Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 392: Rebuild the new Songjiang in the north

  Chapter 392 Rebuilding the Northern New Songjiang

The passenger ship’s voyage from Qinglong City to Songjiang City lasted two days and two nights. During Li Shuanzhu’s many contacts with Mrs. Sophia, he could feel the woman’s enthusiasm and became more convinced that her judgment was right. This foreign lady approached with purpose. Own.

  The secret investigation by the security department has no results, but they will continue to follow up.

  After arriving in Matsue City

  Li Shuanzhu and a group of colleagues who participated in the training of intermediate and senior officers took the lead to report to the Huangpu Military Academy, allocate dormitories, receive daily necessities, and wait for everyone to arrive before starting 6 months of intense study and life.

  As for this period of affair, he has long forgotten it.

  End of March

  The mediation team of the Colonial Department of the British Empire from London arrived late and arrived in Sydney at the first stop. It was received by the New South Wales Government and conducted corresponding investigations and mediation work.

  The Colonial Ministry’s mediation team chose Sydney as the first stop. Li Fushou did not comment on this and was not interested in going to New South Wales to see the faces of those people. He just sent Mr. Wu Mozhou as a personal representative to participate in the joint team work.

  Li Fushou knows;

Counting on the old bureaucrats from London to uphold a common heart is purely a dream, which will not be possible 100 years later. Every bureaucrat from London is full of arrogance and prejudice, and looks at the colony with a great sense of superiority, and uses the white people's interests. priority.

   But it’s okay

  Lord Gulliver, Secretary of the Colony Department, has accepted the goodwill from Queensland. Presumably, the bureaucrats in the mediation team will do the same.

  Since ancient times, money has never been profitable, and Li Fushou is convinced of this.

  The most important thing at the moment is the comprehensive construction work. From northern Queensland to Borneo, from the Qingshui River Basin to the Koi Mining Bureau, with the continuous financial support of the White Tiger Mint, the curtain of in-depth construction has been fully opened.

  North Queensland, Qingdao Town.

  This has become a large construction site. In the bay surrounded by the fjord, thousands of construction workers are building breakwaters along the coastline and building permanent cement concrete piers and trestle bridges. There is a lively construction scene everywhere.

The narrow passage between the two mountains is expanded by explosives, and large tracts of gray-white rock are exposed on the mountain. A broad road leading to Qingdao Town has taken shape. The irregular rocks removed from the mountains are used to build dams and docks, and stones, Lime is used for paving roads, and rubble is used for building houses, and there is no waste at all.

  In Qingdao Town, which was originally only a small street, a larger area was expanded to build a warehouse area, a commercial area and a residential area. A large plot of land was set aside for the construction of a light industrial area dominated by woolen mills.

  Now this large construction site is full of people. Tractors and carriages are carrying piles of goods. During the time, the roar of the engine is accompanied by the shouting of horses, which is really very lively.

  In a shed at the entrance of the town

  Qingdao Mayor Li Siyuan, Daddy Mike, Zhao Qishan and the others, wearing Australia-specific wide-brimmed cowboy felt hats on their heads, gathered together to discuss the construction plan of Qingdao Town, and the discussions were quite enthusiastic.

  Papa Mike is the former mayor of Pine Tree, one of the first whites to follow Lord Earl, and the largest private rancher around Qingdao Town, with extraordinary appeal.

  He was invited to be a construction consultant for Qingdao Town, and make suggestions for the construction of his hometown.

  Due to their brave performance in the serial assassinations on Central Street, Zhao Qishan, Mai Guangtian, Ma Limin and Lu Qiang of the "Chopper Group of 4" were awarded the title of "Honorable Good Citizens", which is quite a high honor.

This is an honorary title recommended by the Police, rigorously selected by the Queensland Autonomous Office and approved by the Lord Earl. It is awarded to no more than 10 people per year. It can be regarded as a weakened version of justices of the peace. Business environment, the right to comment on the government’s advice and suggestions, has become a leader group among private ranchers in Qingdao Town.

  They are also small shareholders of Qingdao Port, so they each play an important role in this round of construction boom.

Zhao Qishan is the director of Qingdao Port, deputy leader of the port construction preparation team, Mai Guangtian is the deputy leader of the Qingdao Town Road Construction Team, Ma Limin is the security team leader, and Lu Qiang is the logistics team leader. They are unified under the Qingdao Town Preparatory Expansion Headquarters lead.

The post of commander-in-chief of the construction headquarters was held by the mayor of Qingdao Li Siyuan, the deputy commander-in-chief was held by He Jiashan, a representative dispatched by Honghe Valley Industrial Corporation, and the other deputy commander was from the 19th Century United Shipping Company. His name is Wang Haiyang. He is an experienced project construction commander. He also serves as the leader of the port construction preparation team and is directly under Zhao Qishan.

In the 19th century, the United Shipping Company was the major shareholder in the construction of Qingdao Port. The Lord Piaget used the capital injection of the company and the Red River Valley Industrial Corporation to provide strong support for the development of northern Queensland, and through this round of large-scale capital injection, further Increase the proportion of equity in directly affiliated companies.

  Market issues are resolved by the market, which is Queensland’s consistent policy.

  In the workshop, a lively discussion is going on...

  Mayor Li Siyuan glanced sharply at the crowd, raised the small stick in his hand and pointed on the plan.

  "Gentlemen, according to the plan of the State Autonomous Office;

In the next 5 years, Qingdao Town will be built into a central city with a population of 150,000. It will develop textiles, mineral smelting, agricultural and sideline product processing and shipping centers as its main business, and develop animal husbandry as its main business and farming as its supplement. The economic and social structure radiates the surrounding cities and towns within a range of 200 to 300 kilometers.

