Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 319: Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge

  Chapter 319 Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge

  The inspection group camped in the sunset valley. Li Fushou led a team of guard cavalry on horseback and ran forward for seven or eight kilometers until the forest at the foot of the mountain stopped.

  At this moment, the sun is slanting to the west, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the cascading mountains, the scenery looks even more majestic.

Standing on the hill, Li Fushou pointed forward with the horse whip in his hand full of pride and said; "Lao Fu, Lao Lei, we have traveled all the way to this vast hilly area. Vertically and horizontally, you can't see such a primitive ecology that hasn't been developed for thousands of years. It's really magnificent!"

"Yes, sir, our hometown in Jiangxi has a lot of people and little land. The villages are planted with crops and beans are planted, and terraced fields have been opened up on the mountains to grow food. How can we be willing to have this large area of ​​land deserted, which can feed hundreds of thousands of people? It's so wasteful to feel sorry for the dead!" Lei Xiao said interface.

  More than 80 kilometers of gentle hilly areas from Longmen Town to here, the development of tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land can never stop. How much food can be produced in a year and how many people can be fed?

  The coastal areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Jiangxi are small in land and large in population, and there is a serious shortage of food. Many ignorant rural areas are prevalent in the habit of drowning girls. The phenomenon of infanticide and abandonment is very serious in Zhejiang, especially in Jinhua, followed by Wenzhou and Taizhou.

  Guangdong "the wind of drowning girls is everywhere", Hunan "the customs tend to have bad habits of drowning...unbreakable", and Jiangxi "all regard giving birth to daughters, and every time they drown."

  The baby tower can be seen everywhere in the countryside, and the children born can only be cruelly thrown into the baby tower...

  Looking back and looking at this fertile land, why not let people like Lei Xiao and Fu Peng be sighed.

"So... we welcome immigrants with open hands. There are endless fertile fields for development, which can enable millions of immigrants to live a good life without worries, and can do a little bit for the Chinese with the same blood. , I wish it was enough!"

   "Master's kindness moved the world, Bomou was able to follow the left and right, it is really fortunate for the three lives." Fu Peng said in his heart.

  He looked at the energetic commander ahead with reverence, shining in the golden light of the setting sun, and he looked more and more extraordinary.

Lord Earl is not drunk and talking nonsense, but is practicing his ambition with practical actions. Over the past seven years, more than 2 million Chinese immigrants have benefited from Australia’s immigration policy, and there will be more in the future. This is especially worthy of admiration. There is a plus.

  Save a life and win the 7th-level Pagoda.

  Over the years, the Young Eagle School has adopted more than 600,000 orphans.

  The noble virtue of benevolence and fraternity has a charisma and cohesion beyond imagination. This is the fundamental reason why Fu Peng and Lin Leixiao follow the Lord Earl with all their heart.

"In the first half of my life, I followed Master Futai (Gu Yanchuan) to the north and south, saw countless injustices, and watched too many hardships and struggles. It is too difficult for the people to live. "Lei Xiao, a strong man with tears in his eyes, lowered his head in disguise and whispered; "Master is a living Bodhisattva, and he must be sent by the heavens to save us those suffering. I really hope that those who have not eaten or clothed will be Received Australia to enjoy the blessing."

"Old Lei, your words are too big, and I can't take them!" Li Fushou sighed lightly, pushing the horses to trot with their legs and abdomen, and said with a trace of melancholy; "Australia does The land is sparsely populated, and the fertile fields are thousands of miles away, but the carrying capacity of the pastures for the population is limited. With today’s ability to migrate 700,000 to 800,000 people per year is the limit. In addition to Shangri-La and Borneo, the number of migrants per year is Yes, it is possible to add more in the future, but this is only a drop in the bucket for the Huanhuan Man Qing Empire."

   "Why, sir?"

"With more than one heart but not enough energy! You have to know that the population of the Manchu empire today is as high as 40,000, and the number of people born every year is more than ten million, which is more than three times the total population of Australia. Australia was filled in one year, so the government turned a blind eye to immigrants. They really couldn't feed that large population."

   "Master, Lei has been taught."

  The afterglow of the setting sun was reflected on a group of vigorous cavalry, who rode horses on the wilderness hills, crossed the murmur creek, through the woods, and ran all the way to the sunset valley camp.

  After that, it was dangerous to climb over the mountains and ridges for 4 consecutive days.

   After entering the high mountains, the speed suddenly slowed down. The mule and horse team of the observation team fell to the death of 11 horses, 7 mules and three accompanying soldiers due to fright and accidental slipping. After all the hardships, they finally came to the Wild Wolf Valley.

