Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 342: Make a fortune

  Chapter 342 Procurement

Leaving the Governor’s Mansion, Sheng Yeyun drove on the street in a luxury carriage printed with the family baron’s logo. Through the window of the car, you could see the Chinese merchants carrying a load on the street and the indigenous women selling fruits along the street, dressed in white. The white Dutch man in a suit and a cane in his hand is bustling and lively.

  Most of the businesses in Batavia (Jakarta) are in the hands of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. If you really want to talk about doing business, you don’t use other nasty methods, and three white Dutch people can not match a Chinese.

Therefore, in the Dutch East Indies, white Dutch plantation owners from Java, Sumatra, and Borneo control the vital spice trading rights, while all other business areas are basically controlled by Chinese businessmen. Strength matters.

  Sit in the carriage

  Sheng Yeyun is tall, with a white face, and looks like an elegant nobleman, but the light flashing in his eyes from time to time reveals his ambition and is not a good match for his generation.

  He is full of history books and is proficient in Dutch, Spanish, English, Cantonese and Jianghuai Mandarin. At the age of thirty-five and sixty-five years old, he will naturally not be willing to become a man.

  After years of planning

  Sheng Yeyun was finally able to enter the sight of the Governor's Mansion and was sent to the mainland and Australia to detect the military situation as a Mizi. There was a benefactor, Wen Baker, the former assistant to the administrative officer.

   And he seized this opportunity to be a blockbuster, successfully assisted the Royal Netherlands Army landing in Lucky Bay, and was awarded the baronial title due to his merits, and was named the head of "Kapitan".

  As for the subsequent annihilation of the Royal Netherlands Army’s landing forces, these are completely different things.

  In terms of status

  Sheng Yeyun is a nobleman in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Compared with Wenbek, who is still a commoner, he is not much better, and even has a higher status.

  Actually, the accounts cannot be calculated like this. The indigenous nobles will always be indigenous nobles, and they cannot change the skin, blood, and race. Just like the vines clinging to the towering trees in the forest, they must be running dogs for the white people.

When    is overwhelmed, it is not far from hitting the original shape, and Sheng Yeyun is obviously not so stupid.

   Therefore, when the benefactor Wen Baker said something heavy, his intention was very obvious.

   "’s hard to survive in the cracks!"

  Sheng Yeyun let out a long sigh, frowned and pondered the current changing situation, where should he go?

  In fact

  Before the arrival of the Dutch colonists, there was no concept of a unified East Indies in the world. This was just 17,508 islands scattered across the South Pacific.

  Due to the extremely underdevelopment of the shipping industry, the East Indies developed independently at that time, and the exchanges between each other were quite limited.

  A certain historical period

  A stronger regime emerges on the island of Guava, which will spread its power to other islands for conquest and expansion.

  Before the arrival of the Dutch colonists, the most powerful feudal kingdoms born in the Indonesian archipelago were the Three Buddhas rising on the island of Sumatra and the Majapahit rising on the island of Java.

  In the heyday of its national power, the Three Buddhas not only controlled the entire island of Sumatra, but also included most of the Malay Peninsula and the Sunda Islands within its sphere of influence.

  In 1397 AD (the 30th year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty), the Qi Kingdom of the Three Buddhas was destroyed by Manchu Boyi.

  In the heyday of its national power, the Manchurian Pahit Kingdom ruled the southern Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra and Bali. It was a powerful maritime empire in Southeast Asia at that time.

  In the East Indies, the two islands of Java and Sumatra formed a feudal empire much earlier than other islands, and developed a unique civilization and historical heritage.

  Compared with the above two, most of the other islands are in the era of primitive tribal civilization, and large and small aboriginal kingdoms have been established, and most of them are in a relatively primitive state.

   Therefore, the development and construction of these islands are much later than the two islands of Java and Sumatra.

  Because the ocean is divided into islands, the reason why these islands have been unable to transform from primitive tribal civilization to a more mature feudal country.

