Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 290: Southbound Train (4)

  Chapter 290 Southbound Train (4)

  The quarrel between the two sides became more intense, and the other bigwigs could not sit still and all spoke out to persuade them. Only Lord Earl was watching the scenery outside the window, like a white lotus that had grown out of silt but was not stained, and a leaf was not touched in the mundane world.

  With this detached mind, it is impressive.

  In a moment

  Chief of Staff Conrad Adenauer and Huitong Bank manager Kestner, the two old guys, were tired of quarreling, and they sat down separately and sipped their tea.

Conrad Adenauer is not angry. As a Junker military aristocrat who has entered the military life since he was a child, his character is hard and stubborn, but his tongue is not on the same level as Kestner, and he is arguing. It really suffered a lot.

  God testified that the expansion of the army is indeed the first plan proposed by the military, but Lord Earl is often more radical, especially because the military’s steps are too small.

  "Honorable Lord Earl, the perspective of our military is to open up more living space for immigrants from a long-term development strategy. What our military does..."


  Li Fushou coughed slightly, then turned his head indifferently and stared at Chief of Staff Conrad Adenauer, blocking all his words in his throat, unable to speak.

  This old thing doesn’t know the current affairs at all.

  It makes you feel worthy of you, what's you owe it?

Conrad Adenauer clearly understood the deep meaning in the eyes of Lord Earl, and wisely shrank his neck and stopped speaking. He was really thirsty after arguing for a long time. He picked up the teacup "ton, ton, ton" suddenly. He drank it down, then sat down and waited for the training.

   "Huh! Both of you are high-ranking people, and I have won my trust in your daily life. What kind of style is such a public noise?"

  Li Fushou's tone was severe, his eyes scanned the crowd with majesty, and finally landed on Kestner's face. This old man who had just looked like a cockfight was now decisively stunned, and his face squeezed out an ashamed and flattering smile.

  Okay, just accept it when you see it.

  Li Fushou made a vague criticism, and his tone immediately turned to calm down; “I know that you are all loyal to do things, but as a heavy minister, you must always check whether your behavior is appropriate and whether it hurts your body?

  If quarrels can solve the problem, it will be easier for everyone to quarrel in the future.

The soldiers in the front are willing to fight with blood and blood, and use their lives and loyalty to perform scenes of heroic and heroic epic chapters. Their heroic souls will be introduced into the Martyrs' Shrine to enjoy the incense and worship forever. They are admired by thousands of people. .

  At any time

  The military must always keep in mind its mission, and must not be spoiled and spoiled.

  The chief of staff will immediately arrange an ideological and loyal education for the whole army after returning, to pour a little cold water on you group of proud soldiers and warriors, eliminate bad signs, and make everyone more sober, including yourself here. "

Conrad Adenauer, the chief of staff who said this, got down in cold sweat, stood up with a panic expression, bowed his hands, and said in blunt Chinese; "The humble ghost is fascinated, and the crime deserves death. Please punish the Lord Earl. ."

   "Sit down, and reflect on it when you go back, and you..." Before Li Fushou finished speaking, Kestner stood up with his legs trembling, cold sweat on his forehead.

"It's alright, sit down, where did the spirit of the quarrel just now go?" Li Fushou waved his hand impatiently, and continued; "The soldiers in the front are fighting **** battles, and the various departments in the rear, including your Huitong Bank. , Even if you tighten your belt, you must support the front line, and you will never be allowed to buckle away. The soldiers in the front will not have enough food or clothing, and there are no bullets in their rifles. All officials who delay the war are engaged in military law and will not be merciful.

  Of course, war is not the mainstream of social life.

  In peacetime, all departments must be considerate of financial difficulties. Banks are also clever women who can’t afford to cook without rice. Don’t ask for money as if they are creditors.

  Some non-important industries can solicit social funds to participate, and the military must also carry forward the spirit of hardship and simplicity. Bette Niang’s shells are scattered with me like I don’t need money.

  The commander-in-chief of the joint fleet, I have already criticized him. In just a few minutes, he fired more than 4,000 shells and destroyed a troop carrier. How much do I have to build for them? He must be cursed, verbally criticized and fined for three months. No matter what he does next time, he won't do it as the commander-in-chief. A pig will be better than him.

  Wealth is not easy to gather, and it is easy to splurge.

  The military must also be strict in economy. In the near future, Huitong Bank will organize an audit department to station in various military units to conduct detailed audits of various expenditures.

  All unreasonable expenditures will be cut off. Those who dare to embezzle and fill their pockets will not be amnesty; those who conceal and do not report will be demoted and demoted. The file has a big record. I will purge the army from top to bottom.

  It's just two small battles. Don't lift your tail up into the sky. "

  Li Fushou played 50 big boards on both sides, and a stormy rebuke was deafening, and everyone was awe-inspiring.

   After chatting for a while, they all dispersed with a wave.

  After being beaten, a group of big men became more honest, especially Chief of Staff Conrad Adenauer complained in his heart, feeling the breath before the thunder, and after leaving, he quickly called the staff to discuss specific matters.

  The first is to carry out extensive re-education of loyalty in the whole army. All officers from the General Staff Headquarters to all divisions and regiments will participate. They should have a unified understanding from a high level of ideology. Don't get hotheaded as soon as you have a little achievement. That will kill people.

  Second, in order to respond to the financial audit led by Huitong Bank, the army’s logistics system must first conduct a comprehensive self-examination, and severely deal with any detected corruption. Military law will not tolerate it.

