Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 344: No one to help

  Chapter 344 Nobody Helps

  In the early morning, after the thrilling battle, it was a mess, and the spring scenery was boundless.

  The Lord Earl, who was full of fighting power, had already left. Fiona slept on the bed for a long time. Then, after bathing under the service of the maid, she freshened and dressed, and came outside.

  Every lady in the Red Fort has an independent yard, either exquisite or luxurious or unique.

  Fiona’s residence is called the Normandy Gardens. It is a French neo-romantic architectural complex similar in style to the Queensland Earl’s Castle in the suburbs of London. Living here, Fiona seems to have returned to the French Normandy castle in her childhood.

  Passing through the gorgeous marble-paved corridor, Fiona took the maid to the side hall, and heard the laughter of women and children from a distance.

Yesenia, the Countess of Normandy, was playing with Charlie, who had just turned three years old. Nicole was sitting and drinking tea in a luxurious French court dress. She smiled so happily with crooked eyebrows. She came out very beautifully. Looks like the French actress Sophie Marceau, who is well-known in the international film scene in Alien Space, with an unruly taste in purity.

Nicole saw her sister coming and said hello first; "Dear Fiona, I thought you would not show up in the morning. For a wife who hasn't seen her husband for half a month, her hunger and thirst can be imagined. "

   "Nicole, you are as sharp as your beauty."

"Oh... please forgive Fiona, I really can't have a good feeling for you and your husband. My mother and I have been here for more than two months, and I haven't seen him once, let alone false greetings. This kind of indifference is really unbelievable." Nicole picked up a delicate refreshment and put it in her red lips, tasting it gracefully, and then nodded appreciatively, expressing satisfaction with the delicious refreshment, calmly Continue to say; "Maybe I was wrong, I really shouldn't be too demanding, after all, you are only one of his 9 wives."

  Fiona sat down on the chair beside her, and waited for the lady to offer tea and tea, she ate a few pieces and stopped, and said calmly to Nicole;

"The esteemed Lord Earl that you harshly commented, manages millions of people and an unimaginable vast area of ​​land, and is engaged in a long-term war with the Dutch on a scale of tens of thousands of people. What you have seen This magnificent city and the beautiful manor inhabited were created by the noble Lord Earl, including the exquisite refreshments you are eating and the expensive French court dress you wear. It is also paid for by the Lord Earl, which I can hardly imagine. , One has to be ignorant to the extent that he can evaluate his funders in this way."

Sister   's sharp counterattack made Nicole feel that the exquisite and delicious refreshments were no longer fragrant. She stopped her hands uninterestedly, and a blush appeared on her beautiful face; "I am your sister, Fiona."

  "But you didn't respect my sister, Nicole..."

   "Can you not talk about this?"

   "Of course, what do you want to talk about?"

   "Well... For example, the lady reading salon you organized, I heard that I have been involved in European culture and art, current affairs and international fashion, and I am also very interested."


   Fiona answered casually, took a sip of the warm tea, turned around, clapped her hands, picked up Charlie, and began to tease him with her fingers.

  Little Charlie is the first son of Lord Earl. He is only one year younger than his eldest daughter Little Cherry. His Chinese name is "Li Sihan" and his English name is "Charlie".

  The little guy has a mixed-race enchanting face, big eyes like black jewels, deep concave, tall nose, white face is particularly beautiful, curly black hair is like an angel, young age has been handsome.

  Yesenia also came over and sat down. The mother and daughter sipped their refreshments, teasing little Charlie from time to time, and chatting with each other.

Fiona said; "The Lord Count has specially ordered to host a small reception to welcome Yesenia and Nicole. I have already ordered this matter. Lord Count will also be there tonight. Nicole, you have to dress up more beautifully. , Um... That set of rose-colored skirts with a big chest opening is good."

   "Wow...oh, why?" Nicole looked surprised.

   "Nicole, do you need to ask why?"

"Of course, people who don’t know thought you were going to send your sister to your own man’s bed." Nicole followed Fiona’s tone and said with a condescending air; "Nicole, you wear it at night. That set of rose-colored skirts with a big opening on the chest, don’t need to wear it, let your brother-in-law look at your breasts."

