Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 259: The patrol room goes crazy

  Chapter 259 The patrol room goes wild

  On a foreign building hundreds of meters away from the scene of the explosion of the curved arch bridge, Zhu Wei looked at this scene with a green face, and couldn't believe everything in front of him. His fingers had already gripped the telescope tightly and the joints turned white.

  In a moment

  He turned and returned to the house silently. At this time, there was only one person in the room, the mysterious Mr. Qing Song.

"Thanks for the great kindness. It is only now that Zhu believes in Mr. Qing Song's words. The Dutch are fretting and mad, and they have broken the bottom line. I can also be regarded as a person who has walked through the ghost gate. The saving grace is unforgettable. Please accept me. Bye!"

  Zhu Wei tidied his clothes with a solemn expression, making a long flick to the end.

  Zhu Wei is a knight noble who was proclaimed by Lord Earl.

He hurriedly avoided, and then stepped forward to lift him up with his hands; "Don’t be so, Lord Zhu is ashamed to kill the humble post. This was originally a matter of the humble post. The black guards walked in the dark place of the intelligence agency. I just implore the adults not to be contemptuous."

   "Ashamed, I really respected the black guard, but now I know that you have made sacrifices and contributions far beyond imagination. They are brave guards hidden in the dark. They are very worthy of admiration." Zhu Wei said this with emotion.

  "Your honor is too good." Qingsong said calmly and humbly, before changing the front to ask; "Now that the enemy has been lured into the bait according to the adult's idea, please show me what to do next."

After Sheng Yeyun, a Chinese businessman from the Dutch East Indies, entered the eyeliner, he attracted great attention from the new head of the Batavia Intelligence Station in the East Indies, Qing Song, who arranged close tracking and basically knew his actions well.

  Sheng Yeyun is, in the final analysis, an ordinary businessman. His talents and ability to drill are his strengths, especially quick thinking and good analysis. But once exposed to the eyes of professional spy agencies, that’s the case.

  Following this line, the black-clothed Detective Wei has tracked to the Shanghai Sea.

  It was only then that the opponent's goal was to assassinate Zhu Wei, the leading figure in the Red River Valley in the mainland. Qing Song was shocked and immediately went to the mainland to arrange strict surveillance, and his every move was under the control of the black guard.

  Following this line, I basically figured out the composition of the Dutch action team.

In addition to Sheng Yeyun and another Chinese businessman, the specific operation was carried out by a captain named Bogson. His staff consisted of 10 people, including 7 operation team members and three logistics support groups, and arrived in Shanghai. The time is not more than three weeks.

  Originally acting in the style of the black guard, it only needs to completely eliminate the danger of the enemy, and there is no need for such time and effort to lure the enemy into the bait.

After reporting the intelligence to Zhu Wei, Zhu Wei was really shocked and angry. He had no idea that the Dutch would dare to be so bold and assassinate the other's important personnel with the utmost brilliance of the world.

  But the facts reported by the black guard are all in fact, and he shouldn't be allowed to believe it.

  The relevant situation was reported back to the Red River Valley headquarters by telegram, and the strategy of "inducing the enemy to enter presumptuously" was set up, with the goal of taking the lead in occupying the moral high ground of public opinion.

Sir Mason, a senior director of HSBC, and Mr. Junilio, director of the Ministry of Industry, who were killed in the attack, the former is because the weight is enough to attract London's attention, and the latter is a representative of a small group of people who are less friendly to Queensland by the Ministry of Industry. The thing is that he is a French, enough to extend the influence of the assassination to European countries.

  Only based on Zhu Wei's small body, he dare not decide the life or death of such a high-level heavyweight. It must be a goal instructed or recognized by the Red River Valley.

By then, the famous European media and upper-class society stationed in Shanghai will continue to follow up, thoroughly reveal the ugly face of the Dutch colonists and make it public. The upper-class European society and public opinion will detonate this topic and make it a topic. The degree continued to ferment and grow, and finally tarnished the reputation of the Dutch.

  "Next, we will provide accurate information for the patrol house through informants. This time cannot be early or late. You can grasp the specific measure. Below, we will see the performance of the patrols in the public concession. We don't need to participate too much."

  "Your Excellency, after the bombing, our people have been patched up, and we will soon be able to get the location of the Dutch safe house. I will arrange for informants to leak clues as soon as possible. Should we take this opportunity to help them?"

   "No, it should be static and not moving at this time." Zhu Wei showed strange calmness.

   "Master Zhu, it has always been our idea to break into the patrol house in the public concession. Would you like to take this opportunity..." Qing Song asked again.

"No, that's too easy to attract people's attention. I will arrange your people in through other channels. If you want to get out in the public concession, you must be rich and honorable. One is to have a background and do both. It's not difficult to get the position of inspector in China." Zhu Wei has recovered the calmness of a big boss at this time.

"Understanding the humble position." Qing Song bowed his hands and thought for a while and said; "Well...The humble position is entrusted by the commander, and he wants to ask for a favor from Mr. Zhu. It is related to the overall situation of the long-term construction of my black guard. An elite school for spy agents that has been cultivated since childhood. The talents hope to be selected from the mainland. I don’t know..."

   "No problem, I agree."

Zhu Dawei accepted it with a wave of his hand. Dozens of schools in the "Young Eagle Project" train 20 and tens of thousands of young people every year. Nowadays, not only have stray teenagers been accommodated, but there are more good families who have taken the initiative to join them, and have gradually become a piece. Golden signboard.

  What is a spy school in the area?

  It's just a drop in the bucket, so what is it!

