Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 360: The Singapore Treaty

  Chapter 360 "Singapore Treaty"

A series of relevant internal control measures introduced by the Security Department are extremely powerful, especially the successive introduction of informant system, reporting system, responsibility-to-person system, joint defense and joint governance system, information sharing system, internal control system of enterprise units, and contract responsibility system for key units, etc. It was highly praised by Lord Earl.

  This is like a shot of a cardiotonic, immediately excited the safe place up and down.

  Thank you...

This important department of the Security Department worked under immense pressure during this period and felt exhausted. The series of measures finally received the approval of Lord Piaget. They immediately expended great efforts to promote the whole society and held a series of training courses for safety officials. Major factories, mines and enterprises signed a safety responsibility certificate, worked closely with the Royal Police to promote joint social defense and governance, and worked with schools to strengthen loyalty education, moral education, and gratitude education. The powerful measures have achieved remarkable results.

  Many vicious events that were brewing were extinguished in their infancy. If things go on like this, Queensland will soon be operated as a true immigration base that the southern forces cannot penetrate.

  After entering May

  The Government of the Dutch East Indies, which was defeated in Borneo, had to admit the harsh facts of the current defeat and request Britain and other European powers to act as mediators to conduct the fourth round of peace talks between Singapore and Queensland.

Perhaps it was a heavy blow from the British Empire’s Far East Fleet’s entry into the ports of Samarinda, Machen and Semuda. In the fourth round of peace negotiations held in Singapore, despite multiple rounds of repeated seesaws, the Dutch East Indies The Archipelago Governor's Mansion finally lowered its stubborn head.

  The "Singapore Peace Treaty" was formally signed on June 6, and the peace treaty officially stipulates;

  One, the Dutch Government House admitted that it was defeated and was willing to bear serious consequences and moral responsibilities for the war, and try its best to make up for losses in Queensland.

  Second, the Government of the Dutch East Indies recognizes that Shangri-La Island is the first private land discovered and owned by the Lord Earl of Queensland, and enjoys all the rights of international passage. The Netherlands recognizes and does not dispute this.

3. The Government of the Dutch East Indies agreed to cede the Sulawesi Islands, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, and most of Central Kalimantan (excluding the Kumai area of ​​Central Kalimantan) ) Give Queensland as compensation for the war, and the two sides signed a demarcation agreement for this.

Fourth, the Kumai area of ​​Central Kalimantan Province (occupying 30% of the area of ​​Central Kalimantan Province) is a key interest area for both the Netherlands and Queensland. The Dutch Governor's Office promises that the area will be an unarmed and peaceful area, and no troops will be stationed in this area, and no civilian armed forces will be set up. Power, recognize and protect Queensland’s interests in the region, and protect the region as a strategic buffer zone between the two sides.

5. The Government of the Dutch East Indies promises to eliminate all discrimination and unequal trade regulations, Queensland enjoys all the same trade facilities as the British Empire, and Queensland promises to give the Dutch East Indies equal trade facilities to promote economic and trade exchanges between the two sides. normalization.

6. The Government of the Dutch East Indies recognizes and respects the Lord Earl of Queensland as the "protector of Chinese immigrants" in the South Pacific region, and promises to cooperate in law, property rights, trade and other relevant aspects to stop the infringement of Chinese immigrants. .

7. The Government of the Dutch East Indies has designated Medan Port on Sumatra Island and Surabaya Port on Java Island as a free trade zone, allowing Queensland businessmen to purchase properties within 30 kilometers of the port area, develop bilateral trade, and promote economic and bilateral trade relations. Healthy development.

8. As the defeated party who initiated this unjust war, the Government of the Dutch East Indies agreed to a total of 3.66 million pounds of war indemnities. The first installment of this amount was 360,000 pounds. The balance will be paid in 15 years, with an annual interest rate. 7.6%.

  Nine, during the settlement of war indemnities, Queensland will legally occupy the Moluccas (also known as the Spice Islands) in the Banda Sea as collateral. If the Netherlands cannot fulfill the war compensation responsibilities, the islands will be privately owned by the Lord Queensland.


21. The peace treaty is in six copies. The Governor’s House of the Dutch East Indies, the Earl of Queensland each hold one copy, and the peace mediators, Britain, France, Germany and Austria each hold one copy. Within two months from the date of signing the treaty, the Netherlands His Majesty William I of the Kingdom and the Lord Earl of Queensland need to formally sign the peace agreement so that it will formally fulfill its legal effect...

  The official signing of the "Singapore Peace Treaty" means that the East Indies War has come to an end, and it is worthy of a big book.

Public opinion in Queensland once again set off an upsurge of propaganda, vigorously praised the ardent soldiers, spoke highly of this major event of opening up the territory, inspiring the high sense of pride of Chinese immigrants, and pushing the lofty prestige of Lord Earl to a new level. high.

  The war in Borneo ended at an unexpectedly fast speed, which directly affected the current situation in Australia, which brought down the already eager southern state in a blink of an eye.

