Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 294: Too cheating

  Chapter 294 Too cheating

"Welcome to Sir William White. I am sincerely happy to have you here. I hope you will spend a pleasant time in this beautiful town. Australia has many charming scenery, but also has cattle and sheep like clouds that you can't see in the British Isles. I believe you will like it."

  "Thank you for your kind invitation, Honorable Lord Queensland." Sir William White did not have the slightest arrogance in front of Li Fushou, but displayed a humble attitude.

Although his status in the academic world is extremely high, Sir William White is first of all a hereditary baronial nobleman from Leeds. This is also his most proud identity. Therefore, he should add a jazz suffix after his title, which is English. In the word Sir.

  Secondly, he is a member of the Royal Society of Physics-a world-class ship designer.

According to the rigorous aristocratic etiquette in the United Kingdom, the title of aristocracy reaches the level of the great aristocratic earl, as well as the higher marquis and duke, the title must be added with the honorific "Noble...", and the suffix must be added with "Lord Lord" and "Lord Lord" call.

  European feudal aristocracy has strict rituals. For Queensland Earls, you can call them "Lord Lord", but viscounts, barons, knight nobles, and outstanding people with the Queen's Medal can only call "Mr. Sir". If you make a mistake, you will be laughed at.

  The lower aristocracy must first greet the upper aristocracy and salute if necessary.

   "You are welcome, just call the Lord Earl, please feel free to everyone." Li Fushou's smile was very gentle.

"Thank you, Lord Earl, you can just call Mr. White, oh... please allow me to introduce the companions around me." Sir William White looked solemn, bowed slightly to salute and introduced; "This is the representative of the Imperial Admiralty, His Excellency Brigadier General Joe Howard from the noble family of the Duke of Norfolk."

  The noble-born Brigadier General Joe Howard leaned gracefully to give a salute, Li Fushou leaned back to the same gentleman, and clasped his big hands tightly together.

"I have heard of the prestige of Queensland Lord Earl, and I was fortunate to watch the two Malacca naval battles. I was very impressed with the outstanding performance of your men. There are still reports written by me on the bureaucratic desks of the Admiralty. I volunteered this time. Until I saw your extraordinary demeanor that was truly convincing, I did not believe how different the Lord Earl, who originated from the blood of the noble royal family in the East, is so different. Please call me ~ Joe."

"Lee." Li Fushou shook his hand vigorously, looked at this haughty top aristocratic son and Yan Yuesei, and said enthusiastically; "Please call "Li", my sincere gratitude to the noble family of the Duke of Norfolk Admire, this is a noble surname that has been spread around the world with the Imperial Royal Navy. After experiencing the glory of the rise of the empire, I will be proud of your friendship."

   "Lee, we two don't need fake politeness. I'm so tired of this one."

   "Joe, the same is true for me."

The two looked at each other and laughed. Li Fushou stretched out his arm, and they walked side by side towards the hall. Professor William White and the resentful Professor Allen Johnson followed closely behind him, and behind him was the unknown assistant. And secretary.

  When they came to the hall, both parties sat down, and the maid served incense tea in turn.

  After a few moments of greeting, the words are on the subject.

"To be honest, dear Lee, when the lords of the Admiralty received your formal letter of intent asking whether it is appropriate and acceptable to present four heavy cruisers to the celebration of Her Majesty Queen Victoria’s 50th anniversary. , The reaction was far more intense than you imagined. It was all kinds of nasty words. I don’t think you will have the courage to hear it a second time."

  Speaking of which

  Lord Joe Howard’s speech carries cynical mockery and faint envy. As from a top aristocratic family, he has a natural political sensitivity.

  In the hundreds of years in the British Empire, such a large private donation of 4 heavy cruisers has never been a major event. Although it was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Her Majesty’s enthronement, the Royal Navy of the British Empire had to be grateful.

  This is not the end of the matter if you donate it. As long as these four heavy cruisers cruise in the ocean to defend the interests of the British Empire, whenever people see his majestic figure, they will be grateful to the Lord Queensland who once generously donated.

  This incense sentiment can be passed down for decades or even longer.

  The deep meaning contained in this can not be explained by simply counting the birds with one stone. At least a flock of birds must be shot down.

