Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 279: Fall short

   Chapter 279

Three three-masted galleons carrying reinforcements and logistical supplies galloped all the way, seeing that they were less than eight nautical miles away from Lucky Bay, and they were about to enter the protection range of the shore artillery, and the Dutch people on the ship screamed for their escape. .

at this time

  In the diagonal thrust, a battleship with billowing smoke was thrust up violently. It was 1.7 nautical miles away from the leading Dutch troop carrier, and it was found almost before the eyes.

  This is the so-called "black under the lights".

  The blazing fire of the "Netherlands Giant" on the other side reflected half of the sky. Under the cover of the heavy night, the "Cuckoo" went up obliquely around a large circle and rushed to the sea.

  In the extremely horrified shout of the Dutch sailing cargo ship, the "Cuckoo" has shortened the distance between the two sides to 1.5 nautical miles, and then opened fire violently.

The four 95mm Miss Australia guns levelled their barrels and blasted their guns at a three-minute rapid fire rate. In a short period of time, a dense barrage of death was shot, and the first troop carrier was enveloped in a **** storm. middle.

  The belated artillery fire awakened the other two Dutch cargo ships. They fled to the sides like rabbits in a bombing nest, and quickly distanced themselves from the first troop carrier.

  This is an extremely clever approach. Rather than die together, it is better to fly separately when disaster strikes.

Li Sixian had nothing to do with this. The only German-made 239mm main gun on the "Cuckoo" battleship has been misfired, and the 95mm secondary gun is not capable of a final word. He can only look for the first Dutch troop carrier to pursue and fight hard. Watching the other two cargo ships go unpredictable, they flee unpredictably.

The battleship "Cuckoo" poured anger on the first troop carrier. In just a few minutes, more than 200 artillery shells were poured, which broke the ship into a flaming fireball, and almost no one survived. .

  On the Fort of Lucky Bay

"Oh, damn! Damn, damn...they are a bunch of cruel butchers, my god, see what you have done?" This sudden scene made Lord Smit-von-Clauens His emotions were completely out of control. He twitched his head with his hands in his hands and yelled at the coastal fort; "What are you looking at? A bunch of **** idiots, shoot... Shoot me, I'm going to bomb the devil warship. Go to the bottom of the sea, the **** **** hurriedly fired, I will blast them all to pieces."

   give an order

  The shore artillery in Lucky Bay roared one after another. First, they fired a few flare flares to completely disperse the darkness of the nearby sea, and then the large-caliber artillery shells bombarded the night sky, turning the water column on the sea surface.

The distance is too far apart. The shore artillery is seven nautical miles away from the "Cuckoo", which is a little over 13 kilometers. At such a distance, to hit the "Cuckoo" flying at high speed on the sea is tantamount to a dream. , The shells of the shore artillery fired at the nearest distance are all kilometers away, and there is no threat at all.

  The only two remaining Dutch three-masted galleons have entered within five nautical miles. The "Cuckoo" and "Haiyan" can only fire artillery shells behind them, and they cannot threaten these two Dutch cargo ships either.

  The distance between the two sides is too far. If the 95mm shell cannot be shot near the missing shell, it is only a waste of shells to continue shooting.

  The "Cuckoo" and the "Haiyan" followed closely, firing two to three rounds of school shots every minute, hoping to shoot near misses, and then covered the Dutch cargo ship with fierce barrage.

Unfortunately, this hope is destined to fail. Under the interference of shore artillery, the two seagull high-speed cruise ships dodge flexibly and gallop through the high water column. The sea was blown up like hot water, and the sharp bow broke through the waves. Pursue all the way.

  The light hull of the battleship pitched violently in the waves, and the fired artillery shells were not accurate at all, making it difficult to pose a real threat to the cargo ship.

Seeing that his success fell short, Li Sixian couldn't help but slammed a fist on the instrument panel, and loudly ordered; "Send a light signal to request the flagship to allow our ship to chase and enter the fire coverage area of ​​the shore artillery, and the Cuckoo vowed to kill the Dutchman and escape. The last troop carrier that came out will never be allowed to transport reinforcements ashore, and will not be willing to be severely punished by military law."

  I will see the light signal from the "Haiyan" soon; the request is not allowed and rejected.

   "Why?" Li Sixian looked frightened and screamed. He quickly got the answer.

  Near the sea with varying brightness and darkness

   Suddenly a mighty line of ships came out of the night. This was the Queensland United Fleet from the long-distance attack on Samarinda. They were closer to the two cargo ships that fled in a hurry and have already entered the area covered by the shore artillery.

  The fleet appeared so abrupt, at the moment the figure was exposed

The albatross, flamingos, pelicans, herons, and 4 seagulls that arrived in the long-distance attack erupted like a volcanic eruption. The two cargo ships scattered and fleeing were densely enveloped like a landslide. The ground is generally cracked.

  Overlay shooting is so arrogant, sowing the rain of death.

The night sky was bombarded by countless shells like daylight, the trajectories of the red shells were intertwined like a net, and the dense shells poured down like a heavy rain. The focus was on the Dutch troop carriers that were a little closer. The time was only two or three minutes. It was smashed to pieces, and the nearby sea seemed to boil, and it was full of water columns of various sizes.

