Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 254: Internal and external troubles

  Chapter 254 Internal and external troubles

  A few people chatted for a while, Li Fushou's eyes suddenly became solemn, he saw a messenger galloping up quickly, turning over and dismounting outside the warehouse, and handing an urgent letter to the guards who were guarding them.

  Generally speaking

  This kind of direct delivery of urgent letters is very important, not to mention that we are now wrestling with the Dutch. The emergency military situation from the front must be delivered directly at any time, even during the night rest.

After a few minutes

  Fan Zhongzhai, chief of the secretariat, walked over quickly with the letter in hand, and presented it with respectful hands.

  Li Fushou took it over and looked at it. It turned out that it was a strong protest note from the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and he couldn't help laughing.

  Occupied Borneo’s capital of Seven Malinda on April 1. Today is April 27, and the note from the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been delayed. The efficiency is too low!

  Well, considering the telegrams between the Government House of the Dutch East Indies and the Prime Minister’s House, plus the long distance from Batavia to the Red River Valley, the response is slower and acceptable.

This kind of formal diplomatic note should be presented in person. You can never make a telegram to talk about it. Therefore, when the Dutch representative arrived in the Red River Valley, they presented the diplomatic note in person to the mayor Xin Changjun, who forwarded it to the noble Earl of Queensland. Your Mightiness.

  Li Fushou opened it and took a look, the content inside is not bad as expected;

It is nothing more than Borneo has always been the sacred and inviolable territory of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Your outrageous use of force to occupy it is inexplicable. You must withdraw unconditionally at the first time and compensate for the losses, and eliminate the bad international influence, otherwise it will be caused. A series of serious political consequences are responsible for everything.

   is a cliché. If the guns are useful, what do you need naval guns for?

  There is no need to deal with this kind of diplomatic rhetoric. Naturally, Xin Changjun will deal with the Dutch representative. Anyway, it is just to find a reason!

  The industrious and brave Chinese have survived and reproduced in Borneo since ancient times. Doesn’t you see that there is still Lanfang on Borneo?

  When I think of Lan Fangguo, Li Fushou is a little bit angry. What is this Liu Asheng, who is the ruler of the Southern National Congress?

  The stupid generation, the country and the people.

Because I was afraid of offending the Dutch, I categorically rejected the olive branch extended by the Red River Valley, indicating that we and you are not the same. Anti-Dutch forces and behaviors are not allowed on the territory of Lan Fang, and it is impossible to support Red River Valley against the Dutch colonists. Let alone participate.

  A group of extremely dizzy guys, don’t you know that the Dutch have always looked at Lan Fangguo, and they will want to get it soon?

  What is the current situation in the Aceh Kingdom?

  The war of aggression launched by the Dutch colonists has lasted for 10 years. This is the most vivid example of Lan Fangguo's future, and there can be no exceptions.

  Once his hands are released, Lan Fang’s country is in danger!

  The valiant resistance of the Aceh Kingdom has spent 12 years for Lan Fangguo. If such a long period of time is to fully consolidate the military, train the soldiers, and prepare for war, the Dutch will not be pleased.

  In fact, Lan Fangguo did nothing. Lan Fang’s leadership has been completely reduced to puppets of the Dutch. The Dutch even asked the Republic of Lan Fang to provide them with guns, ammunition and food to help suppress other Chinese uprisings.

  It’s really a mess, I can’t say enough...

  If history does not change, after the Dutch settled the Aceh Kingdom, they took a full break for less than a year, and in 1884 they sent troops north to invade the territory of Lanfang, completely destroying the Chinese republic.

  It is now April 27, 1882, and there is not much time until the complete fall of Lan Fangguo.

Last year, when Li Fushou’s special representative, Tian Shan and his entourage, faced with Liu Asheng, who was in charge of Lanfang Garden, he pointed out that the major crisis faced by Lan Fangguo required all descendants of Chinese descent to form a group to resist the aggressive Dutch colonization. By.

   Judging from the current situation, Lan Fangguo is totally indifferent.

  This is a country that has been decayed, and although it bears the resounding reputation of democracy in the Republic, it has essentially become a decadent feudal dominion.

  In the past 30 years or so, the members of the Liu family have been in charge of the Lanfang State. The Liu family has firmly controlled the high position of the Lanfang State and has become a family heritage.

  In the past few decades

  The Dutch colonists frequently acted against Lan Fang. During the second term of Liu Tai's reign, they were bewitched to go to Batavia to accept the appointment of Kapitan. This is undoubtedly a great insult to the leader of a sovereign country.

  In doing so, the Netherlands actually used Liu Tai'er as their puppet to interfere in the internal affairs of the Lanfang Republic, and demanded that the Lanfang Republic cede the land west of the Bahe River to the East India Company office.

The Lanfang Republic has repeatedly defeated the indigenous Nawan tribes. The Dutch have instigated rebellion against different ethnic groups in the Republic. There are many internal conflicts, economic development has fallen, food production has been severely reduced, and they have been forced to accept the alliance under the city. It was successfully eroded by the Dutch colonists.