This is the valley where the expedition killed 14 wild wolves, so it was named "Wolf Valley." Because of the drop, the water flow is very turbulent, winding and rushing all the way to the downstream.

  Every rainy season, the mountain torrents that gather in the mountains rush down with an unstoppable force, covering all the pebble beaches on both sides of the bank, and the momentum is extremely shocking.

  It’s mid-November, which coincides with the rainy season.

  The river is as wide as a hundred meters wide, and the violent flood hits the boulders on the shore with a loud noise, and it rushes down.

  According to the Longjin Highway construction plan;

  Here will be built a continuous wild wolf valley bridge, the main deck is 776 meters long, and the approach bridge is more than 2,300 meters. It is a large-scale controlled project and one of the difficult projects of the three bridges and two tunnels.

The   Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge will be built with 21 piers large and small. It is the longest bridge designed for the entire Longjin Highway. The two main piers are 126 meters apart. The design adopts a steel arch structure and spans the main channel between the valleys.

  After continuous heavy rains in the upper mountainous area, the amazing flow of mountain torrents overflows the main river channel, and the entire valley will be submerged in torrential floods.

Therefore, this bridge is a continuous steel arch structure bridge consisting of a high main steel arch structure and many small steel arches on both sides of the bridge deck. Will be threatened by flash floods again.

  High in the valley terrain

  The construction team of the Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge with more than 600 people is building the approach bridge piers, which does not have much technical content.

Because the foundation rock is very strong, only the floating soil and gravel need to be cleaned up during construction. A pier foundation pit with a depth of more than two meters was blasted out. The pier was surrounded by planks and cement steel bars and large pieces of gravel were added. Just the height of the yard.

The most important thing is the main bridge pier. Because of the large span and heavy load-bearing capacity, the large steel components used are all manufactured by the shipyard. The single steel components are at least 4 tons or more. The road is not repaired to the Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge. Before, it was impossible to carry it by people or by mules and horses.

  Ordinary tractors can't transport such large steel components. A high-horsepower tractor must be developed for this purpose. This is something to be said.

  Nowadays, there is no shadow of the continuous large bridge in the Wild Wolf Valley.

  A simple steel cable bridge was built on the river to connect the two banks. A layer of planks were laid on the bottom of the bridge. Walking on it, there were only two bare steel cables on the bridge. There were no guardrails. It was really simple.

  Under the bridge is the raging torrents of torrents, which test people's psychological endurance very much.

More than 400 mules and horses of the inspection group must pass this simple steel cable bridge. In order to reduce the load of the mules and horses, all the materials are carried over the steel cable bridge by humans, and then the eyes of the mules and horses are covered, and the ears are also blocked, cautiously. Holding the bridge across the bridge.

It took a full day to pass more than 300 mules and horses. Six mules and horses were frightened and plunged into the turbulent stream. Two unlucky soldiers were also buried here at the same time, which made people sigh.

Li Fushou was very dissatisfied with this, and ordered to stop crossing the river immediately, and ordered the large bridge engineering team to build the Wild Wolf Valley continuous bridge to send people to weave the rope net for this dangerous suspension bridge. It is too coping with only two steel cables. , There is no security at all.

  In addition, two more steel cables are added to hold the bridge body, so that it will not go to the middle of the river and sway continuously. It is too scary, and the mule and horse are more likely to be frightened.

  In the next year and a half

  The horse team has to go back and forth here all year round, and the construction team itself also needs to use this steel cable bridge, at least to ensure safe construction access.

  "Mr. Feuerbach-Kant, chief designer, have you noticed a serious problem in the design." Li Fushou stood by the river, watching the workers weaving rope nets on the steel cable bridge, as if asking unintentionally.

Feuerbach-Kant is the head of the construction project, the dean of the Department of Architecture at Red River Valley University, and now he is also an accomplished figure, but he knows who all this comes from, so he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to salute and said apologetically; I'm very sorry, Lord Earl, the construction of this temporary bridge was not well considered. It is too hasty."

"No... I'm not just referring to this. The mule and horse team have been very difficult on this road, and in a year and a half, the mule and horse team have to transport supplies to tens of thousands of workers along this rugged mountain road. If you transport a large amount of cement and steel bars, if you lose 30 or 40 mules and horses in a round trip like this time, how many mules and horses have you considered to be able to use it?"