  East Indies has 17,508 islands, but the relatively large areas are Kalimantan, Sumatra, Shangri-La (Illian), Sulawesi and Java, the five main islands.

  Except for the five main islands, the other islands are relatively small in size, with a large number of tropical rain forests, and the area of ​​arable land is quite limited. The degree of development is extremely low, and it is impossible to give birth to a relatively large feudal country.

  The island of Java occupies about 7% of the area of ​​the Dutch East Indies (before September 1881), making it the fifth largest island in the archipelago.

  Due to the profound historical heritage and the continuous development of Dutch colonists for more than 200 years, the island of Java, which covers an area of ​​only 138,000 square kilometers, is home to nearly 70% of the population of the East Indies. Most of the economic output is of unparalleled importance.

Java Island is rich in spices. The ancient Maritime Silk Road that connects China, India and Southeast Asian countries starts from Quanzhou, Guangzhou and other ports in the south of China and enters the Indian Ocean through the Strait of Malacca. It is located on the two islands of Java and Sumatra in the western part of the archipelago. It is close to the Strait of Malacca. An East-West trade node, which was able to take the lead in development.

  After the shining rise of the Earl of Queensland, Australia, this originally peaceful East Indies bears the brunt and faces the challenge of emerging forces.

  It is a pity that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been sinking for a long time. Obviously, it is not ready to deal with the strong challenge. The first time it meets, it is beaten to the ground.

  Not long after

The luxury carriage drove into an ancient courtyard near Batavia. The tall and solid stone walls were left with the imprints of the year rings. The courtyard was deep, with lush vegetation, and the strong and powerful family wearing a black coat saw the owner returning. Standing far away respectfully.

  The luxury carriage did not stop for a moment, and followed the road in the courtyard until it reached the entrance of the main building. The driver yelled and took the reins, and the carriage stopped steadily.

  At this moment, there has long been a pair of maids wearing short cyan coats with half of their white arms exposed.

Headed by    is a middle-aged housekeeper with a melon skin hat, Sheng Gui. This is the leader of the sons and servants of the Shengfu family, who is shrewd and capable, and he is trusted.

  Sheng Gui opened the carriage door first, and then immediately hit a thousand shots; "Sheng Gui welcomes Sir Alex to his house, and the younger one pleases you."

"Yeah." Sheng Yeyun responded calmly, bent down and got out of the carriage, handed the ivory cane to Sheng Gui, took off the top hat on his head, and Sheng Gui quickly took it and changed hands. Give it to the maids behind you.

Sheng Yeyun unbuttoned his suit while walking, Sheng Gui followed along with a trot, and said graciously; "My Lord, it is such a hot weather, and you are ready to use the sour plum soup from Jingshui Town and add some lemon. Juice, some ice ballast was taken from the ice room, and it's cold."

   "Yes, bring it up."

  "Yes, I'll bring it to Sir Ferguson right away. Uncle and Elder have been waiting in the Chamber for a long time. When do you think..."

"Is there a problem?"

   "The uncle and the second master didn't say anything, and the younger one didn't dare to ask. They just arranged a refreshment fruit plate and waited carefully."

   "I see, you go back and say I will come right away."

   "Little understands."

  Sheng Yeyun took off his suit and gave it to the maids, and went to sit down in the hall. At this time, the iced sour plum soup was served, and he was served with a hot towel.

He took the towel and wiped his face and hands, then dropped the towel on the tray, took a sip of the iced sour plum soup, and suddenly felt cool from the inside out. He just drank dry mouth as he said in the Governor's Mansion. After drinking some wine, he couldn't help taking a few more guts.

   Rested for a while, went to the back room and changed into a light long gown and gown, Sheng Yeyun walked towards the Council Chamber.

Before entering the door, I heard the angry voice of my second brother Sheng Yelin from the council room; "Grandma's, no matter what, this time the old Wu’s tea mountain is to be taken down. The tea mountain of his house is dozens of hundreds of years old. The quality of the high-mountain tea produced by the old tea trees in China is the best. At least tens of thousands of guilders are earned a year, and it may be more than that."