  There are four leading construction projects;

  The first is the construction of Qingdao Port Area, including wharf bridges, breakwaters, roads and reservoir areas. The main body of the construction is the 19th century United Shipping Company's investment, and the private investment is supplemented.

The second is the construction of Qingdao Town, which includes sewer facilities, road facilities, commercial facilities along the street, residential housing and industrial zone construction. The main body of the construction is funded by the Honghe Valley Industrial Corporation. More than two acres of land are used to build private manor houses.

  The third is the 13th branch of wool spinning. This is a major project that drives the upgrading and upgrading of Qingdao Town and the surrounding pastoral areas. The first phase of the factory is built with a scale of 6,000 people and is a key guarantee project in our town.

  At the same time, enough land is reserved in the light industrial zone for the construction of auxiliary enterprises such as leather factories, slaughter processing plants, non-staple food processing plants, etc., to further promote the overall and healthy development of our town’s economy.

  The fourth is based on the fact that the nearby Townsville town has the world's most abundant coal resources, while Linyi Town has an astonishing number of zinc mines and phosphate mines, and a large mining area will be built to extract resources.

  Of course, this is the next step. "

  Speaking of which

  Li Siyuan paused, looked around at the people around him and then said in a passionate tone;

"Gentlemen, Lord Earl has made a major decision to further develop the northern part of the country. The focus of resources is tilted. This is an unprecedented major opportunity facing Qingdao Town. We must firmly grasp the development of Qingdao into a comparable "Songjiang City". "The Pearl of the North."

  I think the five-year development target of 150,000 people is set too low. Qingdao Town must develop beyond the norm. The five-year target city size should not be less than 200,000 people, and strive to reach more than 250,000 people.

  Some people will think that I am not ashamed and wishful thinking, but looking at our superior geographical location, abundant resources, and strong support from Hongbao, why can we not be as good as Songjiang?

  Songjiang has only been developed for only 7 years, with a population of more than 400,000 people, and has composed a world-renowned "Songjiang Miracle".

  Let me say... Burns and Darwin are not our competitive goals at all. We Qingdao people must learn from the best, and who is the most important town in the north?

  There is no need to be presumptuous. Our Qingdao town is located at the mouth of the Ross River, close to Cleveland Bay. The hinterland includes the western mining area and private ranch area, and the northern beef cattle ranch area. The geographical conditions are so superior that it makes people jealous.

  In the future, sugar, shipbuilding, steel products and other industries can be developed according to local conditions. The mineral resources are rich. There are the world's largest phosphate mines and abundant coal, iron, and zinc mines. It has the potential to develop into a leading town in the northern development.

  What is the population scale of 250,000 people? It's not a piece of cake. "

   "Well said, Mr. Mayor."

   "You can lead our big guy to do it, we Qingdao people don't believe that Songjiang people can't do it."

   "Yes, everyone has one head and two hands. It doesn't make sense to lose to them."

   "Hahaha... our shipping and traffic conditions are not worse than Songjiang at all. The only thing missing is that the population is too small. If you leave the town, you can't hit anyone with a stick."

   "Don't be too happy, there is no Songjiang Reservoir here."

  This enthusiastic speech won enthusiastic applause, and the atmosphere in the workshop became active, but He Jiashan’s words poured cold water on everyone and attracted a lot of whispers.

  No one can ignore the decisive role of power supply in industrial development.

  Seeing that everyone’s expressions became serious, Li Siyuan smiled slightly and said confidently; “Brother Jiashan’s concerns are reasonable. Without sufficient power supply, there will be no modern industry, and it will be difficult to develop a complete range of light and heavy industries.

  Especially mine mining and steel smelting are big power consumers. It is difficult to obtain a cost advantage by relying on manpower alone, which is a major obstacle to the development of Qingdao Town.

  Let us look at reality;

It has been 10 years since the first thermal power plant in Paris was born. With the rapid development of generator and steam turbine technology in the world today, transmission technology continues to break through the bottleneck, steam turbine cycle power plant technology is improving day by day, and the most advanced thermal power generation The plant is close to the megawatt level, which can guarantee sufficient power for industrial and people's livelihoods.

The most advanced power transmission technology in the world today is in our grasp. The French physicist Deppler of Red River Valley University conducted in-depth research for three years and built a technologically advanced power transmission and substation. Power DC transmission has completely solved the power supply problem of the Songjiang Base of Hongshan Coking Coal Plant, ensuring a steady stream of high-quality coking coal for the world market.

  Mr. Deppler’s research team received a great award from Lord Earl, and on this basis, it is seeking new breakthroughs in long-distance DC transmission.

Townsville has the most abundant coal resources in the world. It is only 97 kilometers away from Qingdao Town. We can build thermal power plants near the mining area, and then transmit electricity to Qingdao Zheng with a continuous source of power resources to meet the needs of the industry. And urban development needs.

  Of course, the cost of thermal power today is still much higher than that of hydropower, but we must focus on long-term development. I believe that in this era of rapid advancement of thermal power technology, power supply will never become a limiting factor.

  Gentlemen, friends, the glorious prospects are calling for us. Now we only need to roll up our sleeves and work hard. Building a new Songjiang in the north is definitely not a dream. "

  Li Siyuan's words were overwhelmed by enthusiastic applause. Looking at the energetic and enthusiastic faces in front of him, there was a great passion in his heart.

  Miracles are created by people, and Qingdao people will surely be able to do it...

  (End of this chapter)

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