   With such a lively expression, Yesenia, who had been silent for a long time, also amused; "Oh my God, Nicole...please pay attention to your ladylike demeanor."

   "Could it not be possible?"

  Fiona's abrupt sentence immediately stunned Yesenia and Nicole, and looked over in amazement.

  Yeseniya's vicissitudes of life-suffering eyes suddenly understood something, opened her mouth and closed it again, without asking anything.

  Nicole’s reaction was much more intense; "My God... Fiona, do you want the Earl of Queensland to be Louis XV?"

  The three mother and daughter who were talking and laughing fell silent for a moment, only Charlie stared inexplicably with **** eyes, looked at Nicole, and then at Yesenia...

  There is an allusion in it;

  French romantic king Louis XV's private life is extremely corrupt, and the most talked about is the admission of the five sisters as mistresses at the same time. This is a topic that is widely circulated in European aristocratic circles and is often mentioned.

  The father of the five sisters is the Prince of Orange and the Marquis of Nellemaily, a top French nobleman, and the five sisters are more beautiful and attractive, each with their own specialties.

  Since the eldest sister Louise Julie de Méli-Niles became the first lover of Louis XV, their destiny quietly changed.

Soon after

Madame Meli introduced her second sister, the Duchess of Chateauroux to Louis XV. Madame Meli did not expect her to be dug into the corner by her own sister. In the end, the second younger sister, the Duchess of Chateauroux, successfully climbed to Louis X. Five beds.

  As for Mrs. Melly’s fate, Louis XV directly ignored her. Mrs. Melly knew that there was no future, and she completely broke off this indecent relationship.

  Originally thought that the Duchess of Chateauroux, who was stepping on her sister's position, would have a bright future and enjoy endless glory and wealth, but unexpectedly, God made her pregnant, and the Duchess of Chateauroux died due to a dystocia.

  The body of the Duchess of Chateauroux was not cold, and the third sister, the Duchess of Laura Guis, quickly filled the vacancy, and quickly fought with Louis XV, which shocked the teeth.

  This third sister is not as silly and sweet as the elder sister and the second sister. She has a heart and knows what she wants.

  While Louis XV was still spoiling her, she succeeded in gaining fame, house, and countless wealth. Not only that, the children she gave birth to enjoy the treatment that the princess and prince deserved, it was a complete victory.

  The story is not over yet, not long after four sisters and five sisters climbed onto Louis XV’s bed...

  Similar things are not uncommon in European royal families. Starting from Charles VII, the king will choose a favorite among his many mistresses and call them the official mistress Matrese-en-titre.

  The official mistress identity was made public at the court and enjoyed the treatment of the king’s family. This tradition of the French Bourbon dynasty continued for hundreds of years, until Louis XVI, who was on the guillotine...

   "Are you crazy, Fiona?" Nicole obviously couldn't accept it.

   Fiona acted very calmly, beckoning the maid to take Charlie down to play, and then let all the maids leave, then she said calmly; "Yes, I planned that way."

   "Oh Mega, I can't accept such an arrangement, it's ridiculous." Nicole exclaimed.

   "What is absurd?"

"Just... Oh my god, I can't describe it very well. Perhaps in your mind, the Lord Queensland is an irreplaceable and important person, it is worth all your efforts to please you, but this does not include me, for me he Just a strange man, nothing more, I will not allow you to wrap me up as a gift and send it to your own man’s bed, never..."

  "Then I will cut off all your expenses, Nicole, you are 17 years old and you can earn money to buy expensive clothes."

   " can't do this."

"On the contrary, I can." Fiona said to her sister Nicole with a serious face at the moment; "This luxurious dress you wear is worth £132. Think about how to make this money? Don't think of yourself. What can you do with his beautiful face? Leaving here is worthless, beautiful girls are everywhere, the owners of those small theaters in Florida will only throw out 10 dollars at most, and then you will kneel in front of him to pull Unzip the trousers and get tired of playing, like trash kicks you away. When you are old and yellow, you can only wear a cheap skirt worth two dollars and hide in a dilapidated small apartment shivering. This is what you want. Life?"

   "" Nicole was shocked beyond words.

