Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 380: Berlin Conference

  Chapter 380 Berlin Conference

  If history has not changed, on November 15, 1884, the German Prime Minister Bismarck hosted the meeting of the great powers to carve up Africa in the capital Berlin, known as the "Berlin Conference."

Participating countries include the powers of Europe and the United States. In addition to Germany as the host, there are also the world hegemony, the British Empire, as well as France, Russia, Austria-Hungary, the United States, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Ottoman Empire, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. A total of 15 countries, the meeting nominally resolved the question of the ownership of the Congo River Basin, but in fact it discussed more of the general principles of the division of Africa by the great powers.

  The "Berlin Conference" is a symbolic historical event, marking a new starting point for the powers of Europe and the United States to compete wildly for Africa.

  After the Berlin Conference, the European powers' partition of Africa has been greatly accelerated.

  In 1876, the European powers only occupied 10.8% of the land in Africa. By 1885, this figure had increased to 25%, showing a surprisingly steep upward curve.

   In 1900, 15 years after the Berlin Conference, this figure soared to 90.4%. By 1912, the African continent had all been divided up, and only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent on the surface.

  In the unprecedented fierce battle for Africa, the European powers have their own ambitious colonial plans, which are gradually taking shape.

Compared with the colonial powers such as Britain and France, the European powers preferred the weak Belgium to own the Congo region. Leopold II used outstanding diplomatic methods at the meeting and eventually became the biggest beneficiary of the meeting, with an area of ​​more than 2 million square meters. Km private territory "Free State of Congo".

  The sphere of influence of various powers in Africa has been initially confirmed, providing legitimacy for the future imperialist powers to completely carve up Africa.

  This occasional topic today evoked some thoughts in Li Fushou's heart, and made him focus on the African continent thousands of miles away for the first time, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

  At this time, it’s like the athletes are gathering to the starting line before the game, just waiting for the starting gun to fire, and then like a tiger coming out of the cage, it will pounce on the vast and prosperous Africa.

  As a powerful force in the South Pacific region, every move has been able to affect the situation in the entire South Pacific, including South Asia. Li Fushou must consider the issue from the overall perspective and make a comprehensive development strategy.

  Today's topic woke him up, and he can't just focus on the South Pacific region.

  The vast world has a lot to do.

   On the surface, it seems that the situation in Africa has nothing to do with Australia, but it is not.

  As the world’s first industrialized economy, the British Empire has made every effort to promote trade liberalization and open door policies out of self-interest, and it has made this policy the core of its economic policy.

  The logic is very simple, because the British Empire benefited from global resource allocation and industrialization, with the lowest cost of industrial products, the largest output, the strongest competitiveness, and the greatest benefits from global trade liberalization.

  Queensland, as a newly industrialized economy, overlaps with the interests of the British Empire in this field.

at the same time

  Queensland’s three important foreign trade routes are safe for the United States and the Far Southeast Asia trade routes, but the most important trade route to Europe is very fragile and may be cut off at any time, which is related to its own economic security.

The British, French, German, and Ottoman empires all have such capabilities. Needless to say, the British empire has French colonial power all over the Indo-China Peninsula. It has a powerful expeditionary fleet in Hanoi, Vietnam, and firmly controls the Suez Canal. Major shareholders with important decision-making powers can easily cut off the Queensland-Europe ocean trade line.

  German power went deep into Persia and allied with Austria-Hungary and Italy. The Ottoman Empire occupies the crossroads of West Asia and Europe. Any of these is capable of causing substantial damage to Queensland’s European trade lines.

  Putting safety on the goodwill of other countries is the least reliable method.

  So far, Queensland has the strength to fight for its own interests internationally. This includes the upcoming African gluttonous feast. Why can’t it take a share?

  If it gains a foothold in the Horn of East Africa, the fleet can **** the route from the Suez Canal into the Red Sea and then to the Indian Ocean, which is of strategic importance.

  "My dear Lord Earl, you are distracted again." Nicole's delicate hands embraced Li Fushou's arms, and her firm chest came close to her, carrying a refreshing young girl's fragrance.

   "Oh...I just thought of some other questions, hahaha..." Li Fushou returned to his senses to cover up with a smile, stretched out his hand and patted Nicole's white jade hand.

  "Don't change the subject, are you satisfied with my answer?"

   "Satisfied, very satisfied."

   "What about your reward?"

"Haha...Of course it counts." Li Fushou's face was adjusted, and he ordered; "Li Ang, return to the Red Fort after vacation, and immediately arrange for someone to clean up the Fenghe Courtyard for Nicole to move in. From now on, this courtyard will belong to Jiuyi. Under Tai's name, one should provide the same distribution according to the third concubine, er... If the nine concubine is not satisfied with the current name of the Fengheyuan, you can change it as she likes and report it to the General Affairs Office."

  "Follow the master's instructions." The housekeeper Li An quietly flashed out from behind, and gave a thousand answers.

  Compared to the treatment of the same third concubine, then the maid, the young man, and the Yueji are one level higher than the unborn concubine, which shows the extent of the nine concubine Nicole's popularity now.

