Australian Storm 1876

Chapter 1108: sucker Punch

   Chapter 1108 Dying struggle

   From the mainland of Australia, he traveled across most of the world to Europe to fight. It was neither to expand territory nor to feud with enemies in the world. It is not difficult to understand that a large part of the grassroots officers and soldiers have the mentality of fishing for fish.

   The 2nd Army Group divides the land for the officers and soldiers who have made meritorious deeds. This is a real benefit to the officers and soldiers, and it is also a traditional measure, which is conducive to greatly consolidating the morale of the army.

   At the level of Colonel Yu Hongyun, it is different, and he thinks more about making achievements and honoring his ancestors.

   If the performance is dazzling enough, it may be a promising cause to stay in the army and develop in the post-war disarmament.

   From an imperial perspective

   Participation in the European war is a process of participating in the reconstruction of the world structure, and it is also a step in the transformation from a regional power to a global country, which has important strategic significance.

  Standing at the center of the world stage, fully demonstrating the strong political and military power of the world powers, actively participating in European affairs, and exerting important influence are the steps that the Ocean Empire must take to mature.

   Always nest in the Western Pacific region to reign as king and hegemony, and he will always be just a local emperor who cannot stand on the table.

  Major Yu Hongyun is an officer who graduated from a regular military academy. He has rich experience in serving in many places, and can somewhat understand some of the strategic intentions of the peak.

  The strategic intention from the top, some officers can understand, some officers can't, and the latter is destined to not go far.

  Yu Hongyun didn't want to discuss this topic, so he stood up, picked up the military cap and put it on his head, took off the armed belt with the gun attached, and said, "Okay, let's stop talking, let's go and see how the troops are training."

   "Yes, I'm happy to accompany you." Major Lei Yong put down the big tea jar in his hand, sorted out his military uniform, and went out with him.

The armored battalion of the Imperial Infantry Division is generally equipped with T-2 cheetah medium tanks. One armored tank battalion is equipped with two cheetah tank companies, one wolf light reconnaissance tank company, one machine repair company, and one machine infantry company, with independent combat capability .

   in the village

Tanks are neatly arranged, with a large tarpaulin in front of the tank. The officers and soldiers of the tank crew are busy beside the disassembled parts, either cleaning, or smearing butter, or picking up sledgehammers. When it came time to replace the track rivets, I was in full swing.

  The basic maintenance work of the tank armored vehicle is done by the crew, such as replacing the track components, replacing the track rivets, and simple daily maintenance items.

  It is the turn of the mechanic engineer to take action, which is usually a major mechanical problem.

  Major Yu Hongyun inspected all the way, and the overall situation is still very satisfactory.

  The armored battalion are all well-trained soldiers, and there are also many professional sergeants who are experienced in maintaining vehicles, and the problems that cannot be solved are sent directly to the repair company.

  Tank drivers have driver training, gunners have gunner training, and commanders have commander training. This is the formal training that regular armored troops must have.

   Only qualified soldiers who have completed the training subjects can be assigned to the tank crew and become an official member of it.

  Under the organization of the company and platoon officers, the daily training of the armored battalion was carried out in an orderly manner. The soldiers of the machine infantry company were rehearsing the battlefield rescue course, and they were training in groups of three and five.

  Major Yu Hongyun took the battalion officers on a tour, and walked around the cooking classes, and it was lunchtime after a circle.

  Three-day cooking class cooks roast pork with potatoes, stewed radish, steamed steamed buns and vegetable soup at noon.

   The rich aroma of the food wafted out, and Yu Hongyun felt hungry.

   He came out of the Crimea Peninsula early in the morning. In order to catch the first small steamer, he got up at 5:00 in the morning. At this time, his hungry chest was pressed against his back, where could he hold back?

   simply decided to dine in Sanlian instead of going back to the camp for dinner.

  There is no habit of eating rice in this part of Europe. The staple food is steamed buns, cakes and bread. The Chinese soldiers prefer steamed buns and cakes, and they have absolutely no love for the hard brown bread.

   When eating

   Each platoon was sent back by the soldiers on duty, one pot of roast pork with potatoes, one pot of stewed radish, plus a bucket of steamed buns and a bucket of vegetable soup. Everyone sat around chatting and laughing.

  Major Yu Hongyun and the officers of the Third Company ate together, and they still ate these things, but there was a long table, the meals were also distributed to everyone's plates, and there was a pot of flowers on the table, which made it even more ceremonial.

   In the famine-spreading Ukraine region, the army can have such a level of material supply, which is already a big deal.

The logistics supply standard of the tank armored battalion is higher than that of the ordinary infantry battalion. According to the regulations, there must be meat every day, and a certain amount of vegetables must be supplied. The officers and soldiers are additionally allocated cigarettes, milk candy, hard candy and chocolate to ensure that they have plenty. The physical strength to cope with high-intensity combat.

  Major Yu Hongyun sat at the dining table with a group of officers. Although they maintained good dining etiquette, they ate quickly. In a short while, they ate 4 steamed buns, 2 dishes, and 2 bowls of vegetable soup.