   "Isn't it?" Fiona asked rhetorically, turning her eyes calmly to Yesenia, and said with a trace of sadness in her tone;

  "When we moved from France to the United States, almost everything we could sell was sold out. My father was ill in bed, and the bullets of the Parisian revolutionaries pierced his lungs. He couldn't even support his weak body.

  Mother can only rely on sewing and washing clothes in exchange for some meager income, and occasionally go to small theaters to sell and sing.

  At that time, you were still young and may not be impressed.

  I remember that it was a cold day, I was so hungry, I went to the small theater to look for Yesenia, and saw her disheveled out of the obese theater owner’s room, with a $5 bill in her hand.

  That day, our family bought a little cheese and white bread.

  The handsome theater owner told me that if I were willing to kneel down, he would pay 10 dollars, which is the value of a girl. "

  After Fiona finished speaking, a layer of tears gleamed in her beautiful eyes. Those hard years left a deep mark on her heart, which could never be erased.

  Yesenia remained silent for a long time, for the sake of her children, for the family, for survival, she could give up the dignity of the countess to do anything.

  In the side hall fell into a brief silence

  After a long time

  Nicole’s focus is very strange, she hesitated and asked; "Did you take that 10 dollars?"

   "I gave the fat theater owner a resounding slap on the ugly face, then was beaten up, and returned home with pain all over the body. Soon after, I went to Auckland and met the Lord Queensland whom you looked down upon."

   "Fiona, I didn't look down on Lord Earl, just..."

   "Just what?"

  "It’s just hard to accept this kind of to put it...benefit exchange, I don’t want to exchange my body as a benefit."

Fiona chuckled out and shook her head and said; "Childish, ignorant, silly and cute, you can find a guy who loves you, live in a wooden building worth less than £100, and do laundry for him. Cooking and having children, um...I worry about not being able to buy a decent dress for the reception. It may cost two people a year or two of savings. Is this the life you want? If so, just be it. I haven't said anything."

  As a 17-year-old beautiful girl who loves fantasy, Nicole really thinks so, but not so much and so deeply.

   Sister Fiona's words deeply shocked her, and she fluttered her beautiful eyes to think.

"Nicole, do you know? The thing I regret most is that I lost the favor of Lord Earl because of my waywardness, otherwise the lady in the house might be me." Fiona sighed faintly, and continued with regret. "I was too young at the time, no one told me, no one taught me. I acted arbitrarily with the love of Lord Earl. Fortunately, I repented and got a chance to come back again. Well... it’s not bad now, every month. I got a monthly bill of five thousand pounds, and the Lord Earl also gave me countless jewels, silk satin and endless luxurious dresses."

   "Fiona, do you really need help from your sister?" Yesenia asked, who had not spoken for a long time.

  Fiona nodded solemnly, and said; “This huge red fort is a luxurious palace, and every lady who lives in it does everything in order to get the favor of the Lord Earl.

  The wife of the main room, Liu Ruyan, was the most favored. Not only that, she also gave the two girls who accompany her to the Lord Earl, the three of them single-heartedly favored.

  Mrs. Xiang and Mrs. Tian have the best relationship, they are a battle line.

  The madam who was favored by the maid, Mrs. Mo and Mrs. Qin are in the same group. They move very closely, and even serve the Lord Earl at the same time.

  Be aware...There have been rumors in the ladies’ circle that Lord Earl may be crowned king in the future. Although Lord Earl strictly prohibits self-discussion, everyone knows that it is very possible.

  For a lady in a deep house, my situation is worrying.

   and the ladies can’t get along, just a lone person. Now with little Charlie, Lord Earl will come once every half a month, if in the future...

  No one can help, how can we compete with them? "

  Speaking of which

  Fiona was already in tears, and she couldn't cry. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she lost the favor of Lord Earl?

  Yesenia, even though she has experienced worldly affairs, couldn’t help feeling horrified after listening, she thought deeply and said decisively; “Fiona, I will definitely let Nicole help you in this matter.”

The weird thing is

  Nicole's big eyes flickered, but she didn't object.

  In the end

In this era of ignorance of feminism, women are like vines clinging to towering trees. It is more common for European aristocrats to marry for the benefit of their families. Family interests are paramount.

  (End of this chapter)

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