Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 312: Strengthen supervision

   Chapter 312 Strengthening Supervision

   Feeling bored in the study, Li Fushou wandered out of the study, walked along the flowers and trees, and came to the quaint Linshui Pavilion.

  Fishes swim happily in a pool of water, a curtain of waterfalls on the rockery made of Taihu Lake, the flowers blooming by the pool are vying for beauty, and the cool breeze brings a faint fragrance of flowers.

  The steward Li Ang followed far behind, and saw Lord Earl strolling into the Linshui Pavilion, and with a wave of his hand, several attendants immediately brought the piano stool and guzheng.

  A piano girl Shi Shiran came over and sat down. After a little calm, she started to play with her hands.

  The melodious guzheng music floats, injecting a touch of ancient oriental charm into the beautiful Gusu garden.

  At this moment, the wind is light and the clouds are light, and the years are quiet.

Ang Li took the two maidservants to the Linshui Pavilion. Seeing that Lord Earl was standing facing the pond with his hands, as if thinking about something, he asked the maid to put the tea and fruit plate on the table aside, silently. Backed down.

   "Anything?" Li Fushou asked without looking back.

   "In reply to the master, the good news that the old lady was pleased with her son has been sent to the Jiangnan Gu Mansion. Today, I received a call back. Gu Mansion was very happy. A special person came to Australia to visit the wife and son. The date will be announced separately."

   "Well, does Madam know?"

"The youngest person received the telegram. The lady was very happy in her heart when she received the telegram. Another thing is that Mrs. Xiang, who has lived in the UK for a long time, returned with her son recently. "


  Li Fushou was shocked, recalling that A Xiang’s shadow is still vivid. When he traveled in Europe, A Xiang was pregnant and could not bear the harsh sea conditions of transoceanic voyages. He had to stay in Queensland Castle near London to give birth.

  I still remember that when Axiang was parting, she cried and turned into tears. .

  As soon as the years passed, Li Fushou's tenderness was aroused, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said, "Pay attention to the return shipping schedule, and I will pick it up at the pier when that time comes."

   "Master is unparalleled, and there is one more thing. Mrs. Fiona's father, the Earl of Norman, has not been cured due to illness. Recently, he passed away in Auckland Hospital. You see..."

  "Send a message of condolences to the West Coast Normandy Company to send someone to greet you and properly settle your family. Matters within 3,000 pounds can be handled at your discretion and reported later."

   "The little one understands, so let's do it according to the master's will."

He casually sent away the housekeeper Li An, Li Fushou went to the chair and sat down, took a sip of the fragrant tea that had just been soaked, the refreshing tea fragrance was full of fragrance, and the melodious guzheng music echoed in his ears. It’s so enjoyable!

  Not a while later

  Inner steward Li Xi led the way, leading Xin Changjun and Wu Mozhou through the moon gate, all the way towards the back of the Linshui Pavilion.

  Li Fushou had already seen it through the open window lattice, stood up and walked to the door to greet him with a smile; "What a coincidence, what wind brought you two today?"

   "Master Yuanding..."

  "Come, come, please go inside and serve tea and talk."

  The guest and host took their seats one after another. The servant girl offered freshly brewed fragrant tea and quietly stepped back. The housekeeper Li Xi guilty and stepped back, leaving room for a separate conversation.

  After a few words of greeting

  Wu Mozhou took the lead in introducing the words into the topic; “Master Yuanding, the Governor’s Office of the Dutch East Indies communicated through an intermediary to convey a formal attitude on the three most important issues in the peace talks.

  One, the Governor’s Mansion is willing to recognize our pre-conditions and recognize that the sovereignty of Shangri-La Island is ours and no negotiation is allowed.

Second, the sovereign rights and interests of the Dutch side in Borneo are recognized by the world. It has been more than 200 years. This point cannot be negotiated or violated. The Dutch side is willing to recognize our special rights and interests in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan. And promised to protect the interests of Kunshanlan people in related economic fields, but our army must completely withdraw from the two provinces in order to achieve the goal of lasting peace.

3. Regarding our position as the "protector of Chinese immigrants" in the South Pacific region, the Netherlands can adopt an attitude of not acknowledging, not supporting, not denying, and negotiating. The two sides can set up specialized agencies to coordinate their positions on this issue. , To deal with related disputes.

The above three positions are the final positions of the Dutch side. There is no room for concession and negotiation. The Governor's Office has shown its utmost sincerity to promote the conclusion of peace talks. It is hoped that Queensland will show its sincerity in negotiations and jointly promote long-term peace and stability in the East Indies. . "

"Oh... the Dutch who has always been stubborn and hard-headed finally gave in,'s not easy!" Li Fushou laughed heartily, took a sip from his teacup, and said firmly; A group of dead servants who do not see the coffin and cry, do they think they are still qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

  Master Earl’s attitude did not exceed Wu Mozhou’s expectations, and he answered cautiously; "Master Yuanding, if there is no change in the established negotiation policy, then I will formally reply to the Dutch representative."

