Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 257: Huhai Cafe

  Chapter 257 Shanghai Cafe

  Shanghai and Shanghai markets

The Shiliyangchang on the bank of the Huangpu River is more prosperous than before. There are row upon row of tall Western buildings with different styles. The French neoclassical building of Huitong Bank stands tall in the meantime. The whole building has 4 floors on the ground, and the first and second floors are Huitong. For the bank’s business premises, the third floor is the headquarters of "Guangjitang", the fourth floor is the Shanghai headquarters of Normandy Import and Export Corporation, and the basement floor is the treasury and equipment rooms.

  It's early summer

  The Shili foreign market, where wealthy businessmen gather, is feasting and green. From time to time, there are slender girls in cheongsam passing by in a rickshaw, attracting the attention of passers-by.

  French cafe on the side of the road

Sheng Yeyun, in a light-colored suit, walked in with a slim cheongsam girl in his arms. After scanning his eyes, he stayed on the two blond foreigners near the roadside and walked away. come over.

  "The position you chose is really good. Can I sit here? Mr. Bergson."

   "Of course, your honorable Sir Sheng, your presence makes this place shine."

"You're welcome."

Sheng Yeyun sat down with her female companion and involuntarily glanced out of the glass window. The tall Huitong Bank Building looked magnificent in the evening glow. There were several red-headed Asan guards standing at the door, and no other people were allowed to approach. .

  Sheng Yeyun revealed a complex color in his eyes, then turned around and asked in authentic Dutch; "Mr. Bergson, what have you gained these days?"

Mr. Bergson is about 40 years old, his face is typical of the Nordic blunt lines, a pair of gray-blue eyes seem to be thousands of miles away, vaguely showing the tough look of a soldier, he is obviously the leader of the two. Intentionally or unintentionally, his gaze swept over the female companion beside Sheng Yeyun, silent.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Bogson, this stupid woman doesn't know a big character, let alone understand the noble Dutch. This is like a heavenly book to her, and she is only brought by her side to better cover her identity. "Sheng Yeyun was very sensitive and actively explained.

   "Thank you for your reputation, esteemed Sir Sheng." Bergson's blunt facial lines eased a bit. He is an old-style soldier who regards Dutch honor as his life.

  Sheng Yeyun's words succeeded in winning his favor. The unhappiness that the Governor's Mansion had previously ordered these proud Dutchmen to follow a Chinese command had disappeared.

   "I have to admit that this Mr. Z is a very important person. He has contacts with the directors of the British and French Ministry of Industry, foreign envoys and ministers of the Manchu and Qing dynasties, or the wealthy businessmen of the rich side. There is almost no simple person."

Bergson has the usual rigorous style of the Germans. When introducing the situation, he is very good to ignore his personal likes and dislikes, and try his best to introduce the situation objectively. He continued; "Mr. Z's bodyguards are guarded very strictly, and the protection is impervious to the headquarters building. There is no opportunity in the private estate.

  The only chance may be on the way to ride a carriage.

The biggest problem is that Mr. Z rides in the US 4-wheeled bulletproof armored carriage. This is a special carriage used to transport bank cash and expensive postal parcels in the western United States. It is often equipped with a Gatling revolving heavy machine gun for defense. Excellent performance.

  And Mr. Z will not have less than 4 bodyguards with guns, plus a driver is 5 people, you can be sure that they are all skilled gunmen, who want to assassinate Mr. Z must overcome these difficulties.

  For us, this places extremely high demands. "

Hearing what Bogson said, Sheng Yeyun clearly frowned. The so-called "Mr. Z" is naturally the general manager of the Normandy Trading Company, Zhu Wei, the head of Guangji, and the general manager of the Queensland Earl’s arrangement in the mainland. One of the capable men of the arm.

Once the assassination is successful, Queensland’s trade and immigration work will undoubtedly fall into chaos. Until a suitable successor completely straightens out the work in the mainland, trade and immigration, which are extremely important, will fall into halt and disorderly chaos. The Dutch have a chance to make trouble further.

  This may irritate the Lord Earl of Queensland and make an unwise decision.

   "Now I want to know, are you sure to complete this operation?" Sheng Yeyun asked.

"Of course, there is no doubt about it." Bergson replied decisively, with a hint of arrogance on his cold face. He looked around in the cafe. There was no one on the surrounding tables, and the cafe waitress was also far away. At the bar, he lowered his voice and said, "Please rest assured, Dear Sir Sheng, we have made two large sticky explosive bags, each containing 30 pounds of high explosives, which can be firmly glued to the carriage. As long as it explodes with a "bang", everyone on the horse and carriage can be shaken to death, and even the hard armored iron plates can be destroyed. However, our gunmen lie in ambush around and will not give the bodyguards a chance to destroy."

"That's good, if you are ready, please act as soon as possible. The hateful Queenslanders outrageously occupy Samarinda. We must give a resounding counterattack. I think this big gift is the best gift to the Earl of Queensland. It must be It will make him feel heartbroken." Sheng Yeyun was rather impatient.

  Now Sheng Yeyun is already a baronial title assigned by His Majesty King William III of the Netherlands. His position is second to none among the Chinese in the East Indies, and he is trusted by the Governor.

As long as this matter is done well, returning to Batavia will be able to take up the position of "Kapitan". This is a real power that can help the Dutch master to collect taxes, maintain law and order, suppress rebellion, manage the people of one party, and become Batavia's out-and-out earth emperor.

"We are already prepared for the action. The only worry is that... "Mr. Z"'s luxury carriage often rides some guests. Our actions will accidentally hurt them. If it is the envoys of various countries, it will cause them. Unnecessary international disputes, I'm afraid we can't bear this responsibility." Bergson looked very hesitant.

  "Are you sure you can wait until he goes out alone?" Sheng Yeyun asked.

"It's probably difficult. Mr. Z uses the carriage in the morning irregularly. We can't move the manpower in advance on the way we must pass. Through long-term observation, we found that after work in the evening, Mr. Z usually takes the carriage to Nanjing. East Road, you know that it is a place where Westerners gather, high-end hotels and private clubs gather, or attend high-end private cocktail parties, or participate in high-class social activities and business activities. There is a great place to set up ambushes in the middle, so as to kill him in one fell swoop , We’re pretty sure about this.” At this point, Bergson shrugged helplessly; “But we can’t be sure who is still sitting in the carriage? Because there are too many Westerners in the entire Shanghai Sea, we can’t always Know all of them."

The problem was thrown in front of Sheng Yeyun, and he smiled slyly and said; "Mr. Bogson, according to the order of the Governor, your special operations team will be responsible for the action. I cannot give you better advice on this, but I I want to remind you that the Government House is under tremendous pressure. We must do something to distract the domestic people. If you are ready, please act immediately and leave the rest to God to arrange."

   "Maybe what you said is right, then we are ready to act immediately."

   "Great, then I await the good news of your victory."

   "Stay tuned." Bergson stared at Sheng Yeyun deeply, turned his head and said to the young people beside him; "Notify the action team and act immediately."

   "Yes, sir." The young man nodded lightly, immediately stood up and walked out of the cafe, beckoning to call a rickshaw waiting on the side of the road, and quickly disappeared in the crowd.

  The café returned to silence again. The two men and a woman sitting here quietly drank coffee in their cups, looking through the glass in the direction of Huitong Bank Building from time to time.

  (End of this chapter)

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