behind. In front of the team were old and weak women and children with fewer than a hundred people, who were driven away from the village where their ancestors lived for generations.

Behind the long line, only a small amount of food was collected, piled up in the center of the village and put a torch on it. The blazing fire can be seen standing far away, completely preventing the villagers from turning back. thought.

  Even after escaping back, there is no food to eat in this village.

  The whereabouts of these old and weak women and children are the indigenous reservations. From now on, there will be no more indigenous people here. Of course, this is only a theoretical statement.

  There are still many aboriginal people who fled deep in the jungle, including men and women.

The long line formed a long snake queue. The soldiers walking in front were holding Mauser 1871 magazine-style riding rifles. The magazine was filled with yellow-orange bullets, and they walked on the path in the jungle with a guard. .

  Their destination is a riverside pier more than 10 kilometers away, where the action team will take a steamer back to Symuda City.

  They came by boat during the early morning raid. They rushed forward in the night and surrounded the aboriginal village at dawn. They caught the opponent by surprise.

  The forests and bushes on both sides of the road are luxuriant, and you can see it is an endless green, which shades the hot sun in the sky, and the ears scream, and the wind blows the trees to make a "clap"-like sound.

  The old and weak indigenous women and children walking in front carry large and small pockets with some clothing and food. This is all they have left, so they move slowly.

  The soldiers drove out rudely, which could not increase the speed much.

  In an hour and a half

  The staggering team walked less than half of the distance, only about 5 kilometers away, which made the soldiers even more impatient, waving sticks and starting to drive away the indigenous old and weak.

  Hu Dachuan, the company commander, walked in the team calmly, did not say anything to prevent the soldiers from being rude, but carefully observed the surroundings with interest.

   is already connected to the pot, are you still not coming out?

  The lush jungle all around is quiet and silent, only bugs scream, nothing unusual.

  At this speed, even if it is two hours slower, you can still walk to the riverside dock. By then... everything will be too late.

  In the jungle

   More than 40 indigenous people holding bows, arrows and long knives hid in the dense forest, looking anxiously at the team staggering in the distance, the anger in their eyes was unstoppable.

Among the indigenous people who were driven away were their elders, elders, and respected priests. Now they are driven away like cows and sheep. They go to the aboriginal reservation where there is no water or food. How can they not let people? Filled with righteous indignation, full of anger.

  The indigenous people who fled in the jungle left the village's supply, as if the kite had broken the line, and it was impossible to survive in the jungle for long.

  In the face of the brutal occupying forces, they are ready to give it a go.

   After letting go of the aboriginal old and weak queues walking in front, the indigenous warriors hiding in the forest suddenly attacked. With a decisive order, more than 20 poisonous arrows were shot at the soldiers in the queue.

  The noise in the forest immediately aroused the vigilance of the soldiers. Almost immediately, they lowered their bodies to avoid them, but they could not avoid the close-range shooting.

  After a few painful shouts, three or four soldiers fell with arrows in their bodies.

  It is the veteran of the Hundred Wars who reacted quickly. Almost when the bow and arrow came over, some soldiers raised their guns, aimed at the indigenous warriors looming in the jungle and fired.

  Then the "cracking" gunshots connected into a piece, and the branches and leaves in the woods flew randomly, and the screams were endless.

  The soldiers' counterattack came quickly and fiercely. They squatted down with experience, guns in their hands, and fired back at any place that made noise, causing the jungle to make screams of shots from time to time.

  The arrows shot became sparser and less accurate. Except for one or two unlucky ghosts injured by the arrows, no more soldiers fell.

  After a few minutes of intense firefight,

  The forest returns to silence, only the diffuse smell of blood and gunpowder shows that an ambush has just occurred here, and everything is not over yet.

  "The platoon leader, take your people to drive away the old and weak indigenous people into the jungle to prevent the indigenous people from setting traps."

  Hu Dachuan has a very sophisticated experience. He did not rashly order the soldiers to enter the jungle, but let the indigenous people, the old and the weak, go first.

