Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 251: Natural rubber industry

  Chapter 251 Natural Rubber Industry

  Everyone looked at Li Fushou’s face with a mysterious smile, and for a while, they didn’t know, so they could only accompany him with a dry laugh.


  Li Fushou gave a dry cough, then frowned and began to perform as if thinking. For a while, everyone fell silent and did not dare to interrupt their important thinking.

  In a moment

Li Fushou raised his brows as if grabbing some inspiration, and said eagerly; "Solid tires? I remember the Belgian Diez once mentioned the whimsical idea of ​​hollow tires. I think if we can produce hollow tires. Therefore, the use of rubber raw materials must be greatly reduced. One solid tire can produce two hollow tires, which solves the contradiction in raw materials."

   "Master Earl, are the hollow tires not strong enough?" Hou Guangde was quite worried about this.

"Then we can increase its strength, such as adding a high-strength braid to the hollow tire. Of course, horsehair is not suitable for me. It can be used with other high-strength thread materials. You will start testing this one immediately and see. Is this kind of assumption feasible? Nothing can be taken for granted. We have to use facts to speak, and see if this kind of assumption is feasible?"

   "Yes, Lord Earl, we will do it right away."

"Find a few more materials for comparison tests. As for the density of the weave, the higher the better. The surface of the tire with the greatest stress can be used with two layers. For specific technical issues, please refer to the details. How long will the relevant test tire be available? ?"

   "Return to Lord Earl, the molds for making tires are all ready-made. We will do the high-strength braid immediately. It is really impossible to let the workers hand knit, and it can be taken out in two days at most."

"Okay, we must find a few more materials for comparison. The tires produced are installed on the tractor for on-site use. We will find those rugged road conditions for more experiments. Let me run for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Cars, try to use bad road conditions as much as possible, so that the real effect can be seen. After a week, I will see the comparison production results, whether this hollow tire concept is feasible."

   "Yes, Lord Earl, I must make arrangements as soon as possible and stare at this important event in person." Hou Guangde replied with a bow.

  Li Fushou nodded in satisfaction, and walked towards the factory building in front of him. A crowd of people waited closely to follow.

  But now that you are in a high position, you certainly don’t need to do it yourself like Glenn veterinarian John Bird Dunlop. There are a lot of people and resources on your hands that can be mobilized at will, much faster than an ordinary person’s laborious promotion.

  As long as he crooked his mouth, naturally there will be professionals who will put his ideas into practice and try their best to perfect them.

  Once the feasibility of hollow tires is verified (it is inevitable), it is inevitable to register patents in European and American countries, and sufficient production preparations can be made and then fully marketed.

  First of all, it will be fully implemented from the tractor factory. When the production equipment of the bicycle factory is in place, another leading export product will be formed and enter the vast blank market in Europe and America.

  Holding key patents such as patented hollow tires, meridians and valves, Li Fushou is confident that he will firmly control the tire industry in his own hands, so that others will not be able to get involved.

  European and American companies want to infringe, it depends on who they are, but not everyone can infringe their product patents.

  Especially wonderful is;

  There is no hollow tire industry in Europe and America at all. This is a completely blank market. Just like a series of new diesel engines, there are no competitors, and products can freely enter the markets of various countries.

  Of course, high tariffs must be paid, which is unavoidable.

  High tariffs prevail in the world today, forming a British trading circle headed by the United Kingdom and a French trading circle headed by France, as well as a North American trading circle and closed feudal kingdom markets, such as the Manchu and Fusang countries.

The tyrannical imperialists used guns to open the closed markets of various countries, and at the same time used high taxes to protect their respective markets, and used unequal trade to plunder wealth and form unilateral economic advantages.

  Among them, the British trade circle has the most extensive coverage, covering almost all parts of the world, including Europe and North America.

The British trade circle is dominated by the United Kingdom and its colonies, plus protectors (including Fusang, Egypt, Persia and South American countries), plus countries that have signed trade facilitation (such as Manchuria, European countries and the United States). Australia is exactly Among them, you can enjoy extensive trade convenience and relatively low tariff levels.

  In contrast, the United States, steel products and chemical products exported to Europe generally have a much higher tax rate than those in the trade circle. Not only are they excluded by the British trade circle, they are also excluded by the French trade circle. This high tax burden is not just a little bit.

  This is also one of the important reasons why the “Monroe Doctrine” prevails in the United States.

  The trade environment in the UK is much better. After all, it is the world’s maritime hegemon and the identity of the European arbiter. This face is still to be given.

As the first country to enter industrialization, the British Empire had the strongest competitiveness in industrial products and was the first country to advocate free trade. The product tax rate dropped rapidly from the level of 45 to 55% in the mid-nineteenth century. By 1882, it had almost reached 15% level.