  The 50th Anniversary Ceremony of Her Majesty Queen Victoria's ascension to the throne is a symbolic event for the British Empire to reach its glorious pinnacle. It has been organized since the current cabinet, and the celebration will be unprecedented in scale. It will be a major historical event in the world.

   Wanchao came to congratulate, and the grand occasion was unprecedented.

At present, more than 10 European monarchs have been confirmed or publicly acknowledged that they will go to London to participate in the celebration. There are countless small European crown princes, princes and grand princes. This will be a grand gathering of feudal monarchs in Europe and the world. Extraordinary.

The Royal Navy alone will gather more than 350 ships in a huge ship-reading style. The endless and mighty fleet covers the entire Portsmouth Bay, demonstrating the invincible naval power in front of the kings and distinguished guests of various countries, and showing the glory of the empire. To the extreme.

  In such a historic grand celebration, the Earl of Queensland was able to leave his mark, and was paid attention to by monarchs and big figures from all over the world. It was already worth the fare.

  First of all, the Lord Earl of Queensland expressed loyalty and humility to Her Majesty Queen Victoria through this great gift, which will cause a huge sensation among the imperial subjects, play a leading role in the direction of the wind, and demonstrate the incomparable glory of the empire.

  Secondly, it is self-evident to gain the friendship of the Royal Navy of the British Empire.

  Secondly, he succeeded in gaining attention for himself and winning a worldwide reputation. Without such a shocking masterpiece, how could such a good effect be possible?

  Furthermore, he built four heavy cruisers of the same level for his navy. All obstacles did not become obstacles, all doubts disappeared, all doubts were slapped naked, and everything was so perfect.

  There are many, many benefits, it’s almost endless...

Li Fushou smiled and said; "Joe, I am very happy to hear this. I personally cherish the friendship of the Royal Navy very much. This can be really felt in the letter of appreciation given to me by Lord Rochester, the Secretary of the Admiralty for accepting donations. Reiterate this

When I set foot on the land of Australia for the first time in 1876, I enjoyed the grace of Her Majesty the Queen and was bathed in the glory of the empire. To this day, it is the blessing of the empire to be able to have the glorious achievements today. I am deeply grateful for it. Love, humbly offer my loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

  The Royal Fleet, which opened up four seas for the empire, is the best candidate to accept this gift.

   There is an old proverb in China, that people don’t dig wells if they eat water.

  The original intention of making this decision was due to the extremely pious respect for His Majesty and the respect for the Royal Navy of the British Empire. Now it seems that this is a correct decision. I am very pleased with this. "

  Lord Joe Howard looked serious, and received a donation thank you letter stamped with Her Majesty’s family crest and the official seal of the Admiralty from the assistant beside him, stood up and presented it with both hands.

"As a special representative of the Admiralty, I present to you this letter of acceptance signed by Her Majesty Queen Victoria and an official letter of appreciation from the Admiralty, and I invite you to go to London in due course to accept the award from Her Majesty the Queen. The Order of the Empire in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the Empire."

"I am deeply honored and sincerely wish that the great Queen Victoria is as beautiful as ever. The years cannot erase her dazzling face. She is God's best blessing to the Kingdom of Great Britain. Please take me to the Secretary of the Admiralty. Wish, and hope that the British Imperial Navy will always be glorious."

  Li Fushou accepted the letter with respectful hands, showing sufficient respect.

"Lee, I'll tell you the truth. In other words, you are really a big deal. I think the royal family should complain. Instead of donating so much money to the navy to build a cruiser, it is better to build a racecourse or a castle. Your dream The castle drawings have already appeared in European newspapers and have caused a great sensation!"

  "Since you like it, I will invite you and your wife to be a guest at your convenience on the day the Dream Castle is completed. I will entertain you with pure Chinese delicacies. You will definitely love it."

   "I really look forward to..."

  Chat for a while

  Hugh-Lord Howard's words showed his disdain for the upper class in London and his ridicule of the royal family, Li Fushou did not hear it, let alone answer the question.

  This little upper-class trick has become a mess in the office politics of the previous life.

  Li Fushou really wants to send the words of Senior Brother Broken Stream to Lord Hugh Howard intact; I am not targeting you, but everyone sitting here is all rubbish.