  Anyway, it is impossible to kill the native warriors, and they are not in a hurry. They can deal with them calmly. These are all the **** lessons of the previous bandit wars. The army has grown very quickly in the small-scale battles against the natives.

  The few who were injured by the arrows were all soldiers in the Shigouzi platoon. He hurriedly drove the indigenous old and weak into the jungle. Whoever acted slower would just shoot him over, and he was immediately accounted for.

  The indigenous old and weak were forced to enter the jungle, and then there were successive screams and screams, and a trap was indeed set in the jungle.

These indigenous warriors who launched the attack obviously did not expect the other party to be so insidious, and they killed them desperately under their anger, and then the intensive row of guns sounded, splashing the blood of these brave generations, and fell to the ground one after another. Die.

   Needless to say the rest

  Solved the enemies in front of him, Hu Dachuan sent two squads of soldiers to detour into the forest one after another. The intermittent gunfire sounded for a long time, and finally returned to silence.

  These Hu Dachuan ignored them, and the main force of the team was tightly reunited. Soldiers were sent out into the jungle to guard against the aboriginal attacks again.

  He is now seizing the time to treat the wounded with the hygienists in the team. If these veterans can save one, they will save one.

  A total of 6 soldiers were injured by arrows. Except for one person who was directly injured by a poisoned arrow in his neck, the others were injured in mild or severe injuries.

  Arrow wounds are not terrible. The terrible thing is that the indigenous people smeared poisonous frogs on the arrow tips, which is very difficult to deal with.

  The wounded soldier was shot in the back, or shot in the arm, or shot in the thigh, and the treatment methods were different.

  The one who hit the arm was severed with a knife to eradicate the troubles. The wounded soldier was held down by several other soldiers and screamed frantically. Blood splattered far away, and the wound was quickly covered with medicine.

   passed the post-injury infection mark, and only retired sadly waiting for him. This arrow brought him at least ten acres of meritorious fields, and the leisurely and happy days are coming.

The soldier who was shot in the thigh by the poisonous arrow could not be cut with a single knife. The method adopted was to quickly pull out the poisonous arrow, cut the wound with a cross knife, and make the powerful indigenous old and weak to **** out the poisonous blood. After the frog poison spread upward, use the cross. The knife cut open the skin above, and continued to force the old and weak to **** out the poisonous blood, and finally applied medicine to cover the wound. Whether it can survive this mark depends on the life of the wounded soldier.

  The soldier who was shot in the back by the poisoned arrow did the same, but unfortunately the effect was not great.

  Hu Dachuan watched the black blood on the soldier's back spread and swell, and quickly penetrated into the internal organs. Although the four indigenous old and weak were desperately sucking out the poisonous blood, they still could not save the life of this young soldier.

   ten minutes later

  The soldier who screamed in pain stopped his wailing, and at the moment before his death, his expression was frozen, a touch of blue-black poisonous gas covered his face, showing the intensity of toxicity.

  There were already several indigenous people who were forced to **** out the poisonous blood and fell to the ground. They had already lost their breath.

  The smell of death was in the air, which made Hu Dachuan's face turn blue.

  Six wounded soldiers died and one was seriously injured. It was certain that only three people were rescued. The luckiest guy was shot in the abdomen by an arrow. Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured, and the arrow was not poisoned. He luckily got his life back.

   "Company commander, what about the remaining people?"

   "Now it can be determined that they are complicit in the indigenous rebels. They are regarded as complicit in treason. Their crimes are punishable, and they are all dealt with."

  Hu Dachuan answered coldly. After this tossing, the indigenous people, old and weak, who were originally less than a hundred people, only had more than 40 people left, and Hu Dachuan simply handled them all.

  There was another gunshot in the jungle, and it stopped quickly.

  Hu Dachuan led a reduction of more than half of the team, and ordered the indigenous prisoners of war to carry the bodies of the fallen soldiers to the mouth of the river, where they will return to Sai Muda City by boat to end this normal cleansing operation.

  Similar actions occur almost all the time in the occupied territories of Borneo. The colonization process is full of conquests and violent resistance. This is a process of conquest that must be experienced, and there is no need for the slightest warmth.

  (End of this chapter)

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