  This year, Downing Street has come up with a new tax reduction plan, preparing to cut the current tax rate by half again within 5 years to reach the level of 7.5%. The long-term goal is to reduce the tax rate to 0 and achieve the real free trade goal.

  Of course, the British Empire has never done anything to the detriment of its own interests.

  Now, the United Kingdom uses itself as an example to forcefully oppress the trading partners of the United States and Europe to significantly reduce tax rates by more than half, in order to realize the dream of free trade.

compare to

The tax rates of France and Germany, which are half of them entering industrialization, are generally around 40% to 45%. Countries such as Austria-Hungary, the Netherlands, and Spain that have just started industrialization have tax rates generally around 70% to 80%, and the Ottoman Empire has higher tax rates. .

  Especially in areas where product competition is fierce, such as cotton and steel products, the tax rate may be as high as 80% or even 100%, and the highest can reach 300%.

  But there are exceptions here

  European countries have very low tax rates on industrial products and raw materials that cannot be produced in their own countries. The tax rates for new diesel engine series products entering the national market are generally below 20%, and only 3% in the United Kingdom, 3.5% in the United States, and 7% in France.

  The tax rate of rubber, coffee, raw silk, spices, porcelain and other products is also very low, generally below 8%, and there is a trend of further reduction.

  The hollow rubber tire industry can also enjoy such preferential interest rates. The demand for the rubber tire industry has greatly increased, which is a big plus for the UK.

Because the major natural rubber plantations in the world today are located in the British Straits Settlements area, including Malaysia and northern Borneo, Thailand and a small part of Central America controlled by Spain, strong demand will quickly push up the price of natural rubber, and this must It will drive the rapid development of the natural rubber plantation industry.

  Li Fushou sits on the rapidly developing crater and is able to earn the most benefits from it.

  Because the geographical environment of Shangri-La Island is very suitable for the development of rubber plantations, this will be the second largest industry after the planned sugar industry, and it may develop into a pillar industry in Shangri-La in the future.

  Shangri-La Island has an average rainfall of 6000 millimeters, and it has a vast area and fertile land, suitable for the development of rice planting and cane sugar industry. Nowadays, rubber industry has been added.

With these troikas, coupled with the abundant fish resources in the South Pacific Rim, Shangri-La Island can steadily develop into a production base for grain, cane sugar, natural rubber, and a marine fish product center even if no high-value minerals are found. .

  With these important industries, the population size of 400,000 to 500,000 in the first five years is stable, and in the long run, there is no problem with a population of 3 to 4 million.

  Shangri-La Island is located near the Pacific Rim Seismic Belt. There are many volcanoes on the island, and there are many active volcanoes. There are frequent earthquakes. It is not suitable for the development of large cities and industrial centers, but it is very suitable for the development of agriculture and aquaculture.

  For millions of years, the island has been covered with layers of volcanic ash, plus rotting leaves and organisms to form a nutrient-rich soil. From the dense vegetation, it can be seen that this is a good place for the development of agriculture.

  Especially rare is that due to millions of years of isolation, the mosquitoes here do not carry the falciparum malaria, providing a relatively friendly living environment.

  Nowadays, most of the people who immigrate to Shangri-La Island are from the South, who have strong resistance to tropical malaria and have a low mortality rate.

According to the statistics;

  Now immigrating to Shangri-La Island, the total population is 87,200. Among them, tropical malaria has an incidence rate of 23% and a mortality rate of 3.2%. After more than a year, more than 2,700 deaths due to illness are within an acceptable range.

  Tropical areas where Plasmodium falciparum is prevalent, the annual mortality rate due to malaria is 4 to 5 times that of 3.2%, and the child mortality rate is more than half, which is the biggest obstacle to population growth.

  Limited by the expensive price of cinchona cream, not everyone can get the treatment of this special medicine, and most immigrants must rely on their own resistance to support the past.

  Red River Valley can only be used by officials and soldiers, which is also a key factor affecting the number of immigrants.

  Nowadays, large-scale cinchona saplings are being cultivated on the island, but it will take 5-6 years to become a fruit. Currently, they can only be purchased at high prices, and the number is very limited, which cannot meet the needs of tens of thousands of people.

The quinine contained in cinchona cream cannot be synthesized by today's chemical methods. In the face of deadly tropical diseases, strict hygienic measures can only be used to prevent them. Anti-mosquito products and mosquito nets are widely used to fill dead ponds and ditches. Measures such as reducing sewage that is easy to breed mosquitoes and flies, etc., take strict precautions.

  This is an inescapable fate in tropical development areas. In today's era of underdeveloped medical conditions, there is almost no solution.

  According to the Dutch's hundreds of years of experience in developing the East Indies, people who have had tropical malaria will produce certain antibodies in their bodies and have stronger resistance.

  Perhaps, this is the price that must be paid to develop tropical regions.

  (End of this chapter)

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