Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 377: New population pattern

  Chapter 377 New Population Pattern

  One of the most fierce champions is Songjiang City, the shining star of industrial economic development. The development of these years has taken a big step each year, and it has shocked the front teeth of many brother towns.

  Statistics in November 1880, Songjiang Town, which was unknown at that time, had a population of 75,000, ranking 7th in the ranking of Australia's top ten cities and towns at the time. In the previous year, it did not even enter the top 10.

   Today is not what it used to be

  Thanks to the unique power and geographical advantages of industrial development, Songjiang City’s rapid development has almost no bottlenecks. Over the past few years, large-scale industrial projects have settled in the city every quarter, creating a large number of employment opportunities and social demand.

  Count it down

There is only one Honghe Wool Spinning Plant. Four wool spinning plants with a scale of more than 10,000 people have been built and put into operation one after another in Songjiang City. The largest wool spinning plant 4 has 26,000 employees, ranking second among 11 wool spinning plants. It is second only to the oldest wool spinning mill in Suzaku City.

  The so-called: one trick to eat fresh all over the sky.

  The large-scale Songjiang Reservoir has abundant power and energy advantages, and it is the best choice for the development of light and heavy industries.

  Queensland's top-ranked large enterprise groups have major investments in Songjiang Town, and their scale is far larger than other regions. This is what they have taken a fancy.

Honghe Valley Industrial Corporation built the first wool deep processing industrial base facing the world market in Songjiang City, Hongshan Iron and Steel Plant Songjiang Base, Hongshan Coking Coal Plant Songjiang Base, General Machinery Company Songjiang Base, Goodyear Rubber Company, Phoenix Bicycle Companies and other large and medium-sized enterprises have settled here, in addition to thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Including seven cement plants, hundreds of various food processing plants, meat processing plants, dozens of large and small shipyards, various mechanical processing plants, leather factories, and a larger number of hand-crafted workshops, and promote social commerce and The service industry flourished and developed, and began to take the shape of a metropolis.

  It is based on this that Songjiang City creates massive employment opportunities every year.

After Suzaku City and Songjiang City surpassed Sydney in 1882 and ranked fourth and fifth largest cities in Australia respectively, in 1883, Songjiang Town surpassed Suzaku City with unmatched rapid growth, with a total population of 369,000. , Leaped to the throne of Australia's fourth largest city, showing surprising potential.

The dazzling performance of Songjiang City eclipsed all the brother towns. Beilun City, which was chasing all the way behind the butt, suffered 10,000 hits. Seeing Songjiang City Yiqi Juechen run faster and faster, Beilun City silently revised it. The development goal, the new slogan is "learn from the development experience of the four gods, practice internal strength hard, strive to fly together in the new five-year plan, and develop into a leader in the shining southern region."

The   Four Mythical Beasts are the four strong old brands around the Red River Valley, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu four cities. For the small brother towns in the south, they are both a model for learning and a goal to catch up with.

  Beilun City was originally very energetic, and only willing to compare with Songjiang City.

But you are developing people and you are also developing. Beilun City is running fast, but Songjiang City has already taken off. After being brutally beaten by reality, Beilun City has to abandon its original unrealistic goal and never mention Songjiang City anymore. , Who mentions and who is anxious!

  Australia’s fifth largest city belongs to the city of Suzaku, with a population of 348,100. In just over a year, it has already thrown away the stagnant Sydney.

Zhuque is a veteran light industrial city and the most dazzling satellite city around the Red River Valley. It is the first city in the suburbs. Zhuque is the location of woolen mills and many light industrial areas. In 1880, the population reached 170,000, and it took only three years. The population has doubled in time, and various economic indicators are in the forefront.

  Of course, it is not comparable to the freak of the extraordinary development of Matsue City, but among the towns in the territory of Lord Earl, Suzaku City is undoubtedly one of the top three existences, and has been a veteran economic elite student for many years.

The first woolen mill, the second woolen mill and the third woolen mill are the pillar enterprises in Zhuque City, and their scale has been expanded. Among them, the first woolen mill ranks first in the woolen industry with 31,000 employees, and also ranks in indicators such as technical level and per capita profit and tax. Forefront.

  The Textile College established by Red River Valley University is located in Zhuque City. The key research project "Cashmere Textile Complete Equipment" has also settled here. It has gathered hundreds of engineers and technicians and is working on equipment research and development day and night.