  The other three-masted galleon carrying arms was frightened. This is not a violent attack that cargo ships can withstand. Under the threat of huge death terror, it immediately surrendered with a white flag.

  Even so, the hull of this ammunition was hit by two shells, and the tall fore mast was blown off immediately, bringing down a piece of crew.

  Under the duress of a joint fleet suddenly appeared, the three-masted galleon had to turn around and leave.

The emergence of the   Combined Fleet was so sudden that it plunged the shore artillery that was fiercely bombarding the "Cuckoo" and "Haiyan" into a short period of astonishment.

   did not react for a while, waited for the reaction to shake the heavy muzzle, and began to count the new shooting dollars. The Queensland United Fleet had finished its work and fled to the distance as if the formation was disbanded.

  To put it bluntly, this is also a group of crispy ships.

The gunfire fired by the shore artillery with hatred is more like a sound salute for the Queensland United Fleet. You can only watch them **** the captive cargo ship away. This unforgettable shame is like a loud slap in the face. Hit it on the face, it really makes a mouthful of old blood spurt out.

  The landed cargo ship was very close to the coast, but unfortunately it fell short in the end.

  The last two of the three Dutch troop carriers were beaten to pieces, dead and injured, leaving few survivors.

  The troop carrier that was maimed at first was slightly better, and finally more than 200 soldiers were rescued, and they were taken to Port Moresby along with the captured Dutch sailors.

  On the Fort of Lucky Bay

Lord Schmidt von Krauns, the commander of the Royal Netherlands Army’s landing force, watched this tragedy happen. Nor is there the calmness of a gentleman in the past.

  At this moment, his heart is ashamed.

   Colonel Heinrich silently glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Schmeichel next to him, and read the same message from the other’s eyes;

  There is no need to die with the Dutch, it is time to consider surrender.

  The mercenaries are war animals, not idiots seeking a dead end. It is not a shame for mercenaries to wisely choose to surrender when the manpower is irreversible.

  The mercenaries fight for money, not loyal to a **** king. The sacrifices made by the mercenary team are enough to pay the Dutch people. It’s time to think about their own future.

  When the first rays of sunlight shined on the sea in the early morning, the two-and-a-half-hour anti-landing naval battle had come to an end.

  There are countless wrecks floating on the azure blue sea, blasted wooden boards, charred tarps, wooden barrels and ropes, a bleak sight.

  The Dutch mixed landing formation consisting of eight ships was sunk, and two were captured. More than 1,360 sailors and soldiers were killed, more than 170 missing, and more than 340 captured.

  The **** ship "Lüpef" was sunk in battle, the second-level sailing battleship "Netherlands Giant" was sunk, three troop carriers and one heavy ship were sunk, and the remaining two ships were captured.

Among the three Seagull Type I frigates in the Moresby Marine Police District, the "Sea Eagle" sank in battle. After the "Haiyan" was hit hard, it flooded the beach, and was rescued back to Hong Kong for repairs. The "Cuckoo" was seriously injured. During the battle, 87 officers and soldiers were killed, 26 were seriously injured, and 6 were missing.

  The Moresby Marine Police distinguished the three warships in the fleet, suffered two serious injuries in the first battle, and was almost maimed in the first battle.

  The result of the battle; Moresby won a terrible victory in the Marine Police District.

  Resume the entire battle;

The Marine Police Division fought resolutely and courageously. The officers and soldiers were united and full of sacrifice. They used their thin bodies to block the impact of the Dutch landing formation, desperately entangled the enemy ships, and even launched a bayonet-like short-handed battle at sea. The bayonet saw red. Fighting with the enemy, winning precious few minutes for the large forces to come, and finally wiped out the enemy formation, severely hit the arrogant arrogance of the Dutch invaders, deducted an epic battle story.

  The shortcomings are equally obvious;

  This battle revealed that the thin hull of the seagull wing frigate was not suitable for high-intensity naval battles, could not withstand the bombardment of enemy ships, and paid a heavy price in the frontal battle against the enemy formation.

  This is using the small physique of the sea light cavalry to play the role of the heavy cavalry assaulting the battle. If it were not for the superb artillery of the Miss Australia, it would completely suppress the enemy ship in the burst of fire, and the final battle situation was not optimistic.

Another major problem exposed by    is that the main gun failed to perform its due role.

Equipped with a German-made 239mm heavy gun with a displacement of less than 1,000 tons, which is too heavy for the Seagull-type frigate. Every time the gun is fired, the hull will sway violently. The huge recoil of the heavy gun makes the steel deck of the battleship corrugated. Serious consequences such as wrinkles, tears, and deformation of the steel frame, and the hit rate of the heavy artillery is very touching, almost a bluffing display.

  Instead of this, it is better to remove the German-made 239mm heavy artillery from the bow of the ship and transform it into a new type of 150mm hydraulic recoil artillery, which can project more violent firepower per unit of time and inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

  This also reminds the superiors. The Queensland United Fleet has too many divisions, and the light ships cannot take on the backbone of the battle. In the helpless situation, they can only carry forward the spirit of sacrifice and fill it with lives.

  (End of this chapter)

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