Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 222: Quartet Yundong

  Chapter 222 Clouds move in all directions

  The news of the Malacca naval battle was reported by the authoritative media British "The Times", which instantly detonated a lot of international public opinion and aroused widespread discussion in Europe and the United States.

  Based on their different positions, European and American countries have interpreted this tragic naval battle that took place thousands of miles away in the Strait of Malacca, which is quite interesting.

  The headline of the British "Times" report is: Battle of the Straits of Malacca

  The theme of the report is the dialogue between the steam iron armored battleship and the Galen Galleon, heralding the end of an old era.

  The report ignores the background of both sides of the naval battle. The pen and ink focuses on the absolute suppression of the wooden sailing warships of the great sea age by the steam iron battleship. The analysis is extremely professional and in-depth, which makes people mistakenly think it is a professional paper on naval development strategy.

  But the last sentence of the report was awkward;

  "This war caused by the fight for a desert island fully exposed the weak underbelly of the sea coachman. The young Mr. Earl took this opportunity to punch and punch, which makes people look forward to the next performance."

  There is quite a meaning of watching the excitement and not afraid of the big things. The implication is that you can fight, and it’s okay if the head is shot out of the head.

  The headline of the New York Times report is; The War of Two Bandits

  The report focuses on the loneliness of the old empire in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the rise of the Earl of Queensland. The tone is full of sourness that cannot be eaten from grapes, and is looking forward to more trade cooperation with Australia.

  The most exciting sentence is;

  "In this duel to divide the loot, congratulations to the young Mr. Queensland for winning the first round. As a New Year's gift in 1882, Mr. Earl hopes to include this huge island in his bag."

  Reported by The Australian Chronicle; Great Victory in the Battle of Malacca

This is a positive report on the front page, which aroused great enthusiasm among the people all over Australia. They took to the streets to celebrate this great victory. Among them were whites, Indians and indigenous South Indies, and most of them were Chinese. .

  You can see dragon and lion dances on stilts and firecrackers in traditional festive ways in Australia’s cities. There are also many Chinese who take the initiative to buy Australian specialty Red River brand toffee and distribute them on the streets, creating a festive atmosphere.

  French "Le Figaro" reported; John Bull won again!

  As the center of various revolutionary thoughts in Europe, a large group of democratic model students from the feudal monarchy countries, the Third French Republic has a very contradictory mentality;

  The French are very uncomfortable with the British staking the race, and at the same time, they are eager to colonize, and their enthusiasm for performance is high.

  As one of the world’s largest colonial powers, France is actively preparing to launch a colonial war in the Indochina Peninsula against the kingdoms of Vietnam and Cambodia, further expanding its control over this densely populated peninsula, turning it into a source of French raw material production and supply and a dumping market.

  The colonial governor of Saigon, Bai Guoli, said in a letter to the prime minister; “The final blow to this backward feudal kingdom cannot be delayed, not next year or the year after, but now...”

  The butterfly from Queensland, Australia, flapped its wings and finally had a certain impact on the world situation. France launched its colonial war against Vietnam two years earlier than the original history, and included the Mekong Delta into its colonial rule.

  Reported by the German "Aachen Post"; an unfair duel (Report on the Battle of Malacca).

  Related reports are in the middle distance, and there is a smell of watching the fire from the shore.

   called out loudly at the end of the report; “As a powerful continental European country, there should be Germans in the Far East and South Pacific. This is one of the most important parts of the world’s influence.”

  Australia, Red Fort

  It's another sunny and good weather. The flowers in the garden are full of beautiful flowers, the refreshing fragrance of flowers is everywhere, ponds, palaces, small bridges and flowing water, and the beautiful scenery is full of poetry and painting.

   "Hahaha... Well played!"

Li Fushou and a group of returned naval officers were walking in the garden and chatting as they walked. His face was full of red light, and his emotions were very high; "This one and two battles destroyed the arrogance of the Dutch, and finally began to face the strength of Queensland. , The Secretariat just received a strong-tone note from the Governor-General of the Netherlands East Indies, asking us to unconditionally withdraw from Shangri-La Island and withdraw our unnecessary territorial claims. It is really a dream of his spring and autumn, something he can't get on the battlefield. Not at the negotiating table."

   "My Lord Earl, I'm waiting for the naval officers and soldiers to be called at any time." He Fang replied.

"Okay, very good. The fearless spirit of sacrifice shown by the soldiers in naval battles must be built as the core spiritual force of this new maritime power. The spirit of the army, loyalty, fearlessness, sacrifice, and dedication will be integrated into it. Let us be stronger and invincible." Li Fushou looked at the group of young officers with expectation, and was very satisfied.

  From them, we can see the noble quality of dedicated blood and blood, showing the fierce iron spirit of returning to Han and Tang Dynasties. They are very cohesive and very effective in combat.

"When I wait for a navy officer, I will bear in mind the ardent entrustment of Lord Earl, with loyalty, fearlessness, sacrifice, and dedication as the core of casting the soul of the army, we will never forget the important task and live up to the great expectations of Lord Earl." Geng Baogui led a team of officers. Salute in awe.

   "Very good, I believe you will be able to do it." Li Fushou raised his hand in return, and pointed to the waterfront pavilion not far away.

   "Thank you, Lord Earl."

  Li Fushou and a group of military officers came to the Linshui pavilion. There was a dry and pretty maid serving fragrant tea and various fruit and melon refreshments.

  Chat for a while

  Li Fushou asked; "Brother Fang, what happened to your head injury?"

   "Returning to Master Yuanding, it is no problem. Thank you for the precious blood-tonifying and nourishing things that you sent me. My health is very good now."

   "That's not to be careless. Brother Fang, I am seventeen years old. I should be 39 years old this year. People should pay more attention to their health at this age. How is the repair of the ship now?"

   "Hongshan Shipyard is working overtime to repair the warship. According to our request, the main turret is equipped with a bulletproof armor belt. It is expected to be completed in more than ten days, and the protection capability will be greatly enhanced by then."

  Talking about this issue

  Li Fushou nodded silently and asked; "What do you think our Seagull II cruise ship lacks?"

Where has this question been considered for a long time, he replied cautiously; "Master Yuanding, I stupidly think that the design of the Seagull II frigate is almost perfect, especially the ocean navigation performance is very good, the range is large enough, and the front hemisphere firepower is strong enough. , Has reached the ultimate performance balance.

  As a light cavalry in Oceanic Hegemony, he can play his role well.

  Now it seems

  As a main ship, armored defense is a major weakness, and the arrangement of main and secondary guns is too dense, which will cause serious casualties if shot.

The armored defensive belt is arranged at several hundred tons, plus a fully-protected turret, which is not originally a facility that a light ship should have. If they are increased, the displacement will not be less than 3,500 tons. Advantage.

So my idea is to immediately replace the Seagull II with our Miss Australia artillery, and use four 95mm secondary guns instead of four 120mm secondary guns, which can pour out more violent firepower per unit of time, just like an iron broomstick. The best cost performance is achieved by combating the enemy. "

   "Well, this is reasonable. If it were modified on the Seagull II battleship, it would not be an ocean cruiser." Li Fushou immediately understood.

  (End of this chapter)

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