Accepted the appointment of the governor-general of the Dutch East Indies "Kapitan", the Liu family has in fact become the puppets of the Dutch. They have held the supreme power of Lan Fangguo for generations, arbitrarily excluded dissidents, and helped the Dutch brutally suppress the Chinese. Insurgents, this republic's democracy has completely deteriorated and has fallen to an incurable level.

  In the second half of the 19th century, the Dutch used various means to prompt the head of the Liu family to sign various land cessation contracts with him, and abandon the land except for the capital East Wanlu, leaving only a small piece of the actual territory of Lanfang State.

  Unexpectedly, the local Peranakans had stubbornly resisted the Dutch colonial authorities, making the Dutch unable to completely rule the Lanfang area for more than 20 years.

  Throughout this small Nanyang country that was established less than a century ago, it has completely abandoned Lan Fangbo’s original ideals of democratic co-governance, and has become a arena for feudal families to fight for power. It is a crumbling wooden building that has rotted from its foundation.

  Just a gust of wind blows, and it collapses.

  Sitting on the returning carriage, watching the beautiful scenery outside the window of the carriage receding continuously, Li Fushou took back his complicated thoughts and let out a light sigh;

  A person's power is limited, and the Red River Valley's power is also limited. He is also in serious internal and external troubles. You can only take care of this part of your bowl first. For the time being, Lan Fangguo is helpless.

  The battle in the Moresby area is in a stalemate, and it is temporarily impossible to win.

The Royal Netherlands Army’s landing force’s attack was fierce and powerful, causing heavy casualties to the defensive forces, with more than 3,000 casualties. The three regiments have been replenished for several rounds, and several militia regiments have also been maimed, and their combat effectiveness has declined. Quickly, three powerful blocks such as the third and the second beam have fallen successively, and they have now retreated to the first and second beam areas.

On April 1, the landing operation of the existing fleet at the port of Samarinda in Borneo interrupted the continuous process of the Dutch transporting soldiers and weapons to the front. After the Royal Netherlands Army paid a heavy price of more than 2,600 casualties, The pace of the attack had to stop.

  The Royal Dutch **** fleet headed by the "Seven Provinces" returned to the port of Surabaya, which is the closest important port on the island of Java facing the port of Samarinda, the capital of Borneo. The two sides faintly formed a confrontation.

  The Third Regiment took this opportunity to take a rare breath of respite, seize the time to replenish its troops, and mobilize a large number of militia forces to build fortresses and prepare for more difficult battles.

  For the three regiments, they have already been forced to Liangshan. They must not lose the favorable terrain of Toudaoliang, because after crossing Toudaoliang Village, there is a large area of ​​plain terrain, and there is no suitable position to stop the enemy until Port Moresby.

  It’s really impossible to fill it with crowds of tactics, but since the current new immigrants are farmers who have just put down their hoes, the training time is very short, and the combat effectiveness is worrying. It is difficult to stop the old-style colonial army like wolfs and tigers.

  Fighting hard for more than two months so far

The San Regiment, a new force that has only been established for only 4 months, has only 1,600 people. After several rounds of blood exchanges in the cruel battle, it finally withstood the harsh test of blood and fire, under death and tremendous pressure. Independently supported the battle, his performance was extremely brilliant.

It is important to know that the troops they are fighting against are the Dutch Royal Drenthe Musket Battalion, the Royal Overijssel Volunteer Battalion, the Royal Utrecht Grenadier Battalion, the Royal Amsterdam Dragoon Battalion and other veteran well-known troops and fierce mercenaries. Unusually strong, even in the face of the elite troops of Germany and France.

   After withstanding the fierce Dutch offensive for the first month, the white colonial army in Aceh, which was subsequently supplemented, was clearly inferior, and its combat effectiveness was incomparable.

However, the garrison in the Moresby area also paid a heavy price. The third regiment was disabled, and the backbone militia team was disabled. The 4 militia regiments newly formed by Shangri-La's chief executive Wu Xuewen were also filled in, which was able to stand in the way. The Dutch offensive.

  If it were not for the decisive occupation of the port of Samarinda, the capital of Borneo, and forcing the Royal Dutch Fleet to return to defend the island of Java, which is in its fundamental interests, it is not yet known who will die.

  The controversy and confusing situation of the battle for the front of the ocean made Li Fushou worried.

  Display of news from Europe;

  The sister ship "Ihostein" of the "Seven Provinces", which was transformed in the German shipyard, has been out for sea trials for several days. It is about to lead a small armoured team south to the East Indies to reinforce the Royal Task Force of the East Indies.

This small fleet is led by the 2650-ton steamship "Ihostein" gunship, accompanied by two 1470-ton light cruisers "Fury" and "Courage", which merge with the existing forces of the Royal Netherlands Navy task force. , This will put more pressure on the combined fleet of Samarinda Port, and the prospects are worrying.

  Add the two

  The paper strength is already stronger than the Queensland Combined Fleet, especially the armored fleet headed by the "Seven Provinces" and the "Ihostein", which poses a great threat to the combined fleet.

  After all, everyone is crispy. The so-called light armor of the Seagull II frigate cannot withstand the bombardment of 239mm heavy artillery.

  Now it is necessary to make a decision, whether to defeat each one or save the strength, so as to wait for changes.

  (End of this chapter)

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