  What's more, this kind of elite school cultivated from an early age not only teaches literary talents and martial arts, but also pays more attention to the cultivation of will and loyalty education. The cost is extremely high, and the number of people can never be too large.

  After nightfall

In a detached house located in the foreigner villa area of ​​the public concession, the operatives involved in the curved arch bridge bombing operation successfully withdrew except for the sacrifice of one person. All ten people gathered in this safe house, waiting for the opportunity to evacuate from the dangerous Shanghai Sea. place.

At this time, sharp whistles on the streets outside continued, and a large group of patrols and gangs took to the streets, imposed a strict seal on the entire city, and searched house-to-house in the villa area where foreigners gathered, without even letting go of a needle. .

  It can be seen that the Ministry of Industry and Engineering of the Concession really made a big deal.

Strict orders were issued on the patrol room, and the severe assassination case was solved within three days. Otherwise, all the patrol room members, including the British police officers, would be severely punished, and ***** would be immediately dismissed for investigation, and all the rest would have to bear concession workers. The anger of the ministry.

  The facts of the case are extremely serious, and there is no room for slack.

At this moment, the entire Shanghai Sea has been completely disturbed by the shocking bombings. The neighborhoods where the Chinese civilians live are better, especially the independent bungalows and villas where the wealthy foreign businessmen live are the key areas for inspection. Teams of patrolmen with live ammunition are in the police officer’s office. Under the leadership of the careful screening of one house after another, any suspicious points were not let go.

  No one dares to make fun of his future and destiny. At this time, Shanghai City is really like a big enemy, and the wind is screaming.

  In the villa

  Borgson heard the news he was least willing to hear. According to the report of the support group, due to the sudden vicious explosion of the city this evening, all boats and carriages were allowed to enter and the city was blocked.

  Not only that, the patrol house in the concession is like a mad dog, and all traffic arteries are shielded from traffic, including rivers.

  The small sampan that was originally planned to enter the Suzhou River could not be accessed. The plan to enter the Huangpu River through the small sampan and then take the German national small steamer to evacuate the plan has been impossible to implement.

  For the current plan, only the second set of emergency evacuation plans should be implemented.

That is to evacuate foreigner villas in the public concession by land under the cover of tea merchants in the East Indies, under the pretext that you can go to the warehouse to see the goods, drink tea in the tea house or other ways, but this must be dressed as a business partner of the tea merchant, and it is broken into pieces. Enter, and you must start after nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

  The reason is very simple. No business partner will negotiate and cooperate between 5:00 or 8:00 in the morning. It is obviously too fake to say it, and even oneself can't convince it.

"The **** patrol room was searched everywhere as if it was blown up. We are in a very dangerous situation now. After the bombing, everyone knows what it means for ten men to gather together? This is just suicide." Bergson's face was gloomy. After spinning around the room twice, he really felt crazy.

   "Captain, I have a very dangerous feeling."

  "I happen to have the same feeling, Mr. Francis, do you have a reliable way to solve our current dilemma? I want to leave this **** place as soon as possible than everyone here. If not, please shut your mouth."

   "Uh... I'm sorry, Captain, please forgive my gaffe."

   "No, no, no...I didn't blame you Francis, and all of you..." Burgson's falcon-like gray-blue eyes stared at everyone in the room, and said in an extremely solemn tone;

"It's a pity gentlemen. The safe house we originally prepared now looks more like a cage. For reasons of skin color and language, it is impossible for us to hide well in this city. The patrol house in the public concession seems to be stepped on. It’s just a matter of time before a mad dog with a tail bites around. We must find a proper way to leave. I ask you to use your brains to find a way. It’s really impossible to just break through."

  Borgson glanced across everyone, but everyone lowered their heads in silence, and the room fell into a dead silence.

The blond and blue-eyed Westerners are too distinctive. The two Chinese members of the support team have no braids and cannot speak fluent Shanghai and Hai dialects. They can only speak simple Jianghuai Mandarin. In this city, they are incompatible. Be discerned.

  Shanghai and Shanghai are a paradise for Western adventurers. There are many foreigners’ villas here, and the night life is full of feasts and drunken fans. You can get everything you want here.

  The problem is that no matter how many foreigners, they are only concentrated in the public concession villa area and the dock, and it is impossible to integrate into the Chinese life circle.


The Chinese with pigtails and the foreigners without pigtails are very distinct. You can't imagine any foreigner hiding in a Chinese settlement. It is simply the existence of a group of chickens. It must be the biggest news in the neighborhood, and it is also the biggest in the Dutch special operations group. The flaws.

  What the Dutchman hiding in the villa didn't know was...At about ten o'clock in the evening, a detective Hua in the patrol room got the exact information, and immediately caused him to jump.

  A highly-armed team of hundreds of people led by a British senior inspector has already surrounded the villa where they are located in a tight circle. A three-kilometer radius of the neighborhood is under the strictest control, vowing to catch it all in one go.

  In this case, it is difficult to fly, and the ending is doomed.

After a brief and fierce exchange of fire, the patrol house paid a heavy price and the brigade attacked the villa. It killed 5 Western gangsters and wounded three people on the spot. A total of four people were captured. One gangster still escaped in the chaos. It is being pursued closely.

  The public concession patrol room sacrificed 6 foreign police officers, an inspector Hua and 22 brave police officers. The violent bullets shot more people injured, and the patrol room achieved a tragic victory.

The patrol house in the public concession, which has always been benevolent, went wild. The bombing and assassination that happened on the evening of May 14 was solved before 10:40 in the night. The Dutch gunmen who participated in the case were captured as a consolation to the heroic spirits of the victims, and It demonstrates the extraordinary combat effectiveness of the patrol house in the public concession.

  (End of this chapter)

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