  After eating a hot meal, I feel extra refreshed.

  The cooking soldiers poured a cup of tea for each officer, and the officers drank the tea elegantly and chatted, enjoying a pleasant post-lunch time.

at this time

   There was a rush of footsteps outside, and the battalion duty officer pushed open the door and walked in, holding a telegram in his hand and shouting with joy; "Report to the battalion, the latest telegram from the army, Bulgaria surrendered!"


The news shocked all the officers in an instant, and they all gathered around at once, watching Major Yu Hongyun take over the telegram, and quickly browsed it, with a bright smile on his face, and handed the telegram to him. other people.

   The atmosphere in the room quickly became warm, and the officers danced happily to the beat, venting their uncontrollable joy.

Bulgaria is one of the four allied countries. It launched more than 600,000 troops in World War I, beating Greece, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro. Can be ordered.

   After the "Showdown Operation" began, the Allied armies blossomed in all directions, and launched successive strikes against the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria on the southern front, with outstanding results.

   This is not... Bulgaria could not bear it and finally surrendered.

   It's no wonder that the officers were elated. Now that Bulgaria has surrendered, is the Austro-Hungarian Empire still far away? Can the Ottoman Empire survive?

   In other words, the victory of the war is not far away.

   The vanguard of the 2nd Army, which first arrived on the Crimean Peninsula, has been around for two years. Endless wars and turmoil have made everyone fed up.

   Now, after the Eastern Front, the Southern Front has also ushered in peace. How can we not be ecstatic?

  Good news to come…

After the start of "Operation Showdown", the Allied forces, under the command of French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, started a full-front counteroffensive, and fighting broke out on the western and southern fronts at the same time.

  Millions of Allied troops fought day and night to drive the German army out of the borders of France and Belgium, and the main German army had begun to disintegrate rapidly.

   On September 15, the Bulgarian army was defeated, and the country fell into a huge chaos. Under the circumstance of the Entente army being overwhelmed, it knew that it was powerless to recover. Bulgaria surrendered to the Entente on the 29th.

  The domino effect spread, the Allied forces surrounded on three sides strengthened, the attack on the Ottoman Empire, the North African battlefield, the West Asian battlefield, and the success of the battlefield, the southern European battlefield was pressing step by step, and the situation collapsed on one side.

   So far, the rulers of the Ottoman Empire have been unable to continue, and there is a sound of shouting and killing inside and outside the empire, and the rule is precarious.

   On October 31st, the Ottoman Empire announced its surrender, and within a few days, the already devastated Austro-Hungarian Empire also lay flat.

  On November 3, the Austro-Hungarian Empire surrendered and accepted the Allied forces into the mainland. Imperial nobles fled to neighboring Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, and even the Republic of Virginia on the other side of the Atlantic. Emperor Joseph announced his abdication, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire completely disintegrated...


   "No... I will never surrender. The German nation would rather die standing up than live on its knees. I will lead the heroic soldiers to fight to the last moment, and the victory will surely belong to the German Empire."

  In the court

   William II roared angrily. He was wearing the same military uniform as Li Shuanzhu, Field Marshal of the Ocean Empire. His upturned Prussian beard kept shaking, as if he was mentally ill.

Reich Chancellor Count Theobald von Bateman Holweg, Interior Minister Count Caprivi, Foreign Minister Zimmermann, Chief of Army Staff Marshal Hindenburg, Minister of War Admiral Ludendorff, etc. All the courtiers were silent in his roar, with solemn expressions on their faces.

   Today's situation is in danger. Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have successively admitted defeat and withdrawn from the competition of the century.

   The pressure of the whole world falls on the shoulders of the German Empire. What is the enemy of the world?

   The worst situation of the German Empire now is that victory is infinitely slim.

   "By the way, where is my High Seas Fleet?" William II strode over, looking at the ministers with bloodshot eyes, his face suddenly glowed with a strange look, and said loudly;

   "The German Empire needs the High Seas Fleet to strike again. In the previous battle, they had beaten the British twice, showing the powerful combat effectiveness of the German fleet.

   I am convinced that this time, the High Seas Fleet can do the same.

   As long as the High Seas Fleet can break the blockade and cut off the English Channel transport, we have the opportunity to strike a beautiful counterattack and teach the British and the French a profound lesson.

   By the way, there are those arrogant Ocean Kingdom troops.

I swear;

   All the enemies of the German Empire will suffer the fires of **** day and night, they will kneel at my feet and ask for my mercy, and victory will belong to Germany. "

   "Victory will eventually belong to Germany." The ministers echoed in unison.

  The German Empire is a dictatorial emperor system. The cabinet, parliament and army must unconditionally obey the will of the German emperor and are powerless in the face of imperial power.

   Seeing William II in such a crazy state, a look of sadness flashed in Prime Minister Holvig's eyes.

he knows;

  The longer William II struggled to the death, the greater the disaster he brought to the Germanic nation. With his own strength against the whole world, the possibility of victory was negligible.

   But in the face of a tough dictatorial monarch, his persuasion is weak, and it is impossible to change anything?

   (end of this chapter)

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