Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 272: Eight major projects

  Chapter 272 Eight Major Projects

The next day, Li Fushou attended the first "Red River Valley Cup World Architect Design Grand Prix" appraisal meeting with many leading figures from the upper class of Australia, as well as representatives from Britain, America, Germany and France. This is an unprecedented scale of the world construction industry. Grand event.

  For more than two years, Red River Valley has widely promoted this unprecedented competition through European and American newspapers and magazines. The famous designer who has won the highest honor will be awarded the highest honor; the five-star honor designer trophy will be awarded with a heavy award of 10,000 pounds.

  The lofty honors in the industry coupled with the temptation of heavy awards, today's top architects in the world have come to compete for the highest honor in the architectural design industry.

The   Grand Prix Organizing Committee received more than 1,700 architectural proposals. After multiple rounds of evaluation by well-known experts, 30 outstanding works were selected to compete for the final award.

  Eight of these outstanding architectural design works have been adopted, and they are under construction or have been completed as the iconic buildings of the Red River Valley.

  The eight architectural works are all located near Central Avenue, which is the main street parallel to the Brisbane River. It is 120 meters wide and about 16 kilometers long. It runs through the entire Red River Valley City and is the transportation core of the entire city.

Central Avenue extends westward from the Dream Castle in the easternmost mountains, passing through the Red River Valley Municipal Government and Council to Christtown, where it passes through the "Tower of Victory", and extends westward to the 19th Century Stadium to Baixi Red River Valley University by the river.

On both sides of the central street are a variety of classical buildings. There are English Romanesque architectural styles, Spanish architectural styles, French neo-romantic architectural styles, Chinese Ming and Qing architectural styles of carved gallery buildings, flying eaves and bucket arches. There are also onions of Latin architecture, which is simply an exposition of world architecture.

  The main corporate group headquarters in the Red River Valley, banks and countless private trading companies, businesses, and shops are all gathered here, and it is the main street where commerce is extremely prosperous.

The outermost side of Central Avenue is the sidewalk, the inner ones are two tram lanes, and the inner ones are the carriage lanes parallel to the troika. The most central is a green belt of 8 meters wide with a century-old tree standing tall and tall in the green belt. The flowers are in full bloom below, so beautiful.

  The entire central street presents a symmetrical layout. The sidewalks, tram lanes and carriage lanes are all separated by a green belt of 2 to 3 meters. All vehicles and pedestrians drive on the right without interfering with each other.

  The whole street is clean and tidy. There are sanitation personnel specially wearing red armbands who are responsible for cleaning. The back of the passing carriage and horse must be covered with dung bags, and there will be fines for dropping feces.

  Near Christtown, the completed Eiffel Tower was named the "Tower of Victory", implying the path of immigrants to forge ahead and build a beautiful homeland on the rich continent of Australia.

  The Victory Tower soars across the entire Central Street. The foundation of the Tower is deeply embedded in the central green belt and the surrounding green belt. The Central Street forms a circular fountain square here, further demonstrating the grandeur of the Victory Tower.

  The chief French designer, Mr. Eiffel, initially wanted to name this majestic building after his own name, but he was rejected as expected.

  This guy is indeed very talented, and he can count on Red River Valley City to invest in the construction of this landmark building to make him famous and famous for generations. He looks so ugly and wants to be beautiful.

  The Victory Tower is the only completed project. There are 7 projects under construction. The first is Dream Castle, which is a European castle-style building full of fantasy style, located in the mountains at the eastern end of Central Avenue.

The main building can be completed in only three and a half years, but the exquisite carvings in the castle, the graceful curved window lattices, the Roman arches, the marble pillars, the wonderful flying beasts and the ancient Luo-style stone carvings take a very long time. The construction period is estimated to be 12 years, which is invisible in a short period of time.

The second is the 10-story Honghe Building. It is located in the bustling area of ​​Central Avenue. It adopts the architectural style of ancient Greek temples, especially the temple-style arched columns are very eye-catching. The sculpture of Hercules is even more brilliant, making people seem to have returned to the era of Greek mythology.

  The Greek God of War in front of the Red River Building went to a large sculptured fountain, which is the finishing touch. It attracts countless people to watch and take pictures every day, feeds more than 20 nearby photography agencies, and has a thriving business every day.

  This complex and beautiful architectural style is different from the current popular "Chicago style" and presents a strong retro style. It stands out among a large number of three or four-story buildings and becomes a highlight on Central Street.

  The disadvantage is that it is expensive and time-consuming.

  After the Chicago Fire in 1871, this major American town was almost completely destroyed by the fire, causing 300,000 people to be homeless and numerous deaths and injuries.

The reconstruction of Chicago City has attracted architects from all over the United States to gather here. Most of the buildings are built with reinforced concrete structures, focusing on practicality, area efficiency and input-output ratio, abandoning complicated classical decorations, and all using horizontal and vertical. A large number of square-box high-rise reinforced concrete buildings have been built with the lines of the city. This architectural style was called the "Chicago School" and prevailed for a while.

