Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 374: Looking back this year

  Chapter 374 Looking back on this year

  Shangri-La Bank's preparation work progressed smoothly. After Medbon was appointed as the first general manager, he devoted himself to the work with great enthusiasm, which accelerated the preparation work abruptly and demonstrated outstanding leadership skills.

On November 1, 1883, Shangri-La Bank was officially established in Red River Valley with a capital of 10 million pounds. The Koi Mining Bureau, as the largest investor, holds 85% of the shares. The other investors are senior military and political personnel in Queensland. Some senior political figures in Western Australia and South Australia, with a total of 271 shareholders, share the remaining 15% of the equity.

The nascent Shangri-La Bank is in the limelight, and it immediately took the immigration loan business into its arms. This is a stable loan business with an annual total of more than 20 million pounds. This alone can bring more than 1.7 million pounds a year to Shangri-La Bank. The above quickly gained a foothold in Queensland's highly competitive financial market.

  Since then, in response to the call of Governor Lord Li Fushou, Shangri-La Bank took the initiative to actively participate in the second phase of the large-scale development of northern Queensland. It also strongly supported the colonization of the Qingshui River basin on Shangri-La Island and began to compete fiercely with Huitong Bank.

From the beginning of 1882 to the formal signing of the "Singapore Treaty" in mid-June 1883, the war between Queensland and Holland for the colony of the East Indies lasted a full year and a half before ending. The turbulent South Pacific finally returned to calm and ushered in a long absence. Peace.

  This was a colonial war in which both sides invested huge resources. As a victor, Queensland eventually won a large area of ​​the East Indies, forcing the tough Dutch to cede land and pay compensation, and swallowed the bitterness of defeat.

  Post-war statistics;

In addition to Queensland’s announcement of the first discovery and possession of 886,000 square kilometers of land on Shangri-La Island (the second largest island in the world, including thousands of nearby islands), the Dutch East Indies ceded Borneo (the third largest island in the world, including the east). Kalimantan Province, South Kalimantan Province, and most of Central Kalimantan Province) a total of 365,500 square kilometers of land, and the Sulawesi Islands (the eleventh largest island in the world) 174,600 square kilometers of land, a total of 540,100 square kilometers .

  At this point, Queensland’s Earl’s Territory has soared to 1.67 million square kilometers (including Australia’s Red River Valley Territory). Encouraged by the victory, the public’s confidence is overflowing. Li Fushou has won huge prestige and has become the pride of the entire Australian community, including the southern states.

  Take this opportunity

  Immigration forces represented by Queensland (including Western Australia and South Australia) formally stepped onto the international stage. Queensland Governor Lord Li Fushou is its spokesperson. Since then, he has entered the vision of the European powers and has also received the attention of London.

  Looking back at this year, it was a rich and fruitful year.

At a heavy price, Li Fushou, Earl of Queensland, finally won the 1st East Indies War, won great prestige, and also won generous returns. His territorial area has soared by 7 times, which is no less than equal to the rapid development of the Red River Valley. The people's self-confidence is bursting with the injection of a cardiotonic.

This year

  The immigrant population exceeded one million for the first time, which caused a rapid change in the entire population structure of Australia with far-reaching impact.

This year

  Four army divisions (excluding the Shangri-La garrison division) belonging to the National Guard were successively formed, divided into three fleets, and formed the prototype of the army and navy.

This year

  The Koi copper-gold mine was discovered and put into production. This is an important milestone in Queensland’s economic development, creating favorable conditions for the overall economy to take off again and laying a solid foundation.

This year

  The construction of the "Blue Dragon" class heavy cruiser, which is of historical significance to the Queensland Coast Guard, is a major leap from the coastal navy to a powerful regional navy, and it is also the place where Queensland is emboldened to the world. It is of great significance.

This year

  Lord Li Fushou, Earl of Queensland, stole his wife Nicole, wife of the ninth house.

This year

  Vigorously promote the development of the Qingshui River Basin, start the second phase of the large-scale development of northern Queensland, and the Shangri-La Bank opens for business...

This year

Throughout the world, Li Fushou successfully suppressed the impulse to split the southern states and contributed to the bad impression of Lord Gulliver, the Minister of the Imperial Colony Department, of the "troublemakers" in the southern states, and sent a high-level investigation team to Australia to investigate the contradictions between the two sides. Mediate and beat appropriately.

  The investigation team of the Colonial Department planned to arrive in Australia in March 1884. The relevant official documents were sent to the Red Fort four months in advance, reminding them to pay attention to the reception work, but the bureaucratic elders in London were late in arriving and were not in a hurry to burn their eyebrows.

  For the colonial bureaucrats, Halloween, Christmas and New Year’s Day of the year are the days to reunite with their families, which is far more important than the **** Australia’s split.

  Of course, this is just the private thoughts of some officials.

  As for Thanksgiving, it was made by American cowboys who were dirty and smelled of cow dung. The noble British expressed their contempt and decided not to associate with it.

  At the end of 1883, spent in busyness and development.

The population of the Earl of Queensland, which is growing in size, has skyrocketed. From Borneo to Shangri-La, from northern Queensland to Songjiang Town, there is a scene of prosperity and development everywhere. With the arrival of boats of immigrants, boats of export materials are sailing overseas. After years of precipitation and accumulation, the economy is brewing a large-scale explosive growth.

   New Year's Day in 1884 arrived as scheduled, the Red River Valley held a grand victory parade of 100,000 people and a ceremony to honor the martyrs' coffins into the shrine on an unprecedented scale.

  This is a hazy weather, with thick dark clouds blocking the sun.

  On Central Street

  Hundreds of thousands of people, holding flowers and joss sticks, lined up on both sides of the Central Avenue to welcome the return of the coffins of the martyrs who died in the war, and enter the Martyrs’ Shrine to enjoy the incense forever.

  The low sound of the horn echoed in the sky, creating a solemn atmosphere, and people's hearts suddenly shrank, feeling the heaviness of the same sadness between the world and the earth.

  Hundreds of thousands of people spread on both sides of the ten-kilometer-long central long street. The black heads could not be seen at a glance. In the middle of the road separated by soldiers and soldiers, the first to walk was the phalanx of drummers.

The sad and majestic symphony is like tear gas. When the crowd saw that every soldier in the phalanx of drummers behind the phalanx of drummers was holding an urn in their hands, they lined up wrapped in white plain cloth, giving a dark glance. Without seeing the edge, he immediately hit the soft place in his heart and burst into tears.

   "The soul is back..."

  The high-pitched and desolate chanting instantly aroused the grief of the masses, as if a wheat wave fell down on both sides of the road, threw flowers in his hands, lit incense candles, sprinkled strong wine, and prayed devoutly for the dead spirits.

  Li Fushou led a group of high-ranking military and political officials to march in the rear. On both sides, he was surrounded by a queue of heavily armed soldiers. His mood was also heavy. Every victory was the result of soldiers throwing their heads and sprinkling blood.

  The dark clouds droop, and the wind is bleak.

The Martyrs’ Shrine is located in the mountains and forests not far from the Dream Castle. It is built on the mountain and rises step by step. The tall twelve stone archways are engraved with "Loyalty through the ages", "Eternally enjoy the fireworks of the world," and "loyal and heroic." "The strong wind and the strong wind of my Han and Tang dynasties" and other big characters, the two sides are shaded by pine and verdant cypresses, the vegetation is deep, and the environment is solemn and solemn.

The ceremony of enshrining the remains of the martyrs into the shrine came to the end. In the melodious and reverberating bells, the memorial tablets of the martyrs were placed one by one, and each cluster of candlelight represented a yin spirit, which looked like stars in the sky from a distance. Beating and burning, especially sad and solemn.

  After twelve salutes, the silence in the mountains was broken.

  Li Fushou stood on the high altar and recited the sacrificial texts, vigorously commending the loyal and brave martyrs for their great achievements, recasting the Chinese hunting and hunting glory, and proclaiming the eternal enjoyment of fireworks in the name of the lord, which will last forever.


  Faith the present and the past

  Today, I reshape the wind of strong Han and prosperous Tang, and the iron bones have been completed. I will pave the way to strong the country and the army with the enemy's corpses.

  Australia is not only a white Australia, but also an Australia of all races. This is a beautiful home for all of us. This peace and tranquility is rare and worthy of everyone’s efforts to protect it, even if it pays for it.

  I am grateful for God’s gift. Today, my Chinese blood is rooted in Australia, and I work hard to create a paradise that everyone dreams of.

  Everyone here will be respected, there is no discrimination, no suppression, free to breathe fresh air, personal safety and property are protected by law, and use both hands to create a better tomorrow.

  Pray for God’s protection, may my Chinese ancestors and ancestors be protected by the spirits of heaven, the heroic spirits of the Martyrs’ Shrine, the mountain **** He Bo will protect me from the Red River Valley, through the thorns and thorns, and create the glory of the prosperous world..."

  After reciting the sacrificial text, Li Fushou glanced at the audience majesticly, and the black heads inside and outside the altar knelt down, saying, "I pray for the blessing of the ancestors and ancestors, and create a glorious prosperous world."

  The grand voice reverberated in the valley endlessly, Li Fushou's heart suddenly rose with great passion, the monstrous power is as intoxicating as good wine, it is nothing more than to want to come to the ancient and modern heroes.

After the Hongdae Festival ceremony, there was a victory parade of hundreds of thousands of people. Cheering people called friends and friends to take to the streets, singing and dancing to celebrate the victory, revealing the infinite yearning for a better life in the future.

  At this moment, the morale of the people has been greatly consolidated, which greatly boosted the self-confidence of Chinese immigrants. Let them see the power of ethnicity.

  New Year’s Day, the Red River Valley and surrounding cities are all immersed in the warm atmosphere of the Victory Parade. After the parade is over, the streets are bustling with hustle and bustle. From the confident smiles of people, we can see that people’s spirits have been refreshed.

  Recovering my Han Chinese clothes, regaining my Han and Tang dynasties, people recovered the powerful genes deep in their blood in the Victory Parade, completely unlocked the shackles of more than 200 years of servitude, and the change seemed to be completed overnight.

  And all this is exactly what Li Fushou wanted to see...

  (End of this chapter)

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