"I..." Feuerbach-Kant couldn't answer such a sharp question. The cold sweat on his forehead immediately came off. He hurriedly took out a handkerchief and wiped it and stammered; "Sorry, I'm really sorry... "

"Shut up! This is not something that can be solved by being sorry, Feuerbach-Kant, you are killing people. If you are to be pulled out and shot on the battlefield, what do you **** think? You have become an idiot? Already, why did you make such a naive mistake?" Li Fushou could no longer contain the anger in his heart, and roared loudly.

  Now Li Fushou’s power is getting heavier and heavier, and his roar makes everyone chilling.

   Faced with the anger of Lord Earl, Feuerbach-Kant's face turned pale. The designers and architecture students standing not far away were all frightened in two battles. They were also responsible for this matter.

The task of developing the Koi copper-gold mine is too urgent and the time requirement is too tight. In the entire design team of more than 40 people, almost everyone has a lot of tasks on them, 37 bridges, 6 culverts, and up to 100. More than 80 kilometers of Panshan Road, Yueya Lake Reservoir, hydroelectric power plant, construction of the mining field of the Jinli copper and gold mine, construction of the beneficiation plant, etc. are a lot of design drawings.

  Longjin Highway is in the stage of construction while surveying and designing. Less than half of the 37 bridges have not been designed and completed, including the Wild Wolf Valley Continuous Bridge, so no one cares more about the construction of the road. This point is really ignored.

  Mining is a process of separating copper ore from waste rock. Koi copper-gold ore has a particularly complex composition. It not only contains high-grade copper ore, but also contains gold and silver. These components must be separated one by one.

The separated ore is transported to the beneficiation plant for ore beneficiation. The copper ore obtained by mining is subjected to multiple processes to obtain a higher-grade copper concentrate, including crushing, flotation, separation, concentration, dehydration and other steps, which require a large amount of Power supply to support the non-stop production of mining machinery and equipment day and night.

  In today’s world

There are mature equipment for copper ore mining and screening. Even after more than 100 years, it has not changed much. The copper ore is crushed into fine particles after three-stage crushing by a gyratory crusher and a medium-fine cone crusher, and then passed through a ball mill. It is milled into powder and enters the flotation tank.

  After adding reagents to the flotation cell, the flotation machine is continuously stirred, the metal is adsorbed on the foam formed after stirring, and the foam flows into the side tank to be separated.

  The separated slurry undergoes a combined dehydration process of concentration and filtration, and finally forms copper concentrate. Through this series of processing processes, the copper content of the ore produced by the Koi Copper-Gold Mine can be increased from 0.8% of the original ore to 37% (in a dry state), and all these are inseparable from a large amount of power supply to maintain the mine’s High-intensity production.

  The planned Yueya Lake hydroelectric power station, the mining field of the Jinli copper-gold mine, and the concentrator have not yet begun to design. Who has the time to manage the construction of the mountains and mountains?

  Feuerbach-Kant had reasons in his heart, but he never dared to explain it in the thunderous anger of Lord Earl, and could only silently endure the reprimand.

  As one of the old people who have followed Lord Earl for the longest time, Feuerbach-Kant has basically figured out the temper of Lord Earl and clearly knows that he can never explain at this time, and must show a distressed attitude of admitting mistakes.

  Wait until Master Earl's anger subsides, and one day when the mood is good, ask someone who can speak for a while to help, and the board is raised up and down gently...


  From the Sunset Valley to the Koi Copper and Gold Mine, there are no more than 20 life-threatening mountain roads for the mules and horses. These places are especially slippery after the rain, and you will fall into the valley if you don’t pay attention.

  Is it difficult to arrange for the construction team to give priority to repairing these places?

  Is the amount of work large?

  Since you know why not do it?

For example, is there anyone responsible for the Wild Wolf Valley steel cable bridge, whether there are any hidden safety hazards in the subsequent projects, and whether there are construction safety inspectors on the entire Longjin Highway? The scum is blacklisted.

  Suspected of dereliction of duty sent to justice, numb, I think a few can be shot, really tm all the **** snacks..."

   An extremely severe reprimand made Feuerbach-Kant’s face pale and blue. This serious mistake is simply inexcusable to the traditionally rigorous German designer and is regarded as a lifelong shame.

Li Fushou angrily reprimanded, ordering all designers to put down their work, investigate all potential safety hazards on Longjin Highway from beginning to end, mobilize the construction team to immediately dig a safe mule and horse road, and use blasting if necessary. Blast the steep rocks.

  For this reason, even if some project progress is delayed, it will not hesitate to sharpen the knife and not cut the wood.

  (End of this chapter)

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