"Well, an ultimatum was officially issued to them, and the Dutch must cede the provinces of East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, so that they can recognize the reality. What is lost on the battlefield cannot be taken back at the negotiating table." The status of “protector of Chinese immigrants” is inevitable, and this is also not negotiable. They can only accept or refuse. If peace negotiations cannot be reached, they will face severe blows from our army, which will extend the war to Central Kalimantan and more cities and towns. All serious consequences shall be borne by the Dutch side."

   "Understood, an official ultimatum will be issued to the Netherlands when I go back." Wu Mozhou replied solemnly.

  Li Fushou nodded and did not speak. The secret appointment with the British was completely unknown to the Red River Valley boss, and everyone he did not intend to preach was known to everyone. This thing is just seeing the light and can’t say anything.

  As a superior, Li Fushou deliberately controlled the course of the war in Borneo until the day when the mystery was finally revealed...

  After talking about this matter, the atmosphere seemed relaxed again.

   Wu Mozhou took the initiative to ask; "Master Yuanding, Commander-in-Chief Yuchi submitted the Borneo offensive plan, I wonder if it can be implemented?"

"Haha... It’s a coincidence that you two came here. After comprehensive consideration, I just rejected the Borneo offensive plan. I should put it in the dry season from April to May next year. The offensive preparations will be more fully prepared before the implementation is more appropriate. This will leave us at the same time. The immigration window in the second half of the year is conducive to further consolidating rule in the region."

   "This is the words of the old man to seek the country." Xin Changjun nodded seriously, his expression was quite relieved, he did not approve of the hasty attack from Borneo.

  Red River Valley, after all, has a weak foundation and cannot withstand the toss. It is the right way to go steady one step at a time.

  Desperately dragging a large area of ​​land to the plate, it will cause indigestion.

Xin Changjun is here mainly for the Qingshui River development plan on Shangri-La Island. The first ship of migrants in October will go to Qingshui River to reclaim and colonize. There will also be a series of related follow-up support measures, including funding policies that are tilted to the deployment of precious cinchona cream drugs. Reported.

   "Wu Xuewen's movements are really fast. It seems that he is ready to do a big fight in Qingshui River. I did not misunderstand him. He is a talented person who can do practical things!" After listening to the report, Li Fushou said with emotion.

  Xin Changjun replied in the interface; “Indeed, the difficulties faced by the Qingshui River colonization plan mainly come from the primitive natural environment. There are no insurmountable difficulties. Following the principle of gradual and orderly progress from easy to difficult, the entire colonization plan is very reasonable.

Once    can be successfully implemented, it will greatly enhance Shangri-La Island’s ability to accept immigrants and speed up the development of the Qingshui River Basin. The snowball will become bigger and bigger.

  There is no turning back arrow in the bow, which requires our continuous support, whether it is immigration policy or financial aspects. "

  The topic went round and round and returned to the money, Li Fushou calculated his family background in his heart;

The large-scale import of military materials has come to an end. The relevant massive military materials and equipment have been piled up in the Borneo front line and the Songjiang town reserve, which is enough to cope with the 2-3 large-scale battles in Borneo. At the same time, it is enough to cope with the problems in the southern state. Act wisely.

The five new divisions were fully loaded and ready to go. The Shangri-La Division, as the general reserve team, deployed forward to the Jayapura area. The Guards Dragoon Division and Guards Tiger Cavalry Division were stationed in Beilun Town and In Songjiang Town, the deployment of their respective defense areas is reasonable, as long as the deterrence is maintained.

  The navy has full control of the sea, and the material reserves are also sufficient.

  Along with the large amount of export payments at the end of September, there will be huge dividends from various enterprises and urban taxes at the end of the year. The financial situation will quickly improve, and there will be room to support some necessary key development projects.

  The four Tier 1 battleships program in honor of Her Majesty requires a total of 3.3-3.4 million pounds. Starting next year, it will be divided into four annual plans and expenditures, ranging from 1 to 800,000 pounds each year.

  Next year will be the starting year of the gift plan, and the financial expenditure will reach millions of pounds. Although it will cause a serious burden on the financial situation, it will not affect the key development plan.

  After thinking clearly, Li Fushou nodded and agreed;

  "As the most important project developed on Shangri-La Island, the Qingshui River colonization plan must be given key support. My attitude is clear on this point.

Relevant policy support and funding. You come up with a detailed plan, through the development meeting to study and discuss, formulate specific progress nodes and development project details for approval, in the case of tight funding, do not build the project at the beginning, try to use it as much as possible Limited funds do more.


  The Audit Office in charge of Tianshan and the Security Office in charge of Pang Xuehai should follow up at any time, strengthen pre- and post-event supervision and review, and prevent rats from getting in and out of it. These tasks must be done in place. "

  Xin Changjun and Wu Mozhou nodded their heads with solemn expressions. The problems in the development of these projects pointed out by the Lord Earl previously existed to varying degrees in the Songjiang Reservoir and other large-scale construction projects. The key is to strengthen the supervision of the whole process of the project.

  The security department and the audit department played an important role in this, tightening the fence to prevent rats, so as not to corrode the entire development plan and ruin it.

  The three discussed related topics for a long while, before Xin Changjun and Wu Mozhou left and went back to concretely implement the agreed content.

  (End of this chapter)

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