  Once the development of this major complete set of equipment is successful, it will enable Queensland to take the crown of the textile industry and enter the high-end market in an all-round way, earning incredibly high profits from it.

  New city ranking

  Sydney dropped two places from the original 4th place and only ranked 6th. The urban population has increased slightly to 298,000 from the 285,000 three years ago, mainly due to the natural growth of the population.

  Looking up, Sydney has lost more than 46,000 people in the past three years, especially the Chinese population, most of which went to Beilun City on the other side.

  A good hand of poker, which can be said to be a vivid portrayal of Sydney.

  Today, with the rapid development of cities under Queensland, Sydney is like sailing against the current.

  New South Wales does not have the rich gold resources of Victoria. Private ranches, the most important part of the economy, occupy more than 70% of the share, and rely heavily on the northern woolen enterprises.

In 1880, 1881, and 1882, the purchase price and sales of wool were artificially suppressed for three consecutive years, resulting in a depression in the New South Wales market, a severe economic downturn, and a substantial decline in the living standards of residents, forming a relationship with the thriving northern cities and towns. sharp contrast.

  Even after a strong rebound in wool prices in 1883, the hard-hit Sydney economy has recovered and still faltered.

compare to

  Beyond the Sydney Bay, the urban area is expanding at an alarming rate. The last time the population was counted was only 42,300, ranking 9th.

  In just a few years, Beilun has developed into an important industrial town that is not inferior to Sydney. Its population has grown to 276,000, making it the seventh largest city in Australia. It has risen by two ranks in three years and has performed quite well.

  If there are no weird people like Songjiang Town, if the Sydney Bay Bridge can be built as soon as possible, if there is no raging and hostile atmosphere on both sides of the Sydney Bay, if the Lord Earl pays more attention to it...

  At the front line of the confrontation between North and South, the development of Beilun City has been disturbed by many unexpected factors. It has not been peaceful along the way, and there are many regrettable regrets.

Even if the dazzling light is concealed by Songjiang City, it cannot be denied that Beilun City’s outstanding achievements, reasonable planning, high-standard urban construction, beautiful and exotic communities, and equal and free working environment have formed an impact on Sydney residents, including whites. Strong attraction.

  Although it cannot be compared with Songjiang City, Beilun City is still one of the northern economic stars, which obviously stimulates the stubborn white conservatives.

  There is a kind of person who cannot see that others are better than themselves. The white conservatives in Sydney are such a person.

  Out of the gloomy psychology of envy, jealousy and hatred, and out of narrow and paranoid reasons, Sydney, the capital of New South Wales, went further and further on the wrong path, even provoking the opposition between the North and the South.

   Deportation to the public party members, crowding out discriminatory Chinese groups, condoning thugs to commit murder and injury, and obstructing major construction projects. A series of privately enraged policies have been introduced, pushing New South Wales to the edge of division.

  Sydney is still rushing all the way on the road to death, and the four horses can't look back.

The eighth largest city in Australia is Qinglong City. Its population has grown from 148,000 in 1880 to 271,000 by the end of 1883. This city with a beautiful and livable environment is biased towards education, scientific research and culture, and its population growth has no industry. The towns are so abnormal, but they pay more attention to quality.

The main campus of Red River Valley University in Qinglong City has 23,400 teachers and students. There are more than 20 famous schools ranging from Affiliated No. 1 Middle School to No. 16 Affiliated Middle School, St. Mary Middle School, Qinglong Middle School, Yuedong Middle School, Liangguang Middle School, etc. There are more than 67,000 teachers and students in the high-quality middle schools in China, most of which are homeless children from mainland China funded by the "Eagle Project", which are key talent training bases.

Relying on the external scholars and professors of Red River Valley University, Qinglong City has developed a series of scientific research laboratories serving the light industry and heavy industry, and established more than a dozen key laboratories, covering physics, chemistry, communications, special steel, textile equipment research, Coal chemical industry, shipbuilding, diesel engines, steam engines, power machinery and other scientific research fields have gradually formed their own echelon scientific research forces.

  In time, Qinglong City will surely occupy an important position with its unique advantages.

  It can be seen from the statistics

  The populations of Beilun City and Qinglong City were 276,000 and 271,000 respectively. They are 298,000 people away from Sydney, which ranks sixth, and it is less than 20,000 and 30,000. There is a high probability that they will be surpassed in the first half of 1884.

