Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 317: Oktedi Copper and Gold Mine

  Chapter 317 Octedi Copper and Gold Mine

  The mountainous area at night is so cold that the stars are sparse

   The campfire in the campsite by the clear stream was burning vigorously, and the uneasy neighing sound of the eight big green mules spread far away, accompanied by the strong smell of meat drifting in the wind, and soon attracted hungry wild wolves.

  Wild wolves came out of the dark mountains and forests. In the night, the eyes reflected cruel green light, and they made screams and approached, and stopped at a distance of forty to fifty meters outside the camp.

There are a total of 14 wild wolves. They hide outside the area illuminated by the bonfire. With the help of the night to look at the movement in the camp, they threaten the big blue mule with the howling of wolves one after another, which makes the big blue mule more restless and neighing. .

  The wild wolves are very patient. After a long time of observation, the wolves finally let out an offensive howl, and the wolves began to enter the range of the bonfire from all directions.

  30 meters, 20 meters...

  The wolves before the attack no longer howled, but sneaked in cautiously. Unfortunately, all this was in vain and became the best target under the bright bonfire.


   give an order

A dense platoon of guns resounded across the valley, the wild wolf hit by the powerful impact of the bullets flew upside down, blood shot out, and a large swath fell in a blink of an eye, followed by the second round of platoon guns and the third round of platoon guns. The wild wolf that slipped through the net was knocked down to the ground, and a strong smell of blood permeated.

  At this time, many soldiers came out from behind the tent and in the shadow of the rocks. They talked and laughed and started to check the results of the hunting.

  "Attention everyone, take out the magazine, and withdraw the rifle bullet from the barrel." The command sound came, and the soldiers took off the magazine and withdrew the bullets in the barrel, so as not to go out and injure people.

  This is an episode in the camp at night. None of the 14 wild wolves ran away, all of them were killed here.

The soldiers were all passionate young men from 18 to 20 years old. They were so excited that they hit so many wild wolves. They ran to the stream and lighted a bonfire. They peeled wolf skins and removed their internal organs by the stream. Prepare to roast wolf meat to eat.

It has been more than a month since I set off from Port Moresby. When I was at sea, I ate fish every day and vomited. After entering the mountain, I ate dry food and vomited every day. To improve the fresh meat, this good opportunity is really hard to come by.

Young expert Zheng Yuan was also there to help. He introduced enthusiastically; "Brothers, wolf meat is a great nourishment, especially in the cold season after eating. It is a rare warming and nourishing thing. Don't lose it, it tastes crunchy and chewy."

   "Expert Zheng, have you eaten wolf meat before?"

  "I have eaten it. There are many thylacines in Australia, but I haven't eaten this kind of wolf meat. In fact, wolf meat and dog meat should taste the same, but the smell is a bit more fishy, ​​and it is delicious when grilled."

  "Expert Zheng, stop talking about it, my saliva will flow down."

   " foodies!"

  The 14 wild wolves weighed one hundred twenty thirty catties, and the small one weighed seventy to eighty catties. The fur, wolf head, dewclaws and internal organs were removed, and the net result was seven or eight hundred catties of fresh meat, enough for so many people to eat for a week.

The soldiers chopped the wolf meat into large pieces, and took it to the bonfire to scorch it. The outside was charred and tender inside. After sprinkling with fine salt, the strong meat aroma diffused and attracted everyone. The young man was salivating.

  Duan Qirui happily brought a large piece of roasted wolf meat, which was a piece of roasted brown and crispy foreleg meat. He sat beside Li Shuanzhu and tore the wolf meat in half, his hands were hot and shouted;

   "Wow, it's hot...Come on, taste how this roasted wolf meat tastes."

  Li Shuanzhu took the steaming wolf meat, opened his mouth to tear off a large piece and chewed it. The crispy skin mixed with juicy tender meat filled the mouth, bringing a different invigorating feeling.

  After all, fresh meat is grilled, and the taste is fragrant!

  Li Shuanzhu opened the kettle and took a sip, tore and eat the wolf meat, then quietly handed the kettle to Duan Qirui.

  Duan Qirui seemed to feel the kettle, put it under his nose and smelled it, with such a smile on his face, he took a flustered sip of wine, and then hugged the fragrant roasted wolf meat to eat...

  Next day

  The expedition team of more than 30 people left several frail soldiers to guard the camp. The soldiers were divided into three groups and marched lightly to the northeast, the north and the northwest, and began a week-long expedition.

  Each expedition team consists of 9 people, carrying three German-made Mauser 187 magazine-style riding rifles, three revolvers, two camping tents, blankets and other application equipment, and a full week of dry food to set off.

  Their task is to find Crescent Lake first, and then locate the deposit based on Crescent Lake.

  Two days later in the evening

  The team led by Li Shuanzhu camped on the hillside. A bonfire was raised and was preparing to have dinner. Suddenly, a red flare rose high up in the northern sky, which was particularly conspicuous in the vast twilight.