  Nicole took a look at her sister Fiona in surprise, then stood up and gave a salute in front of Li Fushou; “Nicole, thank you, the master for the reward.”

"No gift." Li Fushou waved his hand and said with a warm smile on his face; "Nicole, you are a smart and knowledgeable person. What is rare is that you are very interested in the international and domestic situation. You can read more books in the future. Read the newspaper and make a difference like Madame Pompidou."

   "Nicole understands, she must do what the master said." Nicole replied satisfactorily.

  The Earl’s Mansion has strict rules. The rules of the inner house are set by his wife Gu Liuyan. There are certain rules for behavior, rise and fall, and rewards for meals. Nicole really has no guts to violate.

"Well, sit down." Li Fushou beckoned, looking at the beautiful women on the left and right sides, especially this smart Nicole, who was very satisfied. If it weren't for this charming and charming Jiu Yi to wake up too much, he would be really good. The important "Berlin Conference" was ignored.

  It is the beginning of March, and there are still 8 months before the meeting. The relevant information has been reported in European newspapers.

  If it is planned, Queensland will be the only part of this feast in Africa.

  According to the French "Le Figaro" report;

  The political arena in Europe is united and horizontal, and the major powers of France, Germany, and the United States have basically reached a consistent attitude on the Congo issue. This has turned Britain into an isolationist and has to announce its abandonment of the Anglo-Portuguese treaty.

  But the United Kingdom proposed that an international conference should be held to finally resolve the Congolese issue. Other major European countries agreed. German Prime Minister Bismarck was indeed a long-sleeved veteran politician and immediately proposed to hold this meeting in Berlin. The time was scheduled for November 15, 1884.

  Preparing for such a major international conference is no small matter. The topics discussed in the conference are current hot African issues. Therefore, it has aroused widespread international repercussions, and many countries have expressed their willingness to participate.

  Queensland is not an independent country, and it is impossible to participate in international conferences organized by the main body of an independent country. This does not mean that it cannot be done.

  Li Fushou waved his hand, and the melodious guzheng song came to an abrupt end.

  He wandered to the corridor outside the nine-story tower, standing on a high place, looking out, and seeing the beauty of the distance ten miles away, he immediately felt broad-minded, and even more confident.

  It is self-evident to be a Haiyan who fights the wind and waves, or a Jiaqiaoer who lives steadily.

In my memory;

  In this feast of dividing African colonies, small-scale regional conflicts among European powers continue to occur, but there are almost no large-scale wars.

  There are quite a few rules for each other's actions, and many tacit understandings are derived from the international consensus formed by the "Berlin Conference". The most important of these is the four words "effective occupation".

  What is "effective occupation"?

  Take Shangri-La Island as an example. The Earl of Queensland is effectively occupied, and the rights of the Spanish and Dutch cannot be recognized by mainstream international public opinion.

  At the Berlin Conference, European countries reached a consensus on the "effective occupation" in order to avoid fighting in Africa;

  Every country occupying land along the coast of Africa must notify other countries separately to avoid unnecessary disputes.

  The African coastal areas occupied by the annexation of the colonial powers have the responsibility to ensure the establishment of ruling power sufficient to protect the existing rights and interests, and to maintain the consensus of the Berlin Conference.

The core meaning of    is "whoever takes the first place", but you must notify others.

  The vast African continent is like nothing else. Whoever moves fast is the one who grabs the hand first. All countries are focusing on the coastal areas of Africa, and most of them lack interest in inland areas.

  Sadly, no African country participated in this heavyweight international conference to discuss the carve-up of Africa.

  There are hundreds of indigenous countries and more indigenous tribes on the African continent today, but there is no clear national boundary, no national consciousness, and no territorial division of later countries. All are in a relatively primitive state.

  In the face of malice from Europe, it is almost completely undefended.

   Fiona in the tower saw Lord Earl strolling out, enjoying the scenery in her heart. She stood up and prepared to welcome her out. She had just walked two steps forward but her arm was caught by her sister Nicole.

   "Huh?" Fiona looked back suspiciously.

   "Dear sister, Lord Earl is concerned about things now, let's not disturb."

"what's up?"

   "Uh..." Nicole is really speechless to her sister Fiona. Emotional intelligence is really a shortcoming. You don't want to think about it. Can you guess what the Lord is thinking?

Fiona wasn't really stupid either, she just didn't want to use her brains. After speaking, she saw the look of her sister Nicole, her big eyes flickered and she quickly understood, she couldn't help but stretch out her hand to cover her mouth and laugh.

  Nicole ignored her, turned her head and said politely; "Excuse me, butler, let them take the table away!"

   "Aunt Jiu told me that I dare not follow my order."

  The big steward Li Ang arched his hand, and Ming Wu flashed in his life-satisfied eyes, and finally knew why Lord Earl loved Jiu Tai so much. Not only was his life very beautiful, but he also had a Qiqiao and exquisite heart.

  He didn't speak much, and with a wave of his hand, the maids and young servants withdrew from the table, took all the melon and fruit tea trays with them, and moved them clean in a blink of an eye.

  (End of this chapter)

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