  Since the middle of the 19th century, elevators have been widely used in high-rise buildings. Seven and eight-story buildings are not uncommon, and high-rise buildings up to ten stories have also appeared.

  Chicago city center is densely clustered with a large number of high-rise buildings, all in the shape of undecorated square boxes, like a forest of reinforced concrete.

  Many people like this prosperous modern style, but some people don’t.

  Red River Building is a representative of the maverick among high-rise buildings. It is completely different from the Chicago school. It is one of the high points of the Red River Valley city skyline. The highest point is the Tower of Victory.

Li Fushou is the speaker of the entire Red River Valley. It is well known that the Earl of Queensland hates the reinforced concrete square boxes built by the "Chicago School" and calls them "ugly garbage". Such ugly buildings are never allowed to appear in the red Any town in the valley.

  Anyone who dares to build a square reinforced concrete building against the wishes of Lord Earl will be severely punished and face demolition, without exception.

  Other than that, any building is fine, and the government will not restrict it.

  There is something good on the top, but the bottom will be effective.

  Under the influence of this atmosphere, the architectural style of the Red River Valley city is like a hundred flowers in full bloom. Various architectural styles are gathered here, creating a beautiful landscape of this immigrant city.

  Not far from the Red River Building, is the Huitong Bank Headquarters under construction. It is called the Huitong Bank Building. It is the third project under construction.

Huitong Bank Building is a "凵" type building complex. The main building is 7 stories high, and the bottom three floors are all up to 12 meters high. It is a typical Chinese eaves bucket arch structure. The roof is covered with golden glazed tiles and red copper texture. The ridge beast stood on it.

  The connection between each other through the pavilion is magnificent, the whole building is simple and dignified, full of rich oriental characteristics.

  On the small square at the entrance is an exquisite rockery pavilion structure. The rockery is about 30 meters high. It is designed with small bridges with winding paths, waterfalls and waterfront pavilions. It is really one step at a time, and each is different.

  This is designed by Lei Qifeng from the Lei family, who is a special style room for the Manchu imperial family. He is the younger brother of Lei Qiming, the current head of the Lei clan, and a master of ancient architecture with extremely deep skills.

The patriarch Lei Qiming is leading the tribe to build the garden for the Empress Dowager Cixi, and Mr. Lei Qifeng led a capable team to come to Australia on invitation. One purpose is to exchange and observe with foreign counterparts, and to learn useful essence for his own use, and one purpose is to promote China. Classical architectural style wins glory for the nation.

The fourth project under construction is the 19th century open-air stadium full of the classic architectural style of the ancient Roman Colosseum (funded by the Australian 19th Century United Shipping Company), which can accommodate 36,000 spectators, as a celebration, assembly, and sports competition. The main site is also an important site for military training. It is located between Christchurch and Red River Valley University, on the north side of Central Avenue.

The headquarters office building of the Australian 19th Century United Shipping Company is also located here. This is a four-story circular building with a length of more than 600 meters. It not only provides sufficient office space, but also has two large hotels, one serving China High-end, one service for the low-end.

  The fifth project under construction is the Earl of Queensland Library, which is located diagonally opposite the 19th century open-air stadium and on the south side of Central Street. It is a French neo-romantic building complex, only 1.2 kilometers from the main entrance of Red River Valley University.

The sixth project under construction is the Baixi Bridge. This bridge will cross the Baixi and connect the two banks together. The entire bridge is about 400 meters long, but it is more than 130 meters wide. It is the control of the westward extension of Central Avenue. Sex engineering.

  Baixi is a seasonal river. In the dry season, the river bed is about ten meters wide and about half a person deep. The river is crystal clear and you can see the colorful pebbles, which is very beautiful.

  During the rainy season, the floods gathered from the mountains rushed in, expanding the riverbed to more than two hundred meters wide, rushing all the way into the Brisbane River, the water is turbulent, and it is another violent appearance.

  Currently, construction workers are repairing the rock slopes on both sides of the bank. The foundation of the Baixi Bridge is under construction, and it has not yet shown a proud posture.

This is a steel structure bridge spanning like a rainbow. It is divided into upper and lower two levels. The lower level has twelve track trains, and the upper level has carriages and people. The highest point of the steel bridge arch is more than 230 meters, which can be regarded as a trumpet. Sydney Bridge.

  The construction of the Baixi Bridge is also a pre-warm-up for the larger-scale Sydney Bridge and tempering the construction team.

  Speaking of which

  I have to mention the planned Sydney Bay Bridge. This ill-fated Bay Bridge is now ready for everything. It only owes the east wind, but it’s a pity that the east wind is not coming.

  Under the current severe situation of North-South confrontation, it can only be temporarily shelved, and will be discussed in the future.

Sydney’s white conservative extremists are extremely hostile to this major project connecting the two sides of the strait, and once clamored wildly; “The smell of immigrants can be smelled across the strait. The south bank of the strait is a white world. No yellow immigrants are allowed to get involved. All participate. All the people involved in this project are going to hell, and we will give him a bullet for free."

  (End of this chapter)

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