  Third, of course, the battle in Borneo is currently being intensively prepared. The corresponding preparations should be the top priority and should not be slack in the slightest.

  Listen to words

Today, this matter can’t hit the military. On the contrary, Lord Earl gave the military a serious training. The meaning can't be understood anymore. That is to be dissatisfied with the military's squandering practices, and began to beat the military. High-level.

  For the victory of the Lucky Bay interception battle, the joint fleet will have their own rewards. Only where the commander of the fleet has been reprimanded and fined for three months is already a very obvious signal.

  The Second Regiment of Shangri-La Division received a key compliment in the battle of the Second Daoliang, and the promotion and salary increase were rewarded with generous rewards. The Regiment and Regiment also benefited from it. Only the commander Franz just lightly clicked in the briefing-the command was correct.

  Then...there is no more.

  Obviously, the commander-in-chief was very dissatisfied with the act of squandering shells by the Shangri-La Division. After three hours of frantic bombardment, the artillery ploughed the hill over and over again. It was really good to fight. Are these shells free?

  Some people will say that these shells were captured by the Dutch, but did the Dutch shells come to the door on their own initiative...or did they fall from the sky?

  Some people would say that it was captured by the navy, but the navy was not made out of thin air, but a fleet built by Lord Earl with a huge sum of more than one million pounds.

  Regardless of whether the navy or army is the private army of Lord Earl, there are combat allowances for battles, training allowances for training, heavy rewards for winning battles, and military salaries at ordinary times, but as an officer, loyalty alone is not qualified.

  Huo Huo, who spends money like water during the war, is too rich for the Lord Earl of the enemy country!

  Master Earl was right. He was bombarding Huohuo with gunfire like Master Fritz. This battle will be fought by a pig.

Chief of Staff Conrad Adenauer quickly figured out what he wanted, and solemnly added the item of hardship and simplicity to the content of the ideological and loyal education to be carried out by the officers and soldiers of the army, and as a priority propaganda item, ranked Just under loyalty is an excellent quality that officers and soldiers must abide by.

  The terminal of this train is Beilun Town, with a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. It takes three days and three nights to start from the Red River Valley, during which time it will be necessary to stop in Songjiang Town to add coal and water.

  Li Fushou did not get off the train in Songjiang Town, but only summoned several responsible persons in Songjiang Town, listened to brief reports on the operation of the reservoir, agricultural development and industrial construction, and gave instructions one by one.

  At Songjiang Town Railway Station

  The passengers in the ordinary carriages of the special train all got off, and hundreds of guards with live ammunition came up. The locomotive continued to drive south after replenishing the coal, without stopping at the stations along the way.

   Approaching dusk

The train galloped across the endless plains, crossing the hills and rivers all the way to the south, and the rhythmic sounds of "dang-dang-dang-dang" seemed to be endless. From time to time, large swaths of white sheep could be seen along the way, dotted with lush green fields. middle.

  In the train study room

  Li Fushou sat on a large and comfortable palace-style chair, looking at the large flock of sheep in the wilderness outside the window, with a pleasant look on his face, the room was filled with the strong and mellow cigar smell, he was leisurely savoring French Bordeaux red wine.

  The large flock of sheep in the green field is one of the sources of wealth for the Queensland Earl, the world’s largest rancher.

  The third shearing season of this year has begun. Due to strong demand in European and American countries, the price of wool finished products has been pushed up. The purchase price of wool has soared by more than 30% again, reaching the best level in history of purchasing 1.1 pounds of wool per penny.

  What does this mean?

  After seven years of development

The number of sheep in the Red River Valley pasture has grown to more than 46 million, and the density is about 60 merino sheep per square kilometer (minus the area of ​​continuous mountainous areas and Gobi lakes in the pasture that are not suitable for grazing). Large room for growth.

  The high price of 1.1 pounds of wool for one penny means that farming has become a profitable sweet and pastry, which will stimulate more investors to enter the industry, and the pastoral areas of northern Queensland will develop rapidly.

  High-quality and high-yield Merino sheep must be sheared 4 times a year, with a total wool output of about 80-110 pounds, which is about 7-9 shillings based on current high-value calculations.

  Excluding all labor costs, the annual income is as high as tens of millions of pounds.

  At first glance, it seems to have made a lot of money, but it is not. This is only the third shearing season, 4 shearing seasons a year, and the annual income must be calculated comprehensively.

  Fold it down

  Hundreds of thousands of pounds were made in the first quarter of 1882. In the second quarter, due to the abandonment of the artificially suppressing wool price strategy, the wool price rebounded retaliately. This season, it earned more than 1.6 million pounds.

  The third quarter ~ that is the current shearing season, the price has risen again by more than 30%. The net income of this season will not be less than 2.5 million pounds, and it can be seen about 2.7 million pounds.

  If the current high prices can still be maintained in the fourth quarter, then the income of the pasture in 1882 will reach about 6.8 million to 7 million pounds.

  Thanks to the conditions of world-class high-quality farms, Australia has the lowest cost of producing wool and good quality. The purchase of 2.5 pounds of wool per penny is the break-even point for small and medium-sized farms. Below this price, most farms will lose money and make ends meet.

  Above this break-even point, almost all are pure profits, nothing more than the difference between earning more and earning less.

   Continuously update the Liver 4D, be confident in asking for monthly pass, asking for recommendation, asking for collection, these two days are limited, I hope that the lovely readers and friends will have a happy family, make a fortune in the new year, love everyone, and blossom.



  (End of this chapter)

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