  At that time, you can have fun.

  Originally, Sydney, the second largest metropolis in Australia, slipped directly to 8th, which is simply a "boom" rhythm.

  This is not over yet. The ninth and tenth largest cities in terms of city size have also reached the scale of more than 200,000 people, and they are likely to challenge Sydney in the next two years.

There are eight cities in the list, and the ninth place is Baihu, the most important industrial city. Its population has grown from 62,300 to 221,000, but the ranking of cities has dropped by one place, from the original eighth. To the 9th place.

However, Baihu City soon ushered in a new development opportunity. The development and construction of the Jinlilong Gold Mine was Tianzi No. 1 Project. The copper smelting center and the mint were all settled in this heavy industrial base, which brought data Employment opportunities for 10,000 people and greater development opportunities.

  If we firmly grasp this opportunity, as an old heavy industry city, Baihu City is expected to usher in a new round of development boom.

  In terms of potential, it is not inferior to Songjiang City, which is currently in the limelight.

After all, in this era, copper smelting centers are printing money. Whether it is producing expensive copper machinery parts, ship parts, mining parts and military parts, or directly casting and rolling copper pennies, all of them have amazing profit margins. Special industries.

  It’s not good to say something

  The manufactured copper bowls, copper candle holders, copper ornaments, widely used copper tubes, copper plates, copper rods, copper handles, copper sculptures, copper buttons and other sub-industries can create amazing profits and employment opportunities.

Brass is known as "Navy Brass". From bullets and shells to the copper plates that wrap the sails and warships, from the copper seals of steam engines to wear parts, its effect is almost everywhere, especially for special brass with alloys. The volume is strong, and the profit is amazing.

  All of these are the big opportunities brought to Baihu by the Koi Copper-Gold Mine.

  The tenth city in Australia is Cairns in northern Queensland, with a population of 133,200. Thanks to the second phase of development in the north, the city has entered the fast lane and is expected to become a leader in the north.

  After taking inventory of the top ten cities in Australia as of the end of 1883, it is obvious that the scale of cities has expanded rapidly, and the standards for shortlisted cities have doubled. Whether it is the further gathering of industries and populations in Queensland, an increasingly strong adsorption effect is formed.

Compared with the statistics in November 1880, the deadline for the statistics released in February 1884 is December 31, 1883. The statistics are more accurate and authoritative, and more convincing, and can fully reflect the current cities in Australia. Pattern and economic center of gravity.

  In the last statistics, none of the top ten cities in Australia has a scale of more than 500,000 people, and the population of Red River Valley, which ranks first, is only 485,100.

  Three years later

Red River Valley and Brisbane surpassed the 500,000 population mark with 761.12 and 555,100 respectively, quickly surpassing the third-ranked Melbourne with 413,500, greatly increasing the urban ceiling level of Australian metropolises and directly catching up with the major cities in Europe and the United States. Metropolitan city level.

at the same time

  The threshold for entering the top ten cities in Australia is also increasing. The tenth largest city in November 1880 was Xuanwu City, with a population of only 33,000.

  Now, Cairns, the tenth largest city, has a population of 133,200, and the threshold has increased by four times. There is a large wave of fast-developing towns catching up behind it, and the competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

  Reflecting the current booming economic situation in the Red River Valley and the entire Queensland State from one side, it has changed the urban pattern and economic distribution of the entire Australia, and will definitely have a profound impact on the future.

  It is especially worth noting that the population of the top nine major cities in Australia is more than 200,000. Three years ago, only four cities could reach this standard, Red River Valley, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney.

  And today

There are as many as 9 large cities with a population of more than 200,000, of which 7 are located in the north (with the Sydney Bay as the boundary), with a population of 2.93 million. The population is mainly employed in light and heavy industries and service industries. Urbanization The ratio is as high as 72% or more. If the southern industrial towns are added, this ratio will exceed 88%, which is an out-of-mouth industrialized economy.

However, due to the drag of Shangri-La and Borneo's territories (mainly agriculture and plantation), Queensland's data does not look so amazing. If Queensland is regarded as an economy alone, then it is the second in the world to enter industrialization. The economy is second only to the British Empire.

  (End of this chapter)

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