   "I know that Wu Jiashu has deep roots and is very face in front of the Dutch. You have to think twice about this matter before acting." This is the voice of the older brother Sheng Yetian.

"When is that old calendar? Now the third child is the popular fried chicken in front of the governor. As the leader of Batavia’s "Jabidan", I don’t believe that the old Wu’s voice can be louder than the Sheng’s. The third son is now a nobleman of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and it’s good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It's time for us to make a fortune."

   "That's what I said, but still have to worry about the impact."

   "Big brother, don't leave mother-in-law..."

  Hear here

  Sheng Yeyun smiled slightly and stepped steadily into the chamber. The eldest brother Sheng Yetian who was sitting in the chamber, and the second brother Sheng Yelin saw him come in and couldn't help standing up to greet him.

   "Third brother, you are back."

"Yeah, I was outside listening to my second brother yelling, thinking it was because of the tea mountain of the old Wu's family. We in Batavia had four tea owners, "Zhou Wu Wang Sheng", among which the Wu's tea mountain had the longest history. The location is the best, and the quality of the tea produced is the highest. It seems that the second brother has a good vision!"

  Sheng Ye Yun said with a light smile, and walked up to the first seat in the chamber to sit down. He is now the baronial and the Patriarch of the Sheng family. He sits in this position and does his part.

Among the three brothers in the Sheng Mansion, the uncle Sheng Yetian and the second master Sheng Yelin are both middle-aged, but the third Sheng Ye Yun was talented and intelligent since he was a child. Don't buckle the backbone and talker.

Sheng Yelin sat down with a sneer at what he said; "The third child, our Sheng Mansion adheres to the ancestral motto, and we do not divide the family. I also consider the common interests of the three heads. If you have money, everyone will earn It’s better than being monopolized by the old Wu’s family, and how did the tea mountain of the old Wu’s family come from? It’s not obtained from others when the ancestors served as Kapitan. Their hometown has also earned it for so many years. , It's time to change positions."

  This is pure robber thinking, and it is so arrogant to say it in Sheng Yelin's mouth.

  Sheng Yeyun took the fragrant tea offered by the maid, waved his hand and said; "Master, you all go down."

   "Yes." The maids bowed their knees and all stepped back.

  Sheng Yeyun tasted the fragrant tea quietly, without saying a word or showing anything.

   "Third brother, I have said so much, you always have to say something!" Erye Sheng Yelin couldn't help but urged.

  Uncle Sheng Yetian has always been steady, and he rebuked his face unpleasantly; "Ye Yun naturally has an idea about something, second brother, just say a little less."

  Gently put down the tea cup, Sheng Yeyun raised his eyes and looked at his second brother and said; “The goal is chosen well, and things are also good, but is it necessary to shout so that the whole world knows it?”

  "Are you talking about these little maids? Forgive them for not having the guts to go out and talk nonsense. It's a big deal to sell them to the kiln and change another batch. I just happened to look at these old faces a little bored."

   "You have something to do with your guns, and you yell everywhere. You can't make it and keep changing people, right?" Sheng Yeyun pinched his eyebrows in distress.

  People in their 40s are still unable to hide a word in their hearts. It seems that this temper cannot be changed.

  As the saying goes, big idiots are two stunners and three tops.

  A very vivid interpretation of the three grand masters of the Shengfu generation. The boss, Sheng Yetian, is indeed stable, stable and rigid, not flexible, pedantic and conservative in concepts, and it is difficult to accept new things.

  The second child, Sheng Yelin, had a carefree temper. He couldn't hide anything in his heart. He controlled the 450-member volunteer team, and he also had some armed forces under him.

  As for the youngest third, Sheng Yeyun is a very smart person, with a variety of ingenuity, profound insights, and an out-and-out trend of the times. Once there is an opportunity, he can move up to the sky.

  (End of this chapter)

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