   "Look, captain... they have found Crescent Lake." The team members yelled in excitement, and the exhaustion from the past few days suddenly disappeared.

  This is an agreed signal. The expedition team that first finds Crescent Lake will fire a flare in the evening, and then fire another round to determine the location after half an hour.

  While everyone is anxiously waiting, I feel that the time is particularly long.

  Half an hour later, another red signal flare rose up into the sky. This time it was certain that Yueya Lake had been found.

  The soldiers all jumped up in excitement, and Li Shuanzhu also showed a smile on his face. He looked at Bergkamp, ​​who was beaming with joy, and said; "Mr. Captain, it seems that the information you provided is accurate."

Having been going around in the mountains for more than half a month, Bergkamp has been under tremendous pressure. This expedition may not be a big deal to others, but it is vital to Bergkamp’s life and should not be lost. .

Relieving the tremendous pressure on his body, Bergkamp rushed to Li Shuanzhu excitedly, waving his arms and shouting loudly; "God testifies, you **** heretics always don’t believe my words, you don’t need to pretend to be cheap. I can see the distrust in your eyes. Now it turns out that I am right. It is there, and this huge treasure house is there."

  Borgkamp's sudden attack, immediately made the soldiers vigilant, took off the rifle from their shoulders calmly, and aimed the black hole's muzzle at Bergkamp.

Li Shuanzhu gently shook his hand to stop the soldiers, and said in a deep voice; "Mr. Captain, as long as you take us to the mine, you will get rich rewards and everything we promised. The premise is to do your duty obediently and never Forget your status as a prisoner of war. This time I am seriously offended. I want to see you sincerely regret it. Otherwise, I don't mind smashing your mouthful teeth with the butt."

Bergkamp is half a head taller than Li Shuanzhu, but in front of Li Shuanzhu's tough attitude, his arrogance immediately dissipated; "Oh, my God, please forgive my impoliteness. I was really dazzled by the momentary joy. Don’t know what I’m doing? This is terrible. Allow me to express my deep apologies."

  After speaking, Bergkamp took a step back, put his right hand on his chest and bowed deeply.

Li Shuanzhu stared at him coldly without saying a word, Bergkamp stiffened obviously, and then knelt down on one knee slowly; "God testifies, I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and repent of what I just did. For all the rude behaviors, I promise that similar things will never happen again, swear in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

   "Okay, even if you pass this time, remember... Never forget who you are."

   "Thank you battalion commander for your kindness, I know I was wrong."

  You can’t be polite to these Dutch ghosts. These **** are awe-inspiring but not ethical, and they will push their noses on the face with a little bit of sunshine. They must be suppressed severely.

"Get up." Li Shuanzhu faintly waved his hand and turned to the soldiers. "Looking at the distance of the flare, there is at least five or six hills away. Tomorrow we will have to walk more than half a day to get there, everyone. Rest early when you are full. We will get up early tomorrow and try to get together as soon as possible."

   "Yes, Lord Battalion Commander." The soldiers suddenly agreed.

  The next day, the three small teams converged one after another, and immediately sent a few soldiers to the left-behind camp and led them to rendezvous.

Professor Patje and geological expert Zheng Yuan used professional instruments to determine where they are now. It is located in the Octedi region of the Fabiland Mountains (the eighth largest copper mining area in the world), which is far from the nameless expedition abandoning a boat ashore. The valley is about 179 kilometers, even further away from the coastline.

After half a month’s preliminary exploration, it was confirmed that the Oktedi area is a mixed copper, gold, iron, and silver ore vein, in which copper reserves exceed 2.5 million tons, gold mines exceed 82 tons, iron mines exceed 10 million tons, and silver mines exceed 2000 tons is an out-and-out big treasure house.

Oktedi belongs to the Cenozoic porphyry-skarn type copper-gold deposit. It is a geological deposit formed by volcanic eruption lava. The proven copper ore body is about 5-20 meters from the surface and the thickness of the ore body is 60-300 meters. It is about 13.7 kilometers long and about 13.7 kilometers long. When cutting down the valley, it goes deep below the iron ore cap.

  Is there a copper ore extension zone below the iron ore cap, which contains more copper and gold deposits?

  According to Professor Patje’s rich geological experience, there should be more copper-gold deposits waiting to be discovered, because judging from the geological conditions, the volcanic lava eruption formed by the copper-gold ore body was older and stopped halfway without reason.

The existing copper-gold ore body is only 13.7 kilometers long, presenting a state of natural flow from top to bottom, and the lower half is covered by the late eruption of lava, forming a huge thick iron ore cap, like a layered cake. It's underneath.

  It is impossible to survey with the existing crude methods. It is necessary to drill holes in the ore body to sample. It may take dozens of mines up to 100 meters deep to get accurate geological and mineral information.

  These things can be done slowly in the future. The existing geological data is enough for the Red River Valley to vigorously develop this vein.

  The thorny issues that urgently need to be resolved today are transportation and electricity. These are the two major obstacles to the development of the Oktedi copper-gold mine and must be resolved.

  (End of this chapter)

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