The boring nobles of the upper class in London chewed their tongues very well. The eastern parent Li Jiaduan, which duchess became whose mistress, the marquis lord climbed onto the widow’s bed, which princess had fornicated the guard officer, Which nobleman occupies a gold mine in the colony, and which nobleman has opened a company with the Chinese in Queensland, Australia and made a lot of money...

  If Li Fushou followed their words to tease the royal family or a certain top noble adult, the words would come out in a blink of an eye, and it would become very embarrassing to lose points.

London’s upper-class society is notoriously difficult to reach and integrate. Not to mention an eastern earl, even French, German, and Austro-Hungarian aristocrats are difficult to integrate, let alone the Slavic aristocracy, who has always been ridiculed, often have to endure harsh evaluations. .

  Listen more, read more, speak less, don’t comment, it is the most logical saying.

Speaking of conspiracy and trickery, the British are rarely rivals in Europe and even the world. They are really experienced players in this industry. A McMahon line has created a deep gap and distrust between the two world powers, and the bad influence has lasted for a hundred years. as long as.

  Similar handwriting can be seen everywhere in the world, followed by Citigroup, but it was too late to catch up with it.

  This thing must be talented. The cowboys in Texas are naturally not suitable for playing this set of conspiracy and tricks. According to the temperament of the red neck of Texas, just do it and it's over!

The tunes that   Washington plays are the rest of the teeth from London's play.

  Li Fushou had a high degree of vigilance about this. His words were impenetrable, and he said a whole lot of unnutritious words. When he recalled carefully, there was nothing of substantive significance.

  After a while, the words are on the subject.

  Sir William White stood by the wall with large drawings hung, and pointed his finger at the first draft of the cruiser design and said;

"My Lord Earl, I am very honored to receive your commissioned design intent. After I have fully understood your design requirements, I have fully communicated with the relevant experts of the Imperial Navy Department and came up with innovative design ideas. The first draft of this design.

  This is a heavy cruiser with a displacement of 8,800 tons, which is unparalleled..."

"Please wait, Mr. William White." Li Fushou stood up with a shocked expression. He was really shocked by the shamelessness of the Royal Navy of the British Empire. He looked at Lord Hugh Howard with amazement, his eyes filled with incredible disbelief. The color of doubt; "Oh my God, this is not the design of a heavy cruiser, it is completely the standard of a second-class battleship, and it is infinitely close to the standard of a first-class battleship, how is this possible?"

  Heavy cruisers are generally around 3000~4000 tons. There are also very few steam ironclad ships with a displacement of more than 4000 tons. Because of the small caliber of the naval guns, they are called heavy cruisers.

What is the concept of   8800 tons?

  Think about it with your heels, where the full load displacement is close to 10,000 tons, or what kind of heavy cruiser is it. It is a first-class main battleship, and the construction cost is twice as high as that of the heavy cruiser.

  A bunch of old silver coins, this is really calculated.

  The original budget of 1 million pounds could be used to build four heavy cruisers. With this design in hand by Sir William White, it is estimated that the construction of two ships is barely possible.

This is also to blame for Li Fushou’s careful thoughts. When writing to Buckingham Palace and the British Admiralty, he only clarified that four heavy cruisers were offered for the Queen’s 50th anniversary celebration. There was no clear tonnage and size, and no artillery and specific technical indicators. .

  When he wants to come;

  The Royal Navy of the British Empire will certainly look down upon small ships, and heavy cruisers can have more than 5,000 tons, or even 6,000 tons.

  Due to the underdevelopment of information transmission in the world today, while sending a formal letter to Buckingham Palace, Red River Valley also issued a design commission letter to Sir William White, the famous British ship designer.

   Therefore, the design requirements sent to Sir William White mentioned the ship tonnage from 5,200 to 5,500 tons, leaving some room for growth. I believe this is sufficient to satisfy the Royal Navy and also meet the needs of Australia’s next battleship.

  I did not expect the Royal Navy to have such a big appetite, almost shameless!

  This situation is like a friend’s birthday, just say it politely; when the time comes, I will buy a cake for the birthday party!

  The friend replied; ok, ok, I have a brother I know who runs a cake room, so let’s order it from him.

  As a result, I can see that the cake ordered by my friend is neither ordinary nor 2-layer 3-layer cake, but a full 10-layer cake. Isn’t this a cheating?

  (End of this chapter)

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