This aspect stems from the severe reprimand of the Imperial Colony Department, which prohibits the southern states from taking substantive splitting measures to worsen the current situation in Australia. The second aspect is that the Dutch support is much shorter than originally expected, and the Queensland Earl has the ability to quickly mobilize heavy troops. , Used to quell internal wars in Australia.

  Two-phase trade-off, the southern states have to succumb to reality.

  The most important point is that they have not won the strong support of the British Empire for white descendants. With only a few conservative white upper house nobles, they will not make the southern states desperate.

  Be aware that the Lord Queensland, who represents the Northern State One, also has the support of the Duke-level big figures, and has gained the favor of Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Navy through contemptuous means. This has made the southern week's far-right white group worrying.

in this era

  The British Empire has sufficient treasury and rich wealth. It has the ability to take care of the British ethnic groups scattered around the world, but this care is very limited and can never be compared with the British natives.

In the eyes of the British, the offspring of the thieves and bandits exiled to the United States, Canada, Australia, and South Africa in the early years cannot be counted as the Anglo-Saxons with noble blood, but at best more noble than the natives. One point, nothing more.

  Think about it, how many years have passed since the tragedy that broke out in 1845?

  The Great Irish Famine that broke out 38 years ago caused millions of people to starve to death, and millions of people were displaced. They were forced to travel thousands of miles to the United States to find a way out. The entire population of Ireland dropped by a quarter.

  As the rich and wealthy English royal family, they are actually capable of helping Ireland. In fact, they did nothing. They watched Irish civilians die in hunger and cold, starving everywhere.

  The British Empire treats the British Isles of Ireland like this, not to mention Australia or Canada thousands of miles away. Their lives and deaths are not worthy of London's attention. After all, these people are not treated as British.

  This is almost a common phenomenon in Europe today. The Spaniards turned a deaf ear to the demands of the white natives in the South American colonies to demand equal power.

   In the final analysis, these native whites who speak Spanish and believe in Catholicism are not treated as compatriots, but instead regarded as the arbitrary killing of local natives.

  In this era of the weak and the strong, it is not that you can gain respect by wearing white skin. There is no such simple thing.

  I want the British Empire to get some chestnuts from the fire for some white people in Australia. I can only say that this daydream is too good.

  It was precisely this that clearly saw this, which completely extinguished the eagerness of the southern states. This was a blow to the ambitious plan of the Governor of New South Wales, Earl John Lawrence Bald, and suffered serious setbacks.

  After the signing of the "Singapore Treaty", the situation that had been raging around miraculously calmed down.

  Queensland ushered in a rare and peaceful time, and was able to calmly develop its economy, promote immigration work and all aspects of the construction of society, fill up the shortcomings of social development one by one, and achieve more balanced and orderly development.

   Since 1883

  With the influx of a large number of female immigrants in the society, there has been one wave of marriages and baby booms. According to statistics in the first half of the year, the number of births reached 176,207, and there was an explosive growth in the birth population, with the population curve rising straight.

The huge social demand has led to the emergence of shortcomings. There is an urgent shortage of midwives, hospitals, nurses, medical supplies, and baby products. The social demand that follows is the critical shortage of housing, and all kinds of daily necessities are in short supply. There are many different shortages.

Due to its small size, it is difficult for an economy like Australia to develop all industrial sectors. Queensland’s industrial development focuses on the steel industry, wool textile industry, fishery products, meat and dairy products, machinery, military and transportation industries. Can cover a small part of social life.

Most other needs can only be imported from abroad, including large demand for cotton textiles, garment manufacturing, daily chemical products, rubber, petrochemicals, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, daily ceramics, tea, silk, etc., which are in great social demand, all rely on imports. .

These rapid growth in demand pushed up the prices of related products. The society used its own methods to repair the shortcomings. This allowed some interested businessmen to see huge business opportunities. Matchmakers, midwives, skilled woodcarving artists, and stone carvings quickly appeared in immigrants. Artists, lacquer artisans, porcelain artisans, storytellers, doctors, Huizhou self-comb girls, etc. are hot categories. Anyway, I lack everything, that is, there is no shortage of various craftsmen. I want as many as I want.

  This is the unique feature of relying on the big tree to enjoy the coolness. In a small country like the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the population is so small that there is nowhere to find talent.

In response to social needs, the Queensland Assembly has successively introduced local regulations such as the "Marriage Law" and the "Women's Rights and Interests Law". It has also reviewed and passed major regulations such as the "5-year Education Law" and the "Public Health Law" to encourage public employment. On the basis of schools and public hospitals, private education and health services should be developed as a useful supplement to the society.

All of a sudden, the establishment of private schools and private hospitals has become a hot spot for investment, and they have sprung up in various parts of Queensland. The strong demand for starting a family has promoted the further development of the construction industry. Urban and rural construction is being carried out everywhere. These industries have absorbed a large amount of immigrant labor. , Showing a prosperous scene.

  (End of this chapter)

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