Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 397: Yuheng Zhen

  Chapter 397 Yuheng Town

  As the first-generation colonizers, Zhao Qishan and others have a strong desire for development and good action. They have gradually formed a strong local power in the development of Qingdao Town. This situation is not uncommon in towns in the south and north.

And this part of the emerging wealthy class that benefited from the Earl’s adult policy, including private ranchers, corporate investors and business owners, are also **** crops that firmly support the Earl’s adult, and play an important role in stabilizing the entire social structure. They are also Chinese immigrants. The group talked about getting rich first, playing a very good role as a demonstration and leading role.

  Heavy rain fell intermittently for three consecutive days, big rivers overflowing with small rivers, large and small ponds can be seen everywhere around Qingdao Town.

  Wait until the cloud breaks the rain, and the sun shines.

  The green grass that is fully moisturized by the rain grows vigorously. The field is full of small white, pink, and yellow flowers. The air still contains strong water vapor. The clear blue sky draws a colorful rainbow bridge.

  In Qingdao Town, in Burns, in Darwin, in various towns in northern Queensland, a new round of development boom is continuing...

  Shangri-La Island

  Qingshui River Basin

An inland river boat broke through the calm water and drove forward, the chief director Wu Xuewen stepped out of the cabin. He was wearing a light-breasted gown, round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and came leisurely with a fan in his hand. To the side of the ship, the cool breeze on the river is refreshing.

   look around

  Lush green forests on both sides of the river are continuous, the shadows of tall trees are reflected in the water, and they are scattered and swayed by the waves raised by ships.

  The Qingshui River Basin has a typical tropical maritime climate with an area of ​​more than 300,000 square kilometers. For most of the year, the temperature is around 20 degrees to 30 degrees. There is no four seasons of the year, only the difference between the dry season and the rainy season.

The temperature difference in various areas of Shangri-La Island is very small throughout the year. For example, in Longmen Town in the southwest, the temperature is relatively low due to the higher altitude. The average temperature in February is 21.5℃, and the average temperature in July is 18.8℃. The annual difference is not as good as 3 ℃.

  The temperature decreases with increasing altitude. For example, Port Moresby, which has an average altitude of 30 meters, has an average temperature of 28.4℃ in January, 25.4℃ in August, and an average annual temperature of 27.1℃.

It is much cooler in high-altitude areas. In areas with an average altitude of 2000 meters, for example, the average temperature of the Koi mining area is below 20℃ for eight months, and in mountainous areas at an altitude of 4000 meters, the average temperature is several months per year. Below 0℃, there is a snow line at 4400 meters, in the range of snow-capped mountains with perennial snow.

  Ten inland steamships traveling on the main channel of Qingshui River often startled the large swaths of birds in the surrounding forests to "hula" flying into the sky, chattering and noisy.

  The propeller stirs the calm of the river, and from time to time you can see the fat fish leaping out of the water, splashing large swaths of crystal water.

  Wu Xuewen looked around at the fleet of transport personnel and materials, and a passion for construction suddenly rose in his heart.

The construction plan of the Qingshui River Basin is taking shape step by step. After two and a half years of construction, the population of Tianshu City has reached 133,000, making it the second largest city in Shangri-La region after the capital of Moresby. Full of motivation.

  After the success, it was highly valued by Lord Piaget, focusing on funding and manpower. The second step of the construction plan was launched 4 months in advance, and the development plan was further accelerated.

  Since the second half of last year, the three towns of Tianxuan, Tianji, and Tianquan have started construction one after another. Eight months later, the three new towns have begun to take shape, and they have begun to accept a large number of immigrants for colonization.

  Shangri-La’s population continues to grow rapidly, from 381,000 to 529,000 in June last year. The main growth drivers are the development of Qixing Town in the Qingshui River Basin and the development of Longmen Town. It is expected to exceed the 530,000 population mark by the end of April.

  Among these, the development of Qixing Town is the main force for digestion and colonization of immigrants, with almost 10,000 people per month.

  More than 10,000 immigrants were scattered in Tianshu City, Tianxuan Town, Tianji Town and Tianquan Town, which means that each place adds 4 to 5 administrative villages. It is easy and simple to deal with.

Establishing settlements, burning wasteland for reclamation, building roads and bridges, building irrigation and water diversion facilities, and building village houses, a series of actions have formed a standard process. The grassroots administrators who graduated from the young eagle school have quickly grown up in actual work and become supporters. The main grassroots force to expand the scale of colonization in one step.

This time, the fleet led by Wu Xuewen will go to the upper reaches of Tianquan Town to establish a new Yuheng Town on the Qingshui River and the branch of the tributary, which is about 80 kilometers away, and measure the specific details of Kaiyang Town and Yaoguang Town. The location will lay a solid foundation for next year’s construction plan.

The inland watercrafts in the fleet have an average displacement of about 500 to 800 tons, a total of 11 ships, carrying a large number of immigrants and construction workers, as well as tractors and other construction materials. As the first group of troops to build Yuheng Town, they took the lead in this area. The deserted river beach.

  There is also a grassroots administrative staff of 81 people, all of whom are young people from the Young Eagle School. Some of them are veterans who have worked for several years, and some are newcomers. They start their work in accordance with the principle of taking the old with the new.

Nowadays, the colonization work in Shangri-La region has formed a fixed process, and the cultivation of grassroots personnel who play an important role in it is continuing. There is a special colonization school in Tianshu City, and newcomers can only embark on it after a year of comprehensive training here. Job position.

The Tuoxu School enrolls more than 400 people each year, all of whom are excellent students who graduated from the Young Eagle School. Further education is carried out here, from ideology to prevention and prevention of tropical diseases, from management to propaganda and agitation, from colonization work flow to colonization. All policies must be intensively studied.

  Facts proved

The Shangri-La Region's colonization talent training system has been initially established, which not only provides sufficient grassroots talent support for the colonization and development of the Qingshui River Basin, but also continues to be transported to Borneo and northern Queensland, and even the expeditionary task force to Africa I went to 25 graduates and received constant praise.

  This makes Wu Xuewen very gratified. As a senior in Queensland, he knows the next colonial development direction of Lord Earl, which is mainly in Africa in recent years.

Therefore, the enrollment work of Tianshu Tuoxu School will be further expanded this year. It will mainly face high school graduates and outstanding veterans. It will expand from 400 to 800 students per year. The establishment of multiple majors will be refined, and the number will be added. Many courses, such as world geography, world history, and economics, have also changed their academic system from one year to two years, and their names have been changed to Tianshu City Development and Planning College, with the sensitive word "colonization" removed.

With the growth of school-running faculty and the refinement of the curriculum, the future "Development and Planning College" will be transformed into a three-year liberal arts university, becoming the first college of higher education in Tianshu City, providing Queensland with a steady stream of low-end administrative talents .

  Simply had lunch on the boat. At about 2:00 pm, the advancing fleet came to an open river branch where the Qingshui River converged with nearby tributaries, forming a wide water surface similar to a lake.

Yuheng Town will be built on the hilly heights of this riverside beach, which can avoid the impact of floods. It is about 8-9 kilometers away from the riverside wharf. At the end of the view from the boat, there is a large area of ​​dark land. Fixed town site.

  There are traces of a large-scale burning of wasteland. After being nourished by rain, countless tender young shoots have emerged on the black ground after burning, showing that this is a fertile land.

The average annual rainfall in Yuheng Town is about 2600~3000, with sufficient sunshine and abundant rainfall, slightly higher than the level of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It is very suitable for the development of rice, rubber, and sucrose planting. It is an important large-scale rubber and sucrose production in the planning. District, plans to develop super-large rubber plantations here to meet the tire rubber demand for agricultural tractors and bicycles, and export them overseas.

The fleet is docked by a simple wooden trestle bridge at the river bend, where the mooring is dropped. It is not the rainy season. The inland river flow is calm. The inland river ships are berthed side by side one after another, forming a hundreds of meters. Long dragon fleet.

  Compared with sea-going ships, inland ships have lower freeboards and simple structures. They don’t need to fight the big winds and waves in the ocean, so the cost is also lower.

  The main cost is steel and labor. The 6mm marine sheet produced by Hongshan Iron and Steel Plant is about 4 pounds 2 shillings a ton, and the price is slightly fluctuating in the market, up and down, which is between a dozen pence.

Build a 500-ton inland watercraft, using steel plates between 220 and 280 tons (some upper decks use wood to reduce costs), plus labor and main power diesel engines, propellers, rudders, etc. , The construction cost is about 2300 pounds, and the sales price does not exceed 3000 pounds.

  Calculate by this

  The price of a small inland watercraft of 120 tons is about 480 pounds, and the price of 200 tons is less than 1,000 pounds (all wooden roofs are used to reduce costs), which is suitable for large-scale promotion and application.

For example, there are already 6 inland river shipyards in the hub city today, and several shipyards are queuing to apply. These shipyards specialize in building ships for inland waterway navigation, which can be built from 120 tons to 1500 tons. This is also the future transportation of Qingshui River. The main force of transportation is suitable for private purchase due to its high quality and low price.

  Shangri-La Bank has launched a credit business for private purchases of ships, with an annual interest rate of 12%, the loan amount does not exceed 50% of the purchase amount, and 3% of the purchase price is paid as insurance money. This clause is also quite ruthless.

Because the insurance premium is calculated at 3% of the total purchase price, the purchase of a 200-ton inland river cargo steel vessel worth 920 pounds requires an insurance premium of 27 pounds and 12 shillings, and it must be paid every year during the repayment of the loan. This money is paid at the same time as the loan interest.

  Even so, it cannot stop people’s enthusiasm for owning their own property.

  The money is not enough for three or five friends or joint stocks or lending around. It is always necessary to make up enough down payment. In just a few months, Tianshu City has developed more than 100 inland watercrafts, showing strong growth potential.

This time, transporting a large amount of manpower and materials to Yuheng Town is to hire local ships in Tianshu Town. The smallest one has 300 tons and the largest one reaches 850 tons. The largest 850-ton steel ship costs as much as At 5800 pounds, it can be seen that the private sector is still very rich.

  It is reasonable to say that the money can be used to build two 500-ton inland river ships. Isn’t it good for these two ships?

In fact, this is not the calculation. To drive a large ship of 850 tons, you need to install two 3.5-liter high-horsepower diesel engines, twin shafts, double propellers, and double rudders. Because the ship is large, it needs to be equipped with a separate chain cabin, small horsepower diesel chain anchor, etc. , Of course, all the configurations are not cheap.

  Such a ship is suitable for a family of 4 or 5 people to operate, and two ships need to hire manpower. If there are troubles such as shortage of goods, it is possible to lose money and not earn much.

  This is by no means unfounded. For hundreds of years of water transportation on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, shortage of goods is an unavoidable chronic disease that cannot be cured for a long time.

think about it

  Ship transportation takes several days and nights, and the cargo is completely in the hands of the shipowner, especially the bulk of grain, cane sugar and tobacco. It is impossible for the shipper to arrange a person to **** each ship. When the time comes, hehe...

  Cargo owners also have preventive measures. The quantity must be checked and accepted when entering the warehouse. Of course, the lack of goods must be compensated at the price.

  So it’s true that we have actually built two 500-ton steel ships, and it hasn’t made as much as a 850-ton